Deadliest Animals From The Amazon Rainforest

By Molly 1 year ago

1. Anaconda

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These gigantic constrictor snakes can grow up to 30 feet long! Some weigh more than 500 pounds. Most of the time, they're not aggressive towards humans. But, they won't hesitate to attack if they feel threatened in any way. Imagine 500 pounds crushing you, doesn't sound like a pleasant way to go.

2. Black caiman

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There are different species of caiman. Most of which are too small to be a threat to humans. The black caiman however average a huge 13.1 feet in length! Whilst they do prefer to hunt other animals, you'd have absolutely no chance if it chose to hunt you.

3. Green anaconda

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Another type of anaconda to watch out for is the green anaconda. You can spot them as they're olive colored and they will have alternating oval shaped black spots. They still have the same weight behind them and can kill their prey in around 3 minutes.

4. Jaguar

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The jaguar is one of the biggest cats in the world and are known especially for their sharp claws and extremely powerful jaws. They're natural born hunters and can successfully kill prey much larger than themselves. This includes humans! Whilst human attacks are rare, they are often fatal.

5. Electric eel

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Electric eels are a type of fish and are not technically part of the eel family. At 6 - 8 feet long, they're able to generate electric shocks of up to 600 volts! This is enough to cause damage to human organs, including stopping the heart or even causing paralysis.

6. Poison dart frog

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The poison dart frogs' poison is in their skin. Even just touching one of these frogs is toxic to humans. If they jump onto you, they can cause nausea, swelling or even paralysis. The symptoms worsen if you were to consume one, although they're not usually fatal.

7. Bullet ant

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Bullet ants have their name for a reason. Their sting is known to be the most painful sting you can experience compared with any other insect. This is because their sting contains neurotoxin, leaving a person in agony for up to 8 hours from one single sting!

8. Piranha

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Generally, a piranha will not attack you unless they believe they have a reason to do so. But, they deem splashing, noise or quick movement more than enough reason to attack! Known for their rows of razor sharp teeth, these animals have the strongest bite of bony fish.

9. Boa constrictor

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Boa constrictors can grow up to 13 feet long and weigh more than other snakes in comparison, coming in at over 100 pounds! With this weight, they could very easily crush all the bones in a human neck without any difficulty. They also have an incredibly painful bite, with rows of curved teeth.

10. Fer-de-lance

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Even though these snakes are smaller than other species, at 4 to 6 feet, the fer-de-lance cause more human deaths than any other American reptile. They can inject 105mg of deadly venom from a single bite. The fatal dose for a human is 50mg. Even an anti-venom is not guaranteed to save you.

11. Vampire bat

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Don't be fooled by their name, vampire bats don't feed on human blood. Well, not often anyway... The main thing to watch out for with these animals is their ability to carry disease. They can spread rabies, which would have the ability to kill you just by receiving one nip from this bat.

12. Yellow-bellied sea snake

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This snake is another with the ability to produce highly toxic venom. When a human is bitten, they can suffer with vomiting, muscle stiffness, a lot of pain, drowsiness or even paralysis. If left untreated, it has been known for humans to die from a yellow-bellied sea snake bite.

13. Puma

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Unlike other animals, pumas have been known to attack humans without being given a reason. They choose humans as a form of prey and will hunt you until they're successful and you are dead. But, they can be scared off if you do it right, as they don't like the sound of loud, firm human voices.

14. Brazilian giant centipede

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The Brazilian giant centipede is the largest centipede species in the world, coming in at 12 inches long. They have the ability to kill mice up to 15 times their size in just 30 seconds. Their toxic venom can even kill humans, damaging the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous system.

15. Harpy eagle

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The danger of the harpy eagle is in their claws. Their talons can extend up to 6 inches and have the ability to exert several hundred pounds of pressure. They can very easily crush the bones of their prey and can kill instantly. Their grasp could even puncture a human skull with ease!

16. Red-bellied piranha

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Red-bellied piranhas in particular are known for being pack hunters. They're usually found in shoals and are the most aggressive type of piranha. They've been known to eat prey the same size as themselves and can even take out pieces of crocodiles!

17. Green tree python

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At around 5 feet long, the green tree python have over 100 teeth in their mouths. So, it's no surprise that a bite from these snakes are pretty painful. They don't contain any venom, but a bite will still leave you hospitalised due to their power and size.

18. Yellow anaconda

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Yellow anacondas have been known to actively hunt on land. They have the ability to completely unhinge their jaws, so that they can easily fit their prey into their mouths whole. These snakes have a reputation for unpredictable behaviour and are extremely powerful.

19. Coral snake

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If you're bitten by a coral snake, you're likely to feel ok afterwards. Hours later, symptoms will begin to show. You may feel euphoria, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting or a headache. Their venom can also cause paralysis or difficulty in breathing, which can become fatal.

20. Bushmaster

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The bushmaster can kill almost anything that crosses its path, should it choose to. Even when treated, bushmaster bites have a very high death rate as their bite is amongst one of the deadliest in the world. They have incredibly fast striking speed and huge quantitates of venom.

21. Toco toucan

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Don't be fooled by a toucan's appearance. Whilst they look relatively serene, they've been known to be aggressive with other birds, even eating smaller species such as canaries. They can also attack humans and have a reputation for being relentless once angered.

22. Golden poison frog

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This adorable looking frog is actually one of the most toxic animals on the planet. 20 times more toxic than other poison frogs, 1 frog may be around 2 inches, but will contain enough poison to kill 10 grown men! Once you're exposed to their venom, there is no cure and you would be dead in around 10 minutes.

23. South American rattlesnake

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Rattlesnakes are most likely to bite you on your hands, feet or ankles. And when they do, they will cause a lot of bleeding. This snakes venom will also attack your nervous system much more than other rattlesnake bites would. They can also cause irreversible cell injury and eventual cell death.

24. Black-headed bushmaster

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The worlds longest pit viper and one of the most aggressive snakes on the entire planet. The black-headed bushmaster's bite has a mortality rate of 80% in humans. You don't want to encounter one of these snakes as it's very unlikely you would live to tell the tale!

25. Black caecilian

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These strange worm-like creatures look like something out of a horror movie. Luckily, they're mostly unseen by humans. Caecilians are equipped with rows of sharp teeth, some with venom glands - and they're not afraid to bite! Others even secrete a toxic substance from their skin.

26. White-lipped peccary

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Peccaries travel in herds and become very confident when they have their gang behind them. There have even been reports of them taking on jaguars! They're stubborn and will stand their ground, fighting back. Peccaries have also been known to kill dogs.

27. Army ant

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These carnivorous ants are a highly aggressive species. Their bites are known to be extremely painful and itchy. They contain formic acid, which they inject into their prey. This works by ruining the circulatory system of any animal they choose to attack.

28. Electric ray

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Electric rays can produce electrical currents of 45 volts, enough to knock down a full grown human. If they feel threatened, they become highly aggressive and confrontational, being known to swim directly at divers to attack. They can kill humans. After all, this is the creature that took out Steve Irwin.

29. Vampire fish

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These fish can be found at 1.5 - 3 feet in size! Their huge teeth are of course a cause for concern and can be extremely painful when bitten. They don't contain venom, but since they feast on other fish, they become carriers of many diseases, as they're infected by whatever their victim had.

30. Capybara

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Surprisingly, these usually docile animals can become deadly when they need to be. Capybaras are huge rodents, containing large incisive teeth with the ability to seriously harm you if bitten. Their bites actually have the same force as the bite of a tiger!

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