Signs You Are Suffering From Emotional Trauma

By Anna Collins 2 years ago

1. You have great difficulty falling asleep

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'It's 1 AM I have 6 hours of sleep left'. 'It's 3 AM I have 4 hours of sleep left'. We all know how horrible it can be lying there not being able to sleep, worrying that you can't sleep and then making it even more impossible to drift  off to sleep. Especially if you have things going around your head or past emotional trauma affecting your unconscious and conscious thoughts.

2. You have struggled with substance abuse

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Substance abuse can often be triggered when somebody is facing a deep pain or emotional trauma. Sometimes, that person may seek substances which will for a period of time allow them to escape their emotional trauma, intrusive thoughts and pain. But, this can cause somebody to develop an addiction.

3. You have intense intrusive thoughts

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Intense intrusive thoughts are those thoughts that don't just pop up gently in your mind and drift away. They come unwillingly, no matter how hard you try to stop them and they completely take over your brain so that that is all that you can think about.

4. You have fierce waves of emotions that you feel you cannot control

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Similarly, when you experience emotion it is extreme. It almost feels as though it takes over your whole body and consumes you. These waves come and you cannot control them. This is a clear sign that you are suffering from an emotional trauma that you have not yet healed from.

5. You experience flashbacks

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When you have had a particularly traumatic experience you may have flashbacks to the moment where you feel as though you are reliving the event and the same emotions that you experienced. This could be linked to a condition called PTSD where flashbacks can be a regular occurrence.

6. You suffer from anxiety

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Anxiety is a very common condition where you feel uneasy or you feel a sense of worry and fear. This may come in varying degrees of intensity at different points. Some people unfortunately suffer this on a daily basis and the symptoms can be severe. But sometimes, it can be caused when a person is emotionally suffering.

7. You have or have suffered from depression at some point

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If you have suffered or are suffering depression then this also could be a sign that you are suffering from an emotional trauma. Depression can come to people without cause, or it can be triggered by something. Depression can be all consuming and debilitating.

8. When you finally fall asleep you can't STAY asleep

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As we talked about previously, getting to sleep can be a mission in itself. But then, if you cannot stay asleep this is also a sign. You finally drift off, and then whether your brain randomly jolts you awake or you are disturbed by all of the lightest and quietest sounds you are never able to get a decent nights sleep.

9. You frequently replay certain traumatic memories in your head

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This is different to experiencing flashbacks. Flashbacks come involuntarily and consume your head as though you are right there in the moment. But you may also consciously or sub consciously be replying the traumatic moment in your mind. A certain compulsion will make you feel as though you cannot get it out of your head.

10. You feel like you are living in fear

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Lining in fear can jeopardize your day to day life, when you cannot function normally or live life as you would usually then this fear is taking over you. The fear may not be rational, it may be a response tot he trauma you suffered and now even day to day situations cause a response of fear.

11. You have intense anger inside you

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Anger can eat you up inside. It can completely cloud your senses and take over your judgement. Anger can be a very destructive emotion. But it is a totally normal response to emotional trauma, you may feel angry at the world, at people, or at yourself...

12. And you have a lingering sense of sadness

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After suffering emotional trauma it is expected and completely normal to feel sad. Whatever has happened to you or to someone around you will of course have a very negative effect. It may leave you with a lingering and consistent sense of sadness which feels as though it will never lift.

13. You suffer frequent stomach ache, chest pains or headaches

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Now here are some physical signs you have suffered emotional trauma. They may be physical but they are triggered by emotion. Tight chest pains is linked to panic, stomach ache to fear and anxiety and headaches to stress and worry. So if these symptoms persevere and they are not because of a medical condition they could be emotional.

14. You view the world as dangerous

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Of course the world can be a dangerous place. But that doesn't mean that you should always view the world and everything in it as dangerous. There is a difference to using caution and your senses than being afraid of the world. But perhaps right now you view everything as a threat.

15. You find it very difficult to trust anybody

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trusting people can be very difficult, especially if you have been burned in the past. And, when you are suffering emotional trauma you may fund that you are mistrusting of everybody and everything. This may be because your body and mind is trying to protect you from further hurt and emotional pain.

16. You constantly put yourself down or view yourself negatively

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I'm not good at anything, I'm not good enough, I'm a horrible person... Does this sound like the kind of self narrative that happens in your head? Constantly viewing yourself in a negative light and putting yourself down can be a symptom of suffering emotional trauma.

