1. Two fake police officers threatening s*xual abuse

Image source: Reddit
One woman was alerted to movement by her doorbell. She looked and saw two people dressed as police officers. When she listened, she heard them discussing s*xual abuse... aimed at her. She called the police who told her they were not cops and to hide and stay quiet until the police arrived.
2. A woman screaming for help

Image source: Reddit
Ring footage shows that in Los Angeles at around 11pm one night, there was a woman in the car of a white vehicle driving past, screaming desperately for help. The footage was linked with a kidnapping case. You can also hear a male voice saying 'I'm sorry'. Pretty scary don't you think?
3. A man carrying an assault rifle

Image source: Reddit
In 2018, Florida, there was a man caught on the doorbell camera carrying an assault rifle and wearing a bulletproof vest. He went up to the home and rang the doorbell and luckily the homeowner could see on the camera and immediately rang the police after hiding her children in the bathroom. The man was never able to cause any harm.
4. A woman running for her life

Image source: Ranker
In 2018, there was an extremely disturbing video caught on the doorbell camera of woman in the middle of the night who was partially undressed and wearing some kind of hand restraint, knocking on the door. It was said that she was the victim of domestic abuse. She later revealed that she had woken up and her boyfriend was restraining her and kneeling on her, placing material inside her mouth. She thought she was going to die.
5. The man who LICKED the doorbell for 3 hours

Image source: Reddit
It doesn't get much weirder or creepier than this one! In 2019 in California, a man named Roberto Daniel Arroyo was identified on camera footage in the middle of the night licking doorbell for THREE whole hours. Nobody knows why. He then took a pee in front of the house to top things off!
6. A man pretending to be Santa hacking into a little girl's room camera

Image source: Youtube
A family were using the ring cameras to ensure the safety of their child in their room. But, when they reviewed the footage they heard a man's voice. A man was speaking to the little girl while she was watching TV, claiming that he was her best friend and she should talk to him. He had managed to hack into the system.
7. The mystery TV man leaving packages on the porch

Image source: Ranker
It's not exactly a terrible thing to find a retro TV n your front porch. But when you think about it it is pretty creepy. This guy goes around leaving vintage TV sets on the porches of houses. He then started to dress as a retro TV to continue leaving these packages. Who he is or why he did it remains a real (and weird) mystery!
8. A man kicking the door in

Image source: Ranker
Imagine looking at your phone to see a man wearing a dark jacket with his hood up, walking up to the door, and hammering it trying to get in. well this has happened! He then returned with his friend and started kicking the door to try and break through. The home owner called out to scare them and thankfully the pair of them ran off without causing any more trouble.
9. A huge fire in the vicinity

Image source: Ranker
One person woke up to a movement alert on their ring app and saw that there was a huge fire right next to their house, heading in their direction. Thankfully the couple were woken and alerted by the doorbell app, or the fire could have stretched through their house while they slept.
10. A man trying to get into the house

Image source: Ranker
This man was seen to be having a full blown conversation with the doorbell camera. He was wanting to get inside the house claiming he had worked for the family despite them not knowing who he was. He was very insistent upon seeing the family inside the house but eventually left when he discovered they were not home...
11. An invisible guest

Image source: Ranker
One thing that is totally disturbing is when you can't explain something. For example, this doorbell camera captured a voice, but no image. So you can hear them but you can't see them. How they did it is not known, because from the audio it sounds as though somebody should be right in front of the camera.
12. A man with an unknown motive

Image source: Ranker
This was really disturbing. From what could be seen, someone in a car is waiting nearby and somebody is on the porch. They are having an unknown conversation where the guy in font of the camera is clearly being pushed to do something that he isn't comfortable with. He pretends to knock on the door and even stages a fake conversation with the doorbell. He then asks if a man name Matt lives there before apologising and walking away. He clearly thought better about doing whatever was his initial intention.
13. The man grappling with the doorbell

Image source: Ranker
This guy on someone's camera looked super intoxicated, and left a disturbing video as he tries to pull the camera and get rid of the camera from the doorbell. He can't do it and eventually jumps over a fence and runs away. Thankfully, he couldn't do whatever it was he was trying to do.
14. The strange bike seller

Image source: Ranker
So it doesn't sound too disturbing but this guy was going around the neighbourhood time and time again trying to sell bikes. But, the way he was acting was super shady. Also, the sounds and the way he was moving make you thankful that nobody was home to answer the doorbell.
15. A rat snake slithering along the door

