1. How Does A Lie Detector Test Work?

Image Source / RedditA lie detector test works to try and get a certain body reaction when you're telling the truth and when you're telling a lie. This means if there is a change on the machine when you're speaking, the change is noted as a lie. This is based specifically on blood pressure or perspiration - if your blood pressure suddenly spikes on one question when it didn't before, it's noted as a change - and therefore a possible change from the truth to a lie!
2. How Reliable Are They?

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The accuracy of the test has been controversial, but that hasn't stopped many people still using the test, and especially in terms of criminal suspects being interviewed or even certain employment applications! The main issue can be that the test only shows changes in the body, which can happen for many reasons and may still happen even if you're telling the truth, so it's a bit iffy.
3. 100% Honest People Can Actually Mess Up The Test!

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The test begins with general questions like 'What is your name' to establish a control reaction to a simple question you wouldn't lie about. The problem is that the test is made to notice responses to little white lies so it can then know when you've changed from completely honest to a tiny little fib. This means that people being 100% honest to every question can make a false positive on the test!
4. What Won't Work: Hurting Yourself To Spike Your Blood Pressure

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Some advice out there about how to beat a test includes trying to cause yourself a bit of pain to hopefully spike your blood pressure and perspiration levels to affect what the test picks up. This could be pinching yourself, biting your tongue or putting a pin in your shoe to press down on. But this won't affect your perspiration levels!
5. Imagining A Lie When Telling The Truth Won't Work Either

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If you're also hoping to mess up the test to make it seem like you're lying when you're telling the truth, by thinking of false scenarios or information when speaking the truth out loud, that won't work either! This is because the test is about showing a difference between truth and lies - the whole basis of the test.
6. One Good Way To Beat The Test: Be Completely Calm No Matter What

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There are only two main options to remember if you're trying to beat the test, and this is the first one. The trouble is, this is the one that most people are going to find near impossible, because it means you need to reach a total state of zen even when telling a lie or even when being asked a question that makes you nervous.
7. Or, Be Completely Panicked No Matter What

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The other option is you can go the opposite way, and force yourself into a state of sheer panic and terror (in your mind, and not let it show on the outside) so that your responses when both lying and telling the truth will be at maximum chaos no matter what - so they won't be able to tell when you were lying or when you were telling the truth!
8. Because The First Option Is More Difficult, Here Are Some Tips For The Second! First, Try And Get MORE Than Nervous

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So most people will be nervous anyway when taking a lie detector test (which is why staying zen throughout is very difficult) but in order to fool it, you need to step it up about ten notches from just 'nervous'. You need to try and make yourself feel panicked and terrified to get a noticeable physical reaction.
9. Lock On To A VERY Stressful Memory

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Is there something that happened in your life that is possibly the worst thing that's ever happened to you? Or a situation where you only remember panic, or the most stressed you've ever been? Think about that and force yourself to go over and over the feelings of panic that you had and try to bring them back.
10. If You Don't Have A Memory, Think Of Something That's Definitely Going To Stress You Out

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If you're not very good at Math, think of the most complicated math problem you've ever come across, or try to solve long division in your head. Daydream about yourself in a situation that would absolutely stress you out - make it up, and try and focus on how you would feel in that situation. Think about your worst busy work day - anything that will spike your stress levels to the max.
11. Remember - This Has To Be In Your Head

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The key to this being a success is not to physically show that you're as stressed or panicked as you're thinking in your head. On the outside, you need to look cool, calm and collected, so they don't have any idea of the crazy, stress-inducing things you're thinking of during the test!
12. If There's One Question You're Worried About, Think About That Every Time You Answer

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If there's one awkward thing you know you're going to be asked, and this is the thing you're most worried about because you know you want to lie about it and they'll find out, then think about this question every single time you're asked another question. Imagine you're answering THAT question, and it should help you to feel panicked.
13. Take Your Time Before Answering A Question

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Think about what you really want to say so that you don't fumble because you feel like you have to answer quickly. Taking your time may also help you to focus for a few extra seconds on that stressful situation in your head to hopefully spike your meters. So take as long as you need before answering.
14. There Are Three Types Of Questions You Need To Know About: Irrelevant, Relevant And Control

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It'll help you to answer questions the way you want to by understanding the category of questions there are. Irrelevant questions are ones that you won't need to worry about lying for, like "what is your name?". Relevant ones are the big ones you'll probably be most worried about - these get down to the nitty gritty of what they're looking for, like "Did you commit the crime?". Control questions are there just to establish your reaction to a question that you SHOULD lie about - like little white lies. This could be "Have you ever lied to get out of trouble?" - which most people have.
15. Change Your Breathing During Control Questions

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If you're trying to stay calm, then you'll be trying to take long, deep breaths and breathe in a consistent way. So when you're being asked control questions - the ones that are about little white lies, like have you ever stolen anything from work - try to change your breathing pattern to something that's obviously different than normal.
16. Answer Questions Firmly

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It's all about conviction, and thinking about something firmly and without hesitation can also trick your body into believing in it, too! Sort of how an actor plays a role with conviction - they don't hesitate to think about how they're pretending to do something, they just do it as though they are that person. The more firmly you answer, the better.
17. Don't Try To Be Funny!