17. You are constantly on edge and on guard

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After suffering emotional trauma your mind does not want you to suffer anymore. It also puts you on guard for the next trauma or danger. So you may find yourself being hyper aware, hyper alert and constantly on edge and on guard in case something else bad happens.

18. You may push away your loved ones around you

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Pushing those you love away can be a typical response to trauma. But in fact it is the last thing you need. If you are conscious of yourself doing this, try your hardest to in fact pull people closer and allow your negative experiences to bring you closer to those around you.

19. Or you may be extra clingy to certain people

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On the other hand, you may feel like you can't be left alone, you may not want to do anything by yourself and feel like nobody or a certain person can leave you. So you may be acting very 'clingy' to a certain person which could end up being un healthy for both you and them.

20. You feel like you're dissociated with the world

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Dissociation is a condition where you feel disconnected from the world and even yourself. It may even feel as though you are not really a part of the world. This can be a defence mechanism by your body to try and shield you from the suffering and the trauma of the past, making you feel slightly numb or dissociated.

21. You cannot concentrate

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Concentration only happens when your mind allows it, when you are in a good place mentally to be able to give your full focus on something. When your mind is suffering it is hard to concentrate, Trauma has a real effect on the brain which can make it almost impossible to concentrate on anything.

22. You feel helpless

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Feeling helpless may have come from not being able to protect yourself or someone you love, even if it was impossible to have done so. It may make you feel as though you cannot do anything, you are helpless to either your own pain or suffering or the bad things that happen in the world around you.

23. You have experiences of memory loss

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Memory loss can happen after emotional trauma, this is a way that your brain will protect you. To stop you suffering and reliving painful memories, sometimes our brains actually block out those memories so that we cannot properly remember or focus on what happened to save ourselves suffering more pain.

24. You avoid certain places or people who could trigger you

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This is completely understandable. It is only natural to want to avoid those places or people who you associate with a time that causes you pain. Certain places or faces can trigger emotions in you that you do not want to relive. Do you find yourself avoiding certain things due to the associations you have?

25. You may seek to be as perfect as you can

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The need to feel and constantly strive to be as perfect as possible can sometimes stem from a feeling of inadequacy. Sometimes, people who are suffering emotional traumas can blame themselves or feel unworthy due to circumstances outside of their control. So, they may feel like they have to be as 'perfect' as they can be.

26. Your moods can switch easily

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One minute you're fine, the next you're happy and then very quickly you can feel intensely anxious, sad or angry. Your moods may feel totally unpredictable. You can wake up in one mood, knowing that your day will be a roller coaster of emotions, never stable and always up and down which can be mentally very difficult to deal with.

27. You lose your appetite at intervals

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Our appetites are very much a reflection of our mental state. Some people turn to food to seek comfort; 'comfort eating' whereas other people cannot even barely eat anything when they are suffering or emotionally stressed. It can completely take away your appetite so that you do not feel able to eat.

28. You always feel exhausted

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You're always tired. No matter what you've done, or what you've not done! Whether you've literally slept the entire day and you're still tired. This could be because emotional trauma is exhausting. For your mind and body to cope, it takes a lot of energy which could be making you tired.

29. You sometimes avoid going out or doing things because you feel overwhelmed or scared

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I can't go out today...I shouldn't go here something bad may happen  I'll stay at home. I can't face seeing anybody today. Does this sound like the kind of thing you think before you do something, where you convince yourself you shouldn't leave the house? You may be avoiding anything that will possibly cause you any amount of stress.

30. As well as intense emotions you may have periods where you feel totally numb

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Feeling numb is a very strange sensation. You may feel like you cannot feel anything, like nothing can register or process. You are just totally numb. If this is you then it could suggest you are suffering emotional trauma. Your brain is creating this sensation of numbness to allow you to heal better.

31. You're In Denial

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Sometimes it's not about not knowing you have emotional trauma, but not being willing to face up to it. You might be completely ignoring your feelings and living in denial about having any trauma whatsoever. When you do struggle with signs and symptoms, you just think it's something else.

32. You're Going Through A Lot Of Guilt And Self-Blame

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Emotional trauma leaves the person with a lot of guilt, even if it's not there fault. Trauma as a result of abuse in relationships if the person was gaslit and blamed can leave them feeling guilty even now. If you're going through emotional trauma because of an accident, you might have survivor's guilt.

