1. What Are The Main Chakras?
image source: benebellwen.com
Okay, so you know you have chakras, you're just not sure what they are - or where they are. Don't worry, we got you! The main chakras you need to know about - and need to make sure are always aligned - are crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root chakra.
2. How Do You Know Your Chakras Are Out Of Whack?
image source: reddit.com
Your chakras can be unbalanced in two ways: they're acting way too strongly, or they're not acting strongly enough! So you may feel an overwhelming sense of emotion, or an imbalanced feeling that affects you physically and mentally. Having all your chakras aligned is the best way to be!
3. Steps To Realigning Your Chakras: Get Outside!
image source: reddit.com
Spending time in nature is one of the best ways you can just feel amazing, no matter what. Whether it's mental health, physical health or chakras - nature's got your back. Spending more time outside means you can feel connected again with the world around you and feel less blocked.
4. Walking Can Be Amazing For The Root Chakra
image source: reddit.com
The root chakra in particular (at the base of your spine) will thank you for taking a regular walk outside. It can help to realign this chakra specifically if you physically touch nature as much as possible, especially with your feet - like feeling sand between your toes, or walking barefoot in grass.
5. Try To Meditate Every Day!
image source: pinterest.com
You might be tired of people going on about the wonders of meditation, but that's only because it works! Meditation - especially if you do it every single day - can be ideal for getting all your chakra ducks in a row! When you get into that relaxed state of mind, you'll feel more balanced.
6. You Can Meditate With One (Or All) Chakras In Mind
image source: reddit.com
If you don't want to do general meditation, you can actually meditate with one or all chakras in mind. This means meditating while focusing on one specific area - the solar plexus, for example - and then imagining a flow of energy moving through between each chakra, from root to crown!
7. Give Yoga A Whirl
image source: reddit.com
With meditation also comes yoga - and with good reason. Because nothing sorts out an imbalanced chakra better than a downward facing dog or child's pose! Yoga is the perfect exercise to balance mind and body - which is great news for aligning your chakras.
8. Do Mountain Pose In Your Garden
image source: today.com
Do who in a what now? Mountain pose is a simple yoga pose that's great for balancing your root chakra! It's the one standing tall and stretching to the sky. The reason you should try it outside is that this will be even better in grounding you to the earth and the root chakra in particular!
9. Get A Professional Healer On Speed Dial
image source: reddit.com
You don't have to do all of this alone - if you want some seriously professional alignment of your chakras, then a great way to do this is contact a professional healer. There are sound healers who can make energy baths, or reiki healers who know all about how to get your chakras sorted!
10. Try Acupuncture
image source: azuritewellness.com
Acupuncture is a great treatment option for getting your energy's natural flow going again! Acupuncture concentrates on certain points of the body, and uses energy lines in the body to redirect flow which might be blocked. This is great news for chakra energy that isn't flowing right!
11. The Gloves Are Off!
image source: reddit.com
If you're doing a spot of gardening, tidying up the outside of your house or going for a walk in a forest, do it gloves off! Garden where you can feel the soil and earth, go for a walk where you can trail your fingers on the branches or feel the leaves - all of this will help to ground you and your chakras.
12. Eat Oranges Mindfully
image source: reddit.com
Okay, this is oddly specific, but bear with us! The sacral chakra, which is located a little under your belly button near the pelvis, is associated with orange. Every chakra has its color, after all! Mindful eating is a great way to find balance, so eating oranges is a great way to connect to your sacral chakra.
13. Do A Few Laps Of The Pool!
image source: reddit.com
Chakras - the pelvic in particular - respond well to bodies of water. Being close to water can help a lot of people to feel more at ease and feel more balanced. If you give swimming a go for your weekly exercise, it can help you to feel more aligned, especially submerging your whole body!
14. Spill Some Secrets To Your Journal
image source: reddit.com
Some of the chakras are more sensitive, based on emotion. This means that you can easily feel unbalanced if you're overly emotional or not working through your feelings. A journal is a great way to both understand your feelings in a relaxed space, as well as using mindfulness this way without distraction of your phone or TV!
15. Get That Core In Order!
image source: reddit.com
Core exercises are among the most important you can do for overall strength and wellbeing - and if you want to get that solar plexus chakra feeling its best, you'll want to concentrate on core exercises. We're talking plank pose, boat pose and bow pose! Or find the latest and greatest core workout on YouTube!
