1. Fatty fish
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Fatty fish are considered to be great health food, and it is also thought to be beneficial for the skin and appearance of our skin. Fatty fish contains acids and Omega 3 which have been linked to reducing inflammation, and can therefore improve the appearance of our skin.
2. Walnuts

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Walnuts are also considered to be one of the best foods that you can eat with the intention of improving your skin. Walnuts are also full of fatty acids such as Omega 3, as well as vitamin E. The health benefits of walnuts are thought to help with the elasticity of the skin, and help with hydration.
3. Avocado

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Not only is avocado delicious....it's also amazing for our health. And, it has lots of health benefits for our skin. It is thought that eating avocado on a regular basis can help not only the appearance of our skin but also help us with problem skin such as acne or even other skin conditions.
4. Sunflower seeds

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Seeds and sunflower seeds in particular are thought to be another great source of food for our skin. Studies have suggested that eating sunflower seeds can really help improve the health of your skin. People consuming sunflower seeds regularly were shown to have better skin quality than those who didn't.
5. Sweet potatoes

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Sweet potatoes are sweet and delicious, they make great fries (HUGE bonus), oh and wait, AND they're also great for our skin! Sweet potatoes contain vitamin K which is thought to help improve our skin and make our skin appear healthier and more glowing.
6. Peppers

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Peppers are one of those foods which are SO versatile that adding them into our diet would be super easy. They are extremely nutritious and thought to be great for our health as well as for our skin. Peppers may help clear our skin as well help maintain the overall health of our skin.
7. Broccoli
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Broccoli is one of those foods that we know from a very early age it is super healthy. Eating our greens (it always seemed to be broccoli) was a way that adults assured us would make us nice and healthy. And it's kinda true. Broccoli is super healthy AND it is also healthy for our skin.
8. Dark chocolate

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Dark chocolate is one of those foods which sounds like it shouldn't be healthy, yet it really is. It's so packed full of antioxidants that it is believed by experts to be great for more than just your health but also your skin. It may make your skin appear clearer and healthier.
9. Tomatoes

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The majority of us eat tomatoes all the time in our diet. And this little red ball is packed FULL of minerals and nutrients which may massively help with our skin health. In fact, studies comparing people who eat tomatoes to people who don't, suggest that they had much better skin health.
10. Soy

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Soy is thought to be great for helping with our skin texture and making it appear smoother. It is also supposed to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles. You can have soya beans or you can consume soy products such as soya milk to intake the goodness of soy.
11. Green tea

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Green tea has been raved about for years sue to its supposed health benefits. And while the taste may be divisive, it seems to health benefits outweigh the negatives. Green tea contains antioxidants and properties which may actually help combat UV ray damage to your skin.
12. Red grapes

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Grapes, and red grapes in particular, are thought to improve our skin health due tot he health properties they contains and help repair the surface of the skin which may help its protective barrier and could make your skin appear healthier than before.
13. Blueberries

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Blueberries have been known for a long time now to contain many antioxidants and have been classed by many as a 'superfood' due to their many health benefits. These antioxidants could protect skin from skin damage and may actually help it repair from previous damage.
14. Spinach

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Spinach contains vitamins A, E and C. All of these vitamins are supposed by health experts to improve the appearance and overall health of our skin. Whilst many green such as spinach may not have the appeal of other foods, the health benefits of it are huge.
15. Carrots

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Carrots are such a basic and staple food that may often be overlooked, but they may have great health benefits for your skin. If you are wanting healthier skin and hoping to improve the appearance of your skin then eating carrots in your diet frequently may be a great way to do so.
16. Almonds

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Almonds contain the vitamin E, which is thought to be super important for our skin. Almonds could help with the hydration of the skin as well as helping to protect the skin from further damage. Many skin creams contain vitamin E, however consuming it through the diet may be better.
17. Pomegranates

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Pomegranates are high in antioxidants which are thought to be very good for skin health. Skin experts believe that foods high in antioxidants are good for our skin, not only benefiting the health of our skin but also making it look better and more blemish free!
18. Oysters

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Oysters are definitely not a food that many of us eat on a regular basis (if at all), however this shellfish have a lot of health properties hidden beneath their slimy surface. In particular they contain zinc. Zinc may help boost our immune system as well as the skin of our health.
19. Greek yoghurt

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Greek yogurt is thought to be good for the health of our gut due to the probiotics that it naturally contains. And, our gut health has also been linked to the health of our skin. When our gut isn't healthy, neither will our skin be so eating Greek yogurt could be a great way to improve our skin.
20. Olive oil

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Incorporating olive oil into your diet, whether using it in salad dressings or adding some to your bread instead of butter, could be a great way of improving the health of your skin. Studies have found that olive oil might make skin appear younger and brighter.
21. Beetroot
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Beets are full of minerals and vitamins which studies have suggested not only are goof for our bodies, but also help our skin. The minerals that beetroot contains are thought to work inside out so that the benefits we reap internally can be reflected externally through our skin health.
22. Chia seeds

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Chia seeds are also believed to be extremely beneficial for improving our skin health. They are also super easy to add into your diet. You can add them to drinks, cereal, or your meal and let them work their magic meaning that they are a great food to add into your daily diet.
23. Kiwi

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Kiwi is rich in vitamin C which has long been linked to our skin health. Not only is it thought to brighten the appearance of dull looking skin but it is also thought to help the skin recover from sun damage, as well as encourage the production of collagen.
24. Cucumber

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There's a reason why we always see cucumber being used over the eyes when someone's having a spa day or a face mask. Cucumber is not only full of minerals but it is also predominantly made up of water, meaning that it is super hydrating for the skin.
25. Watermelon

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Watermelon, one of the best ways to rehydrate on a sunny day, and who would have thought that this flavoursome melon has so many benefits for our skin. It contains something called lycopene which helps protect the skins barrier from the sun damage.
26. Grapefruit

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Vitamin C is thought to help protect the skin from damage as well as boost the levels of collagen in the skin. Collagen is linked to the elasticity of our skin which can make us appear younger. So, for a vitamin-C loaded, skin-healthy fruit, grape fruit may be the answer!
27. Brazil nuts

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Brazil nuts are thought to be one of the best nuts we can eat in terms of how many health benefits they have. Selenium isn't found in many foods and so Brazil nuts are one of the best ways to consume this important mineral. It also may help protect the skin from damage by helping the skin cells repair.
28. Papaya

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Papaya fruit contains something that is called papain which health experts believe can have a positive effect on our skin. Specifically, it may help to naturally exfoliate our skin which can improve the texture and make it look much smoother and bump-free.
29. Turmeric

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Turmeric contains something called curcumin which is thought to be great for our health and the health of our skin. The best way to incorporate turmeric into your routine is by using it as a spice in your cooking...but, if you're feeling adventurous you can also make a DIY face mask.
30. Flaxseeds

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Flaxseeds are yet another variety of seeds that are packed full of nutrients and have been associated with improving the health of our skin. Studies have suggested that the people who regularly eat flaxseeds have better skin health than those who do not.