33. You Have A Sense Of Hopelessness

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It can be very difficult to have hope when you're going through trauma, because there just doesn't seem to be any way out. You're constantly bogged down by what you went through, what happened to you or what you're feeling that there doesn't really feel like there's a way out of it - it's just the way it is now.

34. You've Become Withdrawn

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Have you noticed you're spending more and more time indoors? And not only indoors, but indoors alone, switching off your phone or ignoring messages, ignoring the door and not wanting any visitors. Not only have you physically withdrawn, but you've withdrawn into yourself, too.

35. You Suffer With Nightmares

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When you actually do manage to sleep, you have a bad one, because there's a 99% chance you'll have a bad nightmare. You might not get them every single night, but you usually have very bad or worrying dreams, or maybe dreams you don't understand but that leave you feeling anxious or disturbed when you wake.

36. Everything Is A Jump Scare To You

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When you're feeling on edge and on the defensive, many - if not all - things can make you jump. You might find that it doesn't take much to shock you and send you jumping and shouting or screaming into response to something. This could be loud noises, people appearing in front of you, or certain things that trigger you.

37. You Have A Fast Heartbeat

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You might find that you suffer from panic attacks or you just seem to have an increased heartbeat when you're feeling anxious and on edge. This can be a physical response to your emotional trauma that leaves you feeling more alert or having a more 'panicked' reaction to everyday situations or triggers.

38. Your Muscles Are Always Tense

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Do you find that your muscles constantly feel in pain, tense and hard to the touch? This could be a result of you constantly sort of drawing in on yourself, hunching over and even having bad posture if you're feeling low and not taking care of yourself. It could also happen as a result of not getting much sleep.

39. You Don't Feel Like You Have Closure

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Emotional trauma can often be so unbearable because it doesn't feel like there's any way to get closure. It can often be a feeling that you don't know how to move on from, because it's not necessarily something you can get closure on. It's hard to forgive and forget or move on from something that's emotionally and psychologically changed you.

40. You've Stopped Doing A Lot Of Things You Used To Enjoy

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Another symptom of being withdrawn and feeling low is that you stop doing a lot of things you used to enjoy. This could be because you're avoiding seeing people or places, or it could be because you don't feel enjoyment from them anymore. Depression and low mood can also leave you feeling like you don't want to do anything.

41. You Get Obsessed With Things

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You might find that you have a lot of hyperfocus for tasks and get obsessed with things very easily. This could be an obsession over an activity or something you have or can touch, such as collecting certain objects. Often, this can be a way to distract your mind from how you're feeling so you can focus on something else.

42. You Have Compulsive Habits

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Compulsive habits could come directly from a person or situation you have emotional trauma from, such as an ex partner who always made you do something and made you feel bad if you didn't. It could also be something that you feel like you need to do constantly in order to avoid bad luck or ill omens. It might just be something you do routinely to distract you.

43. You Might Also Be Very Impulsive

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Impulsive behavior can also be a big sign of feeling low, as you can often seek out a quick fix or a quick high to make you feel better, such as impulsive spending and buying lots of new things to keep bad feelings at bay. You might be trying to distract yourself with impulsive purchases, or just trying to make decisions to break the cycle.

44. You're Hypervigilant

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It makes sense why you'd feel like you're on constant alert when you've been through something traumatic. Hypervigilance can be a common symptom of trauma. Especially if you're easily made to jump or you're feeling anxious, you might feel like you're constantly on the lookout for threats.

45. You're Never In The Mood For Sex

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Those suffering from depression, anxiety and emotional struggles can often feel a lack of interest in sex. Especially if you've been hurt emotionally, getting that intimacy back and being vulnerable in that way can be something you might physically recoil from. A low libido could be a sign of this kind of trauma.

46. Your Eating Patterns Have Changed

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When you're struggling emotionally and might also be battling against body aches, pains and bad sleep, your eating patterns are also going to change. You might feel more hungry, less hungry or maybe just have less energy to cook yourself healthy meals so you avoid eating sometimes or order more takeouts.

47. Someone Has Recommended You See A Therapist

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Other people might have taken note of your changing behaviour, especially loved ones who are close to you. If they also know something you've been through that might have affected you emotionally, they might also start thinking you could do with therapy for emotional trauma or mental health struggles.

48. You Keep A Journal Of Events

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People struggling mentally and emotionally often turn to a journal to try and work out their thoughts or to try and understand their feelings. It may also be a coping mechanism so you don't have all these negative thoughts and feelings kept inside. If you're feeling more and more inclined to keep a journal, this could be a sign.

