1. Your Parents Still Have A Million Boxes Of Memories

Image Source / RedditIs your parents' house, attic or garage stuffed with storage boxes with your name on, filled with everything you've ever made or done in your entire life? A crappy drawing you made for the fridge at the age of 4, or a plastic medal you won for something stupid at school. Stuff you don't even remember or care about but you best bet your parents have kept every little thing!
2. If You Ever Need Money For Anything, You Get It

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If you need a new car, money for your college fund or your wedding paid for, your parents waste no time in offering you the money. Not only do you get financial support when you need it the most, but there aren't any terms or conditions either - you're never expected to pay it back, or do anything in return.
3. There Are Childhood Photos EVERYWHERE

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Even the most random photos that make no sense, it's like your parents took a photo for every second of your life growing up and now dedicate every wall of their house to your face. Your photos are on sideboards, coffee tables, TV stands, and the huge wall going up the stairs. It's like a shrine.
4. And They're ALL Flattering

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Your parents don't do that thing where they embarrass you when people come round with that photo of you as a kid with your pants around your head, or that one with your eyes closed. Every single photo is perfect, professional quality and you look amazing in all of them - because they'd never display a bad photo of you. Because you're their favorite.
5. They Act Like You're A Celebrity Client At A Restaurant When You Go Round For Dinner

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You best believe they have your favorite meal cooked to perfection, starter and dessert included, and your favorite drink on ice. Not only that, but they have enough food for 10 extra portions just in case you're that little bit more hungry than they thought. If you still live with them, then this is what dinner is probably like every day for you.
6. If Your Siblings Criticize You, Your Parents Swoop To Your Defence

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Whether it's just one sibling or ten of them, they best make sure not to say a bad word against you - because your parents immediately have your back. Even if it's something bad or cringe you did a million years ago - and you yourself know how bad it was - your parents will still come up with an excuse why you did nothing wrong.
7. And Then Bring Up Something They Did Which Was Way Worse

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And then to detract the attention and criticism from you, they'll be the first to point out something equally cringe your siblings did at some point, or way worse than what you did. They'll then make sure you're free and clear while your sibling(s) get all the drama for the rest of the day.
8. It's Like Your Siblings Are Constantly Trying To Prove You As A Bad Guy To Your Parents

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There's classic sibling rivalry, and then there's this. If you're the favorite, chances are your siblings are salty about that, which means they're probably going to spend every opportunity trying to point out your flaws to your parents to that they can hopefully make your parents realise you aren't the perfect angel they think you are.
9. If You're Being THE WORST (And You Know You Are), Your Siblings Will Still Get The Blame

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You might have decided to try and push the boundaries of what you can get away with, or maybe being the first to start an argument with your siblings at the dinner table, but no matter what you do, you don't get blamed for it. Your parents will come up with a reason why your siblings provoked you, or just blame them.
10. If Something Good Happens To You, A Whole Party Is Thrown In Celebration

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You won't just get a 'congrats' text - oh no. You'll get a full blown house party, celebratory dinner or even a VIP room booked out in a restaurant somewhere, with your loved ones invited. It doesn't matter if it's a new job, new home or new relationship - anything you've achieved is cause for official celebration.
11. Your Parents' Phone Passcode Is Related To You

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This might be your birthday, the date you said your first word, the date you went to college or maybe just your name in number form. If they update their passcode for security, it's only going to be changed to something else related to you. Even though you have siblings, the passcode is about you.
12. Your Siblings Always Get Backlash For Their Life Choices - But You Don't

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You can't put a foot wrong in their eyes, really. No matter what college course you chose - or even if you chose to drop out altogether - or what job or partner you chose, you've never had any negative feedback from them. But your parents will always be sure to tell your siblings when they've made a bad choice, even if it's something small and stupid.
13. They Go Easy On Your Romantic Partners

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If you bring a potential suitor home with you, chances are your parents are going to go easy on them, approve of your choice and already welcome them with open arms. If your siblings bring anyone home, they're probably going to get a serious grilling, tried to be caught out with some tough questions and have your parents not so easily won over.
14. Your Parents Come To You For Advice
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It's usually the child going to the parent for advice, but when you get old enough it works the other way around, too. And if they always come to you for advice on things, to share things or ask for general feedback, it's because they always listen to you, value your opinion and feel confident in sharing with you. Because you're their fave!
15. They're Never Really Harsh With You

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Can you ever remember a time when you got absolutely slated by your parents for doing something wrong? Did they scream at you and send you to your room without dinner? If you can't remember them ever being harsh or strict with you, even when you'd made an oopsie, it's a sign!
16. They Always Want To Hear Your Side Of The Story

