Here’s What Your Fashion Sense Tells Us About Your Love Life

By Kirsty 2 years ago

1. You Mostly Wear Flat, Comfortable Shoes

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Nothing beats a comfortable flat shoe when you need something to depend on, and if this is your go-to, it can reveal that you prefer those more committed relationships where you feel 'comfortable' with your partner. You're looking for a more 'relax on the couch in comfy clothes' partnership.

2. You Prefer Trousers Over Skirts

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If you prefer trousers over skirts, this could reflect that you're more guarded when it comes to relationships - whether that's protecting yourself from entering new relationships at all, or being quite private when you're in a relationship. You feel safer in terms of expression in trousers!

3. Or You Prefer Skirts Over Trousers!

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The opposite can be true for this one - skirts are more freeing than trousers, so this can suggest you're more open to revealing aspects of yourself in a relationship, and also more open or 'free' in trying new relationships, or sharing things with new people. You don't tend to be secretive.

4. You Go Commando All The Time

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The main reason a lot of people go commando is because it's more comfortable, feels more free and hey - it definitely saves on laundry bills! In regard to relationships, this can mean you're definitely more open and free spirited, and love connecting with a variety of different people.

5. You Wear Sexy Black Lingerie No Matter What

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We know how it goes: if you wear black underwear, or if you keep black underwear in your lingerie drawer, it's likely it's because you want people to see it. That's what they say, right? So if you're wearing sexy black lingerie this can be a sign you're looking for something new, and in touch with your sexuality.

6. You're Always Rocking A Maxi Dress

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A maxi dress is very comfortable and freeing, but it's also got a lot of coverage in terms of body and legs. This can show that you're very open-minded when it comes to relationships, but you're also looking for only the right one. You might not be a fan of hook-ups and you're more into long-term commitment.

7. Mini Dresses Or Mini Skirts Are Your Go-To

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You're very confident in both your body and your personality when it comes to new relationships. You don't mind opening up and letting people see the real you straight away. You feel more comfortable being open with new love interests, in the same way you feel more comfortable with your legs out!

8. You Always Wear Heels

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If you're always rocking a very high heel, no matter the situation, this can reflect that you're very confident and dominant when it comes to the relationships. In terms of 'who wears the trousers' (or maybe who wears the high-heels), it's usually you that takes control in a relationship.

9. You Find A Happy Medium With Comfortable Heeled Boots

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Okay, so you're not a huge fan of flats but you don't want to be wearing heels all the time either. What's the compromise? Well, more comfortable ankle boots are usually your thing. This can mean that you have a 'dominant' side to you in relationships where you don't mind taking the lead, but equally you have a shy side and would rather them take control sometimes.

10. You Always Wear Red

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Red has long since been associated with a striking color for women that makes them look sexy, and it's often associated with passion and love. So if you're always wanting to wear red, it could be a sign that you're very passionate in your love life, or you're trying to attract more passion.

11. If Not With Your Clothes, Then With Red Lipstick

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Sometimes it can also be as simple as what makeup you wear, or the little touches, and red lipstick is the same in terms of trying to bring attention to your passionate side and have people notice you. So if red-lipstick is your go-to, you could be trying to attract more attention in your love-life.

12. You Always Wear Baggy Clothes

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This could symbolise - apart from being super comfortable, of course - that you're not looking for anything right now. As we know, women are judged by their bodies first when it comes to trying to date someone new, so you might be trying to close yourself off from any attention by wearing very baggy clothes.

13. You Prefer Figure-Hugging Styles Instead

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While the opposite could actually be true if you're wearing super tight and figure-hugging clothes instead of baggy ones! Either it means you are trying to attract the attention of a new potential love interest, or it can also mean you're getting back in touch with your own confidence without actually looking for anything new right now.

14. You'd Never Be Seen Without A Push-Up Bra

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A lot of women swear by push-up bras in making them feel sexy, more confident or even just to get a better shape in a particular outfit. If you feel like you depend on a push-up bra every single day, it could mean that you're definitely ready for new love or even casual flings.

15. Or, It Could Mean You Lack Self-Confidence

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Feeling like you need to wear a push-up bra all the time could also be a sign that your self-esteem isn't the best right now in terms of new relationships. It might mean you feel pressured to look a certain way or have a certain body type, and you're trying to find your confidence.

