1. Your height can affect your chances of getting pregnant with twins

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So, I bet you didn't realise that the chances of you getting pregnant with twins could increase if you are over the average height with a BMI of 30 and above. Chances are that you could have twins twice as likely as women that have a lower BMI and are smaller in height.
2. If you're already a mom of twins

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So, if this isn't your first pregnancy and you've already had a set of twins, this makes it easier for you to get pregnant with twins again. If twins run in the family, then it's also likely for twins to be born once again. This happens in 1in 250 women.
3. Extreme morning sickness

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Higher levels of hCG results in extreme morning sickness during the first two weeks of pregnancy. If you do suffer with extreme morning sickness, you could have hyperemesis gravidarum which may set in even before missed periods. Consult a doctor if your symptoms of this become extreme, but it could be a sign of twins!
4. If you're 30 years and above

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After the age of 30, women's body's produce more FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) which means more than one egg is released for the ovaries making it more likely for you to get pregnant with twins. Women over the age of 30 have more of a chance of having twins than women under the age of 30.
5. Twin pregnancy = extreme fatigue/exhaustion
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An early sign of twin pregnancy is extreme fatigue, exhaustion, sleepiness and lethargy which shows within the first three weeks of pregnancy. Since you're growing two babies, you need to make sure that you're eating enough, well and you have sufficient food for your body to work properly.
6. Your mother's family history

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Your mother's family history plays a huge role in twin pregnancy. In fact, your moms family history plays a greater role in twin pregnancy than your father's. Non-identical twin mother's deliver twins at the rate of one set per 60 births, father's have one set per 125 births.
7. An increased appetite
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When you're carrying two babies, you develop even more of an increased appetite than when you're just carrying one. The babies demand more food, meaning you get hungry more often & need more food to feed you and them. Remember, you're eating for three, so embrace your increased appetite!
8. A bigger belly

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Twin pregnant bellies are more obvious as the bump tends to be bigger than normal. Your uterus expands more than that of a single fetus pregnancy to accommodate the two babies. Mother's tend to notice this in the early stages of pregnancy, so if you're growing rapidly, it could be down to two bundles of joy in there!
9. Mood swings are more common

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Pregnant women suffer with mood swings, they're completely normal and some get them more than often, but if you're pregnant with twins you get a higher intensity of hormones to meet the developmental requirements of your babies. If you're mood becomes low, it is advised to speak to a professional to guide you through the process.
10. Higher hCG levels

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Pregnancy is detected by the increased hCG levels in your blood and urine so if the level is higher than the normal range of a pregnant woman, this is a clear indication of twin pregnancy. Of course, it's not always the case but it's a good clue anyway!
11. Earlier fetal movement

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Soon to be mother's often don't feel their babies move until the second trimester, however, if a woman is carrying twins, she can experience movement much earlier than a woman carrying a single fetus. And she can feel it in more than one place too - so exciting!
12. Hearing two heartbeats

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Towards the end of your first trimester, your doctor with carry out a Doppler heartbeat count which can detect the fetal heartbeat. If you're carrying twins you will be able to hear two heart beats. This test is less accurate than an ultrasound though, as it's difficult to differentiate one heartbeat from another.
13. Shortness of breath

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When you're pregnant with twins, you will experience a whole load of symptoms. One of the early signs if shortness of breath because of the thrust against the diaphragm caused by the two babies. If this gets too uncomfortable then consult your doctor.
14. Cramping
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Pregnant women will experience cramping, especially during the early stages of pregnancy. As the uterus enlarges (more than normal) this will cause the uterus to cramp and cause discomfort for the pregnant woman. Cramping is a normal sign of pregnancy, but also consult your doctor if something doesn't feel right.
15. Frequent back pains

