Signs You Have A Good Heart

By Elliot Nott 1 year ago

You Are Honest

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As a person, being honest is incredibly important. It's key in not just friendships but relationships too. It helps build trust with the people around you. If someone knows you are honest they will feel more comfortable confiding in you and talking to you.

You Care About Animals

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A good sign of having a good heart is if you care about animals. It means you actually care about the small beings that normally some people wouldn't bother. It also shows to people straight away what kind of person you are. If you are kind to animals, you are kind to people.

You Are Patient

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Patience is something that some people might not have, and that's not a bad thing. Patience comes with a sense of belief. For example, if you are being patient with someone it means you believe they will achieve what they have set out to do. People need a patient person in their life.

You Are Not Judgemental

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Being non-judgemental opens up new perspectives and allows us to see things from different angles. It fosters deeper connections and promotes empathy. When we are judgemental, we limit ourselves and others - so those with a good heart embrace acceptance and understanding... is this you?

You Are Open Minded

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Being open-minded is an important trait that demonstrates having a good heart. It means being receptive to new ideas and perspectives, even if they differ from your own. When you are open-minded, you are able to see beyond your own opinions which allows you to be more understanding and empathetic towards others!

You Put Others First

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Putting others needs before your own is one of the prime ways to present a good heart! Putting others first shows that you are empathetic and compassionate, and not solely focused on your own needs and desires. Putting others first is a way of showing that you care about the well-being of others.

You Volunteer

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Volunteering is the hallmark of a good heart as it presents the most selfless act of all. Going out of your way to volunteer for a cause shows that you care about the well-being of others and expect nothing in return for your good deeds. This shows you have a good heart as you can empathize with others and want to help them.

You Are Optimistic

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Optimism Shows that you have a good heart as you always try and see the good in everything! No matter the circumstances, you always find the silver lining - this will bring out the optimistic side in those around you. Your optimism can rub off on others and give others more scope for a good heart!

You Are Grateful

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You are grateful for the blessings in your life, and express gratitude towards others. You understand that gratitude is a powerful force for positivity and can improve your overall well-being. Your expressions of gratitude can also inspire others to be more appreciative of the good in their lives.

You Are Supportive

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Supportiveness is an important factor in having a good heart, and can come in many forms. Whether you are providing emotional support to someone going through a tough time, offering practical assistance, or simply being a pair of ears for someone to vent to, being supportive creates a positive, uplifting atmosphere!

You Are Humble

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Being humble shows that you are not driven by ego, but by a genuine desire to grow, learn, and help others! It allows for self-reflection, and reflection of your own limitations, giving you the capabilities to become an even better person! You do this whilst also fostering empathy and compassion for others - this is an indicative of a good hearted individual.

You Are A Good Listener

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Being a good listener is a vital component of having a good heart. When you truly listen to someone, you are giving them a valuable gift - your undivided attention. it shows that you care about what they have to say and that you value their thoughts and feelings.

You Are Selfless

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Selflessness is the act of putting others' needs before your own. It means sacrificing your own desires and time to help someone in need. People with good hearts possess this quality, and they go above and beyond to help others without expecting anything in return.

You Are Accepting

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Being accepting is a sure sign of a good heart. It shows that you are someone who values diversity, adn is open minded enough to embrace different perspectives, backgrounds, and lifestyles. When you are accepting of others, you create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for those around you.

You Are Reliable

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Being reliable is a key indicator of a good heart. Reliability demonstrates a level of trustworthiness, and respect for others that is essential for building strong relationships. When you are reliable, you create a sense of security and dependability that others can rely on. These are all traits of someone with a good heart.

You Are Forgiving

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You are able to let go of past hurts and grudges, and are willing to give others another chance. You understand that forgiveness is a powerful tool for healthing and growth, and are able to move forward in a positive direction. Your ability to forgive and how compassion shows just how good and pure your heart is.

You Are Compassionate

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Compassion is a powerful force that allows us to connect with people on a deeper level, understand their struggles, and provide support and comfort when needed. It also demonstrates a level of kindness, generosity, and selflessness that is essential for building strong, meaningful relationships with others. Whether it’s showing compassion towards a friend going through a difficult time or volunteering to help those in need, being compassionate allows us to make a positive difference in the world and enrich the lives of those around us.

