1. Treats are a staple in their diet

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We all love our dogs, right?  But giving them too many treats has the potential to alter your pup's behavior.  In fact, your dog may not obey without their favorite treat, they might become more demanding, or even aggressive.  Not to mention perhaps causing your pooch to pile on the pounds!

2. Moving is not a priority

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Your dog might also become obese if they don't move enough.  A dog without enough exercise is a miserable one, and you'll be able to tell if your pet seems bored or lethargic.  They might also feel pretty frustrated and that energy has got to go somewhere!  Like, say, on ripping up your favorite cushion?  Or barking endlessly?!

3. Dog parks are a regular day-out

Image Source: Reddit.com
Dog parks sound like fun, right?  Wrong!  Experts generally advise against taking your beloved pet to these parks because they are places where dogs tend to be off-leash.  Scuffles with bigger dogs have the potential to cause serious injuries or even kill smaller dogs - even if they are just playing!

4. The doggy dentist is not a regular day out

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Doggy dentistry is an absolute must in your pet's care, and neglecting a regular appointment can have devastating effects and cause irreversible damage.  Your dog will suffer the consequences of skipping the dentist, including tooth decay and loss, severe pain, and bad breath.  And if that's not enough, fatal bacteria from your dog's mouth may spread to their organs, causing them serious health problems or even premature death.

5. Punishing them is a normality

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It is said that punishments do absolutely nothing to help your dog to learn how to behave appropriately.  All they do is cause fear and anxiety because the dog doesn't understand why they're being punished, and this has the potential to make them feel insecure.  This might turn into aggression, which is bad news for everyone!

6. Their healthy diet has fallen by the wayside

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Poor nutrition can be fatal for dogs.  And if they're consuming too many high-calorie, high-carb foods (or not enough!), they may be faced with obesity, rickets, diabetes, allergies, and emaciation to name a few!  It's useful to also know that low-quality dog food that exists on store shelves, should be avoided, and you should also be clued up on the foods that are toxic to dogs!

7. Not enough water

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We all know that we can't survive without water.  And dogs are no different!  If they don't get enough to drink, they will begin to dehydrate, causing their health to deteriorate.  This means more trips to the vet with potential bladder and kidney infections.

8. You give them mixed signals

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Behavior issues can arise from giving mixed messages.  Dogs are highly intuitive to our emotions.  So if you seem frustrated after calling them in from outside for like the 100th time, they sense it and wonder why you're frustrated.  After all, they DID obey your command... eventually!  You see when communication is blurred, they get confused!

9. They don't know when to expect your home

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As a dog owner, you've probably experienced getting home and your pet sitting and waiting for you by the door.  And although it is believed that there are several reasons that speculate how dogs predict their owner's arrival, including the sound of your car and their body clock, the truth is, they do seem to actually miss you and wait for you all day!

10. Your home isn't safe enough

Image Source: DogTime.com
Dogs will eat anything, so it's important to know that many household items are actually dangerous and toxic for dogs, including cleaning products and food!  In fact, some really common food poisonings have been related to booze, raisins, grapes, chocolate, and even coffee!

11. You leave dangerous objects around

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And it's not just edible hazards and cleaning chemicals you might leave lying around!  Things like batteries, coins, plants, and tiny bits of lego can also mean a trip to the vet.  You're even advised to not leave their favorite chews around because they can be hosts to harmful bacteria, including Salmonella.  Which is not good for either of you!

12. You're not clued up on breed-specific behaviors

Image Source: Reddit.com
When you're a dog owner, you have to educate yourself on all sorts, including how to train them, what to feed them, how to keep them healthy,  and you have to work to understand their breed-specific behaviors!  This will help you to ensure that your pet will get on well in your home, with your children, your schedule, and expectations.

13. You let them get away with things

Image Source: Reddit.com
Those eyes; the way they look at you.  It's difficult not to just melt when you see them, and it feels impossible to say no to them.  But if you let your pup get away with undesirable behaviors, they will rule the roost!  You will completely lose control and find that your home is no longer yours!

