1. Forehead

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If you have a mole on your forehead there is a belief in Indian astrology that this is a good sign of prosperity and it is believed that you are successful and have some wealth or will have wealth. But in this belief, the meaning of the mole changes with its position.
2. Middle of the forehead

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A mole in the middle of the forehead is believed, in both Indian astrology and Chinese philosophy, to represent wisdom. As if you are on track and know exactly what you're doing in life. This wisdom also makes you a good listener and advice giver...
3. Left of the forehead

Image Source: Clinical Advisor
It's important to explore these beliefs and still remember that a person's personality traits aren't based on their physical appearance. So, whatever you do believe, please take this with a pinch of salt when we tell you that a mole to the left of your forehead is said to represent bad luck.
4. Right of the forehead

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And if you have a mole to the right of your forehead, there is a belief that you're an exceptional partner. This could either be in marriage or even in business, either way, your partnership(s) are believed to be successful. There's even the possibility that this will make you famous.
5. Temples

Image Source: LifeBuzz
It is believed that if you have a mole on your left temple, you might marry very suddenly and this will take you by surprise. You might also experience a loss in business. And if your mole is on your right temple, you may marry young, or very quickly after meeting someone.
6. Right cheek

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In some places, moles on your cheeks are believed to represent a caring and sincere individual. It is believed that a mole on your right cheek represents you as a kind and trustworthy person and people feel safe confiding in you and telling you their secrets or worries.
7. Left cheek

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If you have a mole on your left cheek. Some beliefs, like in Chinese philosophy, believe that this makes you a particularly introverted person who enjoys your own company. You keep yourself to yourself and you might find it difficult to share your concerns or worries with those around you.
8. Nose

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Moles found on your nose are believed to represent an individual as very sure of themselves. In Chinese philosophy, depending on where the mole is placed, it is believed that the person is quite impulsive but has a lot of self-respect. There are also financial implications here as well.
9. Tip of the nose

Image Source: Brightside.me
If your mole is on the tip of your nose, the belief in Chinese philosophy that you are not a patient individual. In fact, it is believed that a person with a mole on the tip of their nose is quite short-tempered and has the tendency to lose control often, particularly when it comes to overspending.
10. Bridge of the nose

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Chinese philosophy also believes that a mole that appears on the bridge of the nose represents a grim prediction for the future. There is a belief that a mole in this place predicts the individual will face health problems at some point during their life.
11. Lips

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Moles on or around the lips are seen quite positively in Chinese philosophy. They can represent a person as being quite talkative but in a good way. And it is believed that those with moles on or around their lips will be successful and go far in life.
12. Upper lip

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If a mole is found on the upper lip, or just above it, Chinese philosophy believes that you're going to make a lot of friends throughout your life. And the reason for this is believed to be because you're incredibly empathetic, a trait that people find really attractive in you.
13. Lower lip

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If you have a mole on your lower lip, or just below your lower lip, Chinese philosophy outlines a very diligent person who is really family-focused. Your family is your life and you'd do anything for them. But sometimes, this may be at your expense, and eat into your own self-care.
14. Chin

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There is another belief that a mole on your chin represents a well-traveled individual who is successful and can adapt really well to change. With a mole on your chin, you're said to always want to be surrounded by new and interesting people all the time.
15. Each side of the chin

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If you have a mole on the right-hand side of your chin, you really care about others and allow everyone to voice their own opinion. And if you have a mole on the left-hand side of your chin, it is believed that you are a really honest person and people really value this personality trait in you.
16. Hands

Image Source: Reddit.com
Moles on the hands are really common and in some belief systems, they can be a sign of a really energetic individual. It is believed that an individual with moles on their hands works incredibly hard every day and always achieves their goals whether they are big or small.
17. Right hand

Image Source: Reddit.com
If you have a mole on your right hand, there is a belief that you are an incredibly talented person and you are driven and motivated to work towards success. You don't accept handouts and feel that it is important to put the work in to get satisfaction in life.
18. Left hand

Image Source: Reddit.com
A mole on the left hand is said to signify creativity. And this doesn't just mean creativity in the usual sense with visual art and words. But you are also creative in other aspects of life, whether that's winning an argument or organizing a meeting, your creative skills will take you far.
19. Feet

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In Chinese philosophy, body parts correspond to different features on the face, and so the personality traits believed to be associated with different facial features, are similar to their corresponding body parts. So if you have moles on your feet, like the chin, you are well-traveled.
20. Right foot

