Gruesome Ways Serial Killers Dispose Of Their Victims

By Kirsty 2 years ago

Feeding Them To Alligators

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One serial killer named Joe Ball became known as The Alligator Man - and you can imagine why. He owned a tavern where he built a pool out back to fill with alligators - and after killing what's believed to be 20 women, he would feed their remains to his alligators.

Dissolving Them In An Acid Bath

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This is one most of us have seen in horror movies or crime TV shows (Breaking Bad, anyone?) but it's a very real and unfortunately very effective method. The Acid Bath Murderer, John Haigh, killed six people before dissolving their bodies in sulphuric acid and then pouring the remaining liquid down the drain.

Selling Them As Meat

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A serial killer named Robert Pickton already owned a pig farm, when he decided to chop up his victims and sell them as 'mincemeat'. He would use a rendering plant to convert the human remains into something... sellable. He even later admitted this was his 'favorite' method.

Feeding Them To Their Dogs

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As we know, man's best friend will eat any kind of meat if they're hungry enough - or if they trust their owner to not give them anything questionable. One serial killer in China was found guilty of killing 11 men, whose bodies he disposed of by dismembering and feeding pieces to his dog.

Burying Them In A Mass Grave

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A serial killer from Colombia known as 'The Beast' was responsible for the deaths of many young boys from as many as 54 different towns. After killing them, he made a mass grave to dispose of all the bodies. The gravesite, which was in a ravine, was later discovered, with the remains of 25 children.

Hiding Them In The Wall

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10 Rillington Place in London became a site of horror when the man who owned it became a serial killer - and even killed his wife. The home then became the gravesite of his victims, as John Christie then hid the body parts in the walls of the home. To make it worse, the bodies were discovered when new residents decided to renovate the house...

Feeding Them.. To Their Other Victims

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Gary Heidnik was another kind of evil. He would keep his female victims in his basement to torture them, which he did by filling the pit with water just enough to reach their necks and then using electric wire. When he killed a victim, he put them in a meat grinder, then fed them to the remaining victims.

Cooking And Eating Them: Then Gloating About It

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Is this worse than cooking victims and making the other victims eat the meat? You decide. Serial killer Albert Fish was not only a child serial killer, but a cannibal. He would cook and eat his victims, and then send letters to the children's families to tell them about what he'd done - and how long it had taken him to eat them.

Selling The Body Parts For Science

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Most people have heard of America's first serial killer H. H. Holmes and his infamous 'murder castle'. Because he was a doctor with medical connections, Holmes was actually able to sell parts of his victim's bodies 'for science' - he sold organs and skeletons to medical schools.

Turning Them Into Everyday Household Items

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One of the most disturbing serial killers was Ed Gein, believed to have inspired Leatherface in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. When police found evidence of Gein's crimes, it was to find that the monster had turned his victims into everyday household items, including skulls for bedposts, human nipples for a belt and masks of human skin.

Flushing Remains Down The Toilet

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Dennis Nilson from North London was a serial killer who tried to dispose of his many victims down the toilet in his home. Nilson's victims were local men he'd lured to his home, where he killed them, but not before he strangled them or drowned them - or even had sex with the bodies.

... And Clogging Up The Drains With Body Parts

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While Nilson thought flushing the remains would be the perfect way to get rid of evidence, he was wrong. His crimes were discovered after a plumber was called out by other residents of the building because of the awful smell - only to find bones and rotting flesh causing the clog.

Putting Them In A Blender And Drinking Them

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Richard Chase was a serial killer who was obsessed with blood, as well as necrophilia and cannibalism - so much so, that he became known as the Vampire of Sacramento. When he was a child, he put small animals in a blender so he could drink them - when he was an adult, he did the same with his victims...

Burning The Remains

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Many killers have believed that having their own bonfire is a surefire way to get rid of the evidence of human remains. The problem with this is that, unless you're using an industrial furnace, that open fire is going to attract attention - as well as let off a seriously horrid smell.

Burying Them Inside Their Home

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Burying is another obvious go-to, but serial killers are faced with the task of where to bury. Well, many decided that the safest place would be to bury their victims inside their homes. Many serial killers have had large properties with basements or cellars where they have dug their own gravesite.