14. You don't know about common health problems in the breed

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Being aware of breed-specific issues, not only applies to behavior, but it also stretches to the overall health of your pet.  Some breeds, particularly pedigree breeds, for example, have increased risks of blindness and cancers that they tend to inherit genetically.  It's important for you to know what might be in store for your dog so you can support them well.

15. Fleas and ticks have made themselves home with your pooch

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Fleas and ticks are just part of life when you own a dog.  But making sure you treat them effectively is key to avoiding further problems with your dog's health.  Not treating them can cause lots of discomfort for your dog including skin irritation, infection scabs, and soreness.

16. Leaving them in your car

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Leaving your dog alone in your car is an absolute no-no.  In warmer weather, cars can become as hot as an oven and have the potential to literally bake your pooch alive.  Even if you're just popping to the store for just a few minutes, or you've parked in the shade or left the windows open.  Just don't do it.

17. Not updating their ID

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Now, when is the last time you checked that your dog's ID and microchip were up-to-date and accurate?  We thought so.  Checking this cannot be overstated.  It is so important because how will you find your pet if it went missing?  And how would rescue centers know who to contact if they were found?  Take this as your reminder to check it today!

18. Not getting insurance

Image Source: Reddit.com
Unfortunately, an emergency treatment for our best buddies is occasionally needed.  In fact, a study found that 1 in 3 dogs need it each year.  And it can be completely unexpected.  It might be a sudden illness or injury, but you're left with a whopping vet bill that you didn't expect to shell out for.  And this is where insurance can help.

19. Hemlock grows in your garden

Image Source: Reddit.com
Poisonous water hemlock can pop up in your garden or you can come across it when you're out on a walk.  It's highly toxic to dogs and can cause them to have an upset stomach.  In the worst cases, you'll notice significant respiratory distress, and it can even cause death.  So keep your eyes peeled for this deadly plant!

20. Yelling at your dog

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There are so many reasons you shouldn't yell at your dog.  You can make them feel fearful, anxious, and even excited.  Emotions that we can all agree on as being potentially quite intense!  And feeling these emotions can affect your dog's behavior significantly, and may make it worse than before!

21. You let your dog run with a stick in their mouth

Image Source: Reddit.com
Dogs love sticks.  They just find so much joy in a game of fetch.  But have you ever thought about the dangers of letting them run with one in their mouths?  Thought not!  Well, injuries like splinters, cuts, and scrapes in their mouth can occur, and this can lead to some nasty infections!

22. Yanking on their choke collar

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Many people think that using a choke collar is an effective way to stop their dog from pulling on its leash.  But the thing is, by using a choke collar, you are actually inflicting pain on your dog.  They don't make the connection between the collar tightening around their neck and you pulling on the leash, so you're never going to be able to correct this behavior like this!

23. Using the wrong collar and leash

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A lot of people aren't aware that when used incorrectly, collars and leashes can cause quite a lot of damage to a dog's neck and throat.  Not only this, but collars may cause damage to the nerves in their front legs, thyroid injuries, and even ear and eye injuries!

24. Applying sunscreen

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It's clear that you want to protect your precious pooch as much as you can.  And it's wonderful that you've thought about the sun.  And yes, you should apply sunscreen to your dog to avoid sunburn but beware!  Lots of brands contain chemicals that are toxic to dogs so the advice is to always read the label and do your research!

25. Leaving your bathroom door open

Image Source: Reddit.com
There are so many dangerous objects that we leave in our bathroom.  From cleaning products, to what's actually in the toilet bowl.  Yep, if you don't clean it often, you're putting your dog at risk of infection, including E.coli, and they can also catch other nasty illnesses from us when we are sick!

26. Giving your dog ice to play with

Image Source: Reddit.com
Ice is amazing at cooling us down, and relieving pain, such as from teething.  But is it safe to give to dogs?  Well, in short, yes!  But experts advise dog owners to make sure it's an appropriate size to minimize the risk of choking and to not give ice, but give water, to your dog if they're suffering from heatstroke.

27. You let them finish off your table scraps

Image Source: BestFriendsKitchen.org
Giving your table scraps to your dog seems like a great way to avoid food waste, but by doing this, you might be risking their health.  Not only because some human food is toxic to dogs but you might be giving them the green light to eat off your plate.  And nobody wants that!

