This Is What Happens To Your Body If You Eat McDonald’s Everyday For A Month

By Molly 1 year ago

1. Weight gain

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It doesn't come as a great surprise that McDonald's meals are packed with calories and high fat content. There's 770 calories in a Double Quarter Pounder alone, and that's without the sides or any drinks! It's easy to pile on the pounds with frequent visits.

2. Increased risk of heart disease

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The McDonald's menu is essentially a recipe for clogged arteries. The main food culprits associated with heart disease are sugary sodas, fries, hamburgers, processed meats and other junk food. If you eat this food daily, you're on a fast track to poor health.

3. High blood pressure

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Fast food is notorious for being extremely high in salt and fat levels, which are both proven to be linked to higher blood pressure. Constant intake of these foods is highly likely to raise your blood pressure, which can potentially become dangerous.

4. High cholesterol

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Have you tried the new McCrispy yet? Great isn't it. Well, I'm sorry to break it to you, but the McDonald's "crispy" products wreak havoc on your health. They're fried and full of trans fats, which raise your bad cholesterol levels whilst lowering your good cholesterol.

5. Type 2 diabetes

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Junk foods have high amounts of added sugar, saturated fat and trans fats. This means fast digestion, causing your blood sugar to spike. Chronic intake of these foods will lead to fat storage in the body which can raise your chances of diabetes. Once you have type 2 diabetes, it's not always possible to reverse.

6. Increased risk of certain cancers

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Processed foods contain additives, preservatives and other compounds which can become cancer-causing chemicals. Another factor to consider is that there's a lot of research showing that being overweight can be the leading cause of 12 different types of cancer.

7. Digestive issues

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McDonald's foods generally aren't very high in nutritional value. When your body is lacking in nutrients such as fibre, you're likely to experience a whole host of digestive issues! This could be constipation, gallstones or even diverticular disease.

8. High inflammation levels

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Just one single serving of fast food has the ability to increase the inflammation levels in your body! So, eating foods such as McDonald's daily will change the bacteria living in your gut, which will interact and can then become a cause of chronic inflammation.

9. Weakened immune system

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We get it, it's tempting to go for fast, convenient and calorific comfort food when you're feeling under the weather. But this is probably one of the worst things you can do. Foods high in sugar, additives and refined carbs are known to weaken your immune system.

10. Nutrient deficiencies

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It's called 'junk food' for a reason! McDonald's is made up of processed food which has minimal nutritional content, which does very little good for your body. When your diet consists of this type of food, you're not getting the vitamins and minerals needed to function healthily.

11. Liver disease

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Your liver is your body's filter, getting rid of all the useless and bad content you take in. When you overload your body with the bad stuff, you're making your liver's job a hell of a lot harder! Overworking can cause liver inflammation and even liver disease.

12. Kidney disease

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Your kidneys also play a part in helping to remove toxins, waste and extra fluid from your body. Processed food have a lot of sodium and phosphorus in them. Phosphorus in particular, in high doses, has been linked to kidney failure and kidney disease.

13. Stroke

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Because junk food leads to clogging of your arteries, high cholesterol and other types of unhelpful build up, this leaves a lot less space for your blood to freely flow through your body. Without space, blood clots are more likely, which could then lead to a stroke.

14. Osteoarthritis

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Constant intake of the high saturated fat content in McDonald's foods will eventually lead to inflammation of your fatty tissue and weight gain. With this extra added stress around your joints, you can worsen or even create symptoms of osteoarthritis.

15. Gout

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When you eat fast food, there is a quick and significant spike to your sugar levels. Taking in a lot of these sugary, processed foods like McDonald's will increase the uric acid levels in your body. This can potentially then lead onto a flare up of gout.

16. Asthma

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One of the key reasons that processed food is bad for your health are the additives, preservatives and other unnatural ingredients. Man made vegetable fats, like margarine, are often included. The trans fats in these ingredients have been shown to link to symptoms of asthma.

17. Allergies

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As we mentioned earlier, constant intake of fast food can negatively impact upon your immune system. Pair this outcome with heightened inflammation levels and you might end up suffering from allergies. Your airways can become restricted and your body can lack the ability to fight against irritants.

18. Depression

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A study has shown that people who eat high amounts of fast food are 51 percent more likely to suffer with depression. The lack of healthy nutrients combined with taking in a lot of sodium, sugars, etc can have a negative affect on your brain function.

19. Anxiety

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Junk foods are much more difficult for your body to digest due to their low nutritional value. This can lead to trapped wind, acid reflux and other digestive issues. Your gut is linked to your brain, and digestion problems can have a direct affect on your anxiety levels.

20. ADHD

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Through a lot of research, there have been findings to show that diets consisting of high intake of refined sugars, processed and fast foods have been linked to cases of ADHD in both children and adults. Deficiencies in some nutrients can also worsen symptoms of ADHD.

21. Insomnia

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Eating a lot of fatty foods, such as crispy and fried foods at McDonalds, can wreak havoc on your sleeping pattern. There's a link between higher fat intake and insomnia. This can be interrupted sleep, bad quality sleep or give you trouble getting to sleep in the first place.

22. Addiction

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Did you know that food addiction shares the same biological basis as drug addiction? So it may be just as difficult to wean yourself off McDonalds! Processed foods send a signal to your brain which tricks you into believing you haven't eaten as much as you have, constantly craving more.

23. Decline in cognitive function

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If you've noticed a negative decline in day to day function such as planning, memory or completing tasks, you may want to take a look at your fast food intake! Research has shown that people with diets high in processed foods had a cognitive decline that was faster by 25%!

24. Memory loss

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As we know, eating a lot of fast foods can be a cause of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Both of these things can affect your brain, due to the quality of blood supply. When this happens, your brain cells can be impacted and struggle to recall memories as easily.

25. Difficulty focusing

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If you've got an important interview or meeting coming up, perhaps it would be wise to pass on the Sausage and Egg McMuffin beforehand. The high saturated fat content in fast foods can cause brain fog, make it very difficult to focus and result in poorer performance.

26. Lower attention span

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A couple of taps on your phone and you've customised your McDonald's order exactly how you like it and it's now on it's way to you. Fast food is overly quick and convenient, which can leave us with a lack of patience when something isn't as readily available.

27. Poor decision making

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Fast food is packed full of all sorts of different ingredients and additives. Each of these combinations in your food can have an influence on the biochemical processes in your brain. This can then have an influence on your day to day decision making.

28. Impaired impulse control

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McDonald's is convenient, cheap and tastes good. However, we all know that in the long run, it doesn't do you any favours. And yet, millions and millions of people each day still opt for a fast food option. Becoming used to instant satisfaction with no regard for the future is a sure way to train your brain into impulsiveness.

29. Bad judgment

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When you become reliant on meals that are quicker but lacking in quality, you become comfortable with making judgement calls which are ultimately bad for your health. You're then going to be more likely to opt for the negative option when weighing up other judgements.

30. Struggling to emotionally regulate

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Processed foods restrict the signals to and from your brain. When hormones in your brain such as dopamine and serotonin are affected, you can feel like your emotions are out of control. It can then be very difficult to regain a grasp on your emotions.

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