Signs You’re Being Manipulated

By Carole 2 years ago

1. They Get Close To You Too Quickly

Image source / Your TangoEmotional manipulators often skip a few steps in the usual getting to know you phase.  They go in fast, sharing their so-called darkest secrets and vulnerabilities, all in an attempt to hook you in quickly.  It's all part of their manipulative plan and is mistaken by the recipient as instant chemistry.

2. They Make You Apologize When It's Not Your Fault

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It's very common for manipulators to play the victim as a way of avoiding responsibility for their actions and make you feel compelled to 'help' them. They are so good at this that you always end up apologizing to them, even when they are in the wrong.

3. They Give You The Silent Treatment

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They may give you the silent treatment such as not responding to your calls, emails, direct messages or any form of communication. They will use the silence to gain control and in turn, make you feel responsible for their behavior.

4. They Engage In Intellectual Bullying

Image source / Best Day Psychology
If someone overwhelms you with jargon, statistics or facts when you ask them a question, you may be experiencing a type of emotional manipulation. Some manipulators act as if they are the expert, especially in financial situations and this can be quite dangerous.

5. They Make You Feel Sorry For Voicing Concerns

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If you ask questions or make suggestions, an emotional manipulator may likely respond in an aggressive manner or they try to draw you into an argument. This strategy will allow them to control your choices and then influence your decisions.

6. They Engage In Bureaucratic Bullying

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In a business setting, a manipulator may try to weigh you down with paperwork, procedures, red tape or anything that can get in your way. This can happen if you express scrutiny or ask questions that expose their flaws or weaknesses.

7. They Ignore Your Problems and play up their own

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If you have a bad day, an emotional manipulator may well take the opportunity to put in their 'two penneth worth' by bringing up their own issues.  This is to invalidate what you’re experiencing so that you are forced to focus on them.

8. They Are Always 'Joking' When They Are Mean To You

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Critical remarks by a manipulator may be disguised as humor or sarcasm. They may pretend they are saying something  as a joke but they are really trying to plant a seed of doubt.  If you don't respond, they will up their game and continue with further 'jokes'.

9. They Act Like A Martyr

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This is a common one with manipulators.  They may agree to help with something but then drag their feet or look for ways to avoid their agreement.  They could act as if it's a huge burden and will exploit your emotions, to get out of doing it.

10. They Don't Take Accountability

Image source / Vcki Sidwell
Emotional manipulators will not accept responsibility for their errors and you'd better believe it.  They might try to find a way to make you feel guilty for everything so you end up apologizing, even if they’re the one at fault.  They could say something like, 'I only did it because I love you so much.'

11. They Always One-Up On You

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When you’re feeling elated, they can find a reason to take the spotlight away from you.  If you’ve had a tragedy or setback, an emotional manipulator could try and make their problems seem worse or more urgent.  They may make something up so the attention is back on to them.

12. They Use Your Insecurities Against You

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When they know which are your weak spots, they can use them to wound you by making comments and taking actions that are meant to leave you feeling upset and vulnerable.  If you have a task to do, they may say that you must be feeling bad or nervous about undertaking them, so you feel insecure.

13. They Are Always Criticizing You

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Emotional manipulators may degrade or dismiss you without the pretence of sarcasm or as a joke.  Their comments are designed to chip away at your self-esteem.  They want to ridicule and marginalize you and all because of their own insecurities.

14. They Use Your Feelings Against You

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If you are feeling upset, someone who is manipulating you may try to make you feel guilty for having those feelings. They may accuse you of being adequately invested and of being unreasonable.  Once they see they are working on your mind, they feel a sense of  power and will continue to do so.

15. They Use Guilt Trips Or Ultimatums

Image source / YourTango
During a disagreement or fight, a manipulative person can make dramatic statements which will put you in a difficult spot. They may target emotional weaknesses with inflammatory statements in order to get an apology out of you.  It's conducted so slyly that you are unaware.