49. You Never Really Feel Safe

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Those who have gone through something traumatic can struggle to feel safe and at ease no matter where they are. Even at home with the door locked, you might feel like you're still vulnerable and open to things upsetting you or triggering you. You can't remember the last time you were able to relax.

50. You Have Chronic Issues Or Health Problems

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Serious emotional trauma over a long time can have a detrimental affect on the body if not worked through, so this could also have resulted in chronic health struggles, issues or other health concerns - especially if your trauma has meant you haven't been taking care of yourself properly.

51. You Feel Like Shutting Yourself Away

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Sometimes you might just feel like you want to shut the world out. You get home, close the door, and you want to stay there in your own bubble. But doing this too much or feeling the desire to do this super often can have a more serious underlying cause.

52. You Feel That The World Is Against You

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Do you ever feel as though the world is conspiring? Like it's out to get you and nothing is fair? While some people feel this at hard times in their lie, feeling consistently like this can be because you've suffered an emotional trauma that hasn't yet been dealt with.

53. You Feel Unlovable

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Feeling unlovable is a tough emotion to grapple with. It's like there's a belief deep down that no matter what you do, it's hard for others to genuinely care about or love you. This feeling can be complex and it could stem from the impact that an emotional trauma has had on you.

54. You Have A Cynical Outlook On Life

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Being cynical can be emotionally exhausting for yourself because it impacts the way you see things. It takes away your ability to find joy or happiness without feeling that there's a catch. Emotional traumas can create a very cynical perception of the world.

55. You are overly sensitive to what people say

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Past disappointments or betrayals may contribute to a sense of distrust and over- sensitivity, making it challenging to see things in a more positive light. Sometimes, it's a defense mechanism — a way your mind tries to shield itself from potential hurt or letdowns.

56. You Feel 'Flat'

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Feeling emotionally 'flat' or numb can be a sign of emotional disconnection or a coping mechanism in response to overwhelming emotions or traumatic experiences. It can manifest as a reduced ability to experience joy, excitement, or sadness. This emotional numbness is a way for the mind to protect itself from distressing feelings.

57. You've Lost Your Faith Or Spirituality

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Challenges, disappointments, or traumatic events may shake the foundation of faith and you may feel let down by your faith. It can feel like a significant shift in one's worldview, as though your connection to something greater has slipped away, leaving a void

58. You Don't Know Who You Are

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Emotional traumas can affect people in so many different ways. It could leave you feeling like you just don't know who you are anymore! Traumatic experiences change us in so may ways that you may feel unrecognizable to the person that you were beforehand.

59. You Often Stay In Your Room For Hours

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Although staying in your room for hours or even days on end may feel like the thing you want to be doing, it's not a healthy coping mechanism. While it may feel like you can cope better, really it's just having further negative impact on your emotional health.

60. You Always Feel Irritated By The Smallest Things

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Feeling easily irritated by the smallest things can be incredibly frustrating. It's like everything around you has the potential to set off your annoyance alarm, even things that wouldn't normally bother you. This heightened irritability can be a manifestation of your emotional trauma.

61. You Can't Communicate Properly

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You might find yourself stumbling over sentences, unable to express thoughts clearly, or feeling like there's a barrier between you and others. It can be frustrating, especially when you know what you want to say, but the right words just won't surface.

62. You're Easily Startled

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Stress, anxiety, or a history of trauma can contribute to increased sensitivity, making your nervous system more reactive to sudden changes or unexpected events! It's like your body is anticipating potential threats, causing a quicker and more intense response to stimuli.

63. You Check Things Repeatedly

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Do you check things not once or twice, but multiple times? Maybe it even takes you a considerate amount of time to leave the house because you have to check everything three times over! If you find yourself caught in this cycle of checking, you should look at the emotional trauma that may be causing these behaviours.

64. Certain Sights Or Sounds Disturb You

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Certain stimuli may trigger emotional or physiological reactions, and these responses can be associated with specific experiences or memories. For example, individuals who have experienced trauma may develop sensitivities to sights or sounds that were present during the traumatic event.

65. You Cannot Predict Your Own Emotions

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One moment you're full of joy, the next you can't stop crying. And why? You have no idea. You don't know how you'll feel from one hour to the next. This is a sign that you've been though an emotional trauma that hasn't been worked though yet and it's coming out in intense ways.

66. You Have A Fear Of Intimacy

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Having a fear of intimacy can make you reluctant or anxious about getting too close to others on a personal and emotional level. Past traumas may have caused you to develop a strong fear of rejection, concerns about being vulnerable, and difficulty trusting people.

