Top 30 Deadliest Spiders From Around The World

By Molly 1 year ago

False Widow Spider!

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The first one on our list today is the False Widow Spider. Very widely thought of as the most venomous spider in the United Kingdom, a bite from this spider packs a punch! Bites often lead to infections that eat away at the flesh and sometimes have to be operated on!

Funnel-Web Spider...

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These scary spiders are named after the funnel-shaped webs that they produce to trap their prey! Even though these guys grow up to 5 centimeters across a bit can be deadly to a human, although since the developments of modern first aid techniques, there have not been any reported deaths from a funnel-web bite.

Katipo Spider!

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The Katipo Spider is found in New Zealand and is the sister of the American Widow Spider. These are considered to be one of the most poisonous creatures in New Zealand, and they are considered endangered, so even though they are deadly, it is illegal to squash one of these guys!

Redback Spider!

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Related to the black widow spider, the redback spider can be found in Australia, South East Asia, and some parts of New Zealand. Until anti-venom for these spiders poison was introduced, a bite from one of these spiders was almost certainly a fatal one!

Sicarius Spider...

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Sicarius being the Latin word for murderer these spiders are thought to have some of the most venomous bites of spiders in the world! Luckily enough these spiders do not often search for food, instead, they bury themselves and wait for their prey and are not aggressive!

Black Widow Spider!

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The Black Widow Spider, found in the United States, Canada, and parts of Latin America, is one of the world's most dangerous spiders. The female spiders have venom that is 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake's. bites are extremely unpleasant, but treatable, with a 5% death rate.

Chilean Recluse Spider...

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This is often considered to be the most dangerous among the recluse spider family! Victims of a bite can suffer from a range of severities from mild skin irritation all the way to the death of flesh around the area. Very rarely death can occur but it is possible!

Red Widow Spider...

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Also known as the Red-legged Widow, this spider is endemic to central and southern Florida where it lives off of insects. Bites from this spider can result in death if not treated properly, however, they are very rare as these spiders are not considered aggressive.

Corner Funnel Weaver Spider!

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Another of the family of funneling spiders, this one is not as deadly but can still pack a punch. A bite from one of these spiders can result in severe headaches and vomiting, so maybe not deadly, but certainly not pleasant! I will be staying away from these guys!

Brown Widow Spider...

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Originally native to Africa, this spider has now found its way around most of the world, living in warm climates inside buildings, old tires, and shrubs. This spider is not aggressive, and only injects a tiny amount of venom when it bites, but... the venom of this spider is twice as potent as the black widow and so is very capable of killing a human.

Poecilotjeria Rajaei Spider!

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Only recently discovered, this spider has been found in Sri Lanka and is a part of the tarantula family! This spider has enough venom to cause serious discomfort to a human and to kill mice, lizards, and small birds! It also is a very scary-looking 8-legged creature!

Brown Recluse Spider!

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This spider is usually found in the warmer parts of the southern USA. Also known as a reaper they are generally found in caves and other sheltered environments. The venom of these spiders is known to be necrotic, which means flesh-eating... in bad cases this can lead to amputation of the area.

Trapdoor Spider...

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Often mistaken for funnel-web spiders, trapdoor spiders are a completely different species. These spiders very rarely bite and are considered not aggressive, however, when they do bite, it can be very painful. Although painful, a bite from a trapdoor is considered low risk to humans!

Hobo Spider!

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Another spider that has that flesh-eating, necrotic venom. These spiders are very commonly found in North America as well as in Europe and watch out for these ones because they are known for being aggressive, and a bite from one of these guys really is not fun.

Northern Tree Funnel Spider...

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A close relative of the Australian Funnel Spider, this spider is as scary, as ugly, as deadly, and as dangerous! Mostly living in trees and wooded areas and most commonly found in Australia, a bite from one of these spiders needs to be treated immediately!

Mouse Spider...

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Commonly found in Australia, the mouse spider has a venom that is similar to a funnel-web spider, and has similar symptoms! Although a bite has the potential to be devastating, this spider is known for its "dry bites", meaning a warning bite without venom to let you know to back off!

Tiger Wandering Spider!

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This Wandering spider gets its name from the way it wanders around looking for prey! It has an extremely dangerous bite with a neurotoxic venom which means that it attacks the person's nervous system and stops messages from getting through to their muscles!

Six-Eyed Sand Spider...