16. They're Passive Aggressive

Image source / The Gottman Institute
A passive-aggressive person will want to side step confrontation. They will use people around you, like your friends, to communicate with you in place of them. They may also be in the habit of talking about you behind your back to co-workers, if their behaviour is in a workplace setting.

17. They Say Something And Later Deny It

Image source / Good Therapy
This technique is meant to make you question and be uncertain of your memory of events. When you no longer feel certain about what has happened, they can then pinpoint the problem on you.  This will make you feel responsible for the misunderstanding - and they've won.

18. They Let You Speak First

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Letting you speak first and giving your views isn't done out of politeness.  The emotional manipulator, in their quest to control you, will ask you probing questions so you can share your concerns and thoughts early on  and they can then go on to use your answers to manipulate your decisions.

19. Leave You Questioning your Own Sanity

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This is called gaslighting and it is a manipulative method whereby someone tries to make you believe that you can no longer trust your own instincts or experiences.  They make you think that things that happened are a figment of your imagination so you lose a sense of reality.

20. They Are Always 'Too Calm' In Times Of Crisis

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Manipulative individuals often have a reaction which is the opposite to the person they are manipulating. This is especially true in emotionally charged situations and this is so they can use your reaction as a way to make you feel over sensitive. You then gauge your reaction based on theirs and decide you were the one out of line.

21. They Isolate You From Other Relationships

Image source / The Mirror
Talking to other trusted people in your life may help you see through the manipulation as a manipulator seeks to make you feel like they are the only person you can trust.  To continue manipulation tactics, isolation is essential as they want to eliminate the chance of their victim realizing what is actually happening. insight into the abuse,

22. They Often Start Fights

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One way to take a healthy discussion to a toxic level and and exert control is to start an argument, blowing the current conflict out of proportion and bringing up past conflicts.  A manipulator will seek out an argument and do their best to invalidate your feelings.

23. They Bring Outside People Into Disagreements

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Called 'triangulation,' this tactic makes it more difficult to stand up for yourself as the manipulator brings in friends, family or co-workers on their side.  They will often call on others in your close circle to help resolve the issue and will make it seem as if you are the problem.

24. They Often Twist The Facts

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Manipulators are masters at altering reality and switching it with fibs and mis-statements, in order to confuse you.  They might exaggerate events so you see them as showing a vulnerability.  You will have no idea it's an act and without knowing it, you are playing right into their hands.

25. They Are Never Wrong

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Even if you catch a manipulator out with a lie or a mistake, they probably won’t admit to it.  Instead, they will find a way to justify their own actions or make them someone else’s fault.  They have a way of changing conversations and actions around, to make them look 'the good guy.'

26. They Try To Dehumanize You

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Abruptly stopping all types of communication is a very effective way of dehumanizing you and gaining control over you.  When they have succeeded, you will do just about anything or everything to stop feeling the sense of punishment they are inflicting upon you.

27. Threatening To Share Things

Image source / SpunOut
A partner may manipulate you by threatening to share information about you.   They might say they will tell your mom about your spending habits unless you do what they say. This sort of threat emotionally manipulates you to behave in a certain way.

28. Ultimatums

Image source / Show Star News
In relationships, ultimatums are a last resort when there is a  relationship-ending disagreement.  In an emotionally manipulative partnership, they may be regularly used to keep you in fear and to exert control.  This builds up to the extent that you are frightened if you 'do or you don't.'

29. They Hide Things From You

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You may notice they act secretively at times by maybe taking a phone call in another room or go to places without telling you.  If you, yourself, make an arrangement and they find out, they are likely to blow up in anger.  Again, this is down to their own insecurities.

30. They Take Advantage of Your Kindness And Care

Image source / LovePanky
An emotional manipulator will use your needs to gain their control. They like people that are kind and trustworthy and will make offers to help out -  but use the opportunity against you by distorting the reality.  It's their way of tricking you into believing you need them.

31. They Have Random Emotional Outbursts

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You just can't keep up with their emotions because they have regular outbursts of a range of emotions - and they usually use these outbursts as a way to get a certain reaction out of you, or to make you feel a certain way. These outbursts could come as a way to make you feel bad, like crying in response to you bringing up something you're angry about.

