What Happens To Your Body If You Eat Raw Garlic Everyday For A Month

By Anna Collins 1 year ago

1. It could boost your immune system!

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Garlic is packed full of anti-fungal and antibacterial properties and all sorts of health benefits, meaning that it may help improve and boost your immune system so that you can fight off infections better within your body. Having a healthy immune system is key to keeping healthy.

2. Lower cholesterol

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High cholesterol is super common but could be dangerous for your health. It can be impacted by lifestyle and diet. Certain foods such as garlic may help lower your bad cholesterol (LDL), which is better for your body and health. Bad cholesterol may lead to the clogging of arteries.

3. Improve your digestion

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After a month of eating raw garlic, you may have noticed that your digestive system seems to be working more efficiently. Garlic has been linked with prebiotic benefits, meaning that it could boost the healthy bacteria in your gut which could lessen digestive problems (e.g. bloating).

4. Regulate blood sugar

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Eating garlic may help us regulate our blood sugar levels. One reason for this is thought to be that garlic can help our body become more sensitive to insulin, which helps regulate it. And, it could help lower your blood sugar levels in some situations. It is thought that it could lessen the potential of developing type 2 diabetes.

5. Improve your circulation

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After one month of eating raw garlic you could have noticed an improvement in your circulation, particularly if you were someone who struggled with poor circulation. Garlic is thought to help the blood flow, meaning that our body may be able to pump the blood and oxygen to the extremities more efficiently.

6. You'll be a little bit stinky

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One day after eating raw garlic and the smell is already noticeable. One month after eating raw garlic and you may feel a little bit stinky. Although, after some time your body may become accustomed to it and neutralise the smell. And so after one month of eating garlic the recognisable garlic stench will not be any stronger.

7. Reduces inflammation

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Inflammation throughout our body (particularly chronic inflammation) can in extreme circumstances lead to diseases and illnesses. But after one month of eating raw garlic, it is thought that it could have helped reduce the inflammation in your body in some capacity.

8. Make your bones stronger

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After one month. you may feel that your bones feel stronger and healthier than before. Sometimes, it is difficult to notice due to a slow transition. However, garlic is thought to improve your bone health and may even help reduce the risks of declining bone health or osteoporosis,

9. Your brain may be healthier

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By the end of the month you could have noticed that you feel somewhat sharper when it comes to your brain function. Perhaps you feel a little more 'switched on', so that you have more concentration and attention span. It may also help in the long run when it comes to fighting against cognitive decline.

10. Give you more energy

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After one month eating raw garlic you may definitely notice that you are feeling more energetic than before. Perhaps you feel less sluggish than before and have noticed that your energy levels have boosted and you are feeling more active and more motivated by the end of the month.

11. You may have lost weight

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After one month of eating raw garlic you may have noticed that you have shed some pounds. This is because some of the properties contained in garlic have been linked in some studies to losing weight. So, it may have aided in this process over the course of one month.

12. You may have heartburn

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The end results of eating raw garlic for an entire month are largely positive but you may also experience some downsides. One possible symptom after a month may be that you are experiencing a little bit of heartburn. Garlic can sometimes cause this response in certain people which are more susceptible to heartburn.

13. Improve your heart health

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On the up side - is that after a month of eating raw garlic you may have actually helped improve your overall heart health. Garlic has been linked to cardiovascular health in several studies. It is thought that the overall functioning of the heart can be improved when you eat garlic and healthy ingredients regularly.

14. Boosts your testosterone levels

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It is believed, and various studies have researched, the fact that eating garlic frequently in your diet can boost your levels of testosterone. This may help you feel more energetic and more psychically fit. After one month of eating garlic, you may notice your levels of testosterone have increased through how you feel.

15. Could help prevent some cancers

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Some studies have suggested that the properties in garlic may help to prevent some types of cancers. It is thought that garlic may contain anti-carcinogenic properties which may help prevent against developing certain kinds of cancers. Similarly, anti-inflammation and antioxidant properties may also help.

16. Build up your pain tolerance

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Some health experts believe that garlic acts as a kind of natural pain relief. So, eating garlic for a month may help against any pain we have. You may even notice that you have less aches and minor pains in your body than before eating raw garlic every day.

17. Healthy teeth

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Eating garlic may actually help maintain your oral help and improve the health of your teeth. So, after one month you may have noticed that you teeth feel stronger. Toi keep these results it may be better to keep on eating garlic frequently to reap the benefits for our teeth.