Image Source: Reddit.com
In Indian astrology, it is believed that having a mole, or several moles, on your right foot indicates that you could have a good family life. This is believed to be due to your caring nature and ability to look after those around you and make them feel safe and like they belong.
21. Left foot

Image Source: Reddit.com
However, Indian astrology also believes that if you have a mole, or moles, on your left foot, you're much less fortunate. In fact, it is believed that you'll suffer financial problems or even have problems in your marriage or partnership due to your impulsivity.
22. Belly

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In a lot of different belief systems, what belly moles say about your personality completely depends on where that mole actually is placed. If it's to the right, you're said to be organized and financially stable, and if it's to the left, you're believed to have a very jealous personality.
23. Navel

Image Source: Reddit.com
In Indian astrology, a mole near the navel, in any position, may signify that you have a very promising future. And promising means that you'll be successful yourself in any of your ventures but not only this, you boost other people's successes too and really enjoy seeing people accomplish their goals.
24. Upper back

Image Source: Reddit.com
If your mole, or moles, appear at the top of your back, you are believed to be a really decisive individual. You're really skilled at taking control of situations and making good decisions for yourself and for others. You're a natural leader and you are really mature and responsible.
25. Lower back

Image Source: Reddit.com
There is also a belief that moles on your lower back represent you as a really loyal person. You're a trustworthy and supportive friend to everyone and people like to come to you for your wisdom. You seem to make the right decisions in life and people want to know how you do it. You're happy to be someone to lean on if a person needs it.
26. Shoulders

Image Source: Reddit.com
There is a belief that moles that appear on your shoulders represent you as someone who is tremendously busy. You like to keep yourself busy with other people's problems and you're always really sturdy support for others. You have really strong skills in problem-solving.
27. Chest

Image Source: Reddit.com
Moles on your chest are said to denote energy and suggest that you're a really energetic person. If you have children, there is also a belief that moles on your chest represent you as a doting parent, and predict success and prosperity in your children's futures.
28. Ears

Image Source: Reddit.com
Moles anywhere on the ears suggest wealth and they are also believed to represent romance. But a mole on the right ear suggests that you're a quick thinker, you're rational, and are really good at putting things into perspective. And a mole on your left ear represents your high emotional intelligence.
29. Neck

Image Source: Reddit.com
Another belief is that a mole anywhere on your neck means that you're really artistic. Not only this, but you are able to use your artisticness and creativity to get ahead in life. You're believed to be very likely to make a career out of your creative flair and you won't stop until you reach success.
30. Hips

Image Source: Reddit.com
Moles on your hips are believed to suggest that a person is really honest and generous in life. You're generous with your time and resources and you love to help people out. No task is too big for you, you'll always be there for others. Your honesty is also something that people enjoy, even though it gets you into a spot of trouble sometimes! Never change!
31. And now: here's what your skin says about your personality! Do you have naturally flawless skin?

image source: dailymail.com
Naturally flawless skin is something most people these days aspire to - and it sets up a lot of envy from people who are spending a fortune on skincare products to get skin like yours! If you have naturally flawless skin, it's likely you're a bit privileged and take a lot for granted - whether you mean to or not!
32. You have perfect skin through hard work: you're a doer!

image source: reddit.com
On the other hand, some people work themselves (and their bank accounts) to the bone to get flawless skin, and if this is you, then you're definitely a doer! You set your goals and you do anything possible to make them happen. You're very motivated and you're a go-getter - in life, and with your skin!
33. Oily skin: you're likely an introvert

image source: reddit.com
If you have oily skin, it's likely you're a private person who enjoys they're own space. You're likely an introvert rather than extrovert, and you probably don't spend too much on skincare products. You like to stick to the basics, like cleaners and moisturizers, without caring about excess.
34: Shiny skin: you're pragmatic

image source: reddit.com
Just like oily skin people, if you have shiny skin, you're likely to be a pragmatic and realistic person. You have a very basic skincare routine without the bells and whistles, and it's likely you have 'more important things to think about' than what your skin looks like!
35. You have normal skin type: you're intuitive

image source: reddit.com
You have normal skin, and a normal, reasoning mind. You're very intuitive and you like to trust your gut when it comes to any situation. Because your skin is normal, you don't worry too much about skincare or skin products, but in terms of what you should do for your skin, you trust your instincts!
36. You have a lot of blackheads: you like helping people