32. Gaslighting. Lots Of Gaslighting

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The gaslighting never ends! You're constantly apologizing for things that you're not entirely sure you've done wrong, just because you've been conditioned (and manipulated) now to always apologize. Your self esteem is at an all time low because of it, and you're knee jerk reaction to anything that's gone wrong is that it's your fault.

33. They're A Good Liar

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To be a master manipulator, you need to be a good liar, of course, so if you've noticed they're constantly able to make things up on the spot - and not little white lies, either, but huge convincing stories - they're obviously good at twisting things to the way they want them to be. And likely they're manipulating you this way, too.

34. You've Realised You've Become Isolated

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A manipulative partner or friend will often try and make you isolated so that you depend on them, and so that you're more likely to do their bidding. You may have realised that you've slowly drifted away from friends and family so that the manipulator in question is pretty much the main person in your life.

35. They Constantly Agree With You And Say Things You'll Like

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It's always great when you get along with someone, but have you noticed that they agree with every single thing you say, and constantly tell you that they like the same things you do? This can be a sign of a people-pleaser, but it can also be a sign of someone trying to get you to like them, so they're trying to manipulate your opinion of them by saying what you want to hear.

36. You've Then Heard Them Saying Different Things To Others

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The thing about a manipulator is they might not be just manipulating you. If they've agreed to a ton of things you've said, and then you've heard them saying the complete opposite to someone else, it might be because they're changing their views for each individual person to better manipulate individually.

37. They Humiliate You At Every Opportunity

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One way people can manipulate you is by humiliating you, especially in front of others. This gives them the power in controlling how you act or feel. They might insult or tell offensive 'jokes' to you in front of others, or try to control a specific reaction by making you feel like a fool or embarrassed about something.

38. They Want To Keep A Close Check On You When You're Away

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Manipulators won't like it when you're away somewhere without them, like on a night out or a vacation, because it means they can't manipulate easily due to the distance. That's why they'll still try to keep tabs on you to try and manipulate from afar. They might constantly message you, phone you or ask for updates.

39. You're Just Always Feeling Anxious Or Guilty

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You can tell a lot by your permanent state of being, even when they're not around. If a person has manipulated you constantly, it might just leave you in a shell of anxiety or always feeling on edge, as though you're waiting for their next outburst or guilt trip, or whether anything you do is going to be the wrong thing.

40. They're Kind One Minute, And Angry The Next

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A good way of keeping you on your toes from a manipulator's point of view is to lure you into a false sense of security by being super duper nice to you. They might be really sweet and loving, only to later turn on you and get angry or blame you for something. It's a good way to confuse you, which is what they want.

41. Most Of The Manipulation Takes Place In Private

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The thing about manipulators is they won't want to do it in front of lots of other people when they could be found out, so they'll likely manipulate in private - either at home, or when it's just the two of you. So you may have noticed all these signs only happen when you're alone together, and they're different in front of other people.

42. They Dominate Your Decisions

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They want control over every little decision you make, but they might not be very obvious about it. They might try to influence your decision on every little thing, down to the drink you order at a restaurant. They might say something that makes you feel bad about choosing one thing, so you'll choose the other.

43. They're A Narcissist

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It's very often that a master manipulator will also be a narcissist, as that kind of person likes control over other people and often gaslights to get what they want. So if you've noticed they're a narcissist, they're probably also a manipulator. Red flags include blaming you for everything, and not really caring what you feel.

44. Moodiness Is Their Middle Name

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Their spectrum of moodiness could include full-on getting angry and physical tears to get what they want from you, to showering you with love and affection, or even bribes to try and make you feel like you owed them something. Or, to make you feel guilty to say no after they'd bought you something or had them crying at you!

45. You've Noticed They're Passive Aggressive

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People who like to play mind games and manipulate also love a bit of passive aggression. It means you can never really have a confrontation or call them out, and if you do get angry they can just use it as fuel to say you're overreacting and gaslight you into thinking that you thought something that isn't true.

