1. You order a Big Mac: you're traditional and know what you like

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You order a Big Mac, it's tasty, it's classic and it's no fuss. What's not to love? You aren't the kind of person who feels the need to impress with all the newest trends. No, you know what you like and you'll stick to it. If it's not broken, why fix it, right?
2. A wrap: you're an ambitious kind of person

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If you're ordering a wrap or a wrap meal of some sort at McDonald's, you're ambitious. You aren't settling for the standard old stuff - you want more. This is how you live your life, you push for the best and you don't want the same thing as everybody else.
3. You order a coke: you're a genuine person

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Everyone knows that McDonald's coke tastes even better than the real thing. There's something about it. If you order a coke at McDonald's you're a genuine person. You're not trying to act as someone you aren't. You get what you like because you like it, there's no pretences here!
4. You order off the speciality menu: you're always trying to prove yourself

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You can't be seen going for the standard menu, you want to show you're more adventurous and more sophisticated than that! So, you order off the special menu to prove yourself. Even if you do just prefer the standard chicken burger from the standard menu.
5. You get dessert: you're an outsider

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You're a little bit of a lone wolf, you make rogue choices and go your own way. You're definitely not one to follow the crown. While everybody else is ordering fries and a bug mac, you're here for the apple pie. You're an outsider and you're proud of it.
6. You always get a double patty: you're difficult to please

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You're not quite satisfied with one, it's not enough for you. You want more so you get a double and you do enjoy it. But, perhaps that's not really quite enough, but you don't want the triple patty. Three is too much and excessive for you. There's just no pleasing you!
7. You get extra toppings on you McFlurry: you're successful

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There's not enough toppings on a McFlurry - it's a fact. Instead of getting what you're given, you ask for more. You're not here to mess around or play games, you're here to succeed. You aren't afraid to let people know what you want and what you expect. You're a successful go getter. You'll probably have your own business or end up in charge of many people.
8. Breakfast is your favourite meal at McDonalds: you're an energetic person

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It takes a certain amount of energy to get up and out to grab your breakfast from McDonalds. It needs some get up and go and motivation to prize yourself out of bed extra early to take the detour to McDonald's on the way. It's much more energetic than grabbing a slice of toast or a banana.
9. You get a chicken burger: you're quite cautious in life

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You like a chicken burger, it's a little bit healthier than beef and somewhat lighter. It's a safe option, and safe is what you want and like. You don't want to be stepping out of your comfort zone and trying the new-in menu! You're way too cautious for that.
10. You get extra sauces: you're an interesting person

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Sauce is the difference between a boring burger and an exciting one. It can totally elevate or entirely change the taste - for the better. If you order a variety of sauces you're a highly interesting person. There's different aspects to your personality and you love to try new things out.
11. You don't get fries: you're blunt and straight to the point

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Fries is one of the best parts of McDonald's but you don't want any of the fuss or the sides you want get straight down to the main event - the burger! You're a blunt kind of person, no nonsense and straight to the point in both food choices and your personal life.
12. You LOVE the pickles: you're quirky

Image source: Reddit
The pickles for you are literally the best bit. For all of those people picking them off their burger you're thinking
'yay, more for me!', pile them up. You're a quirky and interesting character. You may not see eye to eye with everyone, but you're okay with that. You rock your own individuality.
13. You ask for freshly cooked fries: you're a little bit selfish

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Unless there's a legitimate reason, do you really want to make the McDonald's workers make a whole fresh batch and hold up the queue just because you want hot fries? The fried are good regardless. But chances are you're a little bit selfish in life - you mostly think and prioritize what's best for you.
14. Chicken nuggets is your thing: you're young at heart

Image source: Reddit
Chicken nuggets are tasty no matter what age. You don't feel the need to go from chicken nuggets to chicken selects just because you're now an adult! Why should you? You're young at heart and you've still managed to retain that childlike sense of fun into your adulthood.
15. You get the apple slices: you're highly strung

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Unless they come in a happy meal, what's the point in apple slices at McDonalds? If you go every day - then okay. But, if you go every now and then as a treat, it's a highly unusual (if not plausible) and disappointing choice...let's get fries instead. If you DO get the apple slices, you're probably a little bit highly strung and you find it difficult to relax.
16. Saver menu every time: you're super sensible

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The saver menus are not just super inexpensive buy they're also less unhealthy because there's less meat and bread. They are still a treat, but it's simple and not excessive. And this is your choice because you're such a sensible person in every aspect of you life.
17. You pick a milkshake: you're a party animal!

