1. Dequan Stribling

(Image/ Source: wkrg.com)
Instead of doing what other kids would do like going to the movies or playing video games, Dequan Stribling and two friends decided on something horrific; they killed a 70-year-old man. The callous crime took place in Mississippi, and Dequan was just 13 at the time. He and his friends were charged with murder.
2. Jayce West

(Image/ Source: nbc4.com)
14-year-old Jayce West was charged with murder along with his pal Dequan. After they decided to shoot a man in cold blood, it was revealed that their motive was a robbery gone wrong. Under Mississippi law, a minor who is charged with a felony can be charged as an adult in circuit court, so Jayce was tried as an adult for his crime.
3. Quindaris Burress

(Image/ Source: dailymail.co.uk)
After being charged with murder with friends Dequan and Jayce, Quindaris Burress is still awaiting trial. His sister has spoken out about his upbringing, and claims Quindaris was born into a chaotic household rife with dr*gs. He was taken to a behavioral treatment center aged 9, and he was two years behind at school by the time he was 11. He’s still at an adult detention center in Tupelo.
4. Jasmine Richardson

(Image/ Source: allthat'sinteresting.com)
In 2006, the bodies of husband and wife Marc and Debra Richardson were found, alongside their eight-year-old son. Their 12-year-old daughter wasn’t found at the scene, but many presumed she was also killed. Turns out she and her 23-year-old boyfriend Jeremy Allan Steinke had decided to murder them. Their motivation? Marc and Debra weren’t happy about their eleven-year age gap.
5. Eric Smith
(Image/ Source: knopnews2.com)
While riding his bike in Steuben County, New York in 1993, 13-year-old Eric Smith bumped into a four-year-old boy called Derrick Robie. He lured Derrick to a wooden area and strangled him before dropping two large rocks on his head. Eric is serving life in prison, and has been refused parole eight times. Psychologists believe he’ll never be able to be released back into society.
6. Lionel Tate

(Image/ Source: nbcnews.com)
Lionel Tate killed six-year-old Tiffany Eunick while his mother babysat her. He was just 13 at the time. After playing with her for 45 minutes, he told his mum she wasn’t breathing. He had got her in a headlock and smashed her head against a table. Lionel is the youngest ever person to be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole in the US.
7. Craig Price

(Image/ Source: swordandscale.com)
Craig Price had become a serial killer before his 16
th birthday. After breaking into properties in Rhode Island while high on LSD at 13 years old, he st*bbed Rebecca Spencer 58 times. He then went on to kill three more of his neighbours. He’s mocked the victims of his crimes, and will spend his entire life in prison.
8. Alyssa Bustamante

(Image/ Source: allthatsinteresting.com)
Back in 2009, Alyssa Bustamante lured her 9-year-old neighbour Elizabeth Olten to some woods and strangled her. She sl*t her throat and wrist and buried her in a shallow grave. Alyssa later wrote in her diary that the killing was “pretty enjoyable”. She was later charged with first-degree murder and tried as an adult, getting a life sentence.
9. Morgan Leppert

(Image/ Source: thesun.co.uk)
Morgan was 15 years old when she and her boyfriend, Toby Lee Lowry, killed pensioner James Stewart at his home in Florida. She later told detectives that her boyfriend told her to st*b him, and he testified against her to avoid the death penalty. The pair claim they only wanted to steal his car, and never intended to kill him.
10. Joshua Phillips

(Image/ Source: youtube.com)
When he was playing with a baseball bat at home in Jacksonville, Florida, he struck 8-year-old Maddie Clifton in the eye by accident. As her eye started to bleed, he panicked, and strangled her with a phone cord. He went on to st*b her repeatedly. While he’d shown no prior signs of violence, he was charged as an adult with murder and sentenced to life in prison.
11. Jon Venables

(Image/ Source: theguardian.com)
Jon Venables, along with his friend and accomplice, was just ten years old when he became a murderer. He killed 2-year-old James Bulger in 1993, making him and his friend the youngest convicted murderers in England. After he was released from prison in 2001, he has reoffended four times on charges including child p*rn*graphy.
12. Robert Thompson

(Image/ Source: thesun.co.uk)
Along with his friend Jon Venables, Robert Thompson was charged with the murder and torture of James Bulger. He was released from prison at 18 with a new identity, and has not reoffended since. This identity is protected by a worldwide injunction, which means that you could end up in jail if you try and find out where he lives.
13. Danny Preddie