18. Your period pains might lessen

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So, as we know, garlic may help act as a kind of pain relief. This, coupled with the health benefits packed inside garlic may, for women, help alleviate their period pains. If you compared before and after the month, you may notice that you symptoms have lessened.

19. Reduce your blood pressure

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High blood pressure can lead to heart disease as well as heart attacks and strokes. But, with a healthy diet you may be able to reduce your blood pressure. Eating raw garlic for a month may help reduce your blood pressure naturally through its numerous health benefits.

20. Blood flow can improve

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Garlic is thought to improve your blood flow, and so after a month of eating raw garlic your body's blood flow could have improved somewhat. Although this is not something you yourself could determine, it could contribute to you feeling generally better.

21. It could help deal with arthritis

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Some studies have linked eating garlic with slowing down or reducing the risks of developing arthritis. After one month, you may have improved your boned health and helped limit risks in the future, however, this would have to be something you maintained within your diet.

22. Less UTIs

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Some people are extremely prone to contracting UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections) and it can be a super common thing. So, try eating raw garlic for one whole month as it is thought that it could decrease your likelihood of the infection due to the antibacterial properties of garlic.

23. Improve your liver function

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Some nutritionists have linked garlic with improving the health and function of our liver. Garlic may actually help to remove dangerous toxins from our liver, meaning that in turn, it can improve the health of our liver. Garlic may also help it to repair and reduce any inflammation.

24. You could have an uncomfortable stomach

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Another symptom of eating raw garlic for a month may be that you could experience an uncomfortable stomach. Raw garlic can be harsh to some people who are more sensitive to certain ingredients. And so after a month, you may notice that your stomach is slightly more uncomfortable.

25. You may fight infections faster

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One of the greatest health benefits of garlic is that it could help us fight infection. Garlic is a great source of health benefits and important compounds which can be really beneficial for our health. One of these reasons is that it may hep us fight infection in our body without it turning into an illness.

26. You become a natural insect repellent

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It is a well known thing that eating garlic wards off insects. But, there may actually be some truth to it. Garlic in the blood may actually ward off insects, acting as a natural kind of insect repellent which could mean that you have less stings and insect bites.

27. Healthier hair

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By the end of the month, you may notice that your hair looks much more healthy, lustrous and thick. The health benefits of eating garlic may really help nourish your hair and these improvements may be visible after just one month of eating raw garlic.

28. You may notice your fitness improve

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You may notice after an entire month of eating raw garlic, that your general physical fitness and feeling of fitness has improved. Because of the amazing health benefits that garlic provides, eating garlic every day for a month may improve your fitness and allow you to progress faster.

29. Healthier cells

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There is something called oxidative stress, which happens in our bodies and can damage our cells. Garlic is one of many health foods that is linked to helping reduce oxidative stress. And so after one month of eating raw garlic, yours cells may have repairs quicker and become healthier than previously.

30.  You may experience less yeast infections

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Some people are very prone to developing yeast infections, and it's super common. But after one month or eating raw garlic, you may have noticed that your yeast infection has improved/ not returned due to the garlic helping fight off the infection and keep the infection at bay.

31. Raw garlic could be better for you than cooked garlic

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You may be thinking that you'd rather eat cooked garlic every day because raw garlic all the time might be pushing it for you (not to mention the smell) but it's actually thought that there may be better health benefits eating raw garlic compared to cooking - at the very least, it's better at retaining those good effects.

32. Raw garlic is going to be stronger

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If you've only ever eaten cooked garlic, it's important to point out that if you're switching to eating raw garlic all the time, it's going to have a much stronger flavor, and a much more pungent vibe to it. So you might want to try it out to see if you can hack it first!

33. And it might take you a while to attune to it

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If you've never had raw garlic before, it might take you a while to get your palette used to such a strong taste! You might not like it at first but it's worth trying for a bit so you can get used to it and then reap any health benefits that can happen when you eat it every day!

34. Eating raw garlic can help to boost its nutritional value

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Garlic contains something called Allicin, which is released when it's chopped up, pressed or cooked. If you boil, heat, roast or pick apart garlic in any way, it can actually get rid of some of the allicin content, which people believe has nutritional value. So, raw, you're getting as much allicin as possible!