28. Feeding them booze

Image Source: Twitter
This goes without saying really, doesn't it?  Beer is very toxic to dogs, and even a little amount can cause alcohol poisoning, particularly in smaller dogs.  And if you've ever had a hangover, you'll know that it can feel like torture!  Well, believe it or not, dogs will also feel the same negative effects as we do.

29. You lack consistency

Image Source: Reddit.com
Dogs act like dogs, and, inevitably, there are going to be some undesirable behaviors that you will want to correct.  But they will never modify their behaviors without consistency from you.  If your routine is lacking predictability, and you let some stuff slide, your dog isn't going to ever know which way is up and how to behave.

30. Expecting too much from your dog

Image Source: Reddit.com
Dogs have forever been described as
man's best friend
.  And there are many reasons why!  They're incredibly loyal, intuitive, loving, entertaining, energetic, and smart, to name a few of the amazing traits our lovable pooches have.  It's important to give them a break!  Be patient with them and try to not have so many expectations - they do so much for us already!

31. Washing them TOO regularly

Image Source: Reddit.com
Let's not ruin the natural balance of our precious pet's fur. Washing them too often is as bad as not washing them enough. Their skin is super sensitive and you will upset the chemical balance of their skin and fir if you wash them too often which can irritate their skin.

32. Using human soaps and products

Image Source: Reddit.com
Human soaps and products should not be used on your dogs skin. They are way too harsh. If you've ran out of special dog shampoo do not use your own. It will strip off their sensitive oils and it will highly irritate or damage their skin which can cause them pain.

33. Changing their routine too suddenly

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For example, if you've never left your dog before it's cruel to just drop them off at the dog hotel for two week - this could really emotionally traumatise them. Instead you need to work up to this point, introducing them to the place and leaving them for small periods of time to get them comfortable with the environment.

34. Never letting them sniff around

Image Source: Crimson Hound
Did you know that a dog sniffing around tires them out as much as walking/running? This is because when they are sniffing, their brains are in full use and they are super stimulated and interested. A dog can gain so much information from one sniff, it's important that we don't always drag them away because we can't be bothered to wait.,

35. Not praising their actions

Image Source: Reddit.com
A praised dog is a happy dog. And when we want to continue certain behaviours - we must praise them! You should never teach your dog through negatives or shouting. Instead, we don't respond to the bad behaviours but when your dog does something great, praise it and they will know to do it again!

36. You don't talk to them enough

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Of course, our little fur babies can't talk back (well, with words anyway) but they are stimulated by our voices and love to listen to us speaking to them. It's super important to talk to your dog to give them the interaction that they crave from you, their beloved owner!

37. Not being outside often

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It's not just all about the long walks, ball throwing and tiring out your dog. It's also about being out in the open air with those new and exciting smells and the new stimulation that your dog can't get from being stuck inside all day, every day. We can leave when we want - your fur baby relies on you.

38. Not investing enough time into them

Image Source: Reddit.com
Sometimes people get a dog, and then they resume their usual schedule while the pup stays home alone all day. Then, someone gets cranky when he/she pees all over the floor. Your new fur baby needs love, time and a lot of attention to learn and grow. They are a new member of the family who require a LOT of time into them.

39. OVER-exercising them

Image Source: Reddit.com
Yes, we've already listen not enough exercise. And it's super important that your dog gets the required exercise it needs. But do your research. Each dog breed and each individual dog has different requirements. Some can have a lot of exercise, while others shouldn't be over worked as it can affect their joints in the future and cause serious problems.

40. Not providing them the right diet

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We've covered the do's and don'ts on treats. But in their day to day diet are you feeding them the right foods. Dogs of different ages and breeds and medical conditions may all require different kinds of foods/ vitamins/ amounts. It's important to know your stuff. After all, you want to put the right things into the body of your precious pup in order to look after them the best.

41. You don't give them enough love

Image Source: Reddit.com
We are our dogs entire world, their universe literally revolve around us. What more can you ask for? And all they want in return is out love. One of the worst things you can do to your dog is not give them enough love and affection. Next time they come for a pat and a stroke - don't reject them. It will truly hurt their feelings.