(Image/ Source: thesun.co.uk)
Danny was just 13 years old when he and his brother Ricky decided to attack 10-year-old Damiola Taylor in 2000. He was walking home from the library when he received a gash from a broken bottle by the brothers, and he eventually bled to death. Danny and Ricky were sentenced to eight years in custody and charged with manslaughter.
14. Ricky Preddie

(Image/ Source: mirror.co.uk)
Ricky is one year older than brother Danny. He’s been in and out of trouble with the police since he was sentenced for killing Damiola; he’s been in gangs, breached his bail conditions, and has repeatedly beat up other prisoners in jail. And in 2019, he was sentenced for trying to run over a police officer.
15. Aaron Campbell

(Image/ Source: dailyrecord.com)
Aaron Campbell abducted, r*ped and killed 6-year-old Alesha MacPhail in his native Scotland in 2018. He caused catastrophic injuries before dumping her in the middle of a wood. He was found guilty of murder, and has apparently shown no remorse whatsoever for his crimes. His fellow prison inmates have attack him on a regular basis.
16. Cristian Fernandez

(Image/ Source: actionnewsjax.com)
Cristian’s crimes are controversial. He was twelve when he smashed his 2 year old brother’s head against a wall. When his mom arrived home, his brother was still unconscious, but his mom just wiped the blood off his head and left it at that. Cristian was initially tried as an adult for murder when his brother succumbed to his injuries, but the charges were eventually changed to manslaughter.
17. Jordan Brown

(Image/ Source: post-gazette.com)
Back in 2009, Jordan Brown shot his dad’s fiance, Kenzie Houk, who was eight months pregnant at the time. Jordan was just eleven years old at the time, and had killed Kenzie with a gun his father had gifted him. He was tried as an adult for his crime and served part of his sentence until he was exonerated in 2018.
18. Daniel Bartlam

(Image/ Source: nottinghampost.co.uk)
Daniel Bartlam was fourteen when he decided to kill his mom. His mother Jacqui had recently split from his dad, and Daniel started showing some worrying behavior. He was becoming increasingly violent at his new state school, and became obsessed with other children who had become killers. He’s been jailed for life.
19. Santre Sanchez Gayle

(Image/ Source: theguardian.com)
Santre is known as the UK’s youngest ‘contract’ killer. He was involved in gangs from a young age after growing up in a dysfunctional household, and would often take part in violent crimes and robberies to impress his fellow gang members. He was contracted to kill Turkish mom Gulistan Subasi in 2010 for just over 200 dollars.
20. Alex King

(Image/ Source: cbsnews.com)
Alex and his brother Derek decided to murder their own father while he slept on the couch of their Florida home in 2001. Alex and Derek had lived in separate foster homes for most of their lives, but something clearly went wrong when the pair reunited. They beat their dad with a baseball bat and then set the house on fire.
21. Derek King

(Image/ Source: nbcnews.com)
After the both turned themselves in on the advice of family friend Rick Chavis, the boys confessed. They were charged with third-degree arson and murder after it was revealed that Rick has persuaded the boys to kill their dad. They have no both been released from prison and attend the same community college.
22. Simon Evans

(Image/ Source: bbc.com)
In the summer of 2012, Simon Evans caused shockwaves across the world when it was discovered he and two friends had murdered a homeless man. Simon was just 14 at the time. He spent a lot of time with Connor and Brandon Doran, brothers from a troubled background, and they all tried to blame each other for the man’s murder in court. Simon was sentenced to eight years in prison.
23. Brandon Doran

(Image/ Source: liverpoolecho.co.uk)
Fourteen-year-old Brandon Doran kept watch for Simon and Connor while they kicked their victim to death. He and his brother ran wild most evenings in Liverpool, England, and rarely attended school. Brendan was sentenced to six years in prison, and applied for an early chance of parole, which he later lost.
24. Connor Doran

(Image/ Source: irishmirror.co.uk)
Connor Doran was the ringleader of his group. The seventeen-year-old was the one who initiated the murder of homeless man Kevin Bennett, and showed no remorse for his crimes. He was sentenced to at least twelve years in prison, and his mom was sentenced to thirty months for providing false alibis for Connor after she claimed he was “sick in bed” at the time of the murder.
25. Amarjeet Sada

