Rare Uses Of Hairspray

By Lauren Mccluskey 1 year ago

1. Sealing artwork

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Depending on the medium that you are using for your artwork, particularly if it's something that smudges like soft pastels or charcoal, you can actually use hairspray to set it.  This means that if you spray hairspray on your finished piece of art, it will set it and prevent any unwanted smudges.

2. Preventing static cling

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Now, we are not saying spray your cat with hairspray with the use of this image but it probably reminds you of static cling, where your clothes get stuck to you, your hair stands on end uncontrollably and you get the odd static shock.  Well there is good news, you can actually prevent static clings and shocks by spraying hairspray on problematic surfaces (but not your cat!)

3. Protecting delicate flowers

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If you have been given a beautiful bunch of flowers or picked some yourself, and they are particularly delicate, it can be such a shame when they don't last long enough.  But you can preserve delicate flower arrangements for longer by spraying them with a little hairspray.

4. Removing ink stains

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If you spill ink on a surface, all you need to do to remove it is spray hairspray on it, wait for 30 minutes, and then wipe it away.  It works better on solid surfaces and when the ink is still wet but you can still remove dry ink from solid surfaces and fabric but you just need to wait a little longer for the hairspray to do its thing.

4. Keeping shoelaces tied

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Sometimes, it can be incredibly frustrating when your shoelaces just won't stay tied, especially when you're out for a run or a hike and the last thing you want to do is stop, crouch down, and tie your shoes.  This is particularly frustrating if you're trying to reach a PB!  So tie your shoes, then spray them with hairspray to keep them tied.

6. Stiffening ribbons

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When you wish to use a ribbon, whether that is in your hair, on clothing as decoration or whether it is a reward you need to restore, sometimes, they can be a little too floppy to handle and tie.  So to stiffen a ribbon up, you can spray hairspray onto it and it should be easier to handle.

7. Preventing runs on tights

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If you wear tights, you're probably all too familiar with runs, or ladders, that appear from the tiniest pull.  It's so easy to do and they can grow quite rapidly.  But to lengthen the life of your tights, spray hairspray directly onto the pull and you'll prevent it from growing.

8. Taming flyaway threads

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Just as you do with tights, if you have any fly-away threads on your clothing, you can stop them from getting worse with your clothing ending up with holes in them.  And the way you can do this is, you guessed it, by spraying hairspray on them for a temporary solution before you can repair them.

9. Preventing rust

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On metal surfaces, prone to rust, hairspray can help to keep your surfaces shiny and free from becoming unsightly with rust.  Once you've cleaned the rust off, like say with a Brillo pad or something similar, you can spray hairspray to the surface to act as a barrier to moisture and other things that cause rust.

10. Polishing shoes

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When you have run out of shoe polish but need fresh-looking, smart, and shiny shoes for an important event or celebration, you can actually use hairspray to make them shine.  It will also protect the surface of your shoes from any wet or dirt that comes their way!

11. Removing sticky labels

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Sticky labels can be quite inconvenient, especially when they cover something you use and won't come off.  There are a few different ways you can remove sticky labels and one of them is by spraying hairspray onto it, leaving it to do its thing and then scrape it off with ease!

12. Cleaning mirrors

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Believe it or not, you can even use hairspray to clean your dirty mirrors so you can take that perfect selfie without those unsightly and rather embarrassing splodges! Hairspray is perfect for cleaning mirrors because it not only cleans dirt and toothpaste splats off but it also provides a shiny sheen that you'll want from your mirror.

13. Preventing brass from tarnishing

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You can also prevent your brass fittings from tarnishing by regularly spraying them with hairspray.  Brass can look really dull if it's tarnished and the life of your fittings, like your ornate door handles and antique lamps, can actually be restored and maintained with the use of hairspray.

14. Sealing envelopes

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Nobody really likes to lick an envelope to seal it.  Besides, that urban legend of the bugs laying eggs in the glue tends to really put people off.  Using water is probably a good way to do it but it might not be particularly secure, especially if you are sending something special through the mail!