Using A Fresh Grave That's Already Dug

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Some killers target graves which have already been dug for them - for somebody else's coffin in a cemetery or other gravesite. This is with the intention of hiding the victim's body in the same hole already dug for the official burial, so that nobody would suspect the site - or smell.

Dismembering The Bodies

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When disposing of a body, many killers latch on to the fact that an entirely intact body is more difficult to hide or dispose of. This has led many serial killers to dismember the body into more manageable pieces in order to bury them, burn them or dispose of them in the way they saw fit.

Dropping The Body Into The Ocean

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While this may sound like something from a mob movie - tying a lump of concrete to a body and dropping it into a bed of water - it's been a known way to dispose of victims. The reason for this is also because the water will help to speed up decomposition, as well as potentially hide any physical injuries.

Boiling The Body Parts To Break Them Down

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When thinking of ways serial killers have disposed of bodies, there are many gruesome things they've done before getting rid of them all together. Serial killers have been known to boil body parts after dismembering them in order to get rid of as much flesh from bone as possible. One was known to boil skulls in his kitchen.

Leaving The Bodies Out In Public To Be Found

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Another unfortunate fact is that some serial killers don't even want to hide the bodies. They want their victims to be found, so they can become famous or taunt the police. Examples of serial killers who purposefully left their victims bodies in public to be found include the Zodiac killer, and Jack the Ripper.

In Their Own Garden

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When you want to hide a body in the privacy of your own home, but you want it to be outside, the garden has seemed a logical choice for some serial killers if they have a big enough property. Victims have been known to be buried under the earth in the back gardens of killers.

Under Their Home's Floorboards

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What do you do if you don't have a garden to utilize? Apparently under the floorboards has been a go-to choice for some serial killers, too. In older properties which have traditional floorboards that can be pulled up with sufficient space underneath, killers would hide the bodies of victims.

In The Kitchen Cupboard

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Some serial killers work with the space they have in the home, in a gruesome fashion. One serial killer had actually hidden more than one victim inside his kitchen cupboard. It must have been a large cupboard, or else he dismembered the body first, but the smell must have been awful.

Running Bodies Through A Woodchipper

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When you want to break down your victims' bodies first before disposing of them, some serial killers turn to simply dismembering or - as mentioned - boiling or putting in a blender. But one killer who owned a farm actually put his victims' bodies through a woodchipper before feeding them to his pigs.

Leaving Them To Be Eaten By Wild Animals

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Ted Bundy was a notorious serial killer, and a notorious monster. He was eventually caught, but how did he try and dispose of his many victims' bodies first? He would leave them outside, to the elements and at the mercy of wild animals. He would leave the bodies in secluded areas which would attract the wild animals to eat the remains.

Burying Them In A Home's Crawl Space

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Crawl spaces are all kinds of messed up when it comes to horror movies and true crime, and with good reason. Serial killers with large homes would use the extra space to their advantage to hide bodies. Some killers would use the gaps in their home's crawl spaces to bury the bodies.

Carving Out The Victim's Eyes And Leaving Them To Be Found

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As mentioned, some serial killers don't want to hide the bodies, and relish in them being found. But that doesn't mean they don't do even more gruesome things to the bodies first. One serial killer was responsible for breaking into a home and carving out the eyes of one of his victims so that the body would be found that way.

Burying Them In Plastic Sheets

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A lot of serial killers decide to use some sort of material to wrap around the bodies before attempting to bury them, and plastic sheeting has been known to be a popular choice. This is presumably in the hope the smell would be contained, or else the body would be easy to carry or transport.

Throwing Them Onto Freeways

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A serial killer called William Bonin either didn't care about his victims being found, or hoped he could pass it off as a freeway accident - either way, he would throw his victims' bodies onto freeways after murdering them. To make it worse, imagine being the poor driver having that land on the road in front of you.

Burying Bodies Close By So They Could Go Back And Do The Deed With Them

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Some serial killers weren't content with disposing of their victims completely. Some wanted to return to their crimes to do even more terrible things. Serial killer Gary Ridgway would get rid of the bodies by burying them - but he purposefully buried them in shallow graves nearby, so that he could return to them whenever he pleased - to have sex with them.

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