16. Throw Bad Things Into The Fire (Metaphorically Not Literally!)
image source: reddit.com
You've probably heard the term 'fire in your belly', for when you're feeling particularly boss and determined. Well, this also relates to the solar plexus chakra in your stomach - and to balance it, it can help to picture a huge fire in your belly that you then mentally picture all your negative emotion going into and burning away.
17. Stop Cancelling Plans With Yourself
image source: reddit.com
Self-care is so important in this day and age, but it's not just a passing trend. Self-love and care is essential for your heart chakra - so if you feel like that chakra is out of shape at the moment, this is probably why. So it's time to switch off your phone, take a bubble bath or watch your favorite movie.
18. Practice Love-Based Affirmations
image source: reddit.com
How about a positive affirmation or two with your morning coffee? The right way to start your day - and the only way if you want to get those chakras perfectly aligned. Positive affirmations that focus on self-love and positivity can be really helpful. Try: "I am worthy of love" and "I am open to love".
19. Don't Neglect Breathing!
image source: reddit.com
Because of course, why would you? You need to breathe, after all! But concentrating on those deep, deep breaths is actually great news for your chakras - particularly the heart. Deep breathing and opening up the chest will all help to also open up this chakra.
20. Don't Be Embarrassed To Sing In The Shower
image source: reddit.com
Who cares if your roommate says you can't hold a tune to save your life? And unless your neighbor is officially filing a noise complaint against you, you should sing as loud as possible. This is because it will open up your throat chakra - which basically benefits from anything where you're positively using your voice!
21. Go On: Have That Difficult Conversation You've Been Avoiding
image source: reddit.com
So, one way your throat chakra specifically could be feeling blocked or unbalanced is because you're purposefully not using it. You don't want to have that dreaded talk with your boss, your friend when they phone you or maybe your partner when you need to talk about your relationship. Talking will help to unblock your chakra - and your mind!
22. Do Stretches That Focus On Specific Chakras
image source: reddit.com
You might have one in particular that's feeling awkwardly blocked, or maybe you just wanna give them all a work out. Stretches targeting the chakra areas will really help you - like neck stretches, core stretches, back stretches or anything that makes you feel great.
23. Get A Massage (Or Two... Or Three)
image source: reddit.com
Not that you need an excuse to get an amazing massage, but now you have one! Try for massages that focus on the chakra areas - head, neck and face massages are perfect if you've been feeling blockage in your crown or throat chakra. You might also want a lower back massage for your root chakra.
24. Get Creative!
image source: reddit.com
What's one great way to express yourself? Anything creative! Get a massive blank canvas and splatter some paint on it - write a short story, or some poetry - write a song for your instrument, or pick up a new creative hobby like knitting. All of this self-expression will have your blocked chakras thanking you!
25. Get Those Legs Up The Wall!
image source: doyouyoga.com
Find a wall, any wall (okay, probably best inside your home but outside is still good if it's safe and comfortable!) and lie on your back, putting your legs straight up the wall. This 'legs up the wall' pose is there to improve blood flow to the head, which is great for the third eye chakra!
26. Daydream - Seriously, Stare At Nothing
image source: pinterest.com
Daydreaming with your eyes open is a great way to open up your mind to creativity, as well as open your eyes and see. Meditating in a way where your eyes are open and taking in what's around you, as well as seeing pictures in your head, helps to open up your third eye chakra.
27. Keep A Dream Journal
image source: reddit.com
When you're asleep, your third eye chakra is very good at manifesting in dreams. You might be able to tell if this chakra is out of sorts based on weird or blocked dreams. Keeping a dream journal will help you to understand what's going on with your third chakra while you sleep!
28. Become BFFs With The Spiritual
image source: reddit.com
Your crown chakra is probably one of the most difficult to unblock when it's being stubborn. One great place to start is to 'open your mind' by exploring your spiritual side, maybe researching spiritual practices or even trying more spiritual experiences to open it up.
29. Don't Neglect Physical Touch On The Top Of Your Head!
image source: reddit.com
If you have someone to give you a regular head pat, great! But that isn't just what we mean. Headstands and yoga poses that focus on the top of the head being placed on the ground are perfect for targeting a troublesome crown chakra that needs opening up!
30. Give Back To The Community!
image source: cornerstonewomen.ca
Something rewarding you can do in life is volunteer and give back to the community - but this isn't just about feeling good about yourself or being selfless. This can also help to open up connections and emotions through helping people, which will help to get your energy in balance in a more positive way. It pays to be nice!