The Most Evil Doctors & Nurses Of All Time

By Anna Collins 2 years ago

1. Amelia Dyer: pretended to adopt babies and murdered them

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Amelia Dyer has to be one of THE evilest nurses (and people) of all time. She was a trained nurse who was guilty of baby farming. Parents who could no longer care for their babies or parents who did not want their babies could pay Amelia Dyer to take them when she offered to adopt the babies. But, she would murder the babies within days by either drugging or smothering them. It is believed she killed around 400 infants.

2. Daniela Poggiali - she murdered and then took selfies with her victims

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Daniela Poggiali was an evil and twisted Italian nurse, who in 2014 was charged with murdering her patients. She was thought to have caused 96 deaths and perhaps even more. She boasted to police that she would kill patients who she regarded as troublesome. She stole from them, killed them...and then took selfies with them

3. Jane Toppan - her life goal was to kill more people than anybody

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Jane Toppan was an unthinkably evil nurse. She would inject her patients with a dose of morphine which would be fatal. After injecting them she would climb into their hospital bed and hold them until they died. Her life aim, as stated by her, was to kill more helpless people than anybody had ever done before. She was claimed as medically insane and took to a hospital for life. She was responsible for killing at least 33 people.

4. Arnfinn Nesseta: the nursing home murderer

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Arnfinn Nesseta was an evil Norwegian nurse working in a nursing home for some years. He injected elderly and vulnerable residents with a lethal drug and was found guilty of killing 22. But it is thought that the real figure is actually more like 140.

5. Harold Shipman: Doctor Death

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Harold Shipman aka Doctor Death is a renowned serial killer. He was a doctor who gave his patients an injection of diamorphine to kill them. While he was officially charged with 15 deaths he was actually responsible for murdering around 200 of the patients in his care.

6. Genene Jones: responsible for killing 60 babies

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Genene Jones was an official paediatric nurse from Texas who abused her power in the worst way imaginable. She would kill children by creating them a lethal combination of drugs and injecting them with it. It is thought that she killed around 60 young children during her career.

7. Edson Izidoro Guimaraes: a serial killer nurse

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Edson Izidoro Guimaraes was a Brazilian nurse and a serial killer. He claimed the life of around 130 people. He only admitted to 5, due to the evidence for these cases against him. Speculation assumes that the reason he did it was because he was paid a fee for reporting the deaths to funeral homes. Eventually he was stopped when a co-worker witnessed what he was doing. He was sentenced to 76 years in prison.

8. Niels Hoegel: an evil mind

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Nigel Hoegan was convicted of 85 murders but the real number cannot be known and is considered to be much more than what can be proven. He would inject patients with a drug that caused a medical emergency, and then right at the very last second of their life, he would start resuscitating them.

9. Charles Cullen: killing in plain sight

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Chalres Cullen lived and worked in New Jersey as a nurse. After 16 years of murdering, in 2003 he was finally caught. He admitted to murdering 40 people, but the real figure is estimated to be a huge amount more. Many of his colleagues suspected him but never reported him.

10. Stephan Letter: merciless murders

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Stephan Letter was working as a nurse from the years 2003-2004. He injected 29 elderly patients with a lethal concoction of drugs with the intention of killing them. Despite the known number of murder being 29 patients 80 people passed away while he was on duty. Letter then tried to claim that he was killing out of mercy.

11. Orville Lynn: killed 33% of his patients

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Orville Lynn committed a murdering spree which lasted 3 years. In that time, he claimed the lives of up to 130 patients, which was 33% of his overall patients. He claimed that he would murder a patient if they were too demanding or annoyed him in any way.

12. Richard Angelo: murdered people and tried to play the hero

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Richard Angelo was only working as a nurse for several months, but during this time he killed at LEAST around 35 people. He would inject them and then try to save them at the last minute to impress his colleagues. He was found out after an unapproved drug was found in the urine sample of one of his patients.

13. Kimberly Saenz: posed as a nurse and killed patients by injecting them with bleach

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Kimberley Saenz forged her last job application, acquiring a position she wasn't qualified for. While she was convicted of killing 5 patients it's thought she murders around 25. Before she worked at the hospital there has been two emergency assistance calls in 15 months. For the 30 days she worked there, there were 30 emergency assistance calls. She would kill her victims by injecting bleach into their blood.

14. Kristen Gilbert: the angel of death

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Kriste Gilbert was a nurse who worked with injured or ill war veterans. Due tot he fact that so many of her patients died her unsuspecting colleagues jokingly called her the angel of death. Until, it was really suspected that she was murdering her patients. It was then proven, and the number will never be fully known although the officially known number is that she was responsible for 4 murders.

15. Petr Zelenka: purposefully cased internal bleeding

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Zelenka would give his patients a drug that when it is left untreated, causes internal bleeding in the body. He claimed that the reason he was doing this was to test the doctors to see if they identified it in time. Several people died as a result, and it is thought he injected around 20 of his patients.

