1. Ginger

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Many studies have concentrated on the health benefits of ginger and have found that it is great for so many reasons. It has been linked to positive changes in a person's health, including cholesterol and blood pressure, and is said to have inflammatory proteins. Not only this but ginger might also enhance calorie burn and reduce feelings of hunger, therefore increasing the metabolism.
2. Cacao

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Cacao has been found to increase a person's metabolism significantly. This is because cacao contains both caffeine and theobromine which might help your metabolism and reduce cravings for more unhealthy foods. It has also been found that people who eat more cacao tend to have a lower percentage of body fat.
3. Chili Peppers

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Chili peppers are hot, and can make your mouth (and insides) feel like they are on fire! This is because they contain
capsaicin which causes the body's temperature to increase. And because of this, your metabolism has been found to get a good boost just after eating spicy foods!
4. Eggs

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Eggs have a high protein content and foods high in protein are said to keep you fuller for longer and therefore cravings are significantly reduced. Eggs are wonderful in a balanced diet and eggs as part of a healthy breakfast can really give your metabolism the boost it needs.
5. Cheese

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Cheese is a dairy product and is therefore very rich in calcium and protein. Studies have found that more calcium in a person's diet can help you to burn more fat than you would with a limited amount of calcium and the protein helps to give that well-needed boost.
6. Fish

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Fish is also a good metabolism increaser. And eating any kind of fish, but in particular salmon and mackerel, can increase your metabolism for up to a few hours. This is because the body needs more energy to digest them and when this happens, it increases your metabolism.
7. Beans & Legumes

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Beans are an absolutely amazing source of fiber, and, if you don't eat animal products, they can provide an excellent source of protein to your diet. Beans and legumes can really benefit your health in a number of ways, including boosting your metabolism.
8. Tea

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However you take your tea, you will benefit from a boosted metabolism. This is because different types of teas contain catechins that have been found in some studies to actually boost your metabolism. And some teas even contain caffeine which increases your energy use, therefore helping you to burn more calories.
9. Coffee

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The caffeine in coffee has been proven to increase your metabolic rate significantly. In fact, studies show that your metabolism can increase by between 3%-11%, depending on how large your coffee is! And because caffeine increases your energy use, you might start to burn fat quicker after your daily coffee.
10. Avocado

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Avocados are a wonder fruit and they contain bucketloads of healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These compounds have been found in many studies to boost your metabolism and also keep you much fuller for longer, without the need to snack.
11. Apples

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Apples are a wonderful way to start your day because, as well as being absolutely delicious, they are also really beneficial to your health. You see, apples are a rich source of both vitamin B and potassium which are both amazing at turning protein and carbs into energy, and therefore a perfect way to boost your metabolism in the morning!
12. Broccoli

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We all know that broccoli is good for us, right? But we bet you didn't know how good it actually is for your metabolism! It contains a magical substance called glucoraphanin which, in essence, helps to retune your metabolism. It's also amazing for reducing body fat, the risk of age-related illnesses, AND preventing or slowing down some forms of cancer.
13. Nuts

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When it comes to nuts, there are so many types to choose from and they each have their own health benefits, including being rich in protein and calcium. But as a whole, some evidence suggests that if you eat nuts, the number of calories you burn off at rest is significantly boosted.
14. Chicken

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Chicken is lean meat and there is a wealth of evidence that suggests eating it, as well as turkey and pork, can boost your metabolism. The reason for this is that your body has to use more energy to digest these types of meats and they are also an excellent source of protein.
15. Beef

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Beef is high in protein and it also takes the body longer and therefore more calories to break it down. The protein content also helps your muscles to repair after a workout and helps your body to get stronger and build more muscle. And the more muscle you have, the more fat you can burn.
16. Tofu

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If you are not a meat eater (or even if you are), you can still get some of these nutritional benefits from tofu. Tofu can be firm or silken and is rich in antioxidants, a little protein, and fiber. And like protein, the body has to work for longer and harder to digest the fiber and therefore burns more calories in the process.
17. Tempeh

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Tempeh is a plant-based protein and has been found to be high in protein content. So eating it regularly as part of a balanced diet can really help to boost the metabolism. Some studies have found that eating protein-rich foods in your diet can contribute to the body's heat production which is a process called thermogenisis, leading to a boody in the metabolism.
18. Spinach

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Spinach in all of its forms is an amazing, leafy green vegetable and eating it is said to provide a significant boost to your metabolism. This is because spinach is really high in the essential mineral, iron that is essential for the health of your body and metabolism.
19. Kale