(Image/Source: mamamia.com)
Amarjeet Sada is the youngest known serial killer in the world. Living in the village of Mushahari in India, the seven-year-old reportedly killed his six-year-old cousin before killing his eight-month-old sister. Apparently his family members tried to protect him from the law, but they caught up with him after he kidnapped a neighfbor’s baby and killed her.
26. James Fairweather

(Image/ Source: guardian.co.uk)
James Fairweather was fifteen years old when he carried out multiple murders. When he encountered dad of five James Attfield lying on the grass in a park, he decided to st*b him 102 times before fleeing the scene. He then killed student Nadia Alamanea months later. James was eventually spotted by police holding a knife when he was looking for his next victim. He confessed to his crimes, and told police that voices in his head were telling him to kill people and burn babies.
27. Mary Flora Bell

(Image/ Source: auralcrave.com)
Back in 1968, eleven-year-old Mary Flora Bell claimed her first murder victim. She strangled four-year-old Martin Brown, and abandoned him outside an old house. She apparently killed because she thought it was fun, so she went on to murder a three-year-old just a few months later. Mary was released from prison in 1980, and won a court ruling that gave her daughter and granddaughter anonymity.
28. Willie James Bosket Jr

(Image/ Source: nytimes.com)
Willie Bosket is apparently THE most dangerous inmate in New York. He hit the headlines back in the 1970s when the fifteen-year-old shot two men during a robbery attempt, and was jailed for five years. After he was released, he carried on his crimes spree, and later confessed to about 2000 crimes in total. This forced the state of New York to change its juvenile law to sentence children from 13 years of age just as adults, which is now known as the Willie Bosket Law.
29. Harvey Robinson

(Image/ Source: allthatsinteresting.com)
Harvey was just seventeen years old when he started killing women in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He murdered and r*ped three women and tried to kill a fourth, but she managed to escape and alert the authorities. He was sentenced to 97 years at 19 years of age, and he’s currently sat on death row for his crimes.
30. Jesse Pomeroy

(Image/ Source: allthatsinteresting.com)
Jesse is described as one of the most savage child killers in history. The fourteen-year-old brutally tortured his victims with knives and s*xually abused younger boys. He killed three children before he was sentenced, and later released an autobiography that claimed that he must be insane if he can commit such crimes.
31. The Bever Brothers

image source: ktul.com
These two brothers hail from Oklahoma, USA, and they decided that they wanted to commit a crime even worse than the Columbine shooting that had recently happened. What they decided would be worse was to brutally stab to death both of their parents, their 2 younger brothers and their 5-year-old sister. Their 13 year old sister, whose throat they'd slit, managed to survive.
32. Joseph McVay

image source: thecrimewire.com
Back in this 2011, 11-year-old Joseph McVay was asked by his mother to bring in some firewood. Instead, Joseph went upstairs to get a gun because he didn't want to do chores. He shot his mother in the head, killing her, and a concerned neighbor called the police.
33. Kim Edwards And Lucas Markham

image source: bbc.com
Double trouble you might say, this murderous couple at only 15 years old decided to kill Edwards' mother and little sister. This apparently happened because Kim thought she wasn't getting enough attention from her mother, so killed them in their sleep by attacking them with a knife and then smothering them to death.
34. Will Cornick

image source: theguardian.com
Will Cornick wouldn't be the first 15-year-old to get annoyed by his teacher - but what he was to his 61-year-old Spanish tutor was unforgivable. While teacher Ann Maguire was leaning over another student's desk, Will took out a knife and attacked her in front of the whole class. She died from her wounds.
35. Nehemiah Griego

image source: lasvegassun.com
This 15 year old woke up one day and decided to murder his family. For no reason. He got a rifle and then went and shot his mother while she slept. When his young brother came in, he shot him too. He then went to the room of his two young sisters and killed them both. When his father came home from work, he shot him as well.
36. Jake Evans

image source: fortworthstartelegram.com
Inspired by the remake of the movie Halloween, 15-year-old Jake set out to murder his family. His initial plan was to kill his mother and sister who he shared a home with, and then go to his grandparents' to kill them and his older sister. He got as far as killing his mom and sister before calling 911 on himself.
37. Jarrell Milton

image source: skynews.com
At only 12 years old, Jarrell Milton had planned to rob a couple of drug dealers. When the pair of dealers arrived in the park chosen for the exchange - in Omaha, Nebraska - they were attacked by Milton, his brother and his friend. One of the dealers was shot in the head and neck and died, while the other was shot in the shoulder and survived.
38. William Schultz

image source: cbsnews.com
At 18 years old, William Shultz for some reason thought the world was ending, and he wanted to try a few things he'd never done before - including killing another person. He decided to choose a child, because they were "weak", and proceeded to break into a house and stab a 9-year-old to death while he slept.
39. Bobby Woods Jr.