46. You've Got The Sense They're Trying To Control You

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Even if it's very subtle, you get the sense their manipulation is because they want to control you and the decisions you make. They may try to nudge you in certain ways if they think you're making the wrong decision, even if they're being really sweet about it with a big smile on their face. You might also notice you change your mind about a lot of things because of their influence.

47. They're Hard To Please

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The thing with manipulators and narcissists is that it's never really good enough. So you might find that no matter what you do, you can't seem to please them. This is because sometimes they might be manipulating just for the sake of it, and for having that control, so it might seem like they're always trying to pull you this way and that.

48. They're Unpredictable: You Can't Keep Up With Them!

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This can often be if they decide to manipulate based on a whim and what they want in the moment. So it might seem like you can't keep up with them or know what they're going to do next because they don't know either - it's all part of the game and they just want you to do what they want you to, based on the situation at the time.

49. You Feel Like You're Being Rewarded Based On Performance

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This can be a form of conditioning they use to get you to do what they want. You might be showered by praise from them, and rewarded in the form of hugs, attention, compliments or even gifts when you do things a certain way. When you don't get this reaction if you do things differently, it can feel like you're performing well versus when you're not.

50. They Withhold Affection - Whether Emotional Or Physical

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This can be a form of emotional blackmail or bribery as a manipulation tactic: getting you to do what they want by saying you can't have something if they don't. They may not explicitly say it, but you might notice they're less affectionate when you refuse to do something or when you try and stand up to them.

Now Here's How To Try And Stop Being Manipulated! 51. Educate Yourself

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Think of it as your secret weapon against manipulation. Dive into the world of psychological tricks, manipulation tactics, and all the mind games folks might try to pull on you. It's like being the James Bond of your own life, equipped with a mental arsenal that can spot manipulation from a mile away. Trust me, when you know the plays, it's hard for someone to sneakily rewrite the script.

52. Trust Your Gut

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If something smells fishy, it probably is. Your gut's like the friend who's always looking out for you but doesn't talk much. So, if it’s telling you to dodge that shady deal or reconsider that too-good-to-be-true offer, don't ignore it. Your gut might just save you from becoming the unwitting star of someone else's drama.

53. Be Skeptical With Info

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It’s like a game of poker, but instead of cards, people are dealing in half-truths and wild stories. Stay skeptical, my friend. Double-check the info, fact-check like your favorite detective, and don’t be the one caught holding a pair of jokers when the truth comes out. Just keep them sorta guys away!

54. Set Boundaries

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Imagine your personal space as a VIP section of a club, and not everyone gets an invitation. Setting boundaries is like having a velvet rope that keeps out the riff-raff. You decide who gets the backstage pass to your life. Clearly communicate where the line is drawn, and if someone insists on crossing it, well, they're not on the guest list for a reason.

55. Say NO!

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Let’s practice a little word yoga, shall we? Nooooo. Say it with me, NO! It’s liberating, it’s empowering, and it’s your shield against manipulation. If someone's trying to rope you into something you're not comfortable with, just hit them with a solid no. It’s a complete sentence. No explanations needed. No, thank you, next!

56. Take Your Time

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When you feel pressured, take a deep breath, step back, and give yourself the time to mull things over. Rushed decisions are like microwave dinners – convenient, but you might regret it later. So, slow down, and savor the flavor of well-thought-out choices. You need to just have a slow one!

57. Validate Your Own Feelings

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Even if they show up fashionably late or unexpectedly early, acknowledge their presence,,, your feelings that is! Don't brush them off like party crashers. Whether it’s joy, anger, or confusion, give your feelings the respect they deserve. Because when you validate yourself, you're less likely to be swayed by others trying to sneak in with their emotional plus-ones.

58. Understand Your Own Emotions

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Imagine emotions as a diverse cast of characters in the epic movie of your life. Get to know them, understand their motivations, and recognize their quirks. When you understand your emotions, you're not just the director; you're the Oscar-winning actor in the leading role. So, grab your emotional popcorn, get cozy, and enjoy the show!

