Signs You Might Be Addicted To Chocolate

By Anna Collins 1 year ago

1. You crave it even when you're not hungry

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Let's face it...the majority of us LOVE chocolate. It's a general guilty pleasure. But what should be an occasional treat, for you may be a frequent food which you eat even when you're not hungry. No matter how full you are you want chocolate and you eat chocolate.

2. When you don't have it regularly you feel anxious

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For you chocolate isn't a treat, it feels like a necessity to the extent that when you don't have it you actually feel anxious. Your mood has come to rely on it. This is a clear sign that you have an unhealthy relationship with chocolate and you may actually be addicted to it.

3. You have a large amount every day

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A little bit of chocolate every day is fine. In fact, many of us have a small amount every day or every few days. You go to the shop for a loaf of bread...and instead you come out with three bars of chocolate. Yet, having a huge amount of chocolate every single day is not healthy or good. And, if this sounds like you, and you do eat a LOT of chocolate every day, you could be addicted.

4. You feel guilty for eating so much but don't stop

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You know you eat too much chocolate and you know it's not right. In fact, you actually eat so much, so often that you really do feel guilty about it. But, despite feeling guilty after you've eaten it you can't seem to stop. No matter how it makes you feel you feel unable to quit.

5. You hide how much you eat

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When you feel like you have to hide the amount of chocolate you eat, it could be a sign that you are addicted. It suggests that you are consuming a large quantity of chocolate every day, and that you recognise yourself it isn't healthy, however, you still can't seem to do anything about it.

6. You take it around with you when you don't think they'll be any available

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Anybody should be able to go any amount of time they need without eating chocolate. If you don't feel like you can, you could well be addicted! Are you taking chocolate to every place you go, just in case you cannot find any at the place you're going? Are you taking it EVERYWHERE with you?

7. You pretend to other people that you don't eat as much as you really do

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'I've only had one bar of chocolate today'. 'No, I don't watch chocolate multiple times a day. Of course not!'. This would all be fine...if it
the truth. But if this sounds like you, fibbing about how much chocolate you are eating, then maybe you were addicted!

8. You've tried to quit before but failed

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You know you have to cut back drastically, or quit altogether...but you just can't. You've tried to quit full stop, but you failed. When you try it becomes all you can focus on and you end up giving in to the temptation which just completely takes over.

9. You think about it a LOT

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You don't just think 'ooh, I would love a chocolate bar right now.' No, we all think this from time to time! For you it might me more of an all consuming thought that takes over our thoughts pretty much all day every dyad. This is a sign that you have an addiction to chocolate.

10. You get withdrawals from chocolate

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You cannot just stop eating chocolate, you end up experience real, physical withdrawals. You may find that you get angry, or you have a headache or you feel super low on energy. These are all signs that your body is addicted to chocolate, and so it struggles when you no longer have it.

11. You never do not have chocolate with you

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You won't go out without chocolate, what of you can't manage to get hold of any while you're out? You have a chocolate stash that is never-ending, and you will not go anywhere without it. You wouldn't want to be in a position where you couldn't have it.

12. You even try to pretend to yourself you don't eat as much as you do

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Pretending to other people is one thing, but pretending to yourself is a whole new problem. You know that your chocolate consumption of getting out of control when you can't even admit to yourself how much you are actually having. This is a sign of chocolate addiction.

13. It's costing you a lot

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Chocolate should be a treat, not a permanent fixture in your everyday life. So you should not be spending a significant amount of money on chocolate every day. If your chocolate consumption is costing you a LOT of money, then perhaps you have a chocolate addiction.

14. People are worried about you

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If you have got to the point where people are really worried about you and your chocolate eating habits, then it could be time to acknowledge your addiction to chocolate. People have your best intentions at heart, and they may have noticed that you have an unhealthy relationship to chocolate.

15. You've sought out help

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If you've sought out help for your relationship with chocolate then you are acknowledging that this is something you need to deal with and that perhaps you have an addiction. Seeking help is a great step forward in being able to tackle your addiction to chocolate.