35. Are there any downsides to eating raw garlic? The smell, for one

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Eating raw garlic - and being around someone who has eaten raw garlic - is obviously an acquired taste. If you're someone who worries about the way they smell, or works in a busy place and might be concerned about eating raw garlic for a lunchtime snack, this could be an issue.

36. You might not actually smell it yourself - but other people will

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It sounds very weird based on how strong raw garlic is, but it can actually sometimes be the case that you won't be able to smell it on yourself, but people around you might comment how strong it smells. Sort of like your 'house smell' - you never smell it on you because you're so used to it!

37. It might stop your blood from clotting

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Raw garlic might actually result in a heavier flow of bleeding, because garlic is known to be a blood thinner. This could result in your blood not being able to clot properly if you wound yourself. And if you're prone to bumps, cuts and scrapes, it won't be a good thing!

38. If you're already taking blood thinners, check with your doctor!

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In the case of people with health issues that require them to take blood thinners, it's of course important to check with your doctor before eating raw garlic every day because of its blood thinning properties. Your doctor might advise you that every-day garlic consumption is too much!

39. 1-2 cloves a day could be beneficial, though

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You might be wondering how many raw garlic cloves a day to eat when we're talking about 'eating garlic every day' - 1? 5? 10? Well, apparently even just 1 clove of raw garlic a day is enough to provide potential health benefits, so don't worry - you don't need to be cramming 10 in!

40. Just 1 clove is still enough to be stinky, though

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We know it's not really fair that you can still smell pretty bad just from eating one tiny clove of garlic a day, rather than one whole basket-full, but alas, that's still the way it works. You can still start smelling more strongly of garlic even after just 1 clove of the stuff!

41. Switching to cooked garlic could help to ease heartburn

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If you're feeling seriously uncomfortable with acid reflux and/or heartburn from eating raw garlic so much, it's okay to make the switch back to cooked garlic to ease the symptoms. You don't have to suffer through painful heartburn if raw garlic is too much for you!

42. Raw garlic might be an issue for pregnant people

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While there are many nutritional benefits of eating garlic - raw or otherwise - long-term effects on people who are pregnant may actually be more negative than positive. It's important to discuss with you're doctor first if you're pregnant and considering eating raw garlic every day.

43. Or people who are breastfeeding!

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The same can apply for people who are breastfeeding. Obviously your own diet and health will affect the milk produced and a healthy breastfeeding experience for both you and your child - so speak to your doctor, too, about what you should be having in your diet when you breastfeed.

44. But it could help prevent obesity

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There has been some research to suggest that eating raw garlic could help to monitor body weight and to stave off serious cases of obesity. This comes from garlic's ability to decrease fat tissues and high cholesterol, so there's always a chance it could help against weight gain.

45. And have a positive effect on your metabolism

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Another reason garlic could help tackle obesity is because it has a positive effect on the body's metabolism, specifically the way the metabolism deals with fat, apparently. So you may find it can help with a metabolism that's causing you to gain weight very easily.

46. Lowering sperm count: is it just a myth?

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There have been some suggestions that eating a lot of garlic could negatively impact sperm count. So if you're thinking of trying the raw garlic-a-day challenge with a partner, you might want to think about this one! The thing with this is it's only been suggested through animal research rather than humans, with animals having a lower sperm count.

47. You an actually get garlic supplements with allicin

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If you want to avoid the risk of smelly garlic coming out of your pores every day, or maybe you just can't cope with cooking the stuff, you can actually get garlic supplements which contain allicin - the good stuff we mentioned a few points back that comes from raw garlic.

48. Be careful of garlic allergies or intolerance though

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You might not know whether you have a garlic intolerance - or even an allergy - until you start eating the stuff in spades! So be careful of that. It's likely you'll know what allergies you already have, but intolerances can easily be picked up and not known about in an obvious way!

49. It could actually cause bloating

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While it's true that garlic can actually help to fight the effects of bloating, the opposite can also be true! Raw garlic specifically can cause digestive issues and bloating in some people - while others may bask in the benefits of it helping their particular digestive system! Typical, right?

50. Overall, the health benefits of raw garlic can be different based on aged or fresh

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As we know, garlic isn't just 50/50 raw versus cooked. Raw garlic will have many different options, and many different ways of being processed. So the benefits of raw garlic can differ depending on how old it is. Some say aged garlic may have more health benefits, while others say the opposite!

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