Natural Ways To Increase Your Dopamine Levels

By Lauren Mccluskey 1 year ago

1. Exercise

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The first sure way to increase your dopamine levels significantly is to exercise regularly.  This is because physical activity tends to trigger the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin and these can really boost your mood.  And it doesn't have to be a mad one in the gym, just moving your body in any way can help you to increase your dopamine!

2. Sunlight

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When your skin absorbs sunlight, your dopamine levels get a welcomed boost.  This is due to the magical vitamin D that is produced when the sun's rays hit your skin and this triggers the production of dopamine and its friend serotonin.  And it doesn't even need to be blistering sunshine to work!

3. Music

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Dopamine is a wonderful neurotransmitter that works wonders in relieving feelings of anxiety and depression.  And listening to music can really heighten the production of the happy chemical.  And did you know that certain songs have been shown to increase your happiness?  These include
Clair de Lune
by Debussy and 
First Breath After Coma
by Explosions in the Sky!

4. Sleep

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Dopamine and serotonin are involved in the sleep-wake cycle, and studies have found that the light sleep phase is when you production of dopamine is the highest.  If you're sleep deprived, this can likely inhibit your brain's production of dopamine, and this can affect your brain activity when you sleep, including the suppression of your dreams.

5. Mindfulness

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Practicing mindfulness doesn't always come easy to everyone, but it is useful to know that those who are experienced meditators benefit from a brighter mood due to an increase in their dopamine levels.  But it's unclear whether the same effects occur in people who don't usually meditate... There's only one way to find out!

6. Laughter

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You know the old saying: 
Laughter is the best medicine?
  Well, it turns out that it's actually true!  You see, when a person laughs the stress hormone cortisol is replaced by happier hormones, including dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins.  This is because laughing stimulates your lungs, heart, and muscles by increasing your intake of oxygen-rich air!

7. Loved ones

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Having loved ones around you and being able to have 'feel-good' conversations can really help with the release of dopamine and give you that mood boost you're craving.  Dopamine is released in the
rewards center
 of our brains and can really make us feel great when we feel loved.

8. Probiotics

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Probiotics, when consumed, have the ability to increase the good bacteria in your gut, and when your gut is happy, you can be too.  This is because good bacteria have been found the increase your dopamine levels which may lead to relief from anxiety and depression symptoms.

9. Antioxidants

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When antioxidants are absorbed into the bloodstream and reach the brain, they can help to repair or even replace dead or dying brain cells.  And this could mean that they could aid the production of dopamine.  Vitamin C is a particularly effective antioxidant because it can help to boost your immune system and supports your brain health, including protecting against depression.

10. Diet

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Your diet can play a huge role in how much dopamine you are able to produce and eating certain foods, particularly protein-rich foods like meat and vegetarian protein can really help you to boost your energy and happiness levels.  Nuts, seeds, dairy, coffee, strawberries, and chocolate can also give you that boost too!

11. Creativity

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When you produce dopamine, you can really boost your creativity in so many ways.  This is because dopamine is associated with dreaming, and when we dream, we might become inspired.  But it's also true that when you are creating, this can also boost your dopamine levels too!  And higher dopamine levels give us the energy and motivation to create and explore.

12. Technology-breaks

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Nowadays, due to dopamine, so many of us are addicted to our smartphones and social media, and we get completely sucked into what is referred to as a
dopamine loop. 
And this can be really detrimental to our mental health because that dopamine
we get when we receive likes or comments is only temporary and we are never satisfied so keep going back for more.

13. Nature

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Research has often found that being outdoors really does improve your happiness, energy levels, and motivation.  And this is especially effective if you spend time around nature.  It's all about the rustle of the trees in the breeze, the wind in your face, the melodic birdsong, and even the earthy scent of the rain can really increase your dopamine levels and leave you feeling truly nurtured by nature.

14. Gratitude

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Consciously practicing gratitude can really add a wonderful layer to your mindfulness, and receiving it feels good too.  According to, studies have found that just one single act of gratitude can immediately increase your happiness and over time, can reduce depressive symptoms.

15. Dark Chocolate

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Dark chocolate is delicious, and this silky treat contains a compound called 
which helps to increase dopamine levels which leaves you feeling great.  Dark chocolate in particular also has other health benefits including containing antioxidants, improving blood flow to the brain, and even improving learning, memory, and focus.

16. Supplements

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You can also increase your dopamine levels by supplementing a balanced diet.  Dopamine supplements are available to buy and they claim to really boost your mood.  These include probiotics, turmeric, magnesium, curcumin, vitamins C, vitamin D, fish oil, and ginkgo to name just a few.  But it is important that you find what is right for you.