16. Shapewear Is Where It's At

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No matter what you're wearing, you swear by control underwear, and it's rare you're seen without it! (Not that anyone can see it, of course). This could be a sign that you're not ready for a new relationship, but that you still want harmless flirting attention. You want people to like what they see on the outside, but you're not ready for someone to go deeper.

17. You Feel More Comfortable In A Midi Dress

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This can represent that you're not really sure what you want, or maybe you like a bit of everything depending on what mood you're in! You're open to committed relationships, but maybe sometimes all you want is a little flirting or a fling, too, depending on how the mood takes you!

18. You Can Usually Be Found Wearing Loose, Comfy Sweaters

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If this is your go-to style, you can be very vulnerable and emotional when it comes to love. You open yourself up easily and you also love very deeply, which can leave you either feeling safe and secure or guarded because you're worried you'll get hurt. The main thing for you is that you like to feel safe in love.

19. You Prefer A Higher Neckline Than A Low One

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You're somewhat mysterious when it comes to love. It can take a lot to get you talking about yourself and crack you open, as you can come off as maybe 'playing hard to get' or else just like to make people work for it when it comes to learning more about the awesomeness that is you!

20. Accessories? No Thanks

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In love and relationships, you're definitely not shallow - you're very much focused on 'it's what's inside that counts' and that a person's personality is more important than their looks. You don't take things at face value or judge people on the way they look, either.

21. You're Buying New Clothes Every Week

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When it comes to love - or maybe any of your relationships, really - commitment is an absolute no-go for you. Maybe it's a conscious choice because you don't want to settle down, or maybe you want it but it just terrifies you so you quit and run! You go through relationships as quickly as you go through clothes.

22. You Outgrow Your Clothes Very Quickly

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Are you finding that one pair of jeans that fit perfectly last week doesn't fit anymore? Or that top that was your favorite last month you now can't stand the look of? You seem to be 'moving on' from your clothes quite quickly, which means you might not be ready to have the same partner all the time, either.

23. You Have A Million Different Styles You Love

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You love fashion, and you definitely aren't constricted to one taste, style or color. You love wearing different things all the time. When it comes to love, this could mean you enjoy being in open relationships, not being committed or just having flings when it suits your whim.

24. You Only Shop Second-Hand

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You think it's very important not to be wasteful with clothes and want to help the environment, too, by only shopping second hand. Fast fashion just isn't your bag. For love, this can mean you're ready to wait forever for 'the one'. Maybe you haven't even been on a proper date up to this point.

25. You Wear Really Bright Styles And Colors

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You don't necessarily do this for attention, you just love the way bright styles and colors make you feel - and the attention is just the result of that. In love, your love-language really is words of affirmation, and you love being told you look pretty, hot or bada** today!

26. You Like Big Winter Coats!

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Who doesn't love a big chonky winter coat, to be fair? It keeps you warm, it does the job. If you're a fan of big winter coats and even get annoyed at summer because you're waiting to wear them again, it might mean you like to feel very close and intimate in a relationship - physical touch, and emotional sharing.

27. You're A Huge Fan Of Activewear

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If you only ever wear yoga pants, vest tops and sports bras, you're an active go-getter who likes the freedom to move around. In your love life, this means you're very 'active' in terms of getting what you want, and wanting someone who is very motivated to travel with you and set those all-important goals.

28. You Only Ever Wear Sporty Sneakers

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Sporty sneakers are comfortable, fashionable and you can always depend on them. In love, this means you like dependency in a relationship and to know that you can trust the person you're with. Not only that, but you're usually looking for someone you can go on adventures with!

29. You Like To Carry A Change Of Clothes

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Whether it's in case those heels start hurting and you need flats, or you accidentally spill your morning coffee on your blouse, you always like to pack a spare or change of clothes for a busy day. This can mean that you like structure and routine in a relationship - you need to make set plans and not be spontaneous.

30. You Wear Clothes That Fit More Than One Situation

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On the other hand, this can mean you're completely spontaneous when it comes to love! Impromptu weekend away? Yes please. Changing plans last minute? Who cares, as long as your bae is there! If you wear clothes that look good in a variety of situations - smart casual that works for dinner out or a work meeting - then spontaneity is key for you in a relationship.

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