1. You spend approximately SEVEN years of your life on your period

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The average person who menstruates has 400-450 periods in their lifetime from their first period to menopause, according to scientific journal The Lancet, which means you spend seven years of your life on your period. That’s a lot of visits from Aunt Flo!
2. You're NOT alone - Most women have period stains in ~every~ pair of underwear

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If you've ever felt embarrassed about period stains on your underwear, THINX conducted a survey that found 54% of women said they have stains in every pair of underwear they own due to their periods. So, yes, the struggle is real, and no, you are not the only one!
3. Bad news: Alcohol makes your period pain worse

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Before you pour that much needed glass of wine, when you drink alcohol during your period it can make your cramps last longer. Prostaglandins are what trigger contractions in your uterine muscle during a menstrual cycle, and alcohol increases the level of prostaglandins, worsening your cramps.
4. You're probably not bleeding as much as you think

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Sure, sometimes it feels like the Nile River gushing down there. In actuality, you should emit about three tablespoons of blood during your period. If it seems like you're losing a lot more or changing tampons every hour for multiple hours, contact a doctor.
5. Speaking of tampons... They come in packs of 18 for a reason

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The average tampon user should go through approximately 18 tampons per period, hence the typical 18 tampons per box. Though, there have been studies that show some people who bleed use up to 48 tampons each month! Can feminine hygiene products be covered by insurance, please?!
6. Cold weather can make your periods go crazy

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Chalk up another reason to hate winter! Did you know that cold weather can make your periods heavier, longer and more painful than normal? This is because the cold makes your blood vessels compress and mess with blood flow, causing more pain. Time to move to Hawaii!
7. As if it couldn't get any worse... Periods can make your eyes bleed?!

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There's a rare condition called vicarious menstruation, and it is the stuff of nightmares! It causes bleeding from other organs... like your eyes, when tissue from the uterus are transmitted to other parts of the body. There are only a few known cases (whew).
8. The first tampon was invented by a dude

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You can thank a guy called Earle C. Haas for those awful cardboard applicators. He filed a patent way back in 1931, more than 10 years after disposable pads (discretely) became available for women. Does it surprise you that a man invented the tampon?
9. Your period might make you smell

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Studies show women smell more during menstrual bleeding due to changing hormones. Men's testosterone levels rose when smelling clothes worn by someone who was ovulating and dropped smelling clothes from someone menstruating. The scent is said to be a signal of fertility to men.
10. Missing a period doesn't mean you're pregnant

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Missing a period can happen for a lot of reasons, so if it happens, don't freak out. Take a pregnancy test if you want peace of mind. But it could be due other various factors, like stress or illness, so pay close attention to your symptoms. If you think something's wrong, reach out a medical professional!
11. Your lifestyle can affect your flow

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Speaking of things that can affect your period, did you know that stress can make your periods more painful, make them last longer (or shorter) or stop all together? The same goes for extreme weight loss (because of the calorie deficit), over-exercising, and weight gain.
12. Water can stop your period temporarily

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When you're submerged in water, the pressure counteracts the gravity of the blood flow. Your uterine lining continues to shed though... so, while the pressure temporarily pauses the flow, the blood is technically still there. Definitely be careful when you exit the pool!
13. You CAN get pregnant on your period

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Sound the alarm! While it's unlikely you'll get pregnant from period sex, it's not impossible. Depending on the length of your cycle, and when you start/stop your period, you can still get pregnant, because those swimmers can survive in your body for 5 or 6 days. Stay safe out there, y'all!
14. It's okay to not have your period on the pill

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The pill-free week of your birth control was created for reassurance, like a mental checkmark. But it's totally safe to use up to three pill packs consecutively without having a break week. Be warned though, it can make your period symptoms worse the next time you break.
15. You may not sound like yourself on your period

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Because your reproductive hormones are going bananas during your menstrual cycle, it can affect your vocal cords and alter the sound of your voice. There are actually receptors for sex hormones in your vocal folds! Record yourself before and during your period next time and see if you notice a difference!
16. ALERT: Orgasms make your cramps feel better

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Don't let your period sway you from getting down and dirty (respectfully and with consent) with your partner. The uterine contractions that come with an orgasm releases things like endorphins and oxytocin, which help fight the pain and bring temporary relief! A win for all.
17. BTW... "Cramps" aren't really cramps

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Cramps are the living worst, but what we call cramps are actually caused the uterus is shedding the lining that grew during your cycle (for potential pregnancy) off of the uterine walls. And then on your period, that lining goes out through your va-jay. FUN!
18. But at least the blood is clean