image source: cbsnews.com
At 17 years old, Bobby was in a relationship with a woman who was pregnant, and was living with her along with a 3-year-old who was his girlfriend's nephew. When he decided their house was too small for two kids, he took the 3-year-old to a pond and pushed him in, where he drowned.
40. Graham Young

image source: themirror.com
Graham Young was a 14 year old who was very interested in chemistry - nothing suspicious about that if a young teen enjoys a bit of science. The problem was when he started experimenting on people - his own family and friends - with poison, causing more than one death.
41. Edmund Kemper

image source: top10ish.com
You may have heard of the serial killer Edmund Kemper, after shows like Mindhunter. The killer actually started very young, though. At only 15 years old, he shot and killed both his grandfather and grandmother. After serving his jail sentenced, he was released at 21 years old and then went on to become one of the world's most famous killers.
42. The Girls Who Murdered Angela Wrightson

image source: bbc.com
The two teenage girls who murdered Angela Wrightson (pictured here) in 2014 remain unnamed due to legal reasons - but the horrors they committed aren't secret. The 13 and 14 year olds had gone into the home of vulnerable adult Wrightson and subjected her to slow torture with a variety of objects before they eventually killed her.
43. Sharon Carr

image source: emadion.com
Sharon Carr was only 12 years old when she stabbed and killed an 18 year old woman - and when once wasn't enough, she stabbed her 32 times. Some of them were so forceful they went completely through the victim's body. Some of the stab wounds included to her vagina and anus, as killer Carr said she got 'sexual pleasure' from killing.
44. Carl Newton Mahan

image source: murderpedia.org
This 6 year old boy from Kentucky became a murderer when he killed his young friend after a simple argument. He went home to get his father's shotgun and then ran back outside to tell his 8 year old friend that he was going to shoot him - and that's exactly what he did.
45. Dedrick Owens

image source: youtube.com
6 year old Dedrick Owens was at school one day when he got into an argument with his 6 year old classmate, Kayla Rolland. In the middle of class, he pulled out a gun and after telling Kayla that he didn't like her, he shot her. Dedrick put the gun back in his desk, while Kayla died from her wounds.
46. Carroll Cole

image source: vocalmedia.com
Famous serial killer Carroll Cole was only 8 years old when he first committed murder - the problem was, nobody knew he'd done it at 8 years old until he confessed to all his murders in adulthood. He had murdered a classmate at the time by drowning him in a lake.
47. Patrick Knowles

image source: teessidelive.com
When the body of a baby boy was found in an old ironworks, buried under rubble and sand, it was later discovered the baby - only 15 months old - had died from suffocation after being buried alive. Patrick Knowles later turned out to be the 8 year old responsible.
48. Christian Romero

image source: dailymail.com
Romero was only 8 years old when he killed his own father, and another man. He only admitted to the murder when he was in his teenage years. He became one of America's youngest killers when he used a hunting rifle to shoot his father and his father's friend. The boy's photo was never released, and this picture shows his defense attorney.
49. Kyle Alwood

image source: cbsnews.com
Kyle Alwood was not only a dangerous murdering kid, but an arsonist. At only 9 years old, he started a fire in a mobile home which killed five of his family members inside, burning them to death. The tragic deaths were of three children, all under three years old, along with two adults.
50. The Sasebo Slasher

image source: medium.com
The girl referred to only as 'Girl A' and responsible for the Sasebo Slashing was an 11-year-old girl in Japan who fatally stabbed her classmate, Satomi Mitari. The murderous 11-year-old had proceeded to cut Mitari's throat and arms with a box cutter in an empty classroom on their lunch break.
51. The Most Monstrous Child Murders In History: Abraão José Bueno, Overdosing Babies

