Real Life Examples Of Karma

By Molly 1 year ago

1. Rags to riches

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Billy Ray Harris was homeless, living as a beggar in Kansas. He found a diamond ring, which he knew to be of high worth. Harris tracked down the owner to returned it. The ring was an engagement ring worth $4,000. This news spread, strangers flocked to fix his bike, provided him with meals and donated money online. He received $180,000 and bought himself a house.

2. Life saver

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Chris Trokey was born premature - 10 weeks early. In critical condition, a pediatrician named Michael Shannon stepped up to save him. Shannon stayed for 2 nights nursing him and Chris survived. This baby later became a paramedic and was called to the scene of a car wreck. A man was stuck inside a burning car, who he helped into an ambulance. He later learned that this man was the same Michael Shannon who had saved him.

3. Blame placing

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A 19 year old woman crashed her car in a gas station. As a new driver, she put "reverse" instead of "drive", doing significant damage to an elderly man's expensive car. There weren't any witnesses, so to avoid the bill, she placed the blame on the man. He had no choice but to pay the money, and told her one day she would pay. 40 years later, a young kid did the same thing to her.

4. A vital donation

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Parents Bill and Tish tragically lost their 20 year old son, Kalem Millard in a fatal accident. The parents agreed to donate his pancreas, which saved the life of Jake MacKinnon. Jake's mom, Janice, reached out to the parents with gratitude and a friendship began. 10 years later, Bill was suffering with kidney failure. Janice donated her own, giving back what the family had done for hers.

5. Payment

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Two friends stopped at a hotel for food during a road trip. Whilst waiting, they took some selfies with their new selfie stick. When the food arrived, it was disappointing. They paid the bill, but the cashier returned more change than needed. They noticed, but didn't say anything. Later, they realised they had left behind the selfie stick, which cost roughly the same as what they still owed.

6. Bad landlord

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A landlord rented out his terrace to a family who were in financial crisis. Despite this, he demanded they pay him in advance for the rent. The family did, but had to double their hours to get by. The landlord later decided to kick them out, refusing to return their advance. A week later, a huge tree fell on top of his car, damaging it badly.

7. Roadside assistance

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A woman was travelling home from the office one day when an elderly lady asked for a lift. It was a hot day and she could see the woman was struggling, so she dropped her right outside her house. Not accounting for the extra milage, the woman's car broke down after driving a few miles towards her home. Out of nowhere, an old man appeared at the roadside and helped her.

8. Piggy bank

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Jack, a 7 year old boy, had been saving his allowance for months in hope of buying an iPad. But, he heard a local mosque had been vandalized and wanted to help. He emptied all $20 in his piggy bank as a donation to the cause. The mosque were touched by the gesture and word spread. An international human rights lawyer heard the story, who sent the boy a brand new iPad in thanks.

9. Blue lights

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Cars were stuck in a mild traffic jam. An ambulance appeared and it was clear it was carrying a critical patient, the siren was on and the driver was beeping continuously. All cars did their best to move for the ambulance, except one arrogant driver who was on his phone, blocking the path. Seconds later, this driver drove into a police car.

10. Value of education

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A 5th grade boy often played with his house maid's son. One day, the boy asked the maid's son why he was so sad. He learned that his mom couldn't afford his schooling. Without telling him, the boy convinced his own mom to pay for his education. Years later, the boy was in desperate need of money. He had lost his phone, wallet and his card was blocked. The maid's son had a steady income and helped the boy.

11. Priority seating

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After a tiring day at work, a man collapsed into an empty train seat. He noticed a pregnant woman standing for 20 minutes in front of him, looking exhausted. Instead of giving up his seat, he thought to himself that she should have gone into the ladies compartment if she wanted to sit. 1 year later, he twisted his ankle. Riding on the same train, he asked a man if he could have his seat, he denied.

12. Sweet treat

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30 minutes before closing time, a man ordered a pastry from a famous bakery. It was clear after finishing it that the cashier was rushing and had no idea what his order was. He considered leaving without paying, but his dad told him that would't be right, so he paid the correct money. 1 week later, he won their lucky draw which was a reward of a free pastry every week for a month.

13. Car complications

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2 cousins were forced to pull over on the highway due to a flat tire. Neither of them had any idea how to change it. Victor was passing, saw the girls needed help, so pulled over and changed it for them. On the same journey, they later saw Victors car pulled over, so stopped to see what was wrong. He had had a heart attack. One of the girls was a nursing assistant, she performed CPR whilst waiting for 911. Thanks to her help, he survived.

14. Arranged marriage

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A couple were matched for an arranged marriage. The man came from a well-educated background and lived in a nicer city than the woman. He rejected the marriage as felt her education and home town were beneath him. Months later, he became engaged to another woman. This woman then called the wedding off for the very same reason, feeling she was above him.

15. Pay rise

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A young girl was working at a convenience store in Massachusetts. One particularly cold night, a homeless man came in for a hot drink. The girl didn't charge him for the coffee out of good will. Her boss found out and took her off the schedule. The media got hold of the story and the girl was inundated with job offers. She accepted a role in a housing company, earning three times her previous pay.

