20 Signs You Won The Genetic Lottery

By Abigail 1 year ago

1. You have perfect pitch

image source: Performance High
Even some professional musicians can't sing a perfect note without hearing a 'relative' note first. However, if you naturally have perfect pitch, you'll be able to sing any note perfectly, first-time, without hearing another note first. That's an incredible example of being born with good genes.

2. You fall asleep in under 30 minutes

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image source: reddit.com
Sleep is one of the biggest influence's on our overall health. So, how easily you fall asleep is a really good indictor of whether you have natural good health or not. So, do you regularly fall asleep within just 30 minutes - or do you lie awake for hours without sleeping? If it's the latter, then your genes aren't quite perfect.

3. And you don't wake up in the night

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image source: reddit.com
Another sign you've won the genetic lottery is if you can sleep all the way through the night without waking. If sometimes you need the loo or wake up hot or cold, that's fine, but if you don't wake up very often then it's a good sign that you inherited some good genes.

4. You have an even skin tone

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image source: pinterest.com
Thousands of genes interact to produce our physical appearance - and some of those genes are better than others. One of the most important traits to take notice of is whether you have an even skin tone or not. If you don't suffer from redness, uneven texture, or dry skin, then there's a chance that your genes are better than someone who does.

5. You don't lose a lot of hair day-to-day

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image source: reddit.com
Losing about 50 to 100 hairs a day is normal for women - so don't freak out if you see a lot of hairs running down the plug hole when you take a shower! However, losing substantially more hair than this is a sign that's something might be a little off with your genetics. Sorry - you just haven't won the genetic lottery this time.

6. You don't have bad breath

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image source: reddit.com
Bad breath is embarrassing, but did you know it's also a sign of whether you were born with good genes or not? Bad breath is caused by excess bacteria in the mouth, which can be determined by your genetics. If you do notice bad breath a lot - even when you haven't eaten anything particularly smelly - then it's not a good sign.

7. Scabs heal easily

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The ability for your body to heal is a huge indicator of how naturally 'healthy' you are. It's why doctors conduct post-operation check-ups to check the rate of healing in patients, as struggling to heal can be a sign that there's something else wrong. So, do your cuts and bruises heal fast? That's a sign of good genetics.

8. You have 20/20 vision

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Eyesight is so important, but in fact, only about 35% of the population have perfect, 20/20 vision without glasses or contact lenses! If you can count yourself in that 35%, then that's a really good sign that you just have a naturally perfect body. Though, don't be disheartened if your eyesight worsens when you reach old age - that's perfectly normal.

9. Your face is close to symmetrical

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image source: time.com
A symmetrical face has long been one of the signs of a 'healthy' human. The Greeks revered symmetry in faces, and some studies have shown that having a symmetrical face can increase your attractiveness - increasing the likelihood of procreation (which is, biologically the only reason for attractiveness at all.) However, having too symmetrical a face is seen as abnormal, so in reality it's a fine line.

10. You can climb four flights of stairs in under a minute

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image source: tumblr.com
Want a test of how naturally fit you are? Find a tall building and time how long it takes you to climb four flights of stairs. If you can accomplish this is under 60 seconds, then it's a sign of really strong cardiovascular health. Not being able to do this could be down to genetics, but you can always change your fitness by eating more healthily and doing exercise more often.

11. You have an hourglass body shape

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Did you know that some body types are actually better than others genetically? Actually, scientists think that the healthiest body type to have is the hourglass type, where you have a smaller waist and a similarly sized upper and lower body. People with hourglass figures don't tend to carry too much fat around key parts of the body like the middle, meaning they're naturally less at risk from health risks like cancer and heart disease.

12. You can touch your toes

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image source: reddit.com
This might be the easiest test of good genetics that there is. If you can touch your toes naturally - without warming up or stretching - then it's a sign that your body is just right. Natural flexibility is also a sign of better posture and general health overall, meaning you probably have less joint pain and lower risk of diseases than other people.

13. You've never had braces

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Almost 50% of people need braces to cure functional problems with the way their teeth are formed. However, the number of people needing braces is growing every generation - it seems it's actually an evolutionary problem with humans (though cavemen, it's safe to say, did not have braces.) So if you've never needed braces and have naturally straight rows of teeth, you're definitely winning the genetic lottery.

14. Your nails and hair grow quickly

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image source: reddit.com
Strong, fast-growing nails and hair is a really great sign of general health, especially in women. This means you're naturally getting enough vitamins to sustain good quality hair and nails. On the other hand, if you have brittle hair and nails that just doesn't seem to grow, it might be a sign that you have a natural deficiency in vitamins like iron or vitamin D.

15. You don't have any redness in the face

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image source: reddit.com
We've already mentioned that uneven skin tone is probably a sign of something wrong with your genes, but so is excessive redness. In fact, rosacea (the scientific name for getting a red face) might even be linked to an out-of-control immune system, which has further implications for naturally bad gene design.