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As long as you are the owner of a healthy uterus, the period blood and discharge is 100% sterile... Until it reaches oxygen. So, definitely still wash your hands, but it's important to know periods aren't "dirty," because of the stigma around periods from the beginning of time.
19. You could use up to 15,000 period products in your lifetime

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During those 450 periods that you'll likely experience in your life, the average person goes through 12,000 to 15,000 period products, whether it be tampons, pads, or panty liners. That's a lot of money and why a lot of women look for alternate eco-friendly and sustainable options like the menstrual cup.
20. Menstrual cups are safer if you want to "set it and forget it"

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You can wear a menstrual cup safely for up to four hours longer than tampons, which means you can worry about it less. Most users find their cups are less than halfway full after 12 hours, but it's recommended to change it twice a day. Tampons should be changed every 8 hours at least!
21. If you have asthma, it might be worse on your period!

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Before your period, you could experience more sensitivity to allergens, so if you have pre-existing asthma, it could result in premenstrual asthma (PMA). Thanks, once again, to hormonal changes! Who knew that your period affected so many parts of your life?!
22. A surprising way to regulate your cycle: a nightlight

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Exposure to a nightlight changes the melatonin levels in your body. This can change the release of reproductive hormones, and subsequently actually shorten your cycle. No one is mad about that! Do this during the last two weeks of your cycle and see if there's a difference!
23. Hate to break it to ya, but you're probably not syncing cycles with your friends

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It's long been believed and joked about amongst friends that people who live or work together synch up their menstrual cycles. Unfortunately, it's just not true. Most scientists say it's just a myth and simply comes down to mathematics and cycle lengths.
24. Smoking isn't great for your period health :/

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It's 2023, and we know smoking's not great for us. And now, studies have shown that smoking cigarettes can actually kill a woman's eggs. This means that your egg count is permanently reduced. It can also lead to your menstrual cycles being irregular or stopping altogether.
25. If your periods are really bad, there might be something wrong

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Everyone's body is different, and some people naturally experience heavier periods. However, if your periods are particularly heavy, and if they're accompanied by severe mood swings, cramps and bloating, you might want to see a doctor for hormone imbalance.
26. If you experience spotting, don't freak out!

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Spotting between periods isn't always bad and is actually pretty common, depending on your hormone levels and what stage you are at in your cycle. If it's more than can be contained in a panty liner, though, then it might be something more serious, and you should probably get it checked out!
27. Women used to be institutionalized if they complained of cramps...

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Can you even believe? There was a time where women who complained of period cramps were literally sent to see a psychiatrist. It was believed during this time that if a woman was experiencing cramps, it was because they were rejecting their femininity. Lol.
28. Maybe don't use a menstrual cup if you have an IUD

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Safety first, friends! If you have an IUD, a menstrual cup can actually make it move out of place. Eek. While menstrual cups are a great reusable and sustainable option, the suction can actually mess with your IUD. Talk to your doctor, but this does not seem like a good vibe.
29. Period brain fog is 100% REAL

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Don't worry, it won't last forever! But studies show that due to period pain, your brain and attention span can be affected. So when you feel groggy our out of it when you're on your period, it's totally normal. Honestly, using this to get out of so many things!
30. But overall, your period is a GOOD THING

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Periods mean that you're healthy and fertile! So they're not all bad! You may even experience an increase in libido during your time of the month. And while period symptoms can be a drag, you actually have higher testosterone and may feel more energetic!
31. Want to know how many days you actually spend on your period? 3,500
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When it's that time of a month, the average 7 to 10 days can feel like a lifetime when you're just waiting for it to stop. To put it in perspective, it's approximately 3,500 days in your lifetime that you will spend being on your period. We can't even process that at the moment!
32. There's actually a Disney film about menstruation