42. Play time is important!

Image Source: Reddit.com
Dogs LOVE games and it is so good for their mental well being. It could be ten minutes of playing a game each day and it will do your dog the world of good. Play time really shouldn't be a special or occasional thing. You should be making sure that your dog has play time each and every day.

43. Not socialising them enough

Image Source: Reddit.com
So when we get a dog, it is tempting to stay wrapped in your new bubble of fur baby love. But the thing is, the sooner (once they are safe and ready) they get exposed to new people and dogs and children, the more confident and safe they will be around them later on.

44. Not realising that your dog picks up on your fears

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Dogs are so in tune with us, and they are much more aware of how we are feeling than most humans, and even sometimes ourselves. So if you are nervous and your dog reacts badly to that person/thing - don't blame them. They are naturally responding to your fears and trying to protect you.

45. Punishing your dog when they are fearful

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The thing is, a dog's fear can sometimes be seen as aggression. If your dog is experiencing fear their behaviour will change. It is so important not to punish them for this, as this will escalate their fear and inform them that they were right to fear this situation. Remove
them calmly from the situation.

46. Leaving them for hours and hours

Image Source: Reddit.com
Your dog has needs, just like a human does. You should not get a dog, knowing that you are unable to look after them for the majority of the day. Dogs are social beings and are so attached to their human. Leaving them for hours and hours will only case them a lot of distress.

47. Purchasing a breed you aren't capable of looking after adequately

Image Source: Reddit.com
One mistake some dog buyers make is buying a dog because they like the look of them, without having thoroughly researched their needs, behaviours and requirements. Breeds vary drastically in terms of maintaining their needs. For example, certain dogs would not be suitable for a person living in a small place with no land around them.

48. Using a crate as punishment

Image Source: Reddit.com
A crate is a place of safety for your dog. If you use a crate it should be a place where your dog can go to to rest, and escape the surrounding for some peace and quite. If you use the crate as a punishment and lock your dog in when they've been naught this is the worst thing to do. Your dog will fear this and every time they go here they will be in distress.

49. Using a retractable leash

Image Source: Reddit.com
Some dog experts do not approve of retractable leashes because of the fact that when they are retracted quickly they can cause friction burns. And, sometimes they jam, meaning that in some situations you may not be able to get your dog close to you quickly enough.

50. Never use a choke collar

Image Source: Reddit.com
Making your dog walk better on a leash by choking them if they pull is not something you should do. One, it may hurt your dog. And two, it is not teaching your dog it is just making them respond to the pain or inability to breathe which is not solving the problem.

51. Constantly moving them around

Image Source: Reddit.com
If you're moving your dog from pillar to post they really don't know where they're at. You can't explain it to them and they don't understand which ends up causing anxiety for your dog. They can't settle and dogs love a routine to feel safe and secure.

52. Letting children play with them too roughly

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Children who haven't been brought up around dogs may have no idea how to treat them or handle them. They see a cute furry thing and immediately want to get their hands on them. It's YOUR job to teach them how to be gentle, otherwise your dog can develop an aggressive response to children when they are hurt or frightened.

53. Having a chaotic home

Image Source: Reddit.com
Who can help a chaotic household from time to time? But think about the environment hat your dog is living in. Is it constantly noisy and loud, or stressful? Dogs are super sensitive and they will find this extremely distressing which could result in anxiety or strange behaviour.

54. Not playing with them every day

Image Source: Reddit.com
You don't need to play for hours on end with your dog, but they do need and deserve a small amount of play time everyday. They're a member of your family, and ignoring them makes them bored, sad and lonely which is the last thing any loving pet owner wants.

55. Leaving them alone for hours on end

Image Source: Reddit.com
Leaving your dog alone for long stretches can take a toll on their well-being. Dogs are social creatures, and extended periods of solitude can lead to loneliness, triggering potential issues like separation anxiety. They may become restless or even exhibit destructive behavior.

56. Pulling them away every time they stop

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How would we feel if every time we stopped for a second to have a look around we were pulled away? Frustrated. So, have a little more patience with your pup. We're not saying letting them sniff every single lamppost, but allowing them time to explore really helps them mentally.