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Kale is a dark, leafy, green vegetable and has been on the menu more and more in recent years because of its wonderful health benefits. And like spinach and other leafy green veggies, kale has an incredibly high iron content which is essential for the metabolism, the body's growth, development, and overall health.
20. Asparagus

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Out of pretty much all foods, green vegetables have been often found to be the best for your health. And if you need a little convincing to eat your greens, delicious asparagus ticks all the boxes. You see, asparagus is high in vitamin B-2 which helps the digestive system to produce energy to quickly metabolize carbs, fats and proteins.
21. Lentils

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Lentils can be eaten in so many different ways, from soups, to dals, to salads, and even hearty burgers. They're just so versatile and the good news is that they are also amazing for your metabolism and overall health. This is because they are rich in both protein and fiber which are beneficial to the metabolism and to the gut.
22. Milk

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It is well-established that milk is a good source of calcium which carries its own health benefits, but it is also a dairy product which also means that it is also rich in protein. This means that it may help with muscle building and improving the metabolism. A glass of milk between meals can also ward off cravings.
23. Greek Yoghurt

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Now, although Greek yogurt contains protein that is said to help to boost your metabolism, experts suggest that it's unlikely to help to improve your metabolic rate alone. But including it as part of a balanced diet can be really beneficial to your metabolism. You just have to make sure you have sufficient healthy fats, fiber and protein in there too.
24. Cayenne Pepper

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Cayenne pepper can come in its fresh form or its powdered form and because it is spicy, like chilis, it is believed that eating it will improve your metabolism. This is because spicy foods make you hot, and when you're hot, your body starts to attempt to cool down, using energy and burning calories.
25. Green Tea

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Studies have shown that when you drink green tea or take green tea supplements, you burn more calories than you would if you didn't consume it, even at rest. Like other teas, the antioxidant, catechin, can help to increase the energy the body uses and therefore provides a boost to your metabolism.
26. Black beans

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Black beans are an excellent source of folate, fiber, and protein which have many of their own benefits. The folate helps with the formation of red and white blood cells and the fiber and protein help to reduce blood sugar levels, control cholesterol and improve gut health, as well as being an excellent metabolism booster.
27. Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) Oil

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Medium Chain Triglycerides, or MCTs, are said to enhance exercise performance and have also been found in some cases to lower weight and body fat and therefore improve the metabolism. But some studies have suggested that MCTs have unpleasant side effects including bloating, flatulence, and diarrhea.
28. Apple Cider Vinegar

Image Source: ScientificAmerican
Apple cider vinegar has been used as a tonic for thousands of years. Some studies involving rats have suggested that including apple cider vinegar in your diet can help to boost your metabolism and the acid in it has been shown to reduce body fat.
29. Seaweed

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Seaweed is not only delicious, but it is an excellent source of iodine. Iodine helps the thyroid to produce hormones and these particular hormones can help to regulate and boost your metabolism. The fiber content also makes your body work hard to digest it and some studies have found that you may burn more calories at rest after a portion of seaweed.
30. Water

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There are so many different foods that you can consume to boost your metabolism, but the easiest and simplest way to improve your metabolic rate is by drinking plenty of water. Studies have found that drinking water can increase your metabolism by up to a 25% for more than an hour after consuming.
31. The Best Ways To Boost Your Metabolism: Make Sure You're Actually Eating Enough
image source: reddit.com
Of course, making sure you have all the foods listed here in your diet is a huge green tick for your metabolism - but you also need to make sure you're eating enough of them! It's not as simple as 'eat less to lose weight', as you need to be eating the right amount of calories for how much you're working out or moving.
32. Get Enough Sleep

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Sleep is so important for every bodily function, and this includes the metabolism. If you're not getting enough sleep - and we know how easy it is to stay up late binge-watching Netflix - it can make it more likely to gain weight and mess up your healthy eating routine!
33. Pack On Some Muscle

