Here’s What Happens To Your Body When You Only Eat Chinese Food For A Month

By Lauren Mccluskey 1 year ago

1. Increased sodium intake

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If you like your Chinese takeouts, you should be aware that many Chinese takeout dishes are extremely high in sodium.  And although our bodies need a little sodium to be able to function healthily, excessive sodium intake can lead to a number of health issues, including high blood pressure and water retention.

2. Imbalanced gut microbiome

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If you decide to only eat Chinese takeout food for a whole month, and nothing else, you are going to experience complications related to your imbalanced gut microbiomes and significantly reduced fiber intake.  These can cause a number of health issues, including uncomfortable and unwanted digestive problems.

3. Weakened immune system

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Another complication that results from an imbalanced gut microbiome is a weakened immune system.  And this can contribute to a whole number of problems and you might find that when your immune system isn't functioning properly or is weaker, you are prone to getting sick more often and worse than before.

4. Spikes in blood sugar levels

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Many Chinese takeout dishes include a side of noodles, rice, or even fries, and are therefore very high in carbohydrates.  And eating it every day can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels and may even contribute to you developing a resistance to insulin, which also causes an increase to blood sugar levels.

5. Nausea & headaches

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Chinese takeout food generally contains monosodium glutamate, or MSG, which is a common food additive.  And many people report experiencing severe headaches and nausea after eating their favorite Chinese dishes.  These symptoms are particularly bad if you have a sensitivity to MSG.

6. Increased risk of heart disease

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If you eat Chinese food every day for a month, you are also putting yourself at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease or even a heart attack.   This is because the food is high in sodium which can lead to hypertension and the common oils used to cook Chinese takeout food might be high in unhealthy trans fats.

7. Inflammation

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The high trans, or unhealthy fat content of the oils that might be used to cook Chinese takeout food can lead to inflammation if you eat it too often.  You might notice that your skin becomes red and blotchy, and even existing inflammatory diseases like arthritis are made worse.

8. Bloating and gas

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Eating too much Chinese takeout food can also make your stomach feel pretty uncomfortable.  Without the fiber your body needs, you might experience bloating and increased flatulence, even from your first meal of the month!  And your gut will feel really unsettled and you could experience digestive issues like constipation or even diarrhea.

9. Weight gain

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It is also likely that you would experience some weight gain throughout the course of the month if all you ate was Chinese takeout food.  This is because the food is more likely to be high in calories, trans fats, carbohydrates, and even sugar, which can cause a person to gain extra weight if consumed in excess.

10. Tooth decay

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Chinese takeout food includes some dishes that can be quite high in sugar content.  So it makes sense that if you consume only these kinds of dishes for a whole month, you are significantly upping your sugar consumption which is a leading cause of tooth decay.

11. Increased risk of hypertension

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Generally speaking, Chinese takeout food has often been found to be high in sodium, but significantly low in potassium.  This is not good news for your blood pressure because excess sodium and not enough potassium in your diet can, in fact, cause hypertension.  If you increase your potassium intake, this can contribute to lowering your blood pressure.

12. Nutrient deficiencies

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Now, depending on the dishes that you choose, you can be putting yourself at risk of developing nutrient deficiencies if all you eat is takeout Chinese food.  This is because many of the dishes might be high in sodium but very low in fiber, and eating only this can cause you no end of health problems and digestive issues.

13. Increased risk of diabetes

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Eating too much Chinese food each month has the potential to put you at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.  This is because of the generally high levels of carbohydrates as well as the high sugar content in some of the dishes available to order.

14. Increased risk of metabolic syndrome

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Studies have found that fast food and takeout food can increase your chances of developing metabolic syndrome.  This is because they may contain refined carbs such as white flour and sugar which are significantly low in any fiber and other nutrients.  And if that's not bad enough, consuming too much of these can lead to overeating and obesity as well!

15. Higher risk of developing kidney stones

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The high sodium content present in some Chinese takeout dishes can increase your risk of producing kidney stones.  This is because eating a high-sodium diet on a regular basis can make you develop kidney stones because it can increase the levels of calcium in your urine.

