If You Feel Any Of These Things, It’s Time To Get Help

By Anna Collins 1 year ago

1. You feel exhausted all of the time

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Feeling totally exhausted all of the time can actually indicate your mental health. If you are feeling depressed or consistently low then it will also take its toll on your physical energy. It may affect you to the point where you feel you have no energy left for anything which means its time to get help.

2. You use substances such as alcohol to cope

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Alcohol or other substances should NEVER be used as a coping mechanism. If you feel that you are turning to drink or anything as a way to cope with how you are feeling and as a form of masking how you feel to escape then it is definitely time to get some help.

3. You feel like you constantly have brain fog

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Brain fog can consistently occur when you do not feel like you are in a good place mentally. You might not feel like you can focus or think clearly on anything and you may not feel as thought you can manage to shift it. It can feel very disorientating and it can cause you to panic.

4. You don't find enjoyment in the things you used to

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When you start to lose an interest or a love for all of your hobbies it is a sign that you need help. This is not the same as falling out of love and outgrowing a hobby. If all of the things you used to love no longer give you pleasure or enjoyment, then it is time to talk to somebody.

5. You feel tearful all the time

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Feeling tearful and sad all of the time and with no explanation doesn't need to be something that you just have to deal with - if this feeling won't go away then it's time to get some help so that you can get through this tough period  and start to feel better.

6. You have thoughts about harming yourself

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If you ever have thoughts of harming yourself in any way, or you have damaging thoughts then it is definitely time to seek immediate help. There are lots of different people you can talk to who can offer a variety of ways that can really help make a difference to your mental health.

7. You find it hard to cope with everyday things

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Do you feel like everything is on top of you? Like even the little everyday things seem overwhelming and unmanageable? You may feel like you just cannot deal with everyday life and all of the little obstacles it throws your way - no matter how seemingly small they may be.

8. You don't want to see anyone

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We all have days where we don't want to see anybody, but if this feeling persists then something is not right and it's time to seek help. Not wanting to see anyone can indicate a deeper problem that you are suffering with and not seeing anybody can really make everything feel worse.

9. You're not eating enough

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When things get really bad you may find that your appetite has decreased. You might not feel like eating or you may not feel lie you can manage to eat. If you are not eating properly or you've stopped eating it's time to get help to deal with how you are feeling right now.

10. You never want to go out

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Shutting people out and closing yourself away will never help you feel better. Even if you do not feel like you want to leave the house, this mindset can spiral the less you go outside as your anxiety to go out can increase. You may need some extra help to to deal with what you are facing right now.

11. You're neglecting your basic needs such as showering

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When you feel super low it is hard to find the inclination or the motivation to do even the most basic of things such as showering. But if you are neglecting your own basic needs it means you are not only neglecting your physical health but it will further impact your mental health!

12. You can't concentrate

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Not being able to concentrate may be because you have a lot going on in your brain and you are having some internal struggled. Your energy and brain power may be wrapped up in anxiety, depression or whatever struggles you are facing which is your sign to seek out some help.

13. You feel extremely irritable

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If you're feeling irritable all of the time then you know something is up. You probably feel like you're not yourself and this feeling comes over you in uncontrollable waves. It may be there all of the time making you feel very negative towards things and towards people which could push them away.

14. You've isolated yourself

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Isolating yourself means that you are cutting yourself off from people. Your family and friends would want to be there t support you but instead of reaching out (which is what you have to do) you are pushing them away and isolating yourself because you need some help right now.

15. You're skipping work because you can't face it

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If your work is aware of your situation you may be able to get time off work for your mental health. But if you are in a bad place and haven't informed anybody you may just find yourself not turning up to work because you cannot face it, which could lead to repercussions with your career if you do not seek out help.

16. You feel like you don't even want to get out of bed

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Day after day you wake up and you feel like you just do not want to get out of bed and face the day. You don't want to do anything, you don't want to see anybody and you just feel like you cannot deal with it. It's as though you wake up and all of those feelings come flooding back to you.

17. You're having frequent panic attacks

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Panic attacks are horrible and scary and if this is something that is happening to you frequently then it's time to get some help. There is medical advice, treatments and practices which can help you to deal with your panic attacks and make them less consuming and frequent.

18. You've been feeling this way for weeks on end

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You've found that this is not just a fleeting feeling, it's not going away. It didn't just last for a few days and you managed to pull yourself out of it. It's been ongoing for weeks or more. This is your sign to get some help because nobody should have to deal with this alone.

19. You feel like something isn't right

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You know in your heart of hearts that something isn't right. You don't just feel this way for no reason, you have some mental battles which you are facing. You know something's not right and you know you should get help to seek ways to help you get better and t deal with it.

20. Things feel like they're getting worse

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Rough patches are a normal part of life, they pass and we get through them with time. But sometimes people find themselves in a situation where things just aren't getting better or they don't feel any better. And sometimes we can't (and we shouldn't!) deal with them alone.

21. You replay past traumas over and over

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Traumas are intensely frightening/upsetting or horrifying experiences which literally cause damage tot he brain they have such a powerful effect on us. Trauma can replay over and over in people's brains or maybe you[re finding that a lot of things are triggering it. It's good to get professional help to work on how to deal with it.

22. You're started obsessive behaviours

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Obsessive behaviours can form at any point, and when people are struggling mentally it may be a time where someone can develop obsessive habits or addictive habits. This in itself is a sign that something is not right and it's now that you should turn to somebody.

23. You feel as though you're involved in an abusive relationship

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If you feel at any way as though you are in a controlling. abusive/ manipulative relationship of any kind...it's time to seek help to be able to remove yourself from this situation. You may not have realized what was happening and it can be super hard to get out without the support of people around you.

24. You don't feel pleasure in anything

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Nothing is bringing your pleasure anymore. You don't feel excitement, enjoyment or happiness from pretty much anything right now. You just feel nothing... It's like you're emotions have been sapped and replaced with a feeling of apathy even in the things that you love the most.

25. You're not sleeping/ sleeping way too much

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Sleep is extremely indicative of our mental health. If you are not sleeping at all or struggling with insomnia it could be caused to to anxiety or other issues. If you are sleeping way too much it may be a way to escape living daily life which is a sign of depression.

26. You feel physical displays of anxiety

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Not only do you have the internal symptoms of anxiety but you physically are displaying anxiety too. You are always shaky or sweating. This is replicating what's happening on the inside, even if you do not realize and it may show that you are not coping well with your emotions right now because you just need some help.

27. You just feel like you do not know what to do anymore

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You feel totally hopeless. You don't know what to do. You don't know how to feel better or anything other than negative thoughts. This is when you have to accept that it's time to seek out help, because you do not need to and you will not feel like this forever!

28. You have extreme mood swings

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Extreme mood swings can leave you even questing your own emotions, you do not know how you will feel from one moment to the next and there's no way to predict or control them. It can make it really tough to deal with as these emotions are intense and consuming.

29. You feel totally overwhelmed constantly

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Being overwhelmed is a consuming feeling where you feel hopeless because you feel like you have no power over anything or no control. It can make you feel as though everything is spiralling and there's nothing you can do about it. You may also feel as though you've lost the energy to deal with it.

30. You feel bad about yourself all the time

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Low self esteem can be so detrimental to your life. If you are feeling so bad about yourself consistently it's time to tackle the deeper rooted issues. Feelings about yourself can be triggered from many different things and getting help over time will allow you to deal with these internal struggles.

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