You Are Respectful

Image source: Daily Express
You treat others with respect and dignity, regardless of their status or background. You express how every person has value and should be treated with kindness and consideration. Your biggest aim is to push your respectful demeanor to encourage others to be more respectful.

You Care About The World

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Having caring qualities of any measure prove that you have a good heart. Whether that be the people around you or the world you're living in. Taking care of your surroundings expresses gratitude, another sign of a good heart. If you want to possess this quality for a better heart, it's never too late.

You Are Generous

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You are generous with your time, resources, and assistance. You don't expect anything in return, but instead, offer help out of the goodness of your own heart! Your generosity towards others can make a significant impact in their lives and can also lead to greater fulfillment in your own life.

You Care For The Environment

Image source: The Guardian 
Caring for the environment shows that you have a sense of responsibility and concern for the well-being of the planet and future generations. When you care for the environment, you demonstrate a level of empathy, compassion, and stewardship that is essential for creating a sustainable and harmonious world for all.

You Are Good Role Model

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When you are a good role model, you demonstrate the importance of honesty, respect, kindness, and empathy, and create a positive influence on those around you. It also shows that you value the well-being of others and are committed to making a positive impact in the world.

You Have Morals

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Having good morals in a nutshell, means knowing what is right and what is wrong. Morals in a person is a key indicator of the type of heart they have, so when you next meet someone, their morals will express if they have a good heart or not.

You Stand Up For What You Believe In

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Standing up for what you believe in shows that you have a good heart as it demonstrates a strong moral compass and a deep sense of conviction. This kind of courage speaks volumes about your character, showing that you have a good heart and a steadfast commitment to your values. You stand uo for what you believe is right despite the risks... you're a good egg!

You See The Beauty In The Small Things

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Seeing beauty in the smallest of things shows that you have a good heart as it demonstrates your lack desire for materialistic things. It shows that you appreciate the world around you, and don't take your situation for granted. You are seeing the magic in everyday moments which makes you a good-hearted person!

Making People Happy Makes You Happy

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When you find joy in making others happy, it's a sign that you have a good heart. It shows that you have empathy, kindness, and a desire to help others. Seeing the smiles on people's faces, hearing their laughter, and knowing that you made a positive impact in their life can bring a sense of fulfillment and happiness that is hard to replicate.

You Are Courageous

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Courage can be viewed as just the absence of fear, but it actually shows willingness to face up to situations. Being courageous means that you are willing to take risks, overcome obstacles, and stand up for what you believe in despite the consequences... that sounds like a good-hearted person to me.

You Are Self Aware

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If you lack self awareness, it could mean that you are lacking in good-hearted nature. Being self aware means that you know when you've gone too far, and can avoid the risk of hurting anyone's feelings. Self awareness in the key for personal growth, and knowing your strengths and weaknesses makes you an all round good hearted person.

You're The Ultimate Hype Woman

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We all have that one friend who, no matter what, will hype you up and make you feel amazing! This trait in someone is a very significant sign that they have a good heart - they put the effort in to make those around them feel amazing and uplifted. Next time you're with your friends, give it a go and you'll definitely feel better inside!

You Always Work Hard

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No matter what it is you're embarking on, whether that is at work, at home, or on your Tuesday morning errands, you always put your absolute all in to it! The prospect of letting others down doesn't sit well with yo, so you always work hard to satisfy your own needs and the needs of those who rely on you.

You Know That The Way To Someone's Heart Is Through The Stomach!

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It doesn't matter whether you're the best chef in the world or the worst cook, you try your best with making people's favorite food for them to cheer them up whenever they need it - without being asked. Whether it's a hearty main meal or their favorite cookie, you have them covered.

You Make Kind Gestures Without Being Asked

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You might make someone a nice cup of hot chocolate without a word when they're feeling low, or you might take care of something like chores or errands without having to be asked. Your natural kindness means you're happy to help people without them prompting you.

You Ask People If They're Okay - And Genuinely Want To Know

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Most of us will agree that when we say "Hey, how are you?" it's just chit chat, and we usually expect a "Good, thanks!" and move on with the day. But when you ask someone if they're okay, you genuinely want to know - and you'd rather them be honest and tell you if they're not doing great.