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Found in the deserts of Southern Africa, this spider's venomous bite causes blood vessels to leak and flesh to decay and die... sounds like a party! Cases of this spider biting are very rare, possibly due to it not being aggressive, and partly because they live in deserts!

Baboon Spider!

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This Baboon Spider is found in Africa and is very similar to a tarantula! It's not just the way this spider looks that should send shivers down your spine because a bite from this guy will vomiting and difficulty walking for extended periods of time!

Fringed Ornamental Tarantula!

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One of the more typical spiders from a nightmare, this spider is a big hairy spider! Although very scary, these guys won't kill. The bite of one of these spiders will be about as painful and as dangerous as a wasp sting! So even though it's not lethal it's well worth staying clear of these guys!

White Widow Spider...

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This widow spider is found in Kazakhstan and is so revered by them that they made it the picture on their official postal stamps. A bite from this White Widow is very similar to that of a Black widow and can cause some serious trauma, definitely steer clear of these ones!

Camel Spider!

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Found in deserts and scrublands in almost all continents except for Australia, this spider is not actually venomous! These are actually not even spiders, but almost legendary. In the 2003 Iraq war, they spoke of soldiers being eaten inside out in their sleep by camel spiders, but that is not the case as they are arachnids that have a painful sting, but certainly not deathly.

Lynx Spider...

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Lynx Spiders are well known to be able to jump, and on top of that these are one of the very rare spiders that can actually spit their venom! Even though their venom is not among the deadliest on the list, causing swelling to localized areas, the jumping and spitting certainly get them a place among the top scary spiders!

Goliath Birdeater Tarantula...

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This beast is the largest spider in the world! Found in South America, despite its terrifying name and size (up to 15 centimeters) it is relatively harmless to humans and feeds on small rodents, frogs, and lizards. A bite from one of these is again quite similar to a wasp sting!

Black House Spider!

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The most commonly seen and interacted with spider in the world, the black house spider comes in many different shapes and forms but all are fairly similar! Although not deadly, a bite from one of these spiders can cause pain, swelling, and vomiting among other symptoms.

Wolf Spider...

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Wolf Spiders are found all over the world, even in the Arctic Circle! They are named after a wolf because of their method of hunting, and a bite from a wolf spider can cause dizziness and nausea but is not overly harmful to humans. I would still recommend steering clear of these guys though!

Cupboard Spider!

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Cupboard spiders are not known to be dangerous to humans. For the majority of people, a bite from one of these guys will result in about as much pain as a wasp sting. There have been, however, a few cases where more serious symptoms were recorded.

Brazilian Wandering Spider!

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These spiders get their name from wandering the floor of the jungle at night! These spiders are extremely venomous and some even say they have the most potent venom of any spider in the world, they are however, rubbish at injecting into humans! Either way, definitely not one worth risking!

Hairy Mystery Spider...

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These spiders were first discovered in Assam, a state in India, and were thought to be an undiscovered species of tarantula, but in 2012 they found out they were something different. It was reported that colonies of these spiders started attacking villagers, causing mass panic and painful swelling for the victims... something from nightmares.

Yellow Sac Spider!

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A yellow sac spider is common all around the world except for Antarctica! The venom from these is very dangerous as it breaks down the cells around the area of a bite ultimately killing the area of flesh surrounding it! In most cases though, the bite will blister and heal by itself!

The Desert Recluse Spider!

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As well as having the perfect color to easily camouflage, this dangerous spider can usually be found in desert reasons, and it's packing some pretty nasty venom that can be very painful - or even result in death if you don't manage to get a bite treated straight away!

The Western Desert Tarantula!

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Also found in the desert, this dangerous spider won't likely kill you (phew) if you do suffer a bite, but its venom will make it a pretty painful ordeal. Not only that, but this tarantula has the power to seriously irritate your skin for days on end due to being able to throw its tiny hairs at you!

Any Tarantula, Really

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The reality is that actually, every single tarantula, no matter their type or country of origin, will always be carrying venom. They're not the most dangerous because a bite likely won't kill you, and they're often pets in some places, but they're still dangerous because of that venom! So stay on their good side.

If That Wasn't Enough, Here Are The World's Deadliest Snakes: Russell's Viper

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This viper might look like any ol' snake, but don't let that fool you. If you're unfortunate enough to get bitten by this snake, you'll feel a lot of pain and swelling, as well as bleeding leading to a drop in heart rate. You'll likely die of kidney failure if you don't get help quickly enough!