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The excess weight gain, uterus enlargement and excessive hormonal activities are all causes for frequent back pains. Stand straight and hold your chest high - this will help you relax. And always make sure that you're wearing flat shoes to avoid locking your knees and adding more strain to your back.
16. More frequent urination
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Frequent urination whilst pregnant is very common, but in the case of a twin pregnancy, because of the pressure put on your bladder it can cause your to pee even more. Do not cut down on fluid intake, because that is necessary to keep your body and the twins hydrated.
17. Feeling sick at the smell of food

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If you're pregnant with twins, you may experience nausea and would be adverse to the smell of food which would make you nauseous. Pregnant women do sometimes feel sick at the smell of food, however, a twin pregnancy can almost make you sick from the first few weeks.
18. Varicose veins

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Because of the babies requiring more blood flow, this puts pressure on the veins leading to varicose veins in your legs. A significant thrust by the baby in the uterus can cause compression of pelvic parts leading to an enlargement of veins near the vagina.
19. Digestion issues

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Digestion issues like bloating, constipation and heartburn/acid reflux can all be signs, especially in the early stages of twin pregnancy. If you're pregnant, avoid spicy or oily foods and keep yourself hydrated at all times to avoid any digestion issues.
20. Insomnia

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Lack of sleep is something that you will experience during pregnancy, however, in the very early stages you may experience back pain, cramps, indigestion, nausea and fatigue and the best way to combat this is to sleep with a pregnancy pillow between your legs and under your stomach.
21. Extreme breast pain

imagesource: RCPjournals
The dull ache most women feel in their breasts before their period also happens to some women during pregnancy. Mums carrying twins experience this during the very early months of pregnancy. Unfortunately, two babies = extra painful breasts. The reward at the end makes it all worth it!
22. Feeling extra hot

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If you're constantly feeling hot or struggling with hot sweats in the early stages of pregnancy, this could be a sign that you're carrying twins. Carrying two babies can make you feel hotter than normal, extra baby weight will potentially mean you struggle with hot sweats.
23. A sixth sense

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Many mums say that they knew they were pregnant before even taking a test...it's just a sixth sense we women have. There are many women out there who, before the 12 week scan, could tell that they were carrying twins. Our maternal instinct is a crazy, and wonderful thing ladies!
24. Implantation pain and discharge

imagesource: babycenter
During the early stages of pregnancy in the first trimester, you may experience implantation pains or discharge. If you've been pregnant before and these pains feel a little concerning, always go get checked by your midwife, though a lot of the time it's a sign of twin pregnancy.
25. Regular night trips to the toilet

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Before your pregnancy you may or may not have got up during the night for a pee, however, twin pregnancy can really play with your bladder meaning that you're up every couple of hours emptying your bladder. This is nothing to be worried about though - it's completely normal.
26. You feel pregnant whilst you were breastfeeding
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The chances of you having twins increases if you fell pregnant whilst you were breastfeeding. Hormone fluctuations affect your odds of having twins and when you're breastfeeding, the odds become a lot higher. You're more likely to get pregnant too when you're breastfeeding.
27. IVF
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As hormonal treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF) became more popular, the frequency of twin births also increased. Ovarian stimulation from the procedures may release more than one egg at a time which means you're more likely to get pregnant with twins.
28. Gaining weight rapidly

imagesource: hollywoodlife
Pregnancy has a big impact on a woman's body and when there are two babies in there, it can make the mom gain weight very quickly to accommodate for the extra baby. Increased levels of amniotic fluid can be a sign of twin pregnancy. Don't let this get you down it is totally normal and natural!
29. The difference between fraternal and identical twins
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Once you know that you're expecting twins, you may be left wondering what kind of twins you'll be having: fraternal or identical? Identical or monozygotic means your twins share the same amniotic sac and came from a single fertilized egg that split into two.
30. Fraternal twins

imagesource: raisingchildrennetwork
Fraternal twins or dizygotic came from two separate fertilized eggs that developed in two separate amniotic sacs. Your ultrasound will tell you whether you're having identical or fraternal twins through examining their DNA. Either way, double the babies = double the fun!