67. You Have Difficulty Feeling As Though You Are In The Present Moment

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Sometimes, it's like your mind is on a different wavelength, and it's hard to engage with what's happening right now. This difficulty in staying present can be linked to emotional trauma. Feeling disconnected from the present moment can also be a way your mind copes with stress or past experiences.

68. The Same Memories Haunt You

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Haunting memories might be associated with traumatic experiences, unresolved emotions, or moments that left a lasting impact. They have a way of intruding into your daily life, resurfacing when you least expect them, and often provoking intense emotional responses.

69. You've Always Felt Like An Outsider

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Feeling like an outsider can be a deeply isolating experience. It's as if there's a constant awareness of being on the periphery, looking in at social circles or communities without feeling fully integrated. This sense of being an outsider can stem from emotional trauma.

70. You Feel Physical Symptoms With No Medical Cause

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he mind-body connection is powerful, and emotional distress can manifest as physical symptoms. Common examples include headaches, stomach-aches, fatigue, or unexplained pain. They aren't caused by a physical reason, they are psychosomatic, meaning they're caused by your mind.

71. You Have Difficulty Connecting with Others' Emotions

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Sometimes emotional trauma means that you struggle to connect with your own emotions, meaning that connecting with OTHER people's emotions is even more difficult. It can cause a barrier that hinders your ability to fully understand or resonate with their feelings.

72. You've Had Lots Of Toxic Friends/ Relationships

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Repeatedly finding yourself entangled in toxic dynamics could be connected to past experiences that have left emotional scars. It's as if the echoes of those traumas influence the relationships you attract, unknowingly replicating patterns that then mirror your unresolved emotional wounds.

73. You Feel Empty

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Feeling empty can be like walking through a vast, internal void, where a sense of fulfilment or purpose seems elusive. Past traumas or challenging life experiences can contribute to this feeling of emptiness, as can a sense of disconnection from yourself!

74. You rarely feel excited or enthusiastic

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Ongoing stress or emotional trauma can create a feeling of monotony in daily life that may contribute to a diminished capacity for excitement. It could feel as though the intensity of positive emotions seems dulled and you rarely feel excited anymore!

75. You Struggle To Set Future Goals For Yourself

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This struggle with setting future goals can be linked to various things. It could be the weight of past experiences or uncertainties about the road ahead. You're not quite sure which direction to go or what destinations to aim for because your past stays with you.

76. You Notice Yourself Pushing People Away

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Past experiences of rejection, betrayal, or hurt can lead to a fear of vulnerability, making it challenging to fully open up to others. It's a natural defense mechanism designed to shield yourself from potential pain or disappointment - but it's also a vicious cycle because pushing people away also causes you pain.

77. You Have Low Self-Esteem

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Having low self-esteem creates an internal dialogue that undermines your confidence and self-worth! It can impact various parts of your life in massive ways and it could be caused by emotional trauma which is affecting how you are able to see yourself.

78. You Have A Feeling Of Shame That You Can't

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Do you have a persistent sense of shame that won't ever leave you? Shame often stems from internalized beliefs about your own self-worth and it can be linked to various experiences, including childhood traumas, past mistakes, or societal expectations.

79. You Avoid Sad Films Or Music

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Negative emotions can be brought up by hearing sombre music or watching sad movies, and for you this is essentially triggering a response from your emotional trauma that feels as though you are having to relive these suppressed feelings all over again!

80. You sometimes stay in the dark for periods of time

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Staying in the dark may be a mask, covering up your emotional trauma. Emotional struggles or a need for solitude and introspection could be reasons for staying in the dark. It's as if the shadows provide a temporary refuge from the complexities of life, offering a sense of comfort or control.

81. You Have A Fear of the Unknown

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It's a common human experience to feel apprehensive about what lies beyond our current understanding or control, but when it's extreme it could point to there being a more serious reason. One of the consequences of an emotional trauma is feeling intensely worried about the unknown.

82. Sometimes You Feel Sad When You 'Should' Feel Happy

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You know when everything seems to be going your way, and it feels like you should be happy but you're not? It could be the emotional toll of trauma affecting you! This could be why even in those moments that feel as though they should be perfect, you can't enjoy them properly.

83. You're Stuck In The Past

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Emotional traumas may keep pulling your focus backward, making it challenging to fully engage with the opportunities and experiences of the present. You can't move on because you may not have worked through your past trauma, meaning that your mind is stuck in the past.