17. Breathe

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Now, of course, you've got to breathe, and your usual breathing is probably unlikely to increase your dopamine levels significantly.  But if you take some time out each day to breathe deeply and intentionally, you can really help your body to produce dopamine and serotonin and reduce cortisol levels.  You can even use this practice whenever you're feeling symptoms of stress.

18. Cold Showers

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Cold showers probably sound far from tempting, but if you can pluck up the courage to turn the cold water on instead of the hot, or even submerge yourself in a cold bath, you might feel awesome.  Research has found that the bracing effects of cold water can increase dopamine and boos

19. Hot baths

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Now hot baths might sound a lot more appealing than an ice-cold shower.  And the good news is that, although research is limited, a hot bath may help you to increase your dopamine.  According to Valley Oaks Health, one study found that as little as two baths a week can produce what is called a
"moderate but persistent"
lift to your mood.

20. Touch

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Physical touch promotes the production of what is known as the warm and fuzzy love or bonding hormone, oxytocin.  This includes hugging, massage, breastfeeding, and sexual forms of touch too.  Even the most basic level of touch can reduce blood pressure, stress and promote the increase of dopamine and serotonin.

21. Massage

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Massage therapy has many positive effects and can leave you feeling relaxed, happy, and warm.  The physical touch of massage increases oxytocin and can really reduce human stress hormones.  This, in turn, aids the production of dopamine and serotonin, and probably makes you want to go back again and again!

22. Yoga

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Yoga has many benefits including increasing your fitness levels, flexibility, strength, and muscle tone, improving your respiration, energy, and cardio health, and can even protect you from injuries.  And amongst these benefits is that yoga and intentional breathing can really improve your mood because of the increase in dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins.

23. Folate

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Folate is a naturally occurring B vitamin and is essential for the health of the brain and for the production of certain chemicals including serotonin and dopamine.  A folate deficiency is common in people who suffer from depression so include it in your diet in the form of a supplement or in foods like green leafy vegetables, fruit, dairy, nuts, beans, and meat.

24. Positivity

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We can't always feel totally positive all the time, and sometimes positivity can come across as pretty toxic and unrealistic, which can make us feel worse.  But research has shown that the ways in which you talk to and about yourself can affect your brain.  And positive self-talk can really increase dopamine levels, self-esteem, and well-being, AND reduce stress.

25. Aromatherapy

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Aromatherapy has been often found to make people feel good and relaxed.  And this is because our sense of smell is really powerful in prompting our brains to release those much-desired happy chemicals.  Certain essential oils work better than others, particularly bergamot, lavender, and lemon.

26. Learn

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Now because dopamine has been linked to our motivation, energy, and productivity, it's no wonder that it also aids in our learning too.  In fact, dopamine has been found to be responsible for creating excitement around learning and also how much we retain.  And we feel great when we learn something new!

27. Pets

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Pet owners have been found by researchers at The University of Mexico to be healthier than those without, including being at a lower risk of heart disease.  Dog and cat owners have also been found to be less likely to suffer from depression and have higher levels of serotonin and dopamine levels.  So let's give a shout-out to our loyal pets!  They do more for us than we think!

28. Goals

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When we achieve our goals, we feel awesome.  And this is all down to the dopamine reward that we get when we succeed.  So it's important to set yourself goals.  Always having something to work to can really give you a good excuse to continue to chase that natural high

29. Intermittent fasting

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There have been mixed results surrounding the effects of intermittent fasting, and it's important to note that it doesn't work for everyone for different reasons.  However, research has discovered that intermittent fasting can increase dopamine and serotonin levels which can boost energy, and memory, and improve blood pressure and heart health.

30. The effects of dopamine

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Increasing your dopamine can play a huge role in improving your overall physical and mental health, but undesirable symptoms can occur if your dopamine levels are too high or too low.  If they're too high, you might experience anxiety, excessive energy, hallucinations, and disrupted sleep, and if they're too low, brain fog, mood swings, and muscle spasms can occur.

31. Meditation

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Meditating every day is a good practice to get into, because it can help you practice deep breathing as well as relaxing! Meditation has been associated with dopamine release in the brain, so it's associated with feeling good, feeling more positive and taking care of your wellbeing.

32. Vagus nerve stimulation

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Vagus nerve, or vagal nerves, relates to the main nerves in your body - specifically, the parasympathetic nervous system, and these nerves control things like heart rate and digestion. Vagal nerve stimulation is a treatment were electric pulses are applied to these nerves. It's believed this stimulation can increase that good feeling!

33. Close physical contact

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You don't have to be directly touching anyone to benefit from being around people. If you have close physical contact with people - whether it's sitting on the couch with a friend, or on a full train with strangers - it can actually be more likely you'll have a positive boost of dopamine!

