Clear Quartz: You're Super Confident!
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Clear quartz is one seriously confident crystal, because it's a boss at charging all other crystals around it. It's a very empowering and amplifying stone, so if clear quartz is your favorite, it's probably because you're drawn to the confidence it gives off and that's what you want to manifest too!
Amethyst: You're All About The Positive
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Amethyst is the go-to stone if you want to focus on everything positive, whilst also repelling the negative. So if this is your favorite stone, you definitely love to focus on the positives in life, and do everything you can to attract the right kind of positive energy!
Citrine: Your Shoulder Is The One To Lean On
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Citrine is a yellow stone with one seriously sunny disposition. If this is your favorite, it shows that you're likely a very dependable friend that everyone can trust to support them. Citrine is known for the light of the sun, so it's likely you also have that power to cheer other people up!
Rose Quartz: You're Full To The Brim With Compassion
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Rose quartz is all about love, intuitive energy and softer feelings - which means if you're drawn to this crystal in particular, you're probably someone who has a lot of compassion for others, someone who has time to be kind and someone who loves very deeply!
Moonstone: You're All About The Mystery
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The magic of the moon is always mysterious, and a lot of shy and introverted people are drawn to this soft, feminine mystery. If moonstone is your favorite stone, it might be because you're a quiet, independent person who has a few close friends rather than a huge group.
Agate: You Enjoy A Stable Life
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If people were to ask your friends and family, they'd probably say you're the most stable person they know! You like to be grounded in life and have a stable job, relationships and living situation. Agate is a very balancing and dependable stone, which is likely why you like it so much!
Labradorite: You Often Feel Quite Vulnerable
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No, labradorite doesn't mean you love labradors (although you still might), instead it's a iridescent stone that gives off a very protective nature. A lot of people reach for this stone when they feel like their aura needs protecting or cleansing, so you might like this one because you often feel in need of protection!
Malachite: You're Very Open-Minded
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New job? You got it. Relocation? No problem. Massive upheaval to your entire daily life? No sweat! If malachite is your favorite crystal, it could be because you have no problem handling anything that's thrown your way with an open mind. This stone is known for opening the mind and heart for advancement.
Selenite: You Live For Meditation
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Meditation is a great way to stay grounded, practice mindfulness and clear the ol' noggin - and that's why you love it. Chances are, you always reach for a selenite wand or crystal whenever you're meditating, because this stone is known for its mind-clearing properties.
Turquoise: You're A Fighter
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Turquoise isn't just a stone for those who have gone through troubles and come out scarred - it's also a fierce stone for protecting you like a shield from future pain! People who reach for this stone might have gone through some hard times, but still come out the other side stronger.
Black Tourmaline: You've No Time For Toxicity
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You've made active steps in your life to only surround yourself with the people you care about - you don't have any time for toxic people dragging you down. If black tourmaline appeals to you, it's probably because it's a stone that's there to soak up all the negative vibes, so you don't have to!
Jade: You Need A Dollar Or Two
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There's no shame in wanting more money - it's what makes the world go round, after all. If you've recently been working on a side hustle or wanting a work promotion, you may have been reaching out for the jade crystal - because this one is all about prosperity and abundance!
Rhodochrosite: You're Going Through A Breakup!
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If you're a strong believer in crystal healing - and why wouldn't you be - then no doubt you've been reaching for your rocks after suffering a breakup. Rhodochrosite is actually a perfect stone for healing a broken heart - because it focuses on healing and supporting the heart chakra!
Lapis Lazuli: You're A Thinker
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Does your boss want some ideas thrown their way? You got a deadline to work with? You love being challenged and having to think of new creative ways of doing things. If lapis lazuli is your stone, it's probably because you live for that exciting flow of new ideas!
Chrysocolla: You Might Be Psychic
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Have you always thought you actually had psychic capabilities? It's no wonder chrysocolla is your favorite stone if this is the case. This crystal is completely in tune with all the chakras and it's perfect for those who are particularly sensitive when it comes to psychic potential!