image source: boingboing.com
The Disney movie 'The Story of Menstruation' is actually only 10 minutes long, and it was released in 1946. It wasn't a film meant to hit the big screen so you can get your popcorn ready - it was actually made for non-theatrical release so that it could be shown in health classes. Have you ever seen it?
33. There's a weird myth about menstrual blood added to food
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We know this sounds gross, but there's actually a myth that menstrual blood added to food can affect your relationship with the person who eats it - in a positive way. As though it's supposed to strengthen your bond or something... There was actually a case of a maid worker in Hong Kong adding hers to her employer's food to try and improve their relationship!
34. There are only three mammals in the world who go through menopause
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Of course, we're mammal number one who goes through menopause. But did you also know there are two other mammals? The elephant, and the humpback whale, both go through menopause like we do. The problem with an elephant is that they never forget, so even in menopause they'll still remember the rigmarole of periods!
35. The closest thing to the human menstrual cycle is a monkey's cycle
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This might not be too surprising seeing as we're supposed to be descended from primates - depending on whether you believe in evolution - but the closest thing to a human's full menstrual cycle is the cycle of the rhesus macaque primate, which goes through a 29-day cycle.
36. It's believed prehistoric women only menstruated 50 times
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So to put this in perspective, the modern-day person in this day and age goes through menstruation around 450 times in their lifetime. And you might have thought that was just always the case for the human body. But prehistoric women apparently only menstruated 50 times in their life.
37. Sex workers work around periods
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Most people will avoid 'period sex', although of course it's entirely up to you whether you want to have sex on your period. What you might not have considered is how sex workers deal with periods every month when they need a regular income! Well, most usually work around it, by using cotton balls or trying to control them using birth control.
38. Total blood lost is around half a cup
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Not that this is something you want to picture, but if you were to put all the blood from one menstruation cycle into a standard cup, it would fill it about half way - and this actually also includes clots, which can feel like Niagara Falls when you're actually having them!
39. The Romans blamed periods for deformity

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Okay, so this one refers to the gods rather than everyday people - but if they're talking about a god's deformity, imagine what they were saying about each other! Apparently the Romans believed that the god Vulcan's deformity was a result of Juno and Jupiter - his parents - conceiving him through period sex!
40. Where does the term 'period' actually come from?
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Whether you like to say 'period' or 'menstruation' - or both - you might be wondering where the term 'period' actually came from. The term actually dates back to 1822 when it totally sounds like a modern thing! And it relates to the definition of 'interval of time' or a repeated 'cycle of events'.
41. Catamenia is another name for a period
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Another word for menstruation is actually catamenia, which comes from the Greek katamenia (by + month), and there's also a menstruation cup called a catamenia cup which you can use instead of tampons or towels. No idea why the changed the 'k' to a 'c' but maybe the catamenia cup alliteration was too good to pass up!
42. Menstruation may have helped people understand the concept of time

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Have you ever had those existential moments where you sit there thinking that time doesn't really exist and it's all just a weird concept? You may have menstruation to thank for that! This is because the early lunar calendars were focused on the length of an average menstruation cycle.
43. Periods have actually led to disturbing violence...
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You might have thought periods were uncomfortable and painful enough, and that your partner would support you through a cycle... but tragically, for a woman in New Guinea, her husband divorced her because she had bled on his blanket - before he killed her with an axe...
44. Some cultures believe menstrual blood can cure things

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We've already mentioned the idea of menstrual blood in some cultures strengthening a bond or being used as a love charm... but some cultures also believe it can cure certain ailments, like warts, gout, headaches, leprosy and even epilepsy. It was also once believed a virgin's first menstruation could cure the plague...
45. The very first period is called a menarche
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Did you know that your very first period, ever, in your life has a special name? The very first one is called a menarche, which again comes from the Greek word 'menarkhe' (month + beginning). This also refers to a period that's different to the ones you have when you start ovulating.
46. A baby girl is born with all the eggs she'll ever have
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This one is a bit funny to wrap your head around... because people say when you're pregnant, you're not only carrying your own child, but your grandchild - because a baby girl will be carrying all the eggs she'll ever have when she's born. So if she chooses to get pregnant, it'll be one of these!
47. And the egg is the largest cell in the body
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The human female egg is actually the largest cell in the body. This may sound hard to believe when you think of how many cells are in the body, but the reason the female egg is the largest is because you can actually see it with the naked eye! Look at the tiny white speck in the photo.
48. The body can actually 'recycle' a uterus lining
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It's always great to hear out bodies are trying to do their part for the environment! Did you know your body is actually capable of recycling a uterus lining? This happens in a small percentage of people, where the lining is used again instead of being shed. This results in a much lighter period!
49. Irregular periods are common up until the age of 18 - and there's a reason
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You might not even remember what your periods were like from the age you first got them up until around 18 - but the chances are, they were more all over the place than they are in later years! This is because your body is still trying to work out the best way to go about things, and 'perfect' that all-important period!
50. A girl can get her first period at the age of 10
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The average age to have your first period can be 15 to 16 years old, but some people get it much earlier - and as early as 10 years old! Although this is the case, it's also not an issue to get your period later than early teens, but it's usually advised to check with a doctor if you haven't started your period by the age of 16.