You Just Know When Someone Needs A Hug

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It's like you have a sixth sense for when people need a hug, and you're happy to give it - provided they're okay with that, of course! You might be one of those people standing on the street with a sign that says 'Free hugs' too. You just know when someone might need that.

You Give People Compliments

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You give people compliments without there being a need for it, because you genuinely want to improve someone's day. You know the power a simple compliment can have on a stranger in the street if they look like they're having a bad day, as well as complimenting friends and family.

You Check In With People To See How They Are

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You know just when it's been too long since you heard from someone and you trust your instincts when you might need to check in and see if they're okay. You know they might have really needed to hear those kinds words from you, and you don't play stubborn mind games when it comes to messaging!

You're Happy To Listen When People Need To Offload

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Whether someone specifically asks you whether they can vent to you, or whether they just start doing it without warning, you're happy to just let them speak and get it out, and either be a kind ear without input, or offer them advice in return if they ask for it - anyone, anytime!

You Share Food

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Is there anything more of a kind gesture than willingly sharing your food with someone? Most of us would agree we want to keep a full plate to ourselves when we're hungry, especially if we've paid for a tasty bite at a restaurant. But you're happy to have it as a free for all!

You Remember All The Important Dates

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You make an effort to remember all the important dates, like everyone's birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions. Even if you have to write it down in your diary, it still counts because you made the effort to make a note of it so that you wouldn't forget! Kindness.

You Don't Need A Reason To Buy Someone A Gift

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Most people only buy nice gifts when it's a birthday, Christmas or anniversary - but you really don't need a reason to buy someone you care about a gift. If you see something while you're out and about that you know they'll love, there's no doubt you're going to buy it!

You Save the Last Piece Of Something To Give To Others

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Sharing food is one thing, but sharing the very last piece of something to give to someone else? That's next level kindness! It could be the very last piece of delicious chocolate, the last fry off your plate or the last piece of chocolate cake at a restaurant. You want them to have it.

You'll Happily Watch Someone's Fav TV Program/Movie That You Don't Like

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Struggling through a TV program or movie you really can't stand is a pure act of kindness! You'd happily do it without complaint, and maybe tell a little white lie that you actually love it, because you don't want to hurt their feelings! You can tell how excited they are about you watching it, so you're not going to ruin that.

You Save Things You Think Others Might Like

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You might be browsing Netflix and come across a film you know someone will like, so you add it to your list to tell them about; you might be decluttering the home and come across something you know you can donate to a friend who will absolutely love it, so you put it to one side.

Taking An Interest In Other People's Interests

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It's one thing to respectfully listen to other people's interests when they're talking about them, but it's another if you actively try and learn more about these interests for their sake. It's a kind thing to do to go out of your way to learn more about their hobbies just so you can talk more about them!

You Like To Plan Surprises

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Provided the people in question actually like surprises, of course, otherwise it would be pretty mean! But you're always thinking of ways you can surprise people and make them happy, like a spontaneous vacation, a surprise party or surprising them with a homecooked meal.

You'll Make Lifestyle Changes With Others To Support Them

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If there's someone in your life, like a bestie or partner, who's making a big lifestyle change like trying to go to the gym more or eat healthily, then not only do you support them with encouraging words, but you also do it alongside them so that they don't feel so alone and more likely to stick with it!

Helping Them With Transportation

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You don't hesitate to offer someone a lift into town if they don't have a car, or to pick someone up in the middle of the night if they've broken down or coming out late from a party. If someone is struggling to get around and you have the means to help them, you'll do it - without the guilt trip!

Holding Off On Watching That Next Episode!

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This takes so much self-control so we salute you for it! You've been binging that particular Netflix show with your loved one and you want nothing more than to watch the next episode - and you
- but you hold off until they're available so that you can watch it together!

Sending Them Things In The Post

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There's something more personal about sending something in the post these days rather than over message or through social media. You like to send physical birthday cards or handwritten letters now and again to people you care about to cheer them up or make it more personal!

And Sending Them Things In The Post Without A Reason

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The biggest act of kindness is also that you don't need a reason to do this. You don't have to wait for a birthday or Christmas - you might spontaneously send little gifts in the post, letters or a bunch of flowers to people you think need cheering up - maybe even anonymously, because just to know you've made them smile is thanks enough!

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