Common Mamba

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The good thing about this snake is that it doesn't want to be around you as much as you don't want to be around it. But, if for some reason, you're both forced in a room together and it's feeling pretty antsy, its venomous bite will result in
a lot
of pain, nausea, difficulty breathing and even paralysis. You'll likely die within 30 minutes.

Saw-Scaled Viper

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This snake's venom doesn't just pack one dangerous toxin, it has
! The good news is that they usually operate in quiet areas, so you're unlikely to stumble across one. The bad news is, they're usually found at night, so if you happen to be in a quiet area... you'll probably step on one before you know what's hit you.

Black-Necked Cobra

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Sure, they look cool with that symmetrical neck and all, but they're very dangerous. This snake's bite is actually unlikely to result in death, but that doesn't mean it's a walk in the park - their venom is very strong, so it'll be very painful and you'll have trouble breathing, as well as suffering tissue death.

Rinkhals Cobra

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Also known as the Ringhals cobra, this snake - with very striking colors and patterns on its scales - is very dangerous indeed. A lot of that danger comes from the fact that it's pretty aggressive - and if it's going to attack you, it's going to go for the face. And you don't want that venom to get in your eyes... or anywhere, really.

Ottoman Viper

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This deadly snake has been known to attack without needing any excuse to do so - so tread carefully! It can grow up to around 130cm, and it's very aggressive, with a reputation for being in a bad mood. And a bad mood doesn't really pair will with having a venomous bite.

Harlequin Coral Snake

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Don't let those beautiful scales fool you! This is one of the most venomous snakes in the world. But at least it's likely you'll see it first in a well-lit area! The Harlequin Coral snake has a particularly nasty bite that can cause paralysis and failure of the respiratory system.

Egyptian Cobra

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Cobras are known for spitting venom instead of inserting it with a bite, but the Egyptian cobra actually doesn't spit venom. That doesn't mean it's not a deadly foe, though. This cobra's bite is known to result in bruising, severe swelling, abdominal pain and paralysis.

Mojave Rattlesnake

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This rattlesnake is one of the most venomous in the world. As long as you're near to a place that can give you the antivenom as quickly as possible, you're likely to survive. If not, you're in trouble. The bite can cause swelling, bruising, tissue damage and even the chance of stopping your breathing.

Beaked Sea Snake

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True to its name, this snake can usually be found in coastal locations in India. But it's not what you want to encounter during a nice stroll on the beach. These snakes are known to be very aggressive, and they can even survive for up to five hours underwater... so you won't be safe going for a swim, either.

Gaboon Viper

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This snake is one of the deadliest in the world, but some positive news is that it's not really aggressive so it won't seek you out to bite you. The problem starts if, for some reason, it does. Symptoms of this snake's bite include internal bleeding, severe shock and low blood pressure.

Puff Adder

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This snake is actually responsible for the most snakebite and snakebite death cases in Africa. It's even more deadly because this snake is
as well as having a huge body, massive fangs and significantly strong venom. 100mg of its venom could kill a grown adult within a day.

Tiger Snake

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From one predator to the next! In a period of 10 years in Australia, it's reported that Tiger Snakes were responsible for around 17% of snakebites - and some of the bites ended up in death. If you're bitten, you can expect tingling, numbness, sweating and difficulty breathing.

Black-Banded Sea Krait

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This snake is usually found lurking in coral reefs, so good news if you don't have any plans to go swimming anytime soon. It does need to come to the surface every so often to breath, though. Its venom is 10 times more strong than cobra venom, but it shouldn't attack you if you don't give it reason to!

Many-Banded Krait

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If you happen to get bitten by this snake, you might think everything's A-OK - because you won't usually feel anything other than a bit of itchiness. But it's several hours later when the severe symptoms start to kick in: paralysis of the tongue, difficulty breathing and loss of voice, to name a few.

Dubois' Sea Snake

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This deadly snake usually spends its time in sandy places or coral reefs, feasting on fish or eels. The good news is, they only attack if you really provoke them - and happen to be on the seabed at the time. Its the most venomous sea snake there is, but it's mostly the fish that have to worry about that.

Inland Taipan

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Topping the list of the deadliest snakes is the Inland Taipan. A single bite can kill 100 grown men - yes, can you believe, a
single bite
! Although it's extremely deadly - needless to say - it's rare for it to threaten humans because it mostly lives underground. So please, please don't go digging!

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