59. Be Independent

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Independence is like having your own theme music as you strut through life. It's about relying on yourself, making decisions that align with your values, and not being swayed by the crowd. You’re the captain of your ship, charting your course through the sea of independence. So, set sail, my friend, and let the wind of self-reliance fill your sails.

60. Ask Your Friends

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Friends, those unsung heroes in the background of your life. When you're in the thick of it and can't see the forest for the trees, your friends are like the helicopter, offering a bird's-eye view. Don't hesitate to reach out, share your concerns, and let them be the voice of reason when you're knee-deep in a situation. Friends don’t let friends get manipulated.

61. Build Self-Esteem

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It’s not about arrogance but about acknowledging your worth. When you wear that cape proudly, manipulation struggles to find a chink in your armor. So, put on your self-esteem cape, stand tall, and let the world know that you're not just a sidekick; you're the hero of your own story.

62. Practice Mindfulness

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It's all about being present in the moment, letting go of distractions, and decluttering your mind. When you're mindful, you're less likely to be swept away by the currents of manipulation. Picture yourself as a zen master, calmly deflecting manipulation like Neo dodging bullets in The Matrix. Inhale the serenity, exhale the manipulation – you got this.

63. Don't Reveal A Lot About Yourself

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While it's tempting to spill the beans, keeping some details close to your chest is like having a mystery novel instead of a tell-all memoir. Leave them intrigued, guessing, and less equipped to use your own story against you. Consider everything you know about yourself as your own special secret sauce.

64. Verify Info

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In the age of information, not everything is gold; some nuggets might be fool's gold. Before you spread the news or act on information, channel your inner detective. Verify, cross-check, and make sure it's not just a wild goose chase. Your reputation will thank you, and misinformation will retreat like a defeated villain.

65. Watch For Red Flags

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Pay attention to them! Whether it's a person's behavior or a situation raising your internal alarms, don't brush them aside like confetti. Red flags aren't decorations; they're your guardian angels trying to keep you from stepping into a manipulation minefield. There is always something that shows a negative sign!

66. Be Assertive

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It's not about being aggressive but confidently expressing your thoughts, needs, and boundaries. When you wield the sword of assertiveness, manipulators might as well be trying to fight a dragon with a toothpick. Stand tall, speak your truth, and let the manipulative schemes bounce right off.

67. Avoid Being Impulsive

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Impulsivity is like being on a rollercoaster without a seatbelt – thrilling but potentially dangerous. Take a breath, resist the urge to jump headfirst into decisions, and avoid being the star of an impulsive adventure. Your future self will thank you for not making decisions that feel like a wild rollercoaster with a surprise loop.

68. Learn From The Past

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Your past is a wise teacher, and history tends to repeat itself if you're not paying attention. Reflect on previous encounters with manipulation, learn from the plot twists, and use those lessons to fortify your defenses. It's like having a cheat code to navigate the game of life – no manipulation can catch you off guard.

69. Take Some Time To Chill Out

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Life can be a chaotic carnival, and you don't have to be on every ride. Take breaks, step back, and let yourself chill out. It's in those moments of relaxation that you recharge your manipulation-proof force field. Think of it as a spa day for your mental well-being – manipulation doesn’t stand a chance against your zen mode.

70. Seek Professional Help

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Seeking help isn't a sign of weakness; it's a strategic move like consulting a war strategist. Whether it's a therapist, counselor, or expert in the field, let them be your allies in the fight against manipulation. You don't have to be a lone superhero; even Batman has Alfred after all!

Here Are Some People Who Might Manipulate You! 71. Narcissists

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These folks are like the divas of manipulation, always center stage and craving an audience. Picture dealing with someone who treats empathy like an endangered species and exploits relationships for their own gain. It's a one-person show, and you're just a supporting character in their drama.

72. Con Artists

image source: Rick Steves Europe
These folks have a silver tongue that can turn a rusty nail into a golden opportunity. They excel at the art of deception, creating a mirage that's too tempting to resist. Whether it's a too-good-to-be-true deal or a promise that seems too sweet, con artists are masters of manipulation. So, before you hand over your trust or your wallet, channel your inner detective and scrutinize their every move.