Image source: Ranker
Okay, not what you want to see when you look on your doorbell camera; a HUGE rat snake slithering along the door. It looks at least 2 metres long. Although I guess it's better seeing it on camera than opening the door without even knowing that you've got a new friend moved in...
16. Leaving a creepy inflatable on the porch door

Image source: Reddit
So this man was not a delivery man, so the family do not know why he came to their house in particular. He had his face covered and he turned up to the porch carrying something. He set it down and then after a while it grew into a huge, creepy inflatable facing into the camera. Very eerie...
17. A van exploding

Image source: Reddit
This doorbell camera caught a van on the road side just randomly exploding and bursting into flames. The footage actually helped authorities work out what had happened. Thankfully nobody had been in the van at that moment as it belonged to a carpet cleaner who was inside the house nearby.
18. Somebody hiding behind the door

Image source: Reddit
Hide and seek in the middle of the night sounds like something straight out of a horror movie. So when somebody is hiding behind your door to avoid the camera in the early hours of the morning, you know it's not for a good reason and it's time to call the cops!
19. A toddler coming to play

Image source: Reddit
It was 5 AM when this homeowner looked at their doorbell camera and saw a toddler knocking on the door, wearing just a pyjama top. He was asking their son to come to play and it was freezing weather outside. The dad rushed downstairs to find out what was going on and it turned out this little body had wandered out in the night without his parents knowing, wanting a play date!
20. A gang on the doorstep

Image source: Reddit
Okay what's scarier than looking outside your door to find a gang of 6 guys on your front porch? Guys who you have no idea who they are, or why they're even there. And, it's the middle of the night! They were whispering to each other for about half an hour before they eventually left. So disturbing.
21. Someone shooting a gun

Image source: Reddit
This woman actually witnessed somebody SHOOT somebody else with a gun. They saw on the footage a man nearby holding a gun, and then he actually shot another person down. The whole thing was caught on this camera and it was sent off as evidence to the police.
22. A masked baseball bat burglar

Image source: Reddit
They had a mask covering his face, their hood up, and a baseball bat in his hand stood in front of the door in the middle of the night. They were wandering around trying to break in with a baseball in hand. Imaging being the home owner at this moment in time.
23. The creepy clown at the door

Image source: Reddit
Clowns are creepy. That's it. And, this person from Las Vegas had an even creepier clown experience than most of us. This person was dressed up in the creepy clown costume, trying to have a conversation with the person through the door on the camera and actually threatening to come in and kill her!
24. A creepy dancing couple in overalls

Image source: Reddit
There was an unknown couple discovered on this footage who were going around different doors and doing a staged dance in synchronisation with one another. Both of them were dressed in a blue uniform. However, they were not registered to any company in the area.
25. A little girl dressed as a creepy doll

Image source: Reddit
Creepy dolls are disturbing at the best of times. And this little girl dressed up as a doll with a cracked skull at somebody's porch in the night (not on Halloween) is equally as disturbing! She was alone as far as could be seen and it was never discovered why she was there as the footage was seen in the morning.
26. A masked man in overalls

Image source: Reddit
The last thing you want to think is that somebody who you do not know is stood outside your house in the middle of the night when they're not meant to be there, wearing a mask and overalls. Why? There can be no good reason for this, making it extremely disturbing.
27. The sleepwalker talking with his deceased grandpa

Image source: Reddit
Sleepwalking is scary at the best of times. But to look out and find your little brother walking outside and talking with his deceased grandpa is another level of creepy. There could be snippets of the conversation heard, such as, 'I'm going to miss you'. This is so sad.
28. A Mountain lion stalking the house

Image source: Reddit
Okay so this is both amazing and disturbing all rolled into one. Because it's truly amazing that there is a wild mountain lion just waking right past your front door. On the other hand, it's extremely dangerous and thankfully this person didn't step outside before they knew!
29. An animals head

Image source: Reddit
You wake up to an alert on your phone telling you somebody is moving outside your house. You look into the camera and see THIS. It's an animals head pointing directly towards the camera. The scary thing is that this is obviously designed to freak out the homeowner. And, it isn't even clear if it's dead or alive.
30. Way too close for comfort

Image source: Reddit
Is there any need to be SO close? It's disturbing. You're watching out at somebody watching in at you - super creepy. And why are they trying to get so close? They are clearly trying to see into the house. Now this is an image you can't get out of your head.