image source: reddit.com
You're likely a highly empathetic person who feels for others, and does what they can to help others. Most of your time and energy is probably focused on making those around you happier, and you like to take time out with loved ones rather than spending time alone.
37. You have a lot of impurities: you're selfless

image source: reddit.com
If you have a lot of impurities, it could be a sign that you're so selfless that you neglect yourself a lot of the time. It's okay to be selfless and focus on others, but self-care is very important too. You might neglect your own life, routine or even skincare routine to focus energy on making sure everyone else is okay!
38. Sensitive skin: you're a sensitive person, too

image source: reddit.com
It's likely that your skin is only reflecting what you feel inside! You're probably a highly sensitive person - maybe a little too sensitive sometimes, which can leave you feeling worried or over-thinking things. You're probably someone very in touch with their own emotions.
39. Itchy skin: you're more likely to watch than get involved

image source: reddit.com
You might find yourself often stood on the sidelines in most situations, whether lacking the energy or feeling too shy to get involved. It's rare you bother to step out of your comfort zone, and sometimes you just like being a bystander rather than having an active input!
40. You ignore any skincare: you probably ignore your problems, too!

image source: reddit.com
You might feel you're too busy to focus on skincare right now - when actually you're not doing anything else either because you're avoiding everything else you should be doing, too! A lot of priorities you tend to procrastinate over, and you may lack energy to do anything sometimes.
41. You have matte skin: you likely have a methodical mind

image source: reddit.com
If your skin has a very matte sheen to it (whether naturally, or your preferred makeup style) it could mean that you have a very methodical mind and approach to everything. You prefer to weigh up pros and cons to important situations, and to-do lists are your daily thing!
42. You have an uneven skin tone: you have A LOT of mood swings

image source: reddit.com
Your uneven skin tone could be a reflection of the unpredictability of your personality! You might find you have a lot of mood changes throughout the week - or even throughout the day - and sometimes you don't know if you're coming or going! It might not take much to make your mood change drastically.
43. You have combination skin: you're easy going

image source: reddit.com
You're the type of person who does very well with change and spontaneous plans. You don't need to schedule everything in, and you can easily go with the flow! You're happy making plans in advance, and you're equally happy dropping everything to do something unexpected!
44. You never wear makeup: you're adventurous

image source: reddit.com
If you never wear makeup, it might be because you don't have time, it doesn't fit your lifestyle, or you don't want to spend the money on products! You're too busy traveling the globe and spending money on new experiences, and with life on the road, there's no point messing with applying makeup or washing it off!
45. You'd never be seen without makeup: you can be intimidating

image source: reddit.com
It doesn't matter whether you feel intimidating or powerful with or without makeup, it just means that other people might usually perceive you as intimidating when your makeup is so on point! You look fierce and powerful with a face full, and because you never let anyone see you without it, it only reinforces that image!
46. You don't use lotion on your body: you take things at face value

image source: reddit.com
You only concentrate on caring for the skin on your face and not your body, because your face is what everyone sees. Why waste time when your body is covered with clothes? You often take things at face value and might even be a little bit shallow, not usually wanting to understand a person on a deeper level!
47. You use fake tan: you're upbeat

image source: reddit.com
Your favorite season is probably summer because you're a bright, optimistic person who enjoys having fun, and cold weather just doesn't do it for you. This is also why you use fake tan - you want that golden glow all year round, because you don't feel like yourself otherwise!
48. You have a birthmark: you might be reincarnated!

image source: reddit.com
It's often believed that birthmarks can not only be a sign of your past life experience, but also how you died in a past life! It's possible if you have a very obvious birthmark that you're a spiritual person, and if you believe in reincarnation, there might be a reason for that!
49. You have dimples: you're shy

image source: reddit.com
Let's be honest - you probably don't like your dimples because you feel like they draw attention to you, and attention is definitely not something you're looking for! You're a shy, quiet person, but that doesn't mean that you're not confident - you have a lot of self-esteem, you just don't want to be the centre of focus!
50. You have never-ending acne: you overindulge

image source: reddit.com
You're probably someone who likes to spend a lot of money on the finer things in life. You like to indulge in food, drink and experiences - maybe a bit too much sometimes! You very much have a 'live life to the fullest' mentality, and impulsive purchases are your go-to!