Foods You Should Eat To Help Your Stomach Problems

By Molly 1 year ago

Leafy greens

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It’s easy being green! Dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale and cabbage are packed with fiber and vitamins to aid gut health and motility. If you’re a fan of flavor, garnish your pasta with some rocket to help achieve a balanced diet. 

Chia Seeds

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Tiny but terrific, chia seeds pack a lot of punch when it comes to helping your stomach. They aren’t just full of fiber, but also contribute to your gut’s essential friendly bacteria. Sprinkle a spoonful on your yogurt or cereal to kick start your day!


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Starting the day with a lemon slice in a cup of warm water is the perfect wake up call! Lemons support the production of digestive enzymes and help to eliminate waste from your tummy. They are perfect for keeping things moving along.


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The world is your beetroot when it comes to enjoying this root vegetable! Cubed in your salad or roasted as a side dish, beets wins when it comes to boosting your digestion and immune system. Fancy a drink instead? Beets smoothies are the perfect detox!


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Did you know that omega-3 fatty acids are brilliant at reducing inflammation? It’s a good job then that salmon is packed with them! If your gut is feeling angry you can help calm it down with a helping of pan seared salmon at brunch.


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Peppermint isn’t just for bad breath! With anti-inflammatory properties, this plant helps your gut muscles relax. If you suffer from cramps and bloat, a cup of peppermint tea can help get you through your day. Fill your thermos with it for on the go relief!


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With high antioxidant and fiber levels, peas are powerful regulators of the digestive system. If you suffer from unhealthy motions, have some of these with your dinner. Full of plant based protein, peas are also excellent at keeping you full!


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Many types of yogurt are full of friendly bacteria (or probiotics), which help promote good gut health. This is important when trying to avoid various digestive problems.  Yogurt can be enjoyed with breakfast, lunch and dinner, so grab a spoon and tuck in!


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Whether red, green or golden, apples are suited to all taste buds. Full of a substance called pectin, they can help enhance nutrient absorption, as well as helping to relieve symptoms of diarrhea and constipation. So, “how do you like them apples?”.


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Walnuts are a healthy, gut friendly snack. Not only can they ease digestion by providing a natural laxative effect, but they are also packed with healthy fats to help reduce gut inflammation. Try substituting a less healthy snack for some walnuts!

Sourdough bread

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Sourdough is a hearty food packed with pre and probiotic properties! Enjoy toasted on its own for breakfast or on the side of a hummus dip. Sourdough can be gentler on your stomach than other traditional loaves, what’s not to love?


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This traditional Japanese food has lots of health benefits. Its fermentation process promotes the thriving of not only good gut bacteria, but also the manufacturing of some essential vitamins! Its flavor is versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes.


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One of the most popular grains worldwide, who doesn’t love a bowl of porridge oats? Fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, oats have got it all! Soaked overnight with fruit and nuts or perfect for a quick breakfast when you’re running late.


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A wonder fruit for your gut filled with potassium, bananas are a must for anyone struggling with stomach problems. If you prefer your bananas a bit under ripe, this is the perfect solution to help heartburn, as they can help to neutralize stomach acid.


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Quinoa is protein and fiber rich to support gut health and motility. Delicious hot or cold, this grain compliments fish, meat or veggies (or you can even eat it on its own!). Bonus points for those coeliacs out there, as this superfood is gluten free too!


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As one of the most distinct tasting ingredients, garlic is a staple of most kitchens. With antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, it is suggested that garlic is most beneficial for gut health when eaten raw! Maybe not just before a date though…


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Little in size but large in nutritional value, lentils are a part of many great dishes - particularly punchy plant based ones! Made up of complex carbohydrates and folates, they are digested slowly which supports gut regulation and vitamin absorption.


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As a rich source of soluble fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseeds are the perfect antidote for those affected by constipation. Their properties promote a natural laxative effect within the gut, along with promoting the digestive health of IBD sufferers.


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Busy lifestyles and quick fix meals can sometimes lead to an unhappy stomach. Eating more chickpeas can help re-regulate your gut back to its happy place. How, you ask? Because of their high fiber, high protein and low fat components of course!


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Often enjoyed as part of a dessert, it’s easy to overlook the nutritional value of this famous fruit. Strawberries are actually brimming with fiber and with vitamin C! This handy vitamin is important for mineral absorption and supporting healthy gut tissue.

Green tea

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Consumption of green tea is worldwide, and it’s no wonder when you consider its benefits. It can reduce gut inflammation as well as relieving excess gas in the intestines! So, swap your coffee beans for a green tea bag, your stomach will thank you for it.


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If a warm tea isn’t for you, why not try a refreshing glass of kombucha? This drink contains live microorganisms that help balance gut bacteria levels and improve digestion. There are lots of different types of kombucha, which one is your favorite?

Vegetable soup

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What easier way of getting your five a day than eating a hearty veggie soup? Whether you combine stem, leaf or root vegetables, flavor and nutrition never have to be compromised. Delicious cold or warm, you can treat your stomach to veggie soup year round.


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Living up to its nickname as a superfood, leeks are rich in flavonoids, vitamins, minerals and fibers. All these components are gifts to your gut, so next time you’re cooking a stew or soup, be sure to include this impressive green veggie!

Bone broth

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If your gut tissue needs some TLC, look no further than a cup of bone broth! This tasty meal contains gelatin which helps heal irritated gut linings. It’s easy to make, just simmer beef or chicken bone overnight in water! Minimum effort, maximum reward.


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Another famous fermented food, kimchi is an excellent probiotic. To be enjoyed with rice, noodles or on its own, it’s easy to prepare and even easier to eat! If kimchi is for you, why not try it every day to see if your stomach benefits?