34. Protein-rich foods

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Protein rich foods specifically are what you'll want in your diet if you're looking for that feel good hormone! This can be harder when you're a vegetarian, as chicken is the most obvious one, but go for tofu or other alternatives. Others include almonds, milk and avocados.

35. Eat a banana every day

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Apart from being a healthy fruit in general, so a great choice for one of your five a day, a banana has high levels of dopamine and protein, which can mean you can feel a little happier if you're making sure to pack this in your lunch box! It's even been shown that bananas had anti-depressant effects in mice.

36. Choose healthy fats

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Your diet should never be devoid of fat completely, as there is healthy fat that you need to consume. Fatty fish is one of the best sources of this healthy fat, which includes salmon, tuna and mussels. If you don't like fish, make sure you're taking an oily fish supplement instead.

37. Give green tea a try

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Green tea has many beneficial properties, including anti-oxidant effects, but it's also believed to be a great source of dopamine that you can easily brew up at home. The caffeine in green tea is also a plus for dopamine, and you can easily make this at work, too!

38. If you don't like tea - make sure to have a cup of coffee!

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Caffeine in itself is a rich source of dopamine - as long as you're having caffeine in moderation and not going too overboard! - so coffee is the most obvious choice, and an alternative if you can't stomach green tea. The stimulating effects of caffeine are said to be good for a dopamine lift!

39. Sprinkle some rosemary in your recipes

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The common herb rosemary, which you can easily buy and include in your recipes - or even grow your own at home - is believed to also be a booster for dopamine levels in the brain. It's also believed to be capable of stimulating certain receptors in the brain, so this is one herb you'll be wanting to try!

40. Use essential oils

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Essential oils have a wealth of benefits, and it's believed that increasing the feel good hormone could be one of them. Certain smells have the power to boost your mood - like fresh cut grass - and you can easily add essential oils to your bath, a diffuser or your room fragrances.

41. Vanilla

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It's also believed that the smell of vanilla specifically is a good one for dopamine boost. So you could try vanilla scented candles or wax melts, as well as making things with vanilla - or if you're a fan of ice cream or milkshake, why not switch your preferred flavor to vanilla?

42. Sunlight lamps

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We said that natural light is important for positive mental health and dopamine, but we know it's not always that simple - what if you work indoors all day with minimal windows? Or it's dark winter? Sunlight lamps could be an alternative, if you want o be woken up by the "sun".

43. Natural light in your home

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It's important to let as much natural light into your home as possible, too, to reap the dopamine benefits. You might want to replace your windows, change the window dressing (from thick heavy curtains to blinds or voiles) and position things like chairs and work desks close to the light!

44. Learning an instrument

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We've mentioned that listening to music - as well as certain musical pieces in particular - can increase your dopamine production, but did you know it can also apply if you're making the music yourself? Playing music could have the same effects, so if you don't already know an instrument, it might be time to learn!

45. Tickling or stroking

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Okay, so no one likes being tickled, but a small tickle from your loved on like on the feet while you're relaxing on the couch, or even having them stroke your feet or leg while you're relaxing, can all help to increase dopamine levels. So if you're a cuddler, ask them to stroke your hair while you watch TV!

46. What might cause low dopamine? Inflammation

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Inflammation in the body can actually result in low dopamine levels. If you're sick, such as with a high fever or you don't have a diet rich with foods that can tackle inflammation, this is why it's easier to feel more sluggish than you would if you weren't running a high temperature!

47. Eating too much saturated fat

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Saturated fat might be in more things that you realize - it's definitely in TV dinners, take outs and fast food, so if you're not a fan of healthy cooking from scratch, your high saturated fat intake could be resulting in lower dopamine levels so you feel more tired and less motivated.

48. Too much sugar

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So it's true that sugar can actually boost dopamine - which is why we crave sugar, and that 'sugar-high'. Let's face it, we do feel happier when eating sweets and chocolate. But that hit is short-lived, because over time, if you're constantly eating lots of sugar, it can eventually dull the senses to it and actually lower dopamine.

49. You might have an iron deficiency

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Iron is important for good health and dopamine levels. If you have an iron deficiency, it will likely result in low dopamine levels, too. Symptoms of iron deficiency can be pale skin, feeling weak and tired, cold hands and feet and brittle nails. Make sure you're getting iron-rich foods in your diet!

50. Maternal deprivation

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It's been shown in studies on animals that those who were reared in isolation instead of by direct contact with their mother, actually had lower dopamine levels! It just reasserts how important it is for physical touch and being around the people you love for those feel good hormones!

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