This Is What Your Hair Says About Your Health

By Carole 1 year ago

1. Split ends - you may be dehydrated

Image source / RedditThink of your hair like a plant.  As a quarter of the weight of each strand is made up of water, it's imperative to keep your locks well hydrated.  Drink at least eight glasses of water every day in an effort to reduce split ends.  You should then hopefully feel better both on the inside as well as the outside.

2. Itchy Scalp - possible zinc deficiency

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In order to grow, hair needs a mixture of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Zinc is one of these essential trace elements as it helps our bodies process carbohydrates, fats and proteins.  These are the building blocks of hair.  Low levels of zinc could cause your scalp to become persistently itchy.

3. Pattern Baldness - may be at risk of hypertension

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Baldness can be more than an unfortunate part of the aging process.  Researchers have found that hypertension was strongly associated with baldness.  Though the exact reasoning behind the correlation is still unknown, the findings did suggest that hair loss may indicate a higher risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

4. Bald Patches - you could have alopecia

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Some hair loss is hereditary, such as male or female pattern hair loss, although some hair loss can indicate a more complicated health problem.  One example is the auto-immune disease alopecia areata, a type of alopecia that causes your hair to fall out in circular patches.  Contact a health professional if this is affecting you.

5. Premature Greys -
possible vitamin B12 deficiency

Image source / Short Hills
Low vitamin B12 levels are often the cause of loss of hair pigment.  Dermatologists recommend a diet high in vitamin B12 in this case.  Tuna and salmon are excellent protein foods, high in this vitamin.  Alternatively, if you really cannot face fish, get yourself some supplements from the pharmacy.

6. Just A few Greys - could be stressed out

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According to a 2013 study published in the journal 'Nature Medicine', the hormones produced in response to stress can deplete melanocyte stem cells.  These cells determine hair color so this could result in your hair turning grey or white. Maybe there is some truth in stress giving you grey hair.

7. Dandruff
 - could be due to an unbalanced diet

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Dandruff occurs when the microflora of the scalp becomes imbalanced and this can happen from eating certain foods.  If you are noticing more dandruff lately, you should try and reduce bad fats in your diet, particularly chocolate and dairy.  These foods can cause more oil production, exacerbating dandruff.

8. Fine, Dry Hair - is it your hormones?

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Robin Kevin, a board-certified dermatologist based in New Jersey, states that hormonal imbalances can definitely contribute towards a patient's hair health.  It could be a change in birth control that may trigger a new level of hormones that your body isn't quite used to, which can also lead to changes in your hair texture.

9. Hair Loss - may be a iron deficiency

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Ferritin is a blood cell protein that contains iron and optimal levels are, apparently,  needed to maximize your hair's 'anagen,' or 'growing' phase.  When your body doesn't have enough of the stuff, you can become iron deficient anaemic causing tiredness, weakness and hair loss.

10. ...... or a thyroid condition

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The moment you start to notice thinning hair, accompanied by brittleness, get to your doctor for a blood test to check out your thyroid levels.  The hormones produced by the thyroid are essential for the development and maintenance of hair follicles so if your locks are looking less luscious, it could be the result of an endocrine disorder.

11. Yellow Dandruff -
seborrheic dermatitis

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Though it mostly occurs in infants, seborrheic dermatitis (crusty, oily patches of yellow and white scales on the scalp) can affect adults, too.  About half the population is sensitive to a substance the microbe makes called oleic acid.  This leads to dandruff but, among people who are sensitive to oleic acid, it can trigger seborrheic dermatitis.

12. Dull Or Weak Hair - too may chemicals or too much sun

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While most people are aware of the harmful effects of UV rays on our skin, many overlook the fact that the same goes for their hair as well.  UVA and UVB rays can damage the cuticle, the outside cover of the hair strand and the result is lack-lustre, brittle and dry hair.

13. Other Reason For Hair Loss - pregnancy

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Your body goes through so many physical, emotional and mental changes during and after you have a baby.  For many women, a possible reason behind excessive hair loss occurs during the first 5 months of pregnancy.  For some, the hair loss can occur once baby has been born. It usually rectifies itself within a few months following the birth.

14. Hair Issues Ove 50s Women- menopause

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During menopause, a woman goes through such a wide array of physical, mental and hormonal changes and it's not uncommon to find that a female's hair can thin and even fall out in clumps during this transition. The hormones oestrogen and progesterone are vital for hair growth and retention so when the body produces less of them during menopause, a common side effect is hair loss.