16. You're a natural dancer

image source: Reddit
Got two left feet? That doesn't bode well for your genes. It turns out that good dancers are actually born not made, and it can show that you have naturally perfect genes in other ways too. Good dancers often have stronger feet and better flexibility, which are more signs of a perfectly made body.

17. You find it easy to bulk up

image source: reddit.com
Muscle strength is actually hereditary, so if you find it easy to put on muscle mass when lifting weights or doing other muscle exercises, it's a sign that you've passed the genetic test. There's a reason why they say that some people are just naturally predisposed to bodybuilding, while everyone else is doomed to be weak.

18. You don't get tired easily

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image source: reddit.com
Fatigue is a sure-fire sign that you haven't really won the genetic lottery. If you rarely get tired when accomplishing every day tasks, or feel fine in the hours after a tough workout, then your genes are probably just better than other people's. Interestingly, though, breaking a sweat doesn't mean you're unfit - precisely the opposite, it means your body is used to exercise and knows exactly what to do!

19. You don't get sick a lot

image source: Reddit 
Your immune system controls a vast proportion of the body, which means if there's something inherently wrong  with it, then you'll know. The most obvious symptom is getting sick regularly. We all get winter colds (and even summer colds), but if you find yourself picking up a gross bug every month, your immune system probably just isn't in tip-top condition.

20. You have a regular menstrual cycle

image source: Reddit
For women, your menstrual system is a really easy way to see how naturally healthy you are. A regular cycle ranges from around 21 to 45 days, though you may see some discrepancy month-to-month depending on other environmental factors. If your cycle is really irregular - say, you get a period every 50 or 60 days, or it waivers per month - then it's a sign that something isn't quite right.

21. You have a lot of saliva

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image source: reddit.com
We reckon you've probably never noticed this before, but now you will. So, how much saliva do you produce? If the answer's 'a lot', that's a good sign. Producing sufficient amounts of saliva can prevent tooth decay, and is a general sign that you've inherited good genes.

22. You don't get headaches very often

image source: New York Magazine 
Everyone gets the odd headache now and again, especially if you're stressed or aren't eating or sleeping very well. Regular headaches, though, are a sign that all is not right. Migraines and headaches can be related to hormone imbalances, your immune system, or even your face shape (remember that dodgy jaw?)

23. You don't feel an afternoon dip in energy

image source: reddit.com
Tend to take a nap in the afternoon? This could be a sign that your body isn't really in top condition. You should be able to power through the day after a full night's sleep without feeling that afternoon dip. If that's not you, then you may have inherited some bad genes (or you're just drinking too much coffee in the morning!)

24. You don't break out in acne

image source: reddit.com
Acne is normal for most women, especially if you're in your teens. But getting regular, severe acne throughout your life could be a sign of a hormone imbalance, meaning that your body isn't really working the way that it should. In general, it's nothing to worry about though - you've just not had a lucky run in the lottery.

25. You don't have bleeding gums

image source: reddit.com
Your mouth can say a lot about your general health. We've already mentioned straight teeth, but another sign that you've won the health lottery is if you don't get bleeding gums. Some bleeding is normal, but if you notice it every evening, then it's a sign that your mouth isn't really healthy, and you might need to do something about it.

26. You don't get pins and needles very often

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image source: reddit.com
Pins and needles happens when our circulation to our hands or feet is cut off for a period. When the feeling comes back, you'll feel that uncomfortable prickling sensation as the blood rushes back. But if you get this feeling regularly, like every time you get up after being sat down, then it means you've inherited a bad circulatory system (it's always worth getting this checked out.)

27. Your jaw doesn't pop when you open it

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image source: reddit.com
Hear an awkward pop when you open your jaw up the whole way? This is a trait that is often passed down through genetics, and basically means that your jaw isn't hinging properly. If this doesn't happen, you can be happy - a dodgy temporomandibular joint can actually cause headaches, migraines, and problems with teeth.

28. Your joints don't hurt

image source: reddit.com
Most of us will get joint pain in our lives, whether because we've gone a little too hard on a run or just slept in a funny position. But joint pain can be a sign of bigger issues in your body. Having a good range of motion in all your joints and not suffering from pain when doing every day activities is a sign that you've been born with a body that works well.

29. Your pee is clear

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image source: reddit.com
Next time you go to the loo, check your wee. We know, it's gross, but it's worth it! If your urine is clear or very pale yellow, it's a sign that you're getting enough hydration and nutrients. Very dark colored wee could mean your body is struggling to get hydrated - which can be avoided by drinking enough water.

30. You can get up from sitting cross-legged with no help

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image source: reddit.com
An interesting test, and one that we bet you've never tried. According to some scientists, if you can get up from a cross-legged position without falling over, grabbing onto something, or needing other support, it could be a sign that you're naturally healthy and your genes are doing something right.

31. You don't have a history of genetic conditions in your family

image source: reddit.com
The top of the list of winning the genetic lottery has to be that you literally have the best genetics ever in terms of health problems or diseases. There's nothing you know that 'runs in your family' and nothing that you suffer with because three grandparents in a row all had it.