image source: list25.com
Abraão José Bueno, a Brazilian nurse, faced arrest in 2005 on charges of administering overdoses of sedatives to infants and children afflicted with leukemia or AIDS. While Bueno made efforts to resuscitate each child following the overdoses, unfortunately, four of them did not survive. Consequently, he received a 110-year prison sentence.
52. Robert Black, The Murder Of Little Girls

image source: list25.com
Between 1981 and 1986, Robert Black, a Scottish serial killer, abducted, sexually assaulted, raped, and murdered four young girls aged five to eleven. In 1990, he was apprehended while attempting to kidnap another girl. Diagnosed as a psychopath, he received a life sentence in prison.
53. Albert Fish, Child Serial Killer

image source: list25.com
Albert Fish, commonly referred to as the "Gray Man," stood out as one of the infamous American child serial killers during the 1920s. Convicted of the murders of three children, he openly admitted to sexually assaulting children across various states in the United States. In 1934, he was arrested and subsequently executed in 1936.
54. Anthony Kirkland, Child Murderer

image source: list25.com
Kirkland was first sent to prison for murdering his own girlfriend, but then went on to be released - and tragically committed further horrific crimes. He r*ped and murdered three children between 2006 and 2009, until he was eventually caught and put to death for his crimes.
55. Westley Allan Dodd, Molest And Murder

image source: list25.com
In 1989, Westley Allan Dodd molested and killed three children, leading to his death sentence in 1990. The first legal hanging in the United States since 1965 was carried out when Dodd was executed by hanging in 1993 - a death sentence well deserved.
56. Francisca Ballesteros, Poisoning Her Own Baby

image source: list25.com
Francisca Ballesteros, a Spanish woman, committed her first act of poisoning in 1990 when her five-month-old daughter fell victim. Fourteen years later, driven by a desire to start a new life with a man she met online, she proceeded to complete her dark intentions by killing her husband and another daughter. Additionally, she attempted to poison her twelve-year-old son, who fortunately survived.
57. Ian Brady, The Moors Murders

image source: list25.com
In the mid-sixties, Ian Brady and his accomplice, Myra Hindley, took the lives of five children aged ten to seventeen. The victims endured both sexual abuse and murder. Upon Brady's arrest in 1965, he asserted mental health issues as a means to evade the death penalty. Subsequently, he has been confined to a high-security mental institution for nearly fifty years.
58. Myra Hindley, The Moors Murders

image source: list25.com
Myra Hindley gained the infamous moniker "Most Evil Woman in Britain" following her arrest for the rape and murder of five innocent children alongside her boyfriend, Ian Brady. During her years in prison, she contended that she had been coerced by Brady, as he allegedly blackmailed her into assisting with his perverse desires. In 2002, she passed away in prison from a heart attack.
59. Marybeth Tinning, Killed Her Own Nine Children

image source: list25.com
Marybeth Tinning stands among the most disturbed women in history, having murdered her nine children between 1972 and 1985. Despite the suspicious circumstances surrounding the deaths of her babies over a little more than a decade, Tinning managed to evade detection until a laboratory test pinpointed smothering as the cause of her ninth child's demise.
60. Tommy Lynn Sells, Child Killing Spree

image source: list25.com
Tommy Lynn Sells is believed by police to have murdered at least twenty-two people. He technically began his murderous activity when he was a teenager himself since he claimed killing a pedophile at sixteen. Five years later, at twenty-one, he killed a woman and her son because she stole from him and her four-year-old son had the bad luck of being a witness to the act. He went on to kill three more children until he was arrested in 1999.
61. Mohammed Bijah, Child Serial Killer

image source: list25.com
Iranian serial killer Mohammed Bijah wasn't just a killer, but he also confessed to r*ping his victims: namely, sixteen young boys who were aged between eight and sixteen. He was sentenced to receive 100 lashes in front of the public, and then executed by hanging.
62. Ramadan Abdel Rehim Mansour, Murdered At Least Thirty Two Children

image source: list25.com
This Egyptian street gang leader was also operating as a serial killer who took the lives of at least thirty two children over the period of several years, and in various locations throughout Egypt. His victims ranged from aged ten to aged fourteen, until he was eventually caught and sentenced to death.
63. John Joubert, The 'Family Man'