15. Intermittent Hair Loss - overdoing vitamin A

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It has been shown that having too much vitamin A, whether through the food you eat or through supplements that you may take, can actually have an adverse effect on your health and could lead to hair loss.  Don't overdo the amount of vitamin  you're taking on a daily basis.

16. Greasy Hair - could be down to too much fast food

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When looking closely at your diet, it's worth noting that what you actually put into your system can affect your whole body.  Hitting the fast food lines can negatively impact your health in numerous ways including type 2 diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, sleep disturbances - and every strand of your hair.

17. Thinning Hair - if you are on a dangerous diet

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While it may seem counter-intuitive, consuming the wrong kinds of foods can also have the same impact on your hair as eating barely anything at all.  If you end up embarking on a crash diet and depriving yourself of proper nutrition, your weight loss may be soon be followed by hair loss.

18. Increase in hair growth - male hormones may be out of balance

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A sudden increase in hair growth or loss in women is often caused by an imbalance of male hormones, known as androgens.  These are naturally present in both men and women in differing amounts. If you get a boost in testosterone, for example, excess hair can be the result.

19. Very Stressed - could lead to Telogen effluvium (temporary hair loss)

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A condition triggered by stress, telogen effluvium, often causes hair loss within weeks of one to three months after the event.  Hair loss is usually abrupt and the pattern is diffuse. Some patients can lose handfuls of hair but, in the majority of cases,  the hair loss improves with time.

20. Females Noticing Hair Loss - likely to be hereditary

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Androgenetic hair loss, known as male and female pattern baldness, is probably the most common cause of hair loss in men and women.  Women who are starting to experience hereditary hair loss probably have already seen the signs in their mothers’ thinning hair.  A predictor for guys is their mom’s father.

21. Damaged Hair - bin your plastic comb!

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We should always comb or brush our hair with either a natural bristle brush or wooden comb.  Never use plastic combs or brushes on wet hair as they will tear and rip the hair, causing potential damage and hair breakage.  Remember that hair is weaker when wet and more likely to be damaged.

22. Damaged Hair Follicles - wash your hair more gently

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We can all guilty of vigorously rubbing our hair in the shower when we are in a rush. When the hair is wet, it loses its elasticity and becomes stretchy and can break. Massaging the product into the hair in a loose circular motion in the direction of the water flowing, can avoid upsetting the hair follicles.

23. Hair Loss - side effect of Lupus

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Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the body's healthy cells and tissues.  It can affect the joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels and brain. Hair loss is one of the common side effect of both lupus and the medications used to treat lupus.

24. Hair Breakage - harmful grooming habits

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Getting the perfect curl for your hair may do more harm than good.  Hairstyling practices such as too much heat or too many chemicals, can lead to hair breakage. When you style your hair with too many products,  it can grow weaker and become much more susceptible to harm or loss.

25. Thinning Hair - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

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According to an article published in 2022 in the 'Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology,' polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that causes a hormone imbalance. An excess amount of the hormone androgen, a male sex hormone, can lead to ovarian cysts, weight gain, a higher risk of diabetes, changes in the menstrual cycle and hair thinning.

26. Pulling Out Your Hair -impulse control disorder

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Trichotillomania is an impulse control disorder' which causes people to pull their hair out compulsively. The condition often begins before the age of sixteen and is four times as common in women as it is in men.  The person constantly plays and pulls their hair 'like a sort of tic.'

27. Shedding Hair - due to heavy periods

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Those who suffer with heavy periods may notice hair shedding as a result of sub-optimum iron levels.  It is worth discussing a blood test with a nutritionist or functional medicine practitioner who can assess your levels.  You may need to make dietary changes to avoid hair loss.

28. Can't Be Bothered To Wash Hair - sign of depression

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Remember that you don't have to deal with depression all on your own.   There are lots of treatments available if you pluck up the courage to speak to a health professional.  Even washing your hair could feel like a mammoth task and your low mood could well take its toll on your hair.

29. Hair Thinning - alcohol related

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Alcohol and hair loss are not directly related but drinking does cause other health issues that trigger hair thinning or hair loss.  Your body needs adequate nutrition to function properly and as alcohol inhibits nutrient breakdown, it could impair your body's ability to absorb them.

30. Sudden Hair Changes - you may be anaemic

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Sudden hair changes in texture could be a sign a more serious condition.  Anaemia and low levels of vitamin D can bring on thinning of the hair.
 A thyroid disease can also result in a sudden change in the texture of your hair.  A simple blood test can be carried out to discover a possible issue.

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