Signs That Someone Is A Spiritual Seeker

By Paula Tudoran 1 year ago

1. You seek depth

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Most people who want more from life than just physical pleasures frequently discover that they want more depth in their connections with others, their thoughts, and their everyday lives. You may be a spiritual seeker if you find that shallow interactions and conversations fail to satisfy you, if your soul longs for something deeper, if you turn off your electronics occasionally for introspection, and if you prefer stimulating thoughts to cognitive numbness.

2. You said "No" to religious dogmas and "Yes" to spiritual openness

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Your dogmatic shackles, narrow-mindedness, and gullibility are clipped and buried in the backyard once you begin the journey to spirituality. You are now bravely vulnerable and openly facing the intimidating universe. The universe is a larger question mark than your heart, which pounds against it. Although you might feel lost, you're not. You'll see in time.

3. You recognize yourself in everything

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You are aware of your unity with all things, beings, and creatures. Furthermore, you don't feel compelled to judge, point the finger, condemn, or offer criticism toward anyone since your heart is starting to fill with love and compassion. You are able to recognize yourself in your surroundings. You recognize yourself in both good and bad people, in those who are kind and in those who are cruel, and this makes you feel incredibly humble.

4. You feel more content

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You know you are in truth when your life runs better, when drama and confusion become boring, and goodness and tranquility grow to be your favorite companions. You can believe you are in touch with the truth when you are inherently happier, stronger, and more fully engaged with people and nature.

5. You dream a lot.
A lot

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You notice that you dream more frequently or strongly than usual while you sleep at night or even during daydreams or meditation while awake. This might be a manifestation of your subconscious or your mind's probing thoughts. Dreams are merely a door to our inner awareness, which holds the most secret corners of our souls.

6. You thirst for self-knowledge

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The key to your winning the game is always to ask questions. The game is also endless. You understand that the rabbit hole is so far down that it turns back into a wormhole. Any meaningful explanation will always start with yourself, no matter where you are on this journey; therefore, you have no issue with transforming a billion old versions of yourself into a billion new ones.

7. You're less of a control freak

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When you give up trying to control things, that's progress. Instead, you start to cooperate with life. You give up trying to force life to go a certain way and start accepting it for what it is. You analyze your human story and carry on with it. You also understand that you are the only one able to change anything if you work with the universal forces available to anyone.

8. And you're at peace in the midst of adversity

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No matter how many difficulties life throws your way or how much suffering you have to deal with over the course of your life, your heart remains perpetually at peace. You've mastered the art of being content no matter what, giving up control, and forcing things into being. You go with the flow.

9. You are rebellious

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You might not feel happy due to all the beliefs that were shattered. You might reject authority and question the values of our society. Most spiritual seekers look beyond societal expectations and toward a new sense of meaning. This good need to rebel typically indicates that you are seeking something greater in life than what you have thus far been able to obtain.

10. You've realized you're your own master

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You are now answering the plea of your own journey after destiny called your name. You've turned the terrifying task of the voyage into a possibility by transforming dread into fearlessness. Whereas previously you were bound by the bonds of limiting beliefs, you have now untangled the Gordian Knot and realized your most free and genuine self.

11. Honesty is now an essential

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Honesty does pay off. It's worth it all in rewarding partnerships. In unfettered energy, it pays. It pays off in enthusiasm. A telltale indicator of a spiritual quest is being confident in who you are, unafraid to express what you need and want, kind enough to speak the truth, and courageous enough to face the repercussions.

12. You love without expecting something in return

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Your true nature is love. You love because it's all you have to offer; you don't love to be loved. The grand dichotomy of belonging and being alone becomes easier as we move down the spiritual journey. Although we are compassionate and helpful to those around us, we also understand that each person is ultimately responsible for their own awakening. We can love and expect nothing in return.

13. You are comfortable with not knowing

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You are aware that the plans life has for you are far more elaborate and expansive than the goals you have for yourself. Because of that, you have learned to trust the universe (or God, the source, whatever you want to call it) rather than feel the need to regulate how your entire existence on Earth will pan out.

14. You understand the power of forgiveness

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Holding a grudge toward those who have wronged you is easy; anyone can do it. Saving the harshest criticism for yourself is even easier. Many people frequently find it difficult to accept responsibility for their errors. That includes our perceived mistakes, and it can be easy to condemn yourself for your delayed spiritual development, believing that you could have advanced further if only you had made wiser decisions earlier.

15. You understand you're a spiritual being having a human experience

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You are aware that, although you have a physical body, you are not a physical being. And you also understand that the body is merely the means by which the soul is transported around this world. How else you could have experienced this world? You know that the soul, you, resides inside this human body.

