1. Your Pet Seems To Be Scarily Intelligent

Image Source / RedditThere's no doubt that some dogs and cats are extremely intelligent - while others might get confused trying to get down off the couch. But we're talking serious human-level of intelligence here. Do they seem to be freakishly intelligent, more so than any dog should be? There's a clever dog and there's a dog acting as clever as a person.
2. And They Have A Serious Understanding Of Human Behavior

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This intelligence also extends to human behavior - sure, dogs can understand when their human is sad, or asking for a paw, but are they showing understanding of things they shouldn't ever be able to? Do they know things based on what you're doing, and act a certain way if you are?
3. They Seem To Have Memories Of Places They've Never Been Before

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Dogs get used to their favorite walking spots and will remember where they last found a stick or hid a ball. But do they seem to have a strange reaction in new places, like they've been there before? They're excited as though they remember it, or maybe even acting wary or sad? Maybe they know where something is straight away, like a landmark or a bench.
4. They Have An Unusual Connection To A Person

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Of course, you'd hope your favorite pup would have the biggest and best connection with you - and there's nothing unusual about that. But knowing your dog's behavior like you do, have you noticed that have an instant or unusual bond with a certain person? Family, friend or maybe even a stranger you see out and about sometimes?
5. Or Maybe Even An Unusual Bond To A Certain Place

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Your pet may have instead - or even as well as - made an unusual bond with a certain place. This place may have no significance to you, or you might not have been there much before. It doesn't have to be a big dog walk, either - it might be a certain house on the street, a certain public landmark or even a room in your house.
6. Your Pet Shows Traits Or Mannerisms That Remind You Of Someone From Your Past

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Have you noticed that your pet is doing something, or acting in a certain way, that reminds you of someone from your past that you lost? They might sit on the couch or in the car like a human, the same way the person did. They may turn their head to the TV when the program that was your person's fav comes on. Do they tilt their head like the person did when you ask a question? That type of thing.
7. Your Pet Seems To Have A Sense Of Purpose

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Most pets, especially dogs, will just want to live their best lives every day by being with you, exercising and being fed, with a side serving of favorite toy. But does your pet seem to have this sense of purpose about them, like they're on a mission? Like they're focused on something bigger than their daily routine?
8. And They Show A Strong Will To Achieve Whatever That Mission Is

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If your pet is a reincarnated person that's come back for a purpose, then they aren't going to waste any time ignoring that purpose. So your pet, if showing a sense of something they want to do, may constantly be trying to do it and not giving up. There might be no moments of rest or relaxation with your pet where they can just chill.
9. They Seem To Always Know How To React To Your Emotions Or Needs

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Whatever happens, whether it's sad, angry or happy, your pet knows exactly what you need, when you need it. They know when to celebrate with you, they know how to calm you down if you're storming around the house angry, and they know exactly how to make you smile again if you're upset.
10. And They Can Even Anticipate Them Before They Happen

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When you know someone very well, like your bestie or parent, you usually know what's going to set them off or how they'll react to something. That's a very human trait - so if your pet possesses that, it's a sign. Do they come over to you and give you a cuddle right before you're going to cry or feel worried about something?
11. Your Pet Is Drawn To A Certain Object

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This object may be something that had huge significance to the person they were in a past life. It might be a family heirloom, something passed down to you, or something which might be universally popular that many people might have as their favorite object. Does your pet always seem to go to this object? Watch it, touch it or maybe even want to sleep near it?
12. Or Your Pet Is Drawn To A Certain Activity

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The same could be said of certain activities instead of objects. Maybe your pet is instead drawn to a random activity that pets wouldn't usually have any interest in, because this could be something the person did in their past life. It might be a certain hobby or outdoor sport that they seem to take an interest in - maybe they perk up when it's on TV, or watch people doing it when you're out on walks.
13. Your Pet Has A Particular Skill You Never Taught Them

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This is significant if you've raised your pet from birth so you know full well that you never taught them that. Of course some pets can have natural talents, but if they have a very unusual skill that's not very common for that type of pet, you have to wonder where they might have learnt it... certainly not in this life!
14. You Get The Vibe That Your Pet Is Spiritual Or Philosophical (Or Both)

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A reincarnated person is going to be very spiritual indeed. And usually pets don't take any interest in that sort of stuff. But do you get the vibe that your pet does? Do they take an interest in spiritual things, like certain music you play, podcasts you listen to or TV shows you watch? Do they take notice of spiritual places around you when you go out on walks?
15. Your Pet Has An Extra Sense Of Loyalty To You

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Pets like dogs have unconditional loyalty and love, but does your pet feel like it has extra? There's a certain type of loyalty that can feel more intense, like the type you'd get from a person who has known you and cared about you for your whole life - for a length of time longer than you've even had your pet.
16. Their Face Looks More Human