57. Dismissing any changes in behaviour

Image Source: Reddit.com
Dismissing changes in your dog's behavior can be a missed opportunity to address potential health issues or address any issues with your dog. Dogs communicate through their actions and behaviors, and alterations in their usual demeanor could indicate something serious such as discomfort, stress, or even illness.

58. Not teaching them basic commands

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If you put no time into teaching your dog any commands, then you can't expect them to know how to behave later on down the line. Dogs are a serious commitment and they need time invested into them to be able to learn the basics such as 'sit' or 'stay'.

59. Getting irritated when they do something wrong

Image Source: Reddit.com
This leads on to getting irritated with your furry friend when they do something you don't want them to do. Really, dogs don't try to be naughty. So instead of getting irritated, (which they WILL pick up on and respond negatively to) try to teach them patiently.

60. Feeding them cooked meat bones

Image Source: Reddit.com
While raw bones can be beneficial for dental health and provide necessary nutrients, for your dog, cooking bones changes their structure and makes them brittle. So, when dogs chew on cooked bones, they can splinter and get lodges in your dog's mouth or throat!

61. Having lilies in the house

Image Source: Reddit.com
Yes, lilies are beautiful, but they're also toxic to dogs. Ingesting any part of the lily plant, including the petals, leaves, pollen, or even the water from the vase, can lead to severe toxicity. So keep them well away from any of your pets and choose another variety of flower for home.

62. Allowing your dog to do whatever it wants!

Image Source: Reddit.com
On the one hand you want to give your dog some freedom, but you can't allow them to do whatever they want. Particularly because the majority of the time they don't realize what could cause them harm. Don't let them chew anything they want or go wherever they want as they could run into harm!

63. Letting your dog approach dogs on their leash

Image Source: Reddit.com
Often, antisocial dogs will be kept on their leads. Some dogs on their leads are friendly, others not so much. Don't let your unleashed dog run up to a dog on their leash - make sure you ask if it's okay first. Otherwise they could ed up getting hurt.

64. Neglecting to practice recall

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Failing to reinforce recall regularly can result in your dog becoming less responsive to your calls, especially in distracting environments. This lack of responsiveness can then lead to situations where you could potentially lose control over your dog, putting them at risk and potentially causing stress or harm.

65. Not noticing how much they drink or eat

Image Source: Reddit.com
Not noticing how much your dog eats or drinks means that they could be undereating or overeating without you knowing. Both of which are detrimental to your dog. You should have a clear idea of what they'd drink and eat so that any changes can alert you when something is up!

66. Dismissing their anxieties

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Dismissing your dog's anxieties can have negative consequences on their well-being and behavior. Dogs, like humans, can experience anxiety triggered by various factors such as changes in their environment, social situations, or past traumas. Ignoring or downplaying their anxieties can make them worse.

67. Or failing to notice them at all

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Failing to notice them is equally as detrimental to your dog. Noticing when they are in distress is important so that you minimize their anxieties or help them overcome it. This way, you can improve their happiness and behaviour rather than letting them gradually get worse.

68. Not regularly cleaning their water and food bowl

Image Source: Reddit.com
Over time, your dog's bowls can become breeding grounds for bacteria, mold, and other nasties. Stagnant water and leftover bits of food create an environment where harmful microorganisms can thrive, which could lead to infections or digestive issues for your dog.

69. Not educating yourself on how to care for your dog

Image Source: Reddit.com
It's irresponsible to get a dog without having done your research first. You can't expect to take proper care of a living being without putting any effort into how to care for them. There are so many things you need to learn to be able to keep your dog happy and safe.

70. Not creating stability for your pup

Image Source: Reddit.com
Dogs can become stressed and anxious when their environment is unpredictable. Instability can contribute to the development of behavioural problems. Dogs may exhibit behaviour's that are triggered by stress, such as excessive barking, destructive chewing or even running away.

71. Buying a pup because they're 'cute'

Image Source: Reddit.com
Puppies are undeniably cute. But, choosing your dog breed based on what looks cute is highly irresponsible because you may have no idea what the breed requires in terms of how to care for them! You may end up with a dog you can't look after properly or have to give away!