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Did you know that you're burning calories even when you're sat there doing nothing? But we don't mean this as a pass not to go and do some exercise! It's just a fact that your body is still working hard when you don't feel like you're doing anything. And studies have shown that metabolic rate in resting people is much higher in people with more muscle!
34. Give HIIT Workouts A Try
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When it comes to the best workouts for building muscle mass, losing weight and keeping that metabolic rate as you'd like it, it's really worth giving HIIT workouts a go. Also known as High Intensity Interval Training, and it's all about quick intensive workouts to achieve results.
35. Avoid Those Naps If You Can
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We know we said it was important to get enough sleep so that your metabolism can work in a better way, but we actually don't mean take a nap 20 times a day. This is because you're actually burning less fat if you nap throughout the day instead of getting a good full night's sleep.
36. Eliminate Stress If You Can
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Suggesting that you get rid of anything stressing you out in life seems like a near impossible task, but you should at least try to get rid of as many stressful things as you can. And that's because stress can actually make your metabolism work a lot more slowly, which is why putting on weight and stress-eating when you're under pressure is a thing!
37. Make Sure You're Eating Enough Protein
image source: reddit.com
We've listed a ton of great foods on this life that are a great source of protein, so you'll want to make a note of protein specifically, because this is definitely something that's going to help your metabolism. And we mean more protein every single day, too, not just weekly!
38. Drink Water As Soon As You Wake Up

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Drinking more water in general is very important, but did you know it actually makes a difference if water is the very first thing you drink when you wake up? And we mean before that morning coffee! This gives your metabolism a healthy kick start by rehydrating yourself after sleep.
39. Go For Vitamin D Supplements
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If you're not getting enough vitamin D through your diet - such as if you can't eat certain foods, or if you don't like certain things - then you'll want to look into a healthy supply of Vitamin D supplements, if okay with your doctor to take. This will help for a healthy metabolism!
40. Meal Prep Your Snacks!
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Meal prep definitely helps for healthy eating, but you can take it one step further than you're big main meals! Snacking is where it can really get hard to stay healthy, which is why prepping bags or boxes of healthy, metabolism-boosting snacks is a fantastic idea!
41. Pass on the diet soda
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If you're trying to get your metabolism in order, diet soda - although lower calories - is not going to do the job, and the same goes for any sort of artificial sweetener. Drinks which have been artificially sweetened can change the normal metabolic reaction to sugar.
42. Eat three meals a day
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It's always a good idea to eat three square meals a day, and this can still have good effects on your metabolism compared to the advice of eating smaller, more regular meals throughout the day to build muscle. Be sure to make time for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
43. Cut down your alcohol intake
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We know, we know, you're probably tired of being told to drink less alcohol to be extra healthy, but we don't mean you have to cut it out altogether! If you cut out alcohol, it just means you're increasing your metabolism's potential to burn more fat, so it's worth it for your goals!
44. You'll want to eat those oysters!
image source: reddit.com
Oysters are known for being an aphrodisiac, but there's a lot more to them than that! Oysters are another great food to add to your metabolism-boosting list. That's because oysters are one of the best sources of zinc, and if you're having a zinc deficiency, it can mean your metabolism is slower than it should be - so best to rectify that!
45. Switch to black coffee
image source: reddit.com
If you're a lover of coffee and don't want to give up the good stuff, it can actually be beneficial to your metabolism if you switch to pure black coffee, without sugar, sweeteners, cream or milk. Coffee is actually one of the best drinks if you're looking to lose weight because it boosts your metabolism!
46. But don't go too hard on the caffeine!
image source: reddit.com
That being said, please don't start knocking back 50 cups of black coffee a day for the sake of your metabolism! Coffee, like everything else, has to be drunk in moderation to get the benefits. That's because caffeine also makes you feel fuller, which means you might skip meals without realizing.
47. Try organic options if you can
image source: reddit.com
It's a good idea to make the switch to organic food if you can, too, and especially if you eat meat. Organic eggs and dairy are also worth the switch for your metabolism. This is because any food that isn't organic comes with its own set of hormones that can impede the hormones already trying to work hard in your body.
48. Laugh more
image source: reddit.com
No, seriously, this can help your metabolism! We know laughing makes us feel good, but it's more than that - it actually does physical good for our bodies! If you have a good laughing sesh, like laughing out loud at your favorite comedy for 20 minutes, it can burn calories!
49. You might want to have more mustard
image source: reddit.com
Mustard is another food item - or, rather, condiment - that can boost your metabolism, so you might want to make the switch from ketchup and mayo from time to time. Mustard doesn't go with every meal, we know, but it's worth giving it a go when you can stomach the burn!
50. Do less exercise more frequently
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If you're sat down all day and then have a hefty 1/2 hour workout later on, this can actually be less effective than if you were to work out in shorter bursts throughout the day. Short bursts of exercise can actually work better for your metabolism and for burning those calories!