73. Cult Leaders

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These individuals wield charm like a magic wand, casting spells that make followers blind to reason. They preach absolute devotion and control, creating a distorted reality where dissent is heresy. Watch out for charismatic figures with an air of infallibility; they might be leading you down a rabbit hole where reality itself is up for grabs.

74. Abusive Partners

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They start with subtle control and escalate, leaving you questioning your own reality. Recognize the signs of emotional, physical, or psychological abuse – it's not love if it comes with a side of manipulation. Everyone deserves a healthy relationship, not a toxic tango with someone trying to control the dance.

75. Toxic Friends

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These pals might shower you with negativity, jealousy, or passive-aggressive comments. Recognize the signs of toxicity – they're the ones subtly trying to extinguish your inner glow. In the friendship forest, it's better to let go of the toxic branches to let the healthy ones flourish.

76. Your Parents

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Yes, even the people who brought you into this world can moonlight as manipulation magicians. Parents, with all their good intentions, might sometimes use guilt, emotional manipulation, or unrealistic expectations. While they might have your best interests at heart, recognizing and setting boundaries with parental manipulation is crucial for maintaining your own sanity and independence.

77. Manipulative Co-Workers

Image Source: Reddit

Office politics can sometimes feel like a chess game, and manipulative co-workers are the grandmasters. They're the ones spreading rumors, stealing credit for your ideas, and playing mind games to climb the corporate ladder. Keep your antennae up for those colleagues who seem more interested in advancing their career than fostering a healthy work environment.

78. Frenemies

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These pseudo-friends might smile to your face while sharpening their knives behind your back. Be wary of those who seem a bit too interested in your failures and a bit too indifferent to your successes. Frenemies can be like a wolf in sheep's clothing, so keep a keen eye on the wool.

79. Salespeople

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Beware the salespeople who moonlight as manipulation maestros. They might use high-pressure tactics, create a false sense of urgency, or sweet-talk you into deals that benefit them more than you. Arm yourself with skepticism, do your research, and don't let charming pitches blind you to the fine print.

80. Online Scammers

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In the vast wilderness of the internet, online scammers are the predators seeking unsuspecting prey. They'll use phishing emails, fake profiles, or elaborate schemes to trick you into handing over sensitive information or hard-earned cash. Stay vigilant, double-check those emails, and remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

81. Politicians

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Politicians, the masters of spin, can manipulate narratives, play on emotions, and make grand pledges that often evaporate like morning dew. Keep your wits about you during political seasons, fact-check those speeches, and be wary of those whose words are a little too polished for comfort.

82. Your Boss

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They may dangle promotions, wield favoritism, or use subtle intimidation to keep you toeing the company line. While not all bosses are manipulative, it's wise to be discerning. Recognize when constructive criticism turns into a power play and when a pat on the back is just a strategy to keep you in check.

83. Gaslighters

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They might subtly distort facts, deny their actions, or make you question your sanity. When you find yourself wondering if up is down and left is right, it's time to recognize the gaslighting. Trust your instincts, document your experiences, and don't let someone else rewrite the script of your life.

84. Gurus

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Some might peddle wisdom with a side of manipulation, preying on your desire for personal growth. Be cautious of those claiming to have all the answers. Authentic gurus empower; manipulative ones control. Choose your guides wisely, and don't follow someone who leads you down a path paved with empty promises.

85. Identity Thieves

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Picture identity thieves as digital cat burglars, silently stealing bits and pieces of your life. They might use your personal information for financial gain, creating a parallel existence under your name. Safeguard your digital identity like a treasure chest, with strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and a vigilant eye on your financial statements.

86. Some Religious Leaders

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While many religious leaders are beacons of guidance, there are those who use faith as a cloak for manipulation. Watch out for leaders who demand unwavering loyalty, exploit beliefs for personal gain, or foster a culture of fear. True spiritual leaders uplift; manipulators control. Keep the faith, but also keep your discernment intact.