72. Not taking them out enough

Image Source: Reddit.com
Dogs hate being cooped up inside within the same small space for hours on end. They need stimulation, as does any living creature. Taking them out is a dog owner's duty as it's essential not only for the physical health of your dog, but also their mental health.

73. Keeping a large dog breed in a small house

Image Source: Reddit.com
Living with a large dog breed in a small house poses many challenges, to you AND to them. Large dogs require room to move, so ensuring they have enough space to stretch and play indoors is essential. Having a large dog in a small space may not be feasible.

74. Ignoring any signs of aggression

Image Source: Reddit.com
Any sign of aggression from your dog has to be noted so that you can properly monitor their behaviour. Is there a pattern of aggression? Is it getting progressively worse? Is there a trigger? It's important to give the matter a lot of attention to ensure they do not harm anyone.

75. Changing your rules and expecting them to realize

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Changing the rules for your dog without proper training can lead to confusion. Dogs thrive on consistency and routine, so sudden changes in expectations may leave them unsure of what is expected. So, it's not their fault if they make a mistake if the rules keep on changing!

76. Not having access to open outdoor space

Image Source: Reddit.com
Dogs, being naturally active and curious creatures, benefit greatly from the exercise and mental stimulation that the outdoors provides. Without regular access to open spaces, your dog may miss out on the opportunity to explore, sniff, and enjoy the outside.

77. Exposing your dog to smoke

Image Source: Reddit.com
If there is somebody that smokes in your household, be it a family remmeber of visitor it's important to ask them to step outside and away from your dog's house and space. The smell can of course, cause health problems, but also stress, as the smell can provoke fear in your furry friend!

78. Failing to secure your backyard

Image Source: Reddit.com
Nobody ever wants to think that their dog could break loose from their backyard and potentially come to some kind of harm or get lost. But failing to secure your backyard isn't doing all that you can to prevent this from happening and they may be able to break out.

79. Not introducing grooming routines when they're still young

Image Source: Reddit.com
When you first get your puppy or dog, that's when the learning should begin. It's much easier to teach a young dog 'new tricks' (you know the age-old saying) than it is to change the habits of an older dog. So grooming from a young age will mean it's something they are used to.

80. Never setting any boundaries

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Dogs look to their owners for guidance and leadership. Without set boundaries, your dog may struggle to recognize you as the leader, which could then potentially lead to a lack of respect and obedience where they think it's okay to do whatever they want and cause havoc.

81. Not keeping up with a consistent routine

Image Source: Reddit.com
Feeding, walks, playtime, and bathroom breaks should occur at roughly the same times each day.  Dogs thrive on predictability and structure, and deviations from a regular routine can lead to stress and anxiety. A consistent schedule helps your dog feel secure.

82. Not providing them with their own comfy space

Image Source: Reddit.com
Every dog needs their own designated space (preferably soft and cozy), somewhere they can go to rest without being disturbed. Dogs seek a sense of security and having a designated space provides them with a safe retreat where they can feel secure and relaxed.

83. Leaving your dog outside in harsh weathers

Image Source: Reddit.com
Leaving your dog out in harsh weathers for periods of time is cruel and could be damaging to their health. If they stay cold and wet they are at risk of getting sick. Harsh weather conditions, including heavy rain, thunderstorms, or strong winds, can cause stress and anxiety in dogs.

84. Keeping them locked in a room

Image Source: Reddit.com
Keeping your dog locked in a room for long periods of time can have significant negative effects on their well-being. Dogs are social animals that thrive on companionship and interaction with their human family, so isolating them in a room can lead to feelings of loneliness, stress, and anxiety.

85. Feeding them straight before a walk

Image Source: Reddit.com
Much like us, eating a heavy meal before exercising isn't a good idea for your dog. So, wait a substantial amount of time after eating to take your dog out. Otherwise it could cause them to suffer from some discomfort or even develop digestive issues.

86. Being inconsistent in your behaviour towards them

Image Source: Reddit.com
Dogs thrive on repetition and consistency - it makes them feel safe. If your actions and responses vary, your dog may become confused and unsettled. If one day you give your dog a lot of attention, and the next nothing, this is stressful fir them and your dog won't understand why.