15. Removing lipstick stains

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Lipstick stains are really tough to remove from walls, surfaces, and fabric.  And especially if someone has accidentally washed your lipstick with your clothes in the washing machine (it has been done way too often!).  But it's worth trying hairspray for this stain as leaving it to work its magic on a lipstick stain has been proven to be quite successful!

16. Keeping beads in place

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If you have beads sewn into your clothing, especially those tiny beads, you might be worried that they will come loose and fall off your clothing.  And nobody wants that!  So like the loose and flyaway threads, you can actually use hairspray to fix beads in place so they remain on your clothing for longer.

17. Removing chewing gum

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Chewing gum must be one of the most annoying substances to get stuck to your clothing, your shoes, or any surface in your home.  But the good news is that you can actually remove this sticky substance from your belongings by spraying hairspray on it to harden it and then you can scrape it off.  Easy!

18. Removing grease stains

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There is also another use for hairspray and that's removing tough grease stains from your clothing.  Before you put your grease-stained clothes into the washing machine, try spraying some hairspray directly onto the stain.  Then wash as normal and succeed in removing the grease!

19. Cleaning keyboards

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You can also clean keyboards using hairspray and the good thing is that it also doubles up as a protective layer on your keys, almost making dust and dirt bounce off it.  But before you clean your keyboard, it is really important that you actually unplug it from your machine.

20. Removing watermarks

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Another unknown and rare use of hairspray benefits your stainless steel sinks and surfaces.  This is because if you spray hairspray onto a surface that has been stained with water, you not only clean the stains from the surfaces but also provide a protective layer against watermarks.

21. Protecting artwork during shipping

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If you're an artist and need to ship your artwork to a customer, hairspray has you covered here too.  You can set your work that is likely to smudge so it is protected against damage and, if your work is on paper, you can also stiffen the paper more, making it more robust in the mail.

22. Fixing broken nails

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Hairspray can be quite sticky, and for this reason, you can use it to temporarily fix a broken nail.  This can be particularly useful if you've grown them especially or just had nail art done.  But do make sure you haven't got any sore areas or open skin before you spray because this will sting.

23. Cleaning hair tools

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Hir tools like scissors, combs, and brushes, to name a few, can get rather dirty.  There are hair products, hair, dirt and oil from your hair, and dead skin from your scalp that generally builds up on them.  So use hairspray to not only clean them but also make them last longer in between washes.

24. Preventing car windows from fogging

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When your car windows fog, it can be quite time-consuming to sit and wait for them to defog.  And it's such a common thing to happen so if you're in a rush, you risk being late while you wait for your visibility to improve so it's safe to drive.  So use hairspray on the insides of your windows to prevent this from happening.

25. Stiffening book pages

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You can also protect your favorite books with hairspray and make them more robust, especially the ones you read over and over again and that need restoring a bit because of their weakened pages.  So use hairspray on the pages to stiffen them and make them stronger in the face of wear and tear.

26. Removing wine stains

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Another stain that is quite common on clothing is red wine.  And it feels almost impossible to remove which is bad news for your favorite top or dress.  So before you put them in the wash, try spraying hairspray directly on to the stain and then wash as normal after leaving it to work for a few minutes.

27. Fixing your makeup

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If you've run out of makeup fixing spray and you've just finished your best face of makeup yet, ready for a long day and evening out, you can use hairspray to fix it to your face and make it last longer.  But don't do this too often as it can dry out your skin.

28. Removing permanent marker stains

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Permanent marker on surfaces and fabric is usually a really difficult and awkward stain to remove.  But try spraying hairspray directly onto the stain and leave it for up to an hour before scrubbing.  You might find that the hairspray has worked its magic and helped to remove the stain.

29. Keeping shoelaces from fraying

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Shoelaces always seem to fray unevenly, whether it's the right one or the left one, but it's always just one of them that goes first.  So when you see one of your shoelaces starting to fray spray some hairspray directly onto it and smooth down the loose threads.  This will help it to last as long as the other lace!

30. Protecting shoes from the rain

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Some shoes that are made out of suede or light-colored leather are prone to water stains that look dirty and ruin the look of your shoe.  But it's difficult to avoid this if you're out and it starts to rain, even if you have an umbrella!  So to protect your shoes, spray some hairspray directly onto them and the rain will bounce right off them!

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