87. Social Media Influencers

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They might endorse products without genuine belief, showcase a curated version of life, or subtly influence your choices. Before you hit that follow button, remember that not every influencer has your best interests at heart. Take their content with a grain of skepticism, and don't let the Instagram filter blur your judgment.

88. People Who Want To Date You

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Love may make the world go 'round, but manipulators can turn it into a dizzying carousel. Be cautious when someone showers you with excessive compliments, moves too fast, or tries to isolate you from friends and family. A healthy relationship is built on trust, not manipulation. Keep your heart open, but also keep your eyes wide open.

89. Stalkers

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They might monitor your every move, send unsolicited gifts, or create a sense of constant surveillance. If you feel like you're being watched a little too closely, don't dismiss those instincts. Take steps to protect your privacy, document any concerning behavior, and reach out to authorities if needed.

90. Your Landlord

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They might delay repairs, play favorites, or use your lease as a tool for control. While not every landlord has a hidden agenda, it's wise to know your tenant rights and be proactive in addressing any red flags. Your home should be a haven, not a stage for manipulation.

91. Your Tenants

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While most tenants are responsible and respectful, there can be instances of manipulation. Watch for signs of dishonesty, late payments without valid reasons, or attempts to take advantage of your goodwill. A healthy landlord-tenant relationship is built on transparency and communication.

92. Homeless People

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While many homeless individuals are facing challenging circumstances, it's essential to be cautious of potential manipulators who might exploit sympathy for personal gain. Some may spin elaborate tales to tug at your heartstrings. Support homeless individuals through reputable channels like shelters or local outreach programs to ensure your assistance reaches those truly in need.

93. Drug Users

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Some may exploit empathy to enable their habits or manipulate loved ones for financial support. Supportive interventions should be balanced with boundaries to ensure your efforts contribute to positive change rather than enabling destructive behavior.

94. Your Siblings

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Sibling dynamics can be a complex dance of love and rivalry. While most siblings share genuine connections, be mindful of potential manipulation, especially if there's a history of unhealthy competition or power struggles. Open communication and setting clear boundaries can help maintain a healthy relationship with your siblings while preventing manipulation.

95. CEO's

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While most are ethical leaders, some may engage in manipulative practices to maintain control or achieve corporate goals. Keep a discerning eye on corporate decisions, communication styles, and company culture. Transparency and accountability from leadership are crucial in fostering a healthy work environment.

96. Possessive Partners

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In the realm of romantic relationships, possessive partners can toe the line between affection and manipulation. Watch for signs of excessive jealousy, control tactics, or attempts to isolate you from friends and family. Healthy relationships thrive on trust and respect, so be wary of any attempts to manipulate your emotions or restrict your independence.

97. People Who Want Your Money

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Be cautious when dealing with individuals or organizations seeking your money. Whether it's an investment proposal, charity request, or a persuasive sales pitch, conduct thorough research, ask questions, and ensure that your hard-earned money is being used responsibly and ethically. A cautious approach protects both your wallet and your peace of mind.

98. Cut Them Off Instantly

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When you've identified a manipulator in your life, don't hesitate to wield the scissors of decisiveness. Cutting off toxic relationships, whether they're friends, family, or colleagues, is an act of self-preservation. It's like performing a surgery to remove a cancerous growth – painful, but necessary for your overall well-being.

99. Find New Friends

image source: reddit
Your social circle is a dynamic ecosystem that influences your well-being. If you've detected toxicity among your current friends, don your explorer hat and venture into the world of potential new connections. Seek out individuals who share your values, uplift you, and don't see friendship as a game of manipulation.

100. Be Yourself

image source: reddit
Being yourself is the ultimate shield against manipulation. Authenticity radiates a magnetic energy that repels those who thrive on deceit. When you stay true to your values, interests, and quirks, you create an impenetrable fortress against manipulation. So, let your true colors shine, and remember that being yourself is not just a mantra; it's a superpower.

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