16. You love spending time in nature

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Are you drawn more and more to our planet's natural environment? Do you seek seclusion, stillness, or a solemn atmosphere? Do you experience a stronger connection to life's splendor, wonder, and creativity when you are around trees, canyons, mountains, natural places, and the ocean? Each spiritual seeker discovers calm in the beauty and strength of nature.

17. You crave meaning and purpose

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You have a strong desire to learn the purpose of your life. You are passionately trying to discover your destiny without knowing what it is, and you consume your mind and soul with the longing to know. There's also an overwhelming sense that something inside of you is missing (like a piece of your soul). Don't worry, you'll discover your purpose in divine time.

18. You're no longer interested in how people think you should be

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As you begin your spiritual journey, you will notice that you'll steer away from society's conventional norms. You won't be interested in being what others want you to be. Your primary goal is to discover your genuine nature through developing into the person life made you to be, not a copy or an individual someone else says you need to be.

19. You may feel lost and alone

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Your life no longer seems to make sense. You have the impression that you are lost in an infinite wasteland. You experience utter isolation and social isolation as a wanderer or lone wolf. You find it difficult to connect with the people you once considered close friends, coworkers, and relatives. However, this, too, shall pass. This energy change will bring like-minded people into your life.

20. You have heightened sensitivity

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Have you grown weary of life's banal and uninteresting aspects? Did once enjoyable things become unpleasant? Do you find it intolerable to visit another mall or club? If you experience a newfound sense of what's important in life and the norms of living in our physical world don't appear to please you as much as they used to, you're most likely more spiritually sensitive.

21. Your usual everyday life doesn't cut it anymore

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There is no denying the significance of providing for our daily needs as well as how reaching certain milestones can make us happy and content. But even when all the "life boxes" have been checked, you may still feel an emptiness. Despite adhering to the universal formula of life on Earth, you crave more sense and desire more from life.

22. You no longer bypass your pain

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Nearly everyone ignores their inner suffering. It's common for people to desire to hide when they're uncomfortable. Spiritual insight itself can, at times, be used as a tool. But you know you're on the right path when you're more interested in healing those parts of yourself than covering them up.

23. You listen to your intuition

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As you begin your spiritual journey, you realize that you possess your own wisdom; you are aware of what you know from the depths of your spirit. It originates from a place deep inside you rather than from what others have said or written. And you honor and listen to it.

24. You're balanced between past and future

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Finding the right balance between the past, present, and future can be challenging. However, it's the key to stopping suffering and speeding up your healing. As you start to heal and balance, you'll notice that "the now" is full of opportunity and, in its own unique manner, is perfect as it is. You also understand that you are able to co-create with the universe; If you direct your focus and take action, fantastic opportunities may present to you in the future.

25. You value your gifts

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This is a pattern that many spiritual searchers exhibit. Life has frequently dealt us a difficult route. We have had incredibly difficult situations, and occasionally it has looked like the world is a terrible place. However, as you walk the path, you realize that all those times and experiences were necessary to make you who you are today and hand you the gifts you alone have.

26. You stop judging others for not being on the same path as you

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Now that we are awake to our potential and healing, it often happens that we sense the potential in others. However, our mission is not to make anyone change their way of life. We can also have trouble accepting that the earth is burning and that humanity must wake up immediately. No one ever welcomes change when it is forced down their throats. After all, how often did you resist the kind of information that you now accept? You weren't prepared at the time, and neither are they now.

27. You no longer look for outside fulfillment

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You've come to the stage in your life when you don't depend on other people or things for your fulfillment or sense of meaning. You can no longer find true contentment in the outside world; instead, you learn to look deeply within yourself and only ever expect it from you.

28. You connect with like-minded people

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In many aspects, walking a spiritual path is an isolated endeavor. You must delve deeply into your psyche, address your suffering, eradicate ingrained notions, and develop an unfathomable spiritual connection. Obviously, you are no longer motivated to engage in the same things you once did, but you look for new ways to connect with people, whether through joining a meditation group, going on retreats with others, enrolling in classes, or engaging with other like-minded people on social media.

29. You embrace gratitude and thankfulness

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You now understand that life adores you and continually points you toward your true calling. Even while this route might not always be straightforward, pain-free, or without effort, you accept everything that comes your way with gratitude because you realize that nothing is happening
 you; everything happens

30. You start to take delight in solitude

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If, at first, you felt really alone and misunderstood, after a while, you'll come to enjoy and long for quietness and solitude. That's because silence helps you connect with your innermost self, where all of life's knowledge is stored and the world's greatest mysteries are kept.

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