Image source: Reddit
Everyday's a party for you. Make the most and make things more exciting by grabbing yourself a milkshake, not a classic soda. You prefer things to be more exciting and fun because in real life, you're a total party animal and love to have fun and enjoy!
18. You remove the salad: you're shy

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You're not a fan of the salad, for you it's an unnecessary waste of lettuce when all you really want to do is to get straight down to the burger. But, you're too embarrassed to ask for your burger without the salad because that's a little bit awkward and you're way too shy for that.
19. You get a Happy Meal: you're a fun loving person

Image source: Reddit
Happy Meals are fun...and so are you. And who said they're just for kids? Definitely not you. You'll always get a Happy Meal for the excitement of getting lots of different stuff inside one delicious bag of food. There's just an extra fun element to it, right?
20. You get EVERYTHING: you're a little bit immature

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By everything, we don't mean literally the whole menu. But you get way more than you should because by the time you've finished eating (if you manage) you're way too full. But you can't resist. That inner child is excited by the fact that you're in McDonald's and you just can't help yourself.
21. Extra mayo: you're agreeable

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There's something about mayo, it's an unbeatable condiment. But, somehow there's many people who seem to dislike it, if that's even possible? But not you, you love it. In fact, the more the merrier. And in real life you're an agreeable person, people like you and love to be around you.
22. You get medium fries: you're a strong person

Image source: Reddit
You o]always order the medium fries when you go to McDonalds. And, from your order we can tell you're a strong person. You've got a strong head on your shoulders and not much can phase you. You take what life throws at you and roll with the punches...always getting back up again!
23. You size up: you've got no self restraint

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We get it, it's hard when you're offered more food to turn it down. Yet nobody needs a double portion of McDonald's. It's good to have a little bit of self restraint when it comes to eating junk food. But you...you have none. You always get the bigger option. Every time.
24. You get nuggets as your side: you're loyal

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The new items on the menu may come and go, but nuggets...they're here to stay. You get your nuggets every time because you know they'll never disappoint you. You're the same in life, you're loyal to those you can depend on even and aren't fickle when new and seemingly exciting people come into your life.
25. You add some spice: you're super confident

Image source: Reddit
You are very confident in yourself. Like with your Maccies order, your taste for spice is evident in your life too. You love to use your confidence to try exciting things and to be bold. Because you're so confident you never worry about what people think of you or if they like you, because you already like yourself.
26. You change up your order each time: you're sophisticated

Image source: Reddit
You like the finer things in life. And yes, McDonald's may not exactly be the finest food ever, but it's a guilty pleasure. And even when you order your food here, you love to switch it up every time. You've got a sophisticated palette just as you've got a sophisticated outlook on life.
27. You order more than 12 nuggets: you're a sociable person

Image source: Reddit
6 is just not enough when it comes to chicken nuggets. Once you've had one, it's very difficult to want to stop at 6 - unless you have super self control. But 12, that's probably slightly too many for one person - but hey, we're not judging! Nobody can resist a nugget. You're a sociable kind of person, you love to take some for yourself and share the rest. You didn't want to just get enough for you because you're too generous for that.
28. You order a quarter pounder: you're super laid back

Image source: Reddit
Go on. Treat yourself. And you are not afraid to do exactly that. You're super chilled and laid back. You go with the flow and take life exactly as it comes. You don't sweat the small stuff and you actually enjoy the spontaneity and unknown of life, the very thing that many people fear the most.
29. You edit the order: you're creative

Image source: Reddit
Most of us pick from the menu (or come one, more like memory) without adjusting our order. We get what we're given. You edit and adjust your order so that it suits you perfectly because you think outside the box and use your imagination to get creative!
30. McDouble: you're an overthinker

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There's so many better options out there than the McDouble let's face it. It's a simple, no frills kind of option which is relatively inexpensive in comparison to other options, and yet it's more filling than the original cheeseburger. You've really weighed up the options and the pros and cons here. You're an overthinker for sure.