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We get it - humor is good for defusing a tense situation, and what can be more tense than a lie detector test? You may be tempted to crack a joke and try to be funny or overly friendly when answering questions, but it's probably best not to. It could look like you're trying to over-compensate or hide the truth with humor.
18. You Should ONLY Reply YES Or NO

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We all know that feeling when we're trying to talk our way out of something, or just to defend ourselves and prove that we didn't do anything - it pushes you to talk a lot, give extra details to back up your case and maybe even talk fast and panic. A lie detector test only needs a 'yes' or 'no' response. You don't need to elaborate - and it'll make it more difficult for you if you do!
19. If You're Asked To Elaborate, Stay Firm

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If you're asked to give more details about something you've just said yes or no to, don't feel pressured or panicked into giving more details or feel like you have to explain. Stand by your guns and just say that you don't have anything else to say about it, or ask them what they expect you to say when yes or no is enough.
20. Don't Fall Into The Trap Of Them Accusing You Of Lying

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When you answered honestly or not, they may say 'we know you're lying' as a way to hopefully provoke you, or just to see if you act squirmy or uncomfortable when trying to worm your way out of it. So if they do accuse you of that, stay calm and don't react to it! And definitely don't start talking a lot to defend yourself.
21. Practice Beforehand With Someone Else

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Get someone you know and trust to ask you the questions you think are going to come up on the test, or questions you're most worried about. Not only will this allow you to practice, but you'll be able to take note of how your body reacts to certain questions - like your breathing - so that you know how better to react to it.
22. An Invalid Test Is What You're Going For

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Remember, you're not going in there trying all this for it to come out like you told the truth to every question - what you're working for here is an invalid test when they can't work out whether you're lying or telling the truth, which means it won't come to an honest conclusion. This is better than being caught out in a lie!
23. You Might Not Want To Do This For A Job Interview Though

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If you have to take a lie detector test for a job you're applying for, it won't do you any favors to try and invalidate the test in this way, though, as it could make you look like an iffy candidate without them getting a straight result and they're going to go for a candidate with straight-forward test results!
24. The Best Way To Get Through A Job Interview Test Is Just Be Honest!

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Instead, your best and probably only option for this one if you really care about getting that job is just to try and be as honest as possible. When you know you're being truthful and authentic, you'll be less stressed and worried about it, and you'll know that you approached it honestly.
25. Certain Medications Or Caffeine May Help

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Obviously we're talking legal drugs here, but certain medications may result in a high heart rate or changes in blood pressure, while a whole lot of caffeine will increase your pulse, too. This can all skew the test to an inconclusive result, so we guess downing a pint of coffee before the test could work, too.
26. Try Relaxation Techniques Beforehand

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It's better to mentally prepare yourself for the test instead of going in there as though it's been suddenly thrown on you. Preparing yourself mentally will help you to get ready for what's to come, and to think about what questions might be asked and what you're going to say.
27. Do Your Research For Job-Related Lie Detector Tests

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If the reason you're taking a lie detector test is you're trying to get a job, doing your research on the company and employer beforehand will help you to better understand the type of candidate they're looking for - and what they're not looking for. This will help you to know which questions will be a problem if you were to tell the truth and admit something they're not looking for!
28. Be Courteous

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It can be easy to get riled up if they're trying to push your buttons when you're answering questions, and while being over-friendly or trying to make a joke isn't the best thing, it's a good idea to simply be courteous, polite and co-operative (but not too co-operative - short and sweet answers!).
29. Don't Admit To Anything That Could Mean Further Questioning

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There will be certain questions where if you say 'yes', it will invite further questions about what you've just admitted to. Because you want to be as brief as possible and not risk long explanations, don't admit anything that can lead to further investigation on that topic. Say no and move on!
30. Be Weird When Answering Control Questions

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To make it a bit more difficult for the interviewer to understand what a 'normal' response is for you, when you're asked control questions - like "what's your name" or "what day is it" - try to answer in a weird (but correct) way. For what day is it, instead of 'Monday/Tuesday' etc say 'it's the day I take a lie detector test' or something vague.