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Pets are all unique, and with many different breeds, they're not all going to look the same. But something about your pet's face just looks... more human. It might have more human-like eyes than standard dog, cat or other pet eyes, and you just get that sense of a more human face when you look at them - which might feel quite eerie.
17. And They Often Have More Human Facial Expressions

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Not only that, but your pet may actually pull certain expressions that pets don't usually pull. They might look like they furrow their brows, or give you a certain stare, or maybe just avoid all the cliché expressions that their breed usually does - like maybe your dog has never done that happy, drooly dog face and seems more serious.
18. They Have Extreme Mood Changes

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Most animals, like dogs and cats, will have a few different moods that are consistent. You can usually depend on that to be: excited, playful, tired and hungry. But does your pet have a huge range of emotions that are more than what you would expect from a dog, cat or other pet?
19. And Their Moods Can Change Almost Instantly

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With a dog for example, you can usually gauge how long moods are going to last. The excited run around when they know they're going on a walk, the still-excited come down when they get home and then that long period when it's sleep time. Animals don't usually have very quick mood changes. But is your pet being deliriously happy one minute, and then the next ignoring you?
20. They Never Needed Training

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If you got your pet from day one so you've raised them, then you should have needed to train them at some point in regards to potty training for puppies, discipline on the lead and anything else to do with behavior. But if you raised your pet and had them be suspiciously good at knowing what to do, and they never really needed any training from you, it's a sign of that higher intelligence.
21. And The Way They Communicate Their Needs To You Is Very Human-Like

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Now that your pet is older, how do they communicate things like when they need to be let out for the toilet, or when they're hungry? Most pets will whine, stare at you, maybe jump on you or give you those doe eyes, and you usually know what they want. But does yours communicate with you in a more human way, like maybe sitting and giving you a human-like stare, laying a paw on you like they would a hand etc.?
22. You've Had Other People Say How Like A Human Your Pet Is

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The human-like qualities of your pet may also be obvious to others in your life. Do you constantly have people tell you that there's a 'vibe' about your pet that they're something else, that they're different to pets they've known, or even outright said that your pet acts like a human?
23. Or Maybe You've Even Visited Someone Spiritual Who's Mentioned It

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If you're a spiritual person, you may make a point of regularly visiting psychics, getting a tarot reading, having your palm read or maybe even just being around spiritual people. If so, have you had them flag up your pet in particular? Have they hinted there's something otherworldly about them, or maybe straight up said they had a past life?
24. Other Animals React Strangely To Them

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Most pets will have predictable interactions with other pets - this could be playful, play-fighting, complete ignorance or even aggression. But do animals react strangely to your pet? Do they either look wary, steer clear of them, or maybe even act over-friendly in a way that you've never seen before?
25. They're Highly Protective Over You - And This May Be In Certain Situations

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Say you have a loved one who passed away, and that person was aware of someone who hurt you, or maybe struggles in your personal life, like dating. Your pet isn't going to know that - if they're a normal pet. Does your pet go highly protective of you when you bump into a certain person, like an ex or a friend who hurt you? Or maybe they're more on guard in situations that might trigger you because something happened to you in your past?
26. You Feel Like They Actually Understand When You Have A Conversation

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All pet owners will talk to their animals and have full blown conversations with them, knowing that they don't have a clue what you're saying apart from a few key words like 'walk' or 'food' or 'toy'. But when you talk to your pet, do you feel like they're actually giving you undivided attention and understanding what you're talking about?
27. They're Not Very Vocal

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Does your pet make very little, or no noise at all? Is it rare to hear them bark, whine, meow or make any other noise that you know your pet should usually make? There are many reasons why some pets aren't very vocal compared to others, but it could also be a sign of higher intelligence where they're not going to make annoying or whiny noises if they know better.
28. They Spend A Lot Of Time Watching

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Is it almost like they're on the lookout for something, or maybe even acting like a guard for your protection? Do they spend hours looking out of the window, watching across the room, or maybe just watching you? Most pets will stare at their owners, watch out the window and follow them round, but this is usually broken up by periods of sleep and play. Does yours always seem to be just watching, though?
29. They Seem To Give You Advice

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If most people turned to their pet and asked which outfit they should wear, or what to have for dinner, they'd probably just get a blank stare back or a tail wag. But does your pet actually seem to advise you? Do they touch a certain pair of shoes with their paw in response, or do they walk over to one of the things you've asked about?
30. They Don't Usually Respond To Their Name

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If you gave a pet a name when you first got them, 99% of the time they're going to learn their name when you're calling them - especially dogs. But have they just never quite responded to that name? As though it's not their own? You might not know what they're real name is, but maybe you've noticed them responding to other names more than the one you gave them.