16. College project

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In the final year of college, a student lent her project file to a friend to help, but it was then stolen. She had studied extremely hard and was upset that marks were going to be deducted for not submitting the project. When the result was announced, she found out that she had topped.

17. Too lavish for love

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A girl found herself engaged via an arrangement to a good looking man living in Dubai. The man kept the girl a secret, embarrassed that she did not live up to his standards of looks, money or lavish lifestyle. He cut at her about her lack of makeup. She called it off after 1 month of this treatment. Later, he moved to India to be with his new girlfriend. After becoming engaged to her, she dumped him after 1 month.

18. Quadruple the reward

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Glen James, a homeless man in Boston, found a lost backpack containing $40,000 and a passport. He handed the bag to the police to be given back to its owner. The police awarded him with a plaque and the story got out. A GoFundMe was started by a stranger, raising over $160,000 - four times more than the cash in the backpack.

19. A life changing tip

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Two firefighters stopped for breakfast at a diner. They'd spent all night putting out a warehouse fire. Instead of the bill their waitress presented them with a note of thanks for their service, covering their bill. The firefighters shared the story on Facebook, asking visitors to leave this waitress a big tip. He also began a GoFundMe page for a wheelchair accessible van for her father. The page raised more than $86,000.

20. Dictator's death

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The soviet dictator Josef Stalin was met with karma at his end. He spent years oppressing, marginalising and ruining the lives of Jewish people. Specifically, he falsely accused Jewish doctors of killing senior politicians. When Stalin haemorrhaged at home, calls were made, but no doctor came. Why would they want to? He had ruined their lives and they were terrified to be accused of assassination if he died in their care. Stalin died of a stroke.

21. Two heroes

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10 year old Kevin Stephan was accidentally hit by a baseball bat in the chest, with enough force to stop his heart. Penny Brown, a nurse, rushed from the crowd to give him CPR. She saved his life. 7 years later, Kevin was working at a restaurant where a woman began to choke. He saved her life with the Heimlich manouvre. It turned out that woman was Penny Brown.

22. You get what you give

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Bob Marlin worked as a CPR trainer for all emergency departments in his town. He trained paramedics and conducted seminars at local businesses. One day, he had his own emergency starting with intense pain in his chest whilst at a golf club. 6 people rushed to rescue him, successfully using a defibrillator and CPR to save his life. All 6 were trained by Bob.

23. A deserving love

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Chris Dempsey overheard a coworker discussing a cousin suffering from stage four liver disease, waiting on a liver donor to save her life. Dempsey barely knew the coworker, but offered to test if he was a match. The woman would have died in 2 months, but her life was saved by Chris, a stranger. When the woman met Chris after the donation, the 2 fell in love and married 2 years later.

24. Refuge returned

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During WW2, the Jewish Kavilio family needed to escape, desperately avoiding being killed by the Nazis. Their Muslim friend, Mustafa Hardaga, allowed the family to hide in his home, later helping them escape the country. Over 50 years later, the Bosnian War broke out and the Hardagas were at risk of being murdered in a mass Muslim genocide. A holocaust memorial centre knew of their kindness and took the family in, saving their lives in return.

25. Blood donor miracle

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Jim Becker was a huge Green Bay Packers fan. He struggled to afford tickets to their games, so began donating blood, using the money to reward himself with tickets. After 20 years of regularly donating blood, it was discovered that Jim had a disorder leading to toxic iron buildup in the organs. It turned out, he would never have lived as long as he did, had he not been accidentally treating the disorder by donating blood.

26. Lifeguard

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At age 4, Roger Lausier got lost on the beach and began to drown. Alice Blaise was a stranger who dove in after him, reviving him and saving his life. 9 years later, Roger was on the same beach when he heard a woman screaming that her husband was drowning. He rushed into the water on an inflatable raft and saved the man. When the news reported their names, he realised this man was Alice Blaise's husband.

27. Two million babies

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As a child, James Harrison underwent a vital operation leading to a lot of blood loss. Kind strangers donated blood, keeping him alive. Returning the favour, as soon as he hit 18, he began donating. It became clear Harrison's blood contained rare antibodies capable of curing rhesus disease - a disorder causing brain damage and death in babies. Harrison donated plasma and allowed tests to be ran. He saved over 2 million babies, including his own granddaughter.

28. Elevator mishap

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3 kids were messing around and rushed to the elevator ahead of their other friends, intending to get to the hotel room first and lock them out. They became trapped in the elevator for over an hour! Their other friends didn't wait for them, leaving to play by the pool, with the 3 kids left missing out.

29. Short on rent

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A man found a purse lying in a cart outside his workplace. He opened the purse despite this being against policy to check for a name. He contacted the lady who owned the purse and waited after hours for her to come back and collect it. The lady handed him an envelope which he opened when he got home. The envelope contained $120 - the exact amount he was short on rent.

30. Meathead

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A guy at the gym watched an ignorant man leave 275 on the bar in the squat rack. A small girl came over wanting to use this rack, as no others were free. The man carried on, not helping her to unload it. She tried to do this herself and unloaded 1 side of the weight, causing the other side to fly off the rack, hitting the man who left his weights there.

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