image source: list25.com
John Joubert, despite presenting the façade of a genuine family man and professional, was, in reality, a ruthless serial killer who took the lives of three young boys in the early eighties. While Joubert admitted to the killing of two boys, he was officially charged with the murder of all three on January 12, 1984.
64. Kathleen Folbigg, Who Kept A Diary Of Her Crimes

image source: list25.com
Kathleen Folbigg, a serial killer, took the lives of four children, including three of her own. Her arrest followed the discovery of her diary by her husband, wherein she detailed her reprehensible criminal acts extensively. Despite her assertion during the trial that all the children died of natural causes, she was sentenced to thirty years in prison.
65. Anatoly Slivko, Soviet Serial Killer

image source: list25.com
When the communist regime was at its peak, Anatoly Slivko was one of the most well known serial killers of this time. He was responsible for the murder of seven young boys, between seven and seventeen years of age, over a twenty year period until he was finally sentenced.
66. Dagmar Overbye, Killed Her Own Child And Others

image source: list25.com
Dagmar Overbye, a Danish serial killer, perpetrated the murders of twenty-five children, which included her own child, over the period spanning 1913 to 1920. All of her victims, predominantly helpless infants, were under her care. In 1921, she received a death sentence and ultimately passed away in prison in 1929.
67. Anísio Ferreira de Sousa, The Evil Doctor

image source: list25.com
This Brazilian doctor was responsible for the deaths of nineteen young boys back in the 1990s. It was uncovered during his trial that he was actually part of a cult that preyed on little children to abuse, mutilate and kill. He was convicted of the murders and sentenced to prison.
68. Norman Afzal Simons, The Station Strangler

image source: list25.com
Norman Afzal Simons gained notoriety throughout South Africa as the "Station Strangler" due to his pattern of luring victims from train stations, followed by committing acts of rape and strangulation. Between 1986 and 1994, Simons was responsible for the deaths of twenty-two individuals, including several children.
69. Andrei Chikatilo, The Rostov Ripper

image source: list25.com
Andrei Chikatilo, famously recognized as the "Rostov Ripper," sent shockwaves through the world and the stringent Soviet regime when he confessed to the rape and murder of fifty-two women and children between 1978 and 1990. In October 1992, he was handed the death penalty for these gruesome crimes and subsequently executed in February 1994.
70. Miyuki Ishikawa, The Murderous Midwife

image source: list25.com
Miyuki Ishikawa, a once highly respected Japanese midwife overseeing a maternity hospital, perpetrated a series of heinous crimes in the 1940s. Her actions resulted in the estimated deaths of over one hundred infants due to blatant neglect. Upon her arrest, she calmly justified her acts.
71. Serhiy Tkach, The Former Police Investigator

image source: list25.com
This former Ukrainian police criminal investigator actually claimed to have been responsible for the deaths of over one hundred women and children. He was only found guilty of the abuse and murder of thirty-six of them, despite claiming more.
72. Javed Iqbal, The Pakistani Serial Killer

image source: list25.com
Over one hundred children were the tragic victims of this serial killer, who not only murdered them, but r*ped them, too. He was responsible for his own arrest after writing a letter to the authorities to admit that he had killed boys between the ages of six and sixteen.
73. Daniel Camargo Barbosa, Killed Over 150 Girls
image source: list25.com
Barbosa, a Colombian serial killer, committed the horrific crimes of raping and murdering more than 150 girls throughout the seventies and eighties. In 1989, he was apprehended and subsequently convicted, receiving a surprisingly light sentence of sixteen years in prison. However, justice took a different turn in 1994 when Luis Masache Narvaez, a cousin of one of Barbosa's victims, took matters into his own hands and murdered Barbosa while he was in prison.
74. Luis Garavito, Killed Young Boys

image source: list25.com
This Colombian individual, a monstrous presence in human form, committed the abhorrent acts of raping, torturing, and murdering 138 young boys before his capture in 1999. Many of these victims were homeless or came from impoverished families, a vulnerability that Garavito exploited by luring them with gifts, food, and money, only to subject them to vicious torture before raping and ending their lives.
75. Pedro Lopez, Child Serial Killer