84. You Have To Be In Control

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Often, the desire for control can be linked to anxiety, fear, or a lack of security. If you have experienced trauma or challenging life events may develop a heightened need for control as a way to manage your feelings of uncertainty and to protect themselves!.

85. Being Vulnerable Terrifies You

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If the fear of vulnerability terrifies you, it's essential to approach this challenge with self-compassion. Acknowledging the roots of this fear (and whether it's emotional trauma) and understanding how it may be impacting your relationships is a crucial first step.

86. You Cry A Lot For Reasons You Don't Know

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If the tears come without a clear trigger or reason, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the source of these intense emotions. This experience could be influenced by various factors. Unresolved emotions, past traumas, or an accumulation of stressors may contribute to these episodes of unexplained crying.

87. You Self-Sabotage Relationships

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Self-sabotaging relationships can feel like a repeating pattern where, despite a desire for connection, behaviors or thoughts undermine the potential for a healthy relationship. You pull away from the relationship before you can get hurt because you're scared of gong through more pain.

88. You Feel Like You've Always Got To Be On Guard

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Having experienced emotional trauma can mean that your brain and your body is always predicting the possibility that something might happen, and it's trying to protect you from it. You can't relax, because you are always on guard, waiting to protect yourself.

89. You Can't Take Criticism

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When you don't want to hear criticism ever, and you can't receive criticism without taking it badly, it could be a result of emotional trauma from your past. It's like a protective mechanism, where any critique is perceived as a threat to one's self-worth.

90. You Always Feel Tired

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Emotional exhaustion, often linked to chronic stress or unresolved emotional trauma, can leave individuals feeling drained and fatigued. Coping with intense emotions, whether related to past experiences or ongoing challenges, can take a toll on both your mental and physical energy levels.

91. You Don't Have Many Friends

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Experiencing emotional traumas can make it difficult for you to get close to other people. You may not trust them with your emotions because you're scared of getting hurt. You may not let them in, or you might push them away before they get too close.

92. You Dwell On The Same Things Over And Over

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Dwelling on the same thoughts repeatedly can feel like being stuck in a mental loop, where certain ideas or concerns play on a continuous loop in your mind. It's as if your thoughts are circling around specific themes, making it challenging to shift your focus to other aspects of your life.

93. You Always Compare Your Life To Others

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There's a well known saying, 'comparison is thief of joy' that perfectly describes how comparing yourself to others makes you feel. There's nothing good that comes from it, yet you may be unable to stop. You may need to look at the deeper reasons that are causing you to feel this way.

94. You Apologize Compulsively

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It's not your fault, but you'll apologize for it anyway. Apologizing continuously can indicate a fear of upsetting others, a desire for approval, or low self-esteem. Apologizing compulsively can be a way of avoiding conflict or seeking reassurance from others.

95. You're Feeling Emotionally Drained

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Emotional exhaustion might manifest as a lack of energy, motivation, or enthusiasm for daily activities. It can also contribute to feelings of irritability, difficulty concentrating, and an overall sense of being overwhelmed. If these feelings persist, it may be a sign of emotional trauma.

96. Your Relationships Never Last Long

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Emotional trauma can significantly impact one's ability to form and maintain healthy connections. If you have suffered emotional trauma, you might struggle with trust, vulnerability, and intimacy, which are essential elements of lasting relationships.

97. When You Feel Happy, You Feel Unworthy Of It

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It's as if there's an underlying belief that happiness is undeserved or fleeting, it can mean that when you do feel happy it is overshadowed by this self disbelief. You cannot seem to allow yourself to be happy, which can be a sign that you've experienced an emotional trauma.

98. You Can't Handle Your Anger In A Healthy Way

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Anger may be an emotion that you feel regularly, and when it comes it feels as though you cannot subdue it or control it. It takes you over in rage and bursts from you in an unhealthy manner. Controlling it may be difficult without having dealt with your emotional traumas first.

99. You Never Feel Good

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Persistently feeling unwell, both emotionally and physically, can be a heavy burden to carry. Unresolved emotional trauma from your past may be making you feel as though it is difficult to experience moments of joy or contentment. In this case it's super important to get some help!

100. You Engage In Reckless Behaviour

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Actions like excessive substance use, reckless driving, or disregarding safety measures might be attempts to cope with underlying issues. These behaviors, while providing a temporary escape, can often exacerbate the root problems, and definitely won't help them.

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