Green Jasper: Stress Is Your Only Setting
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If Jasper is your fave stone, you're probably a very stressed person - this might be because of your current lifestyle, or just because you get stressed very easily. Worked-up is just the way you live. Jasper is actually a great stone to provide a bit of support on a bad day.
Tiger's Eye: You Need A Confidence Boost
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Tiger's eye is a great stone for encouraging good luck, confidence and courage to do things. So if you've come to a point in your life where you need a bit of a confidence boost - maybe undergoing some huge changes - it's no surprise you've been reaching for this particular stone!
Obsidian: You're Emotionally Overwhelmed
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You might be an empath who feels things a heck of a lot more than other people do, or you might be going through a particularly emotional stage in your life - either way, obsidian is your go-to stone, and this can be because obsidian is great for processing emotions!
Bloodstone (Heliotrope): You're Sat Down A Lot
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This is one for the desk-jobbers, we feel your pain. Being sat down all day is no fun, and especially not for your body! Bloodstone - as the name rightly suggests - is great for improving circulation and getting the blood flowing, so that might be why you're feeling this one at the mo!
Sapphire: You're Looking To Change Your Luck
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If you're at that time in your life when you need a little more help with work and life, maybe you want to do well with a new apartment or your personal finances, sapphire might be calling out to you. That's because this crystal is known as 'the stone of prosperity'!
Ruby: You're Feeling Frisky
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Hey, there's no shame in it! If you've been drawn to a lot of ruby things lately, it could be because you're feeling a lot of passion, attracted to the color red and you're particularly sensitive to ruby's properties of promoting sensuality and sexuality! It's a stone full of high emotion.
Fluorite: Your Mind Is In Overdrive
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In this day and age it seems most of us have racing thoughts, anxiety and randomly remembering at 4am that embarrassing thing we did 20 years ago. If fluorite is your fave, it might be because it's a great stone for promoting peace of mind - which is what you're looking for right now!
Amazonite: You're Burnt Out
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No, this one doesn't mean you're an online shopaholic! Unless you've coincidentally got burnt out because of how much shopping you've been doing... but anyway, this stone may particularly appeal to your because you're just plain exhausted. Amazonite is great for treating fatigue!
Apophyllite: It's Allergy Season
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You're 100% done with your runny nose and itchy eyes, and man is that apophyllite necklace looking handy right now! If you're always reaching for this stone on a daily basis, it's because it's great for promoting healthier respiration, battling allergies and combatting tiredness!
Carnelian: You're Stuck In A Rut
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The carnelian crystal finds you right when you need it! It's the perfect stone for stimulating relationships that have hit a brick wall, or just for promoting more creativity in general life. It can help to move that sluggish feeling along, so it's no wonder it's appealing to you!
Pink Opal: You're Feeling Like A Boss
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Crystals aren't just for healing, after all - they can be there to promote your best self when you've already found it! People who reach for pink opal are usually people who feel empowered and can get through anything the day throws at them! It's also great for feminine boss energy.
Ruby In Fuchsite: You're Looking For Love
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This is a great stone for helping with romantic endeavors and helping with motivation when it comes to love. So if ruby in fuchsite is your favorite, it's probably because you're a highly romantic person either looking for new love, or looking to work on their existing relationship.
Sunstone: You're A Warm Person
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No, we don't mean physically - though maybe you have great body temperature too. You're a warm and bubbly person full of joy if sunstone really appeals to you. Wearing this stone, or carrying it around, will only give the great energy you already have a huge boost!
Red Jasper: You've Got Imposter Syndrome
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Stop those negative thoughts telling you that there's no way you earned your success on your own! Red jasper is for those feeling undeserved of their own accomplishments, and no doubt it's been calling out to you. This stone is a huge BFF in crystal form, supporting your achievements!
Green Aventurine: Your Life Is Hectic Right Now
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Those feeling the stress and hectic-ness of everyday life will reach for healing crystals from time to time, so if green aventurine is the one you've come to depend on, it's probably because it's the perfect crystal for quieting stressful thoughts and dialling back the panic!