image source: list25.com
Pedro Lopez stands as another illustration of a serial killer who exploited the alarmingly corrupt Colombian justice system. It is estimated that he raped and murdered over three hundred young girls across South America between 1969 and 1980. Despite being arrested for his heinous crimes in the early eighties, he was astonishingly released fourteen years later, allowing him to continue claiming innocent lives. His final arrest for committing murder occurred in 2002.
76. Victoria Martens' Murder
image source: yahoonews.com
Police in New Mexico found a blanket containing the dismembered remains of 10 year old Victoria Martens. It was found she'd been injected with meth before being r*ped, choked, stabbed and wrapped in the blanket which was then set on fire. Her own family members were later found guilty.
77. Shaun and Delylah Tara
image source: ksbw.com
Shaun Tara, Delylah Tara and their 9-year-old sister were living with their aunt and her boyfriend when they were beaten, starved and tortured for years. Their aunt admitted to wanting to kill Shaun and Delylah because their sister stole food, and pled guilty to murder.
78. Davontae Williams

image source: wix.com
Davontae was a mentally disabled child who was abused in his own mother's home by his mother and her partner. The abuse continued to the point of Davontae's tragic death, with police finding over 250 injuries that they could see on his body. Both his mother and her partner were charged.
79. Rashid Bryant
image source: miamiherald.com
Rashid was only alive for 22 months before his tragic death. Before his murder, there were over 20 complaints made against his caregivers for abuse and neglect. His injuries included broken ribs and a cracked skull before he ultimately died from the neglect.
80. Bella Bond

image source: bostonherald.com
When a dog walker found a bag of human remains, it was discovered to be the remains of a 2-year-old girl named Bella. Bella's own mother and her boyfriend were arrested for the murder, after a neighbor alerted the police that the couple had suddenly got rid of all Bella's belongings and signs of her existence.
81. Olivia Gant
image source: cbsnews.com
Olivia's story began as a tragic case of a young girl who got very sick and had her last days made more special by the Make-A-Wish foundation. However, it was later found that Olivia hadn't fallen ill and died through natural causes at all - and that her own mother had been making her sick, causing her death.
82. Keyontae Holzendorf
image source: abc13.com
Keyontae was found dead in a motel room at only eight years old. His own mother had bound and gagged him before beating him to death. His body was found with a series of horrific injuries, and he'd choked on his own blood after having his teeth knocked out.
83. Alejandro Ripley

image source: nbcnews.com
Alejandro's mother had called the police to report that he'd been kidnapped by two black men. After police became suspicious, she later admitted that she'd made up the kidnapping, and drowned her own son in the canal and that he would be in "a better place".
84. Jax Ponomarenko
image source: fox8news.com
Jax's father called the police to report that he'd killed his son, after beating him to death with a baseball bat. The five year old had been left alone with a father who had already been investigated for child endangerment more than once. His father had also told police that he'd been hearing voices.
85. Paul Booth
image source: teessidelive.com
19-month-old Paul Booth was murdered by his stepfather, who was found unconscious in his bedroom before being taken to hospital where he tragically passed away. It was Paul's own brother who later told police what he'd witnessed: that their stepfather had swung Paul by his legs into a brick wall.
86. The Tragic Unsolved Child Murders: Carol Ann Stephens
image source: listverse.com
On April 7, 1959, 6-year-old Carol Ann Stephens joyfully informed her mother, Mavis, that she was going outside to play. Leaving her home in Cardiff, Wales, Carol was tragically never seen alive again. The community, along with the police, launched extensive search efforts to locate her. Sadly, two weeks after her disappearance, a surveyor made a heart-wrenching discovery: Carol's lifeless body floating in a river culvert near Horeb.
87. Siphamandla Madikane

image source: listverse.com
In November 2013, 10-year-old Siphamandla Madikane disappeared while playing with friends in the Ramaphosa informal settlement in Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg. When questioned by the police, his friends recounted a disturbing encounter with a man who had been observing them play and later approached. A few days later, a community member discovered a body while walking through the veld – it was Siphamandla.
88. Michelle Garvey

image source: listverse.com
After over 30 years of being missing, 15-year-old Michelle Garvey was conclusively identified in Texas as the victim of a homicide. On July 1, 1982, a body was uncovered in a Texas field, revealing a teenage girl who had been strangled and likely subjected to s*xual assault.
89. Rikki Neave