87. Not getting them spayed or neutered

Image Source: Reddit.com
Spaying or neutering can of course, prevent for unplanned pups! But, it can also provide health benefits for your dog. By having the procedure, it can reduce the risk of certain cancers and eliminate the possibility of reproductive system-related illnesses.

88. Letting your dog jump up at people

Image Source: Reddit.com
Your precious pup may be as good as gold in your eyes, but allowing them to jump all over people may not be received so well by other people! While you may excuse them by fondly declaring them 'a little overenthusiastic', if it was an elderly person or a child it could be dangerous.

89. Telling them off for strange habits

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Dogs often engage in behaviors based on their instincts, reactions to their environment, or even boredom. They may not understand the reasons behind your disapproval which can leave them feeling completely confused and stressed. It's crucial to consider the motivation behind the behavior and whether it poses any harm or discomfort to your dog or others.

90. Overfeeding them

Image Source: Reddit.com
Some people feed their dogs too much because they have a misguided belief that they are treating their fur baby. But, it does so much more harm than good. Over indulging your dog can lead them to having a higher risk of weight related diseases and even physical problems such as strained joints.

91. Allowing your dog to interact with aggressive dogs

Image Source: Reddit.com
Dog interactions should always be supervised, especially when you are introducing your dog to unfamiliar dogs, and particularly if there are signs of aggression. Always be observant of body language, such as stiff posture, raised hackles, or intense staring so that your pup doesn't get hurt!

92. Or allowing your dog to interact when you know they can be aggressive

Image Source: Reddit.com
Allowing aggressive interactions poses a risk to yours, and other dogs! It also reinforces and escalates such behavior, creating a challenging pattern to address over time. Moreover, negative socialization experiences for other dogs may lead to fear or reactivity.

93. Taking your puppy away from their mom too young

Image Source: Reddit.com
Taking a puppy away from their mother too early, before they have had sufficient time for socialization and maternal guidance, can have negative effects on their physical and behavioral development. Puppies learn essential behaviors and social skills from their mothers, and develop emotionally.

94. Changing their home frequently

Image Source: Reddit.com
Dogs love to know that they are settled and secure, their home is their safe haven. What they don't enjoy is having their home and their sanctuary moved about too often. It unsettled them and the upheaval can leave them feeling distressed and anxious.

95. Letting your dog walk YOU

Image Source: Reddit.com
Sometimes when you head out for a walk you can see clearly who is taking their dog for a walk, and whose dog is taking them for a walk. Don't let your dog drag you on the lead as it's no good for them, and certainly not for you. Teach them how to walk properly by your side.

96. Having no idea what foods are toxic

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Dogs are not able to tolerate certain foods that are harmless to humans, and ingesting toxic substances can lead to severe consequences. Common human foods such as chocolate, onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, and certain artificial sweeteners can be toxic and lethal!

97. Not checking what's happening inside their mouth

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Neglecting to check what's happening inside your dog's mouth can lead to undetected dental issues and their general health. The oral health of dogs is crucial, and problems such as dental plaque, tartar buildup, gum disease, and infections can occur!

98. Putting them in their crate/ bed as a punishment

Image Source: Reddit.com
Crates and beds should be associated with positive experiences and a safe, comfortable space for the dog where they can go to rest and relax. Otherwise they struggle to differentiate between punishment and bedtime, leaving them feel anxious whenever they are in the crate.

99. Introducing them to too many things all at once

Image Source: Reddit.com
Dogs typically do not react well to over stimulation, it can stress them out. Dogs, like human infants, need gradual exposure to new experiences to build confidence and adapt successfully to their environment. This way, they learnt that certain stimuli are safe and won't react badly in the future.

100. Forgetting to clean their ears

Image Source: Reddit.com
Neglecting to clean your dog's ears can lead to various ear problems and discomfort for your pet. Dogs are prone to ear infections due to their anatomy and the accumulation of wax and debris. Regular ear cleaning helps prevent issues such as infections, inflammation, and ear mites.

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