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Colorful and sweet, just a handful of blueberries a day can have endless health benefits. From protecting your gut lining to supporting healthy bacteria growth, blueberries are best enjoyed decorating a fruit salad or as part of your morning smoothie routine.


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If your stomach is causing you problems and isn’t able to handle heavy food, why not go back to basics? Nutritionally balanced and easy to digest, eating boiled or poached eggs can help ease you back in to a healthy gut routine.

Dark chocolate

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Who says you can’t treat yourself and your stomach at the same time? Fiber rich and another promoter of balanced gut bacteria, dark chocolate can definitely be classed as a win win! On its own or in your favorite dessert, you don’t need to feel guilty about this one!


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Ginger has been trusted for thousands of years to treat many health ailments. Nowadays, it is well known for its ability to maintain motility throughout the whole gastrointestinal tract. Combined with lemon and hot water, this is an instant nausea settler.


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Asparagus, as well as being an all-round healthy food item, is also particularly good for your gut because of the prebiotic fibers it contains. It helps the good bacteria in your digestive system, so it can help if you're having digestive issues. Fiber always helps with good bowel movements as well!


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Avocados are all over the place when it comes to healthy eating and Instagram-worthy foods, but they're also particularly good for your gut. It's a really good source of good bacteria for your stomach, and it can also work to help calm inflammation in the digestive process.


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Normally associated with popping on the top of hot dogs, love it or loathe it sauerkraut is actually good news for your gut! This cabbage condiment is a good choice to have on the side of your next plate of food, because it's full of good bacteria and can help to improve your digestive system.


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It doesn't matter whether they're white or red, both are good for you and your stomach! They are a really good source of prebiotics, and they also take a long time to break down, which means the bacteria in your stomach can take its time feeding on the onion and taking advantage of that fiber!


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While broccoli is not everyone's cup of tea, it should be if you're having stomach problems or digestive issues. These veggies are low in carbs and high in fiber, so they're a good all-rounder for your overall health. They can also help to boost a healthy gut as well as keeping your toilet habits more regular!


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Just like broccoli, cauliflower is another good vegetable to have on your plate if you're looking for a healthy gut, regular bathroom movements and something that's going to take care of your health! Cauliflower is also a great source of fiber and good news for your gut's bacteria.


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Nuts and seeds are good all round if you're looking for a healthy snack or to add to some recipes, and for your stomach, almonds in particular are chock-full of fiber to help keep everything moving as it should. Almonds also help to promote growth of good gut bacteria, and slow down the growth of the bad bacteria!

Cottage cheese (specifically with live cultures)

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Live cultures refers to products being made with live organisms with the purpose of helping your natural processes and nutrition - and cottage cheese with live cultures is made to boost your gut health through added beneficial bacteria. So next time you buy some cottage cheese, look for 'with live cultures' on the packaging for an extra win!

Sweet potatoes

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Sweet potatoes are very high in fiber, making them a great option for healthy digestion and stomach problems. They're also rich in prebiotics and they move very slowly through your digestion system, which means more time for the good bacteria in your gut to have a healthy snack!

Olive oil

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Olive oil can be a really good source of healthy fat in your diet, and it's particularly good for gut health because it can also help to reduce inflammation. You can use olive oil in your cooking and add a splash to your pan. It also gives a helping hand to your digestion system by making it easier to absorb nutrients from food.

Jerusalem artichoke

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You might not have ever heard of this particular veg before, but it's a great one for gut health. The best foods for your gut have a sugar called inulin, which is a sugar that our bodies don't digest, but that the good bacteria actually needs to feed on. Jerusalem artichokes are a great source of inulin.

Dandelion greens

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Did you even know you could eat Dandelion greens? Well now you do! And the good news is, they're among the best foods you can eat for a healthy stomach and gut. Research suggests dandelion greens are a good source of prebiotics, the stuff needed to feed good bacteria.


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Kefir is a dairy beverage that has been fermented, and it's not one many people know of. But you'll want to add it to your grocery list if you're having gut issues! It's more like a drinkable yoghurt that you can have that will promote healthy bacteria in your digestive system.

Frozen mixed berries

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Frozen mixed berries are a great snack and freezer stock-up because they last longer than fresh berries. These berries are packed full of fiber, which is what you need for a healthy digestion and regular toilet routine. So if your stomach problem is constipation, you'll want some of these berries!

Fermented fresh pickles

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When fermented in salty brine, pickles are a great source of good bacteria that's going to help your gut health. The key with checking the probiotic content is to see whether they've been made with vinegar - it needs to be brine pickles, because vinegar fermentation won't have probiotic benefits.

Manuka honey

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This particular type of honey is very unique, and comes from the pollination of the Manuka bush, which is native to New Zealand. Research has suggested that this type of honey might actually help with gastric ulcers, as well as fighting the bacterial infection of the bowel.


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Pistachios are packed full of fiber, making them the perfect snack if you're having some stomach and gut discomfort. They're also filled with protein, which is good news for your gut and overall health. Research suggests these might be better than almonds for gut health!


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If you're a vegetarian - or even if you're not - and you're not a fan of tofu, tempeh is a great solution. Tempeh is fermented soybean, which has a slightly nutty kick to it. Tempeh provides a good dose of prebiotics, the healthy stuff that good bacteria likes to feast on!


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Fungi is good for your stomach, too, even though you might not have thought it - mushrooms are a good choice for polysaccharides, which is a type of sugar the bacteria in your stomach feed on for good growth and development. Mushrooms also work to protect your intestines.

Semi-soft cheeses

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Emphasis on the 'semi-soft' because not all cheese will be good news for your stomach! Cheeses like mozzarella, gouda and cheddar can come out of the fermentation process with their beneficial probiotics still intact, where there can help the good bacteria in your gut!

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