16. Increased risk of developing cancer

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If you decide to eat Chinese food every day for a whole month, you are also potentially putting yourself at an increased risk of developing certain cancers as well as other health issues.  These certain cancers include stomach cancer and esophageal cancer too.

17. Increased cholesterol

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As well as high levels of sodium, carbohydrates, and sugars, some Chinese takeout dishes are also significantly high in cholesterol.  And having increased levels of cholesterol in your system can contribute to hypertension, and cardiovascular disease, and put you at a higher risk of having a heart attack.

18. Allergic reactions

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If you are ordering your Chinese food from a takeout, even though steps are taken to ensure you do not have an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients, the fact is that you cannot be sure what exactly is in your food and how it has been prepared.  And some dishes may be high in MSG which can also cause allergic reactions.

19. Food poisoning

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Eating any food from any fast food chain or takeout that you haven't cooked yourself can put you at a higher risk of developing foodborne illnesses and food poisoning.  This is because you can't be sure of how the food has been prepared and stored, and many people are likely to store their leftovers incorrectly.  This can lead to diarrhea and vomiting.

20. Higher risk of developing gallstones

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In some of the Chinese dishes you might order, there might be a high level of trans fats present within them.  And consuming too many trans fats within your diet can put you at a higher risk of developing gallstones.  And if you already have gallstones, some of the spicier dishes can further irritate and worsen your existing symptoms.

21. Increased risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases

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If you eat Chinese food every day for a month, depending on your chosen dishes, you are going to also put yourself at risk of developing uncomfortable gastrointestinal diseases.  And this is because you would be significantly reducing your fiber intake, which usually contributes to a healthy gut.

22. Higher risk of stroke

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Lots of dishes in Chinese takeouts contain soy sauce as an ingredient.  And this contributes to the high sodium content in many of the dishes which can lead to hypertension and, unfortunately, put you at a significantly higher risk of suffering a stroke.

23. Watch out for MSG

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The food additive monosodium glutamate (MSG) has been found in many Chinese takeout dishes, and although many restaurants have removed MSG from their dishes, the truth is that it still remains in place.  Symptoms from MSG consumption include headaches, nausea, giddiness, chest pains, palpitations, and asthma-like symptoms.

24. Hormonal imbalance

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Studies have found that consuming too many soy products, including tofu, which is a popular ingredient in Chinese food, can have negative effects on your hormones because they contain phytoestrogens.  These are estrogen-like compounds that are derived from plants and can affect human hormones.

25. Heart palpatations

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Many people who have eaten Chinese dishes from a takeaway or restaurant have reported experiencing heart palpitations and even chest pains.  This has often been attributed to their sensitivity to the MSG present in some dishes, but it may also be caused by the high sodium content.

26. Asthma-like symptoms

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Asthma-like symptoms have also been experienced by some people after they have eaten Chinese food.  Again, the MSG could be a factor here, but the high salt, sugar, and fat content could also contribute, as well as any possible allergies they have that might have been overlooked.

27. Heartburn and acid reflux

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Chinese food is often highly processed and contains lots of chemicals, sodium, and MSG, as well as having a high-fat content.  Many dishes that contain fried dumplings can leave you feeling sluggish and cause acid reflux and uncomfortable heartburn.

28. Overeating

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The high carbohydrate, sodium, and sugar content in Chinese food can be pretty addictive and may lead you to eat more than you usually would.  And the low fiber content means that you're not going to be full for very long which can lead to overeating, weight gain, and other chronic health problems.

29. Traditional Chinese food

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All of that said, traditional Chinese food is a bit of a different story as this tasty cuisine can offer a number of health benefits, contrary to the takeout-style dishes.  These include the potential nutrients from the vegetables, fiber, and healthy fats used in cooking, which means eating a more traditional Chinese diet throughout the month can be beneficial.

30. Why not make it a

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And because traditional Chinese cuisine can offer a lot of health benefits and also keep you fuller for longer, it might be worth trying a 
-out, where you learn to cook the dishes at home!  You could perhaps treat yourself to a takeout once in a while but try to balance it out with some delicious home-cooked meals!

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