32. You don't have any problems with your teeth, ever

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You're very, very lucky in that no matter what you do, you're never given a slap on the wrist by your dentist. You can forget to brush for 3 days and never floss, and still never have a single cavity in your life. Your teeth are crystal white, and your dental bills are next to nothing.

33. Your circulation is the best ever

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Bad circulation is actually something that can run in your family, in terms of you being more likely to suffer from it if most of your family members have - especially in women. But you? You've never had a single problem with circulation. Your extremities are always warmed up.

34. You have loads of hair where it should be - and none where it shouldn't be

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You're truly blessed when you have a full head of hair, and don't have to battle with hair elsewhere on your body that you don't want, like those pesky chin or moustache hairs, or hair on your back or stomach. Having a full head of hair is one thing - having no problematic hair elsewhere is just jammy!

35. Your toes are perfectly sized and even

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Toes can often be very questionable if you've been given particularly bag genes - you may have weird shaped toes, double toes or toes all shapes and sizes that don't run in a nice row. But yours? Perfect toes, perfectly shaped and the ideal size that run evenly from big to small.

36. You don't suffer with IBS, ever

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Bowel issues and IBS can arise from a lot of environmental issues, like stress, or your diet - but it can also be a genetic thing sometimes. But you never, ever suffer with bowel problems, because your digestive system works like a well oiled machine, every. Single. Time.

37. Menstruation is a breeze for you

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This means you take the gold medal for the luckiest person in the world, if you NEVER have to battle with excruciating menstrual cramps or heavy flows that leak everywhere within 10 seconds of changing your pad. You're truly blessed if your period just feels like any other day.

38. Anxiety? Never heard of her

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It's believed that mental health issues, like depression and anxiety, can actually be genetic. It's not guaranteed, but it's likely if everyone in your family has mental health problems, it can increase your own risk. Even without this, most people these days suffer with anxiety - but you don't!

39. You never have to worry about over-sweating

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Excessive sweating is also something that could run in a family - and it's not a pleasant thing to have. A regular amount of sweating is annoying enough on hot days, but sweating for no reason whatsoever is a difficult thing to deal with. Thankfully, it's something you don't have to worry about!

40. You find maintaining the perfect weight easy peasy

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Genetics can often make it very difficult for some people to lose or put on weight. Some people can eat and eat and never put on weight - others can be as healthy and careful as possible and still put on weight. But you? It's the easiest thing in the world to get the weight you want!

41. You definitely don't have an addictive personality

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Addictive personalities are also believed to sometimes run in genetic lines, such as a line of family members addicted to alcohol or other substances. But you've never had to suffer with addictions of any kind, and you definitely don't fight against addictive or impulsive urges!

42. You haven't found a single grey hair (yet)

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If all your family members have gone grey at a similar age (like people who go grey very young, or even males who lose their hair very young) it's more likely children will go through the same. But you haven't found a single grey hair up to this point, even past the age you're supposed to get them!

43. You have no acne scars

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Not only have you never had to endure the acne battle, you now don't have to worry about a single acne scar, either. Your skin is blemish free as well as being free of any scarring from past skin issues or excess picking! This counts for anywhere on your body, too, not just the face!

44. Your boobs aren't heavy enough to cause you back pain

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Size of boobs can be one thing that's passed down the genetic line, if your family have always had a more generous bust. While most people want bigger boobs, too big can be very painful and cause back problems. But you have the perfect boobs that don't cause any problems!

45. You don't have any problems with alcohol

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If your family had a series of alcoholics from every generation, it's very likely you'd probably struggle with alcohol, too - but you don't have to worry about that, because you don't know anyone in your genetic line who's had a bad relationship with alcohol - and you certainly don't!

46. You don't have to battle with feet that won't fit shoes

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Luckily, your genetic pool has only seen the right size feet for those dainty shoes you want to wear! You don't have to struggle with wide, wide feet that don't fit in any shoes, ever - even the 'wide' ones. Your shoe size is also what's considered 'normal' for your age and gender.

47. You were blessed with a great natural hair color

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Hair color is obviously something that gets passed down to you based on genes, and there are some hair colors that just aren't as nice as others, let's be honest - or at least that's what society tells us. And although hair dye does exist, you've never had to touch the stuff, because your natural hair color is the best shade ever.

48. You don't have to worry about hayfever season

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Gah, hayfever is the worst - it can stop you in your tracks and make every simple task impossible. Hayfever can come in varying levels of seriousness, such as a simple sniffle to a serious face bloat and red eyes. But you don't have hayfever, on any level whatsoever!

49. Or any allergies, for that matter!

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Of course, an allergy to pollen isn't the only problematic allergy to worry about in the world. There are so, so many allergies out there, ranging from mildly inconvenient to life-altering. But you don't have a single allergy to your name, and you've never had to worry about it.

50. Your back is the picture-perfect spine

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Back problems are also something that can run down your genetic line, especially if it's something like weak bones, slipped discs or general spine health. And in terms of being lucky, having a perfect spine has got to be one of the luckiest, because having a healthy back is so important!

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