16. You try and justify why you eat so much chocolate

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If you feel as though you have to justify why you eat so much chocolate, then perhaps you are eating too much. There's no shame in indulging now and then in chocolate. It's when you are eating chocolate non stop that something's up, this is why you feel as though you have to justify it to yourself.

17. You feel embarrassed

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You feel completely embarrassed by how much chocolate you eat, and how much you reply on chocolate and feel like you need it. You know it's not good and that it is not something that should be this way, so you feel embarrassed for what has grown into a chocolate addiction.

18. Your teeth are affected by your chocolate consumption

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Candy, chocolate and sugar in general has a negative effect on our teeth and can increase the rate in which our teeth decay. It can also increase the amount of varieties you have. If you have a chocolate addiction you'll notice that your teeth are suffering because of it.

19. You plan your day around your chocolate intake

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You wake up thinking about chocolate, and you then proceed to plan your day around chocolate and when you can actually eat it. Your day doesn't revolve around work or family or other daily it's about when you will be able to eat your chocolate.

20. You can't cut back

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Okay, you can't cut it out completely, that is a large feat to undertake. But, you can't even cut back your chocolate intake. You know you're eating way too much yet the thought of cutting back on how much you're eating seems impossible. And the reality of actually doing it..NO way.

21. You've gained weight because of it

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Gaining weight is a natural part of life, weight can fluctuate. But you have noticed that your chocolate eating habits are making you gain a lot of wight. Particularly because it may be making up the majority of our diet, meaning, your diet is not healthy or good for you.

22. When you're emotional you eat chocolate

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One sign that you have an addiction to chocolate is when you use chocolate and a coping mechanism. When you feel emotional, whether that is happy or sad, you turn to chocolate. You use chocolate to pick your mood up and you also use it as a celebration when you are happy too.

23. You have chocolate hidden around you house

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You have chocolate hidden all around the house. You have stashes and different compartments and stores where you keep chocolate. You don't just have a few chocolate bars, oh no, you have tonnes of chocolate. This is so that you NEVER run out of chocolate.

24. You feel like you NEED chocolate

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You don't just want chocolate. You feel like you NEED chocolate. It's something that consumes you. You do not feel like it's an option you just need chocolate and so you have it. This is something that people may experience when they are addicted to chocolate.

25. It's affecting your relationships

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When something is so consuming that it gets in the way of healthy relationships and makes them start to suffer, it's a sign that it may be bad for you. If chocolate is affecting your relationships and straining your relationships, then perhaps you have an addiction which is making your relationships suffer.

26. You feel excited by the thought of chocolate

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Of course, we all like chocolate and we can all get excited by the thought of it. But, are you only excited by chocolate, does this feeling overtake your excitement for other things? If this feeling consumes you then it is not a usual relationship with chocolate, it may be an addiction.

27. You reward yourself with chocolate

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You reward all of your actions with chocolate. Every little success or daily task is rewarded with chocolate. This is because it is your ultimate motivator, it's the only thing that makes you work hard or makes you want to complete your everyday tasks.

28. You've given up other hobbies because of your chocolate addiction

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You used to have hobbies and other activities that you used to love, but you've put a lot to the side and pushed these away to make room even more for your chocolate addiction. If you've started to lose your other interest because of chocolate, then it is making you lose your essence and may be getting in the way of you happiness.

29. You eat chocolate rather than other foods

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Do you want a sandwich? Nope. Fruit? Nah. Veggies? No thanks. Just chocolate. Chocolate may be completely taking over your diet and all of the other necessary foods that you should eat for a healthy and balanced diet. You've no space for other kinds of food.

30. If you do not have access to chocolate you feel anxious

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When you do not have any chocolate, and you do not know where you can get any chocolate from, you begin to feel hugely anxious. You feel a huge sense of anxiety start to build up as soon as you feel unable to get hold of any chocolate which may be a sign of a chocolate addiction.

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