16. Elizabeth Tracy Mae Wettlaufer: a 'red surge' of anger

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A nurse from Canada named Elizabeth Tracy Mae Wettlaufer was a nurse for elderly patients. She was convicted of 8 murders, but there were perhaps more. She had confessed 4 times prior to being caught but nobody had taken her seriously. She described a red surge of anger which consumed her and led to her giving lethal injections to her patients.

17. Beverley Allitt: killed 13 children in 4 months

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Beverley Allitt was a nurse working in a children's British hospital. She injected children with unnecessary insulin and other methods of her murders remain unknown. She was responsible for killing 13 children. Some believe that she may have been motivated by her diagnosed Munchausen syndrome. She was given 13 life sentenced.

18. Herman Holmes: created a hotel to trap and murder his victims

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Herman Holmes was an American physician as well as the owner of a hotel. He had the hotel built so that he could capture and murder his victims. There were secret passageways and rooms for example. His victim of choice would be young women, and once he had trapped them he would torture them.  He is thought to have killed around 200 people.

19. Michael Rosin: sexually abused his patients

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Michael Rosin was a sick and twisted American physician who abused his power to sexually abuse young girls who were also his patients under his care. He had abused sexual abuse countless times on many different victims. Often, he would use a false medical excuse to enable him to sexually assault his patients.

20. Linda Hazzard: starved people to death

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Linda Hazzard was a physician and she claimed that she had special methods of treatments, such as intense fasting. But, she inflicted these methods upon her patients, not allowing them to eat and starving them for weeks or months, resulting in many patients dying or suffering extreme medical issues.

21. Farid Feta: inflicted unnecessary chemotherapy on his patients

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Farid Feta was an American doctor who committed healthcare fraud, performing unnecessary practices. For example, he put several of his patients through chemotherapy when they had no need of it. He was billing companies millions for his procedures, which were not needed. Not only did patients unnecessarily suffer, they became really sick, suffered pain and permanent damage and some even died.

22. Michael Swango: poisoned 60 of his patients

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Michael Swango is thought to have murdered as many as 60 of his patients. He was a doctor working in hospital and he was found to be injecting his patients with potassium chloride, causing his patients to die. Finally, an investigation led to his arrest and him being charged.

23. Gwendolyn Graham and Cathy Wood: a lethal romance

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Gwendolyn Graham and Cathy Wood were two American nurses who struck up a romance. From here, they started to work together to murder their patients. They worked at a nursing home where they suffocated several residents. The reason they were caught is that a co-worker overheard them planning the death of their next victim.

24. James Burt: raped his patients

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James Burt was an American doctor in the 1990s who sexually assaulted and raped his patients. He worked as a gynaecologist and he would drug his patients and then rape them. Finally, some of his victims came forward to speak out against what Burt had done to them and he was eventually convicted.

25. Lucy Letby: killed new born babies

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Lucy Letby in 2022 was convicted for being a serial killer. The police found letters of admission in her home where she claimed she did murder babies and she was evil. She was 32 years old and she was a nurse who worked with new born babies. She was responsible for killing several new born babies and trying to kill 10 more by injecting them with air. She killed two brothers from a set of triplets and attempted to kill the last sibling.

26. Marcel Petiot: offering patients an escape, only to murder them

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Marcel Petiot worked as a doctor during World War II. He offered these patients an escape route out of Nazi-Germany, but instead he murdered them and hid their body's. At a guess, it is thought that he committed around 60 murders however the number could have been even higher. He was found guilty and sentenced to death.

27. Anthony Garcia: fatal acts of revenge

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Anthony Garcia committed multiple murders during his time working as a doctor in Nebraska. At first, he went to the home of two elderly patients, husband and wife and murdered them. Then, he killed the son and housekeeper of a doctor who had fired him previously as an act of revenge.

28. Carlos Souza: fatal injections of insulin

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In 2014 Carlos Souza was found to be guilty of murdering patients, at least 4. He would inject them with a fatal dose of insulin. Due to many of his patients dying, an investigation was launched where it was learned he was doing it deliberately. He was charged with the murder of multiple people and jailed.

29.  Amir Marashi: Exploiting patients and defrauding the healthcare system

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Amir Marashi was a doctor who abused his power, he would perform treatments and surgeries on patients who did not need them for the purpose of defrauding companies for money. But, many of these patients were severely ill or affected as a result of these treatments that hey did not even need.

30. Anna Pou: killed victims with lifelong injuries

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Anna Pou worked at a hospital in New Orleans during the aftermath of the hurricane Katrina. After the hurricane, Pou killed several of the patients who had been affected. These patients were suffering life long illnesses or injuries and argued these were mercy killings. After being charged, they were dropped after some time and she was never convicted.

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