1. You have diarrhoea after drinking caffeine
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Drinking coffee in moderation should not really affect your bowels. If you have one or two cups your digestion system should stay the same, unless you have a caffeine intolerance, in which case this could really affect it. If it's giving you diarrhoea it's a huge sign you're intolerant.
2. You get nervous after drinking caffeine

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Some people who experience caffeine intolerance find that it makes them feel super nervous after drinking it - maybe even just a cup. They can feel on edge for hours after they've drank it and it really interferes with their headspace and how they feel.
3. It gives you a headache

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Unless you're drinking way too much coffee in a day, then getting a headache after drinking caffeine probably means you have an intolerance. Because, some people who do have caffeine intolerances find that after drinking just one lot of coffee can give them a headache.
4. Once the first caffeine boost wears off you feel super sleepy

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We all love coffee for it's burst of energy when we're feeling a little bit lethargic. But, if you have a caffeine intolerance it may be making matters way worse. Yes, you may have an initial boost of energy but after that you could end up feeling even more sleepy than you would have without the coffee.
5. It makes you jittery

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Feeling jittery is a super common side effect of caffeine for those who have a caffeine intolerance. It means that your body cannot deal with the caffeine as well and so it results in you feeling very jittery which can be a really uncomfortable feeling!
6. Your heart rate speeds up a LOT

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It's normal for caffeine to raise your heart rate slightly, that's generally the effect that it has. But this shouldn't be by a lot or a significant amount. If it is beating really fast after drinking caffeine then you're probably intolerant and it may be best to steer clear.
7. You get a rash

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An allergy rash is a clear sign that you have an intolerance. Sometimes it can be really difficult to pinpoint what you're intolerant to. Is it a new soap? A food? But if the common denominator seems to be coffee, then it is likely you have a coffee intolerance.
8. You have an intense thirst after drinking caffeine

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Another more unusual and unknown side effect of having caffeine is that you experience an intense thirst after consuming it. Now, you may not have initially put this down to being intolerant - but it is a common sign that you do have a caffeine tolerance.
9. You need to pee a lot after drinking it'

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Often, people with a caffeine intolerance find that they have to pee way more than they usually do when they are drinking a caffeinated drink. They find that they have to keep going to the toilet to pee, which is a clear sign you have an intolerance to it.
10. You can't sleep after drinking coffee at some point in the day

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Even if you have a coffee in the morning you may find that it is affecting your sleep at night. People with a caffeine intolerance may find that their sleep is disturbed in some way after just a little bit of caffeine. You may find that you cannot sleep, or you keep waking up through the night.
11. It makes you irritable

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Drinking caffeine shouldn't make you feel really irritated, in fact it shouldn't make your mood change at all. But, if you do have an intolerance you might find that drinking caffeine of some sort can make you irritable or make your mood feel more unstable and up and down.
12. You get muscle twitches after drinking coffee

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Muscle spasms and muscle twitched are clear signs that you have a caffein intolerance if this is what you experience after drinking a coffee, an energy drink or something caffeinated. It shows that your body does not process the caffeine in a good way.
13. Your face flushes after drinking it

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Do you enjoy a nice cup of coffee, or a strong tea, and find your face flushing bright red? This is not just because it's making you hot. This is a clear indication that you do have an intolerance to caffeine and it is displaying itself in physical rashes or discomfort.
14. Your ears start ringing

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Now this is not a super common side effect of a caffeine intolerance, but it is something that has been experienced by some people who do have one. You may find that your ears feel strange or start ringing after drinking something caffeinated. Many people do not realise to associate this with drinking caffeine.
15. It affects your appetite

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When you do have a caffeine intolerance it could affect your appetite and put you off your food after you've had it. This could last up t a few hours, it may subdue your appetite so that you do not really feel like you want to eat because your body has not agreed with the caffeine it consumed.
16. You get a dry mouth after consuming coffee

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A dry mouth can be a sign that you are intolerant to caffeine. If you have this symptom, perhaps among other side effects, it could well be a sign that you have an intolerance to caffeine. It may feel as though all of the moisture has been sucked out of your mouth leaving it feeling uncomfortable.
17. It makes you feel dizzy

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Dizziness after drinking caffeine is not a symptom that should be ignored. If you have a caffeine intolerance it could make you feel dizzy and light headed. Of course, this could be checked with medical professional as dizziness can be a sign of many different things.
18. It affects your blood pressure

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Drinking caffeine with an intolerance to caffeine can have an adverse effect on your blood pressure. It can raise your blood pressure in most cases of an intolerance. Many people who experience caffeine intolerance have named this as a side effect of drinking coffee or other caffeine based drinks.
19. It hurts your chest

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Does drinking caffeine hurt your chest? Do you feel a strange uncomfortable sensation in your chest after drinking your morning cup of coffee? If this is you then it sounds like you may have a caffeine intolerance and your body does not react well to you consuming caffeine.
20. When you drink coffee you can taste a metallic taste

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This is a fairly uncommon side effect of drinking caffeine with a caffeine intolerance yet it is not unheard of and some people who have an intolerance to caffeine have claimed that this is one of the symptoms they experience. A metallic taste can also be indicative of other conditions.
21. You feel over stimulated

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Feeling overstimulated means that you feel super sensitive to the stimuli around you, whether it is sounds or lights or colours. You may feel overwhelmed by everything around you and feel like everything got a lot more chaotic. This could be due to a caffeine intolerance if it occurs after consuming caffeine
22. You experience brain fog

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Brain fog is something that has been reported by people who have caffeine intolerances. When they have caffeine, some people have found that they experience a kind of brain fog where they struggle to think clearly or collect their thoughts as they usually would.
23. Your lips swell up

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When your lips swell up it's often a sign that you have some kind of allergy or intolerance to something. It can especially be a sign of something you have eaten or drank, because whatever it is has touched your lips. So, if caffeine makes you're lips swell you could have an intolerance.
24. You start coughing
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Now you'd probably not think that if you have a cough, it could be caused by caffeine. Only when you start to notice a pattern can you realise when something affects you negatively. And with caffeine intolerances there are so many symptoms, one of them being that it can make you cough!
25. You feel short of breath

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Shortness of breath is a huge tell tale sign that something is not good for your body and that it does not react well. In some cases, it could be because of caffeine. If you have an intolerance to caffeine you may experience a shortness of breath, like you cannot breathe deeply.
26. You feel anxious

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Some people with a caffein intolerance may find that they feel anxious after drinking caffeine, or that any anxiety they already had has been made even worse. This could even be caused by the slightest bit of caffeine so it's always good to check what drinks contain it.
27. Your stomach feels sore

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An intolerance of any kind can leave your stomach feeling sensitive and sore. It can be heard to realise what is causing that. Some people with caffeine intolerances find that they have a sore stomach some time after drinking caffeine and this can last the entire day or more.
28. You feel less co-ordinated after caffeine

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One unusual side effect of a caffeine intolerance is that you become less coordinated after drinking coffee or any other caffeinated beverage. Perhaps you feel as thought you are more clumsy or your limbs feel less in synch, or you may struggle to do tasks as easily.
29. Your mouth feels itchy

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Itchiness could be a sign that you are intolerant to something. For example, if you have caffeine and get an itchy mouth then chances are you may be intolerant. This is because it's causing a reaction to your skin and making it irritated and itchy when you consume that particular thing.
30. You feel totally restless and can't concentrate

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Drinking tonnes of caffeine is not good for you and it can make you feel restless, as though you cannot concentrate on anything. But these symptoms may be the same for someone who has an intolerance to caffeine, even if thy have only had a little bit.