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If one of your siblings go running to your parents and tell them that you've just fought with them, called them a name or done something stupid, do they take their word for it and discipline you straight away? Or do they come to you for your side of the story and then take your word for it, no matter what?
17. They've Never Raised Their Voice To You

Image Source / Know Your Meme
Have your parents always spoken to you with a softer tone than they use for your sibling(s)? Can you remember them ever even shouting at you, or getting an annoyed tone when they speak to you? If you can only ever remember kind words, soft tones, sunshine and rainbows, they obviously like you - A LOT.
18. They Boast About Your Achievements To Everyone They Meet

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Friends, colleagues, the postman, the bartender at a restaurant... they're always ready to tell them how amazing you are, what grades you got at school, your recent promotion or anything you've recently accomplished. Every time they talk about you, it's with pride - and it doesn't matter if your siblings have achieved something similar, because strangers will only hear your name.
19. You've Broken Something VERY Expensive - And Gotten Away With It

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All children have broken something in the family home at some point or another - that crash and deadly moment of silence when you wait for your parents' footsteps. If you've broken something extremely expensive in your home, maybe even a family heirloom, and you haven't been shouted at for it, there can be only one reason!
20. You Notice Your Parents Are More Relaxed And Happy Around You

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Most children will notice their parents stressed and ratty around them, especially when children are being difficult. You might have noticed that your parents have always been relaxed, smiley and laughing around you when they might not be as much like that when around your siblings, or when your siblings walk into a room.
21. They've Never Had High Expectations For You

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This isn't because they don't care or don't think you'll amount to anything - it's because parents are likely to put pressure and impossible standards onto children who aren't their favorite. They know they're being difficult while doing so, which is why they don't put any high expectations onto their favorite child - because whatever you do, they'll be happy with.
22. You Were Always Given The Least Amount Of Chores

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Were chores divided equally between you and your siblings, or did you always get the better end of the deal? If you couldn't be bothered to do your chores, were your parents always lenient with you, while they still would have made your siblings do theirs? Maybe you even had no chores at all (lucky you).
23. Your Parents Would Get Defensive And Uncomfortable If Asked Whether They Had A Favorite Kid

Image Source / Know Your Meme
You might be the favorite child, but that doesn't mean your parents want to admit it! Especially not to your other siblings. If they've ever directly been asked outright whether they have a fave, either by a friend or a someone you know and they've gone into defensive mode and said 'of course not' while looking directly at you, it's a bit suss.
24. You Never Had To Beg For Permission To Do Anything When You Were Younger

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Most kids will go through the experience of having to beg to have a sleepover, stay out late or get their ears pierced. Did your siblings constantly have to fight for the right while your childhood was plain sailing? Maybe you never even had to ask for stuff because they'd tell you right off the bat that you were allowed to do those things.
25. There's A Trophy Case At Your Parents' House

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And this huge case contains every medal, trophy or certificate you've ever won since birth. It might even be cleaned and shined on a daily basis, with glass windows so that every single one of them - with your name engraved - is on display. This trophy cabinet doesn't have any of your siblings trophies in it either...
26. You Actually Feel Guilty About A Lot Of Decisions You Make - What Would Your Parents Think?

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Being the favorite child also works the other way round - you may feel bad for disappointing your parents, making them mad or doing anything that might upset them, because you're so used to them thinking that you're perfect and putting pressure on you. So you actually feel guilty about certain things, where your siblings might not think about their parents at all when making decisions.
27. You've Avoided Doing Certain Things For Fear Of Upsetting Them

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This escalates so much to the point that you actually completely avoid doing things you want to do so you won't upset them - even when you're a fully grown adult who can make your own decisions. You've got so used to them approving of everything you do that you don't want to do anything to ruin your streak.
28. Your Parents' Password For Everything Is Your Name

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Laptop, phone, security password for utilities, iPad... you name it, they've got a password for it: and it's your name. Or some variation of your name. Maybe your nickname with your date of birth numbers on the end of it; your full name, middle included; your cute nickname from when you were a baby... you're their go-to password for EVERYTHING.
29. There's Only One Photo Window In Your Parent's Wallet - And It's Your Picture

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They could have picked any photo from the family album, including that one of - you know - the whole family, but instead it's just your face on there, in pride of place every time they open their wallet. Graduation pic, wedding pic, pic from when you were a baby... whatever it is, it's definitely of you.
30. They've Kept Your Room Exactly How You Left It

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Most parents will leave their kids room untouched for a little bit if their child moves out but will eventually turn it into a home gym that they're probably never going to use. But your old room is kept EXACTLY as you left it, like a shrine, everything still in place, fresh bed sheets, so that it's always ready for if you return.