image source: listverse.com
Rikki Neave's short life was marred by severe hardship before it tragically ended at the tender age of 6. By the age of 3, his mother had subjected him to repeated instances of neglect. On November 28, 1994, Rikki left for school and never returned. The following day, his naked body was discovered in the woods near his home, having been strangled.
90. Clare Morrison
image source: listverse.com
On December 18, 1992, 13-year-old Clare Morrison, along with her friend, visited Geelong Mall in Victoria, Australia. Clare informed her friend that she intended to take the bus home to retrieve some money for Christmas shopping and never returned. The next day, her nearly naked body was discovered near Bells Beach, showing signs of having been beaten, strangled, and bitten by a shark.
91. Baby In The Mail Bag

image source: listverse.com
On May 11, 1965, John Polishuk, a postal clerk in Darwin, noticed an unclaimed parcel exhibiting signs of sagging due to an unidentified liquid seeping through. Opening the parcel, he was horrified to discover the body of a tiny baby. The infant, naked and haphazardly crammed into the mailbag, shocked Polishuk. A post-mortem examination revealed that the baby was only a few hours old when someone had tied a stocking around his neck, resulting in strangulation.
92. Elsie Frost

image source: listverse.com
On October 9, 1965, 14-year-old Elsie Frost enjoyed a pleasant afternoon at a sailing club on Horbury Lagoon. Elsie chose to walk through another tunnel beneath a railway line. It was here that she fell victim to a brutal attack, enduring five stab wounds. Bleeding profusely, she collapsed at the bottom of the locally known ABC steps.
93. Little Miss Nobody

image source: listverse.com
In a modest grave located in Yavapai County, Arizona, lies the remains of Little Miss Nobody. Discovered just off Alamo Road on July 31, 1960, she is believed to have been between 5 and 7 years old. Despite the absence of any broken bones, her cause of death remains undetermined, but officials concur that it was a result of homicide.
94. Sharmini Anandavel
image source: listverse.com
On June 12, 1999, 15-year-old Sharmini left her apartment building in Don Mills, Toronto, informing her parents that she was heading to a new job. Unfortunately, Sharmini never returned home. Four months after her last sighting, her skull and mandible were discovered in a ravine near the Don River.
95. Cedrika Provencher
image source: listverse.com
On July 31, 2007, 9-year-old Cédrika Provencher was observed by numerous residents in Trois-Rivières, Quebec, as she cycled around, knocking on several doors and inquiring about a specific dog. After 72 hours, it became evident that Cédrika had been abducted. Cédrika's remains were discovered on December 11, 2015, in Saint-Maurice.
96. Carolyn Wasilewski
image source: reddit.com
On a November evening in 1954, Carolyn Wasilewski set out from home to meet a classmate and register for her school's winter dance. However, the 14-year-old never reached her friend's Baltimore residence. Despite an all-night search, Carolyn couldn't be located. The following day, a train conductor discovered Carolyn's lifeless body on a set of railroad tracks.
97. Maria Ridulph

image source: cnn.com
In December 1957, seven-year-old Maria Ridulph was playing with a friend outside her home in Illinois. The girls were enjoying the snow when a man named Johnny approached and asked if they wanted piggyback rides. Agreeing to the offer, Maria took her turn while her friend went home to put on mittens. Upon her return, Maria and Johnny were nowhere to be found.
98. Elsie Mae Roane

image source: listennotes.com
At 11:00 pm on the night of May 20, 1957, a police officer in the small town of West Point, Virginia, spotted Elsie Mae Roane on the side of a street. The 16-year-old was carrying two suitcases and walking toward an unknown destination. Besides the late-night sighting, no one had seen or heard from Elsie.
99. Billy Jones

image source: fbi.com
Billy Jones was just three years old when he disappeared from the backyard of his home in Vineland, New Jersey. On the afternoon of December 17, 1962, he and his two-year-old sister were playing outside with the family's puppy. Their mother observed from a window inside the house when she stepped away briefly to check on the family's newborn baby. In that fleeting moment, Billy vanished.
100. Reed Taylor Jeppson
image source: thecrimewire.com
Reed Taylor Jeppson was having a typical Sunday on October 12, 1964. The 15-year-old and his family attended church in their hometown of Salt Lake City, Utah. Concerns arose when Jeppson failed to return home that night, prompting a police investigation. Regrettably, there was scant evidence to follow.