Things To Do To Balance Karma

By Paula Tudoran 1 year ago

1. Identify your karma

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Each of us is bound by a unique karma that keeps us stuck in certain circumstances. The first step to balancing your karma is determining the areas of your life that feel stagnant. Is it your business that just can't seem to gain traction or a relationship that seems like it's going nowhere? The first step to freeing yourself from your karmic knots and approaching your true potential is to get to the root of the problem.

2. Acceptance is key

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You cannot balance your karma unless you accept your negative qualities and weaknesses - so that you can overcome them. Consistent self-reflection helps us to recognize when we're wrong, and the acceptance that comes with it supports us in balancing our karma.

3. Cut ties with toxic people

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Life can be rather complicated, but don't let the wrong folks complicate it even more! If a person's vibe doesn't feel "right," and they're regularly stressing you out, you owe it to yourself and your karma to cut them off. This doesn't mean it has to end badly, but you should kindly and respectfully distance yourself from them and set boundaries with them.

4. Give away something valuable

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You can even build a business around this idea. If you offer value to the market, people will feel compelled to buy from you. And even if you're not a businessperson and would rather sit your a** at an office job, you can help someone else by matchmaking them with someone you know would provide value.

5. Change begins with you

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The only thing you can control is yourself, so don't go around trying to control others, be it your spouse or children. Instead of making everything you can to change other people, focus on your own development. The best way to help others change their attitude and lifestyle is to influence them through your own transformation.

6. Nourish your soul

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This means doing things that tend to your spirit and generate well-being on all levels. Go back and soothe your inner child by performing actions that feel good: Eat nutritious food, exercise daily, get quantitive sleep, and take time each day to quiet down and self-reflect.

7. Offer thanks to people

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One of the most profound lessons you can pick up is the habit of thanking everyone you work or live with for their work. Your co-worker deserves a thank you for their work; your spouse deserves a sincere expression of thanks for cooking dinner. Over time, you'll notice that most people really appreciate it when you say a simple "thank you."

8. Stop blaming others and take responsibility for your actions

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Stop blaming others; instead, be accountable for your own life and actions. When you admit your own mistakes, you'll feel your energy change to the other side. It can be difficult to take responsibility because our ego doesn't like to be criticized. But you can start gradually by reviewing your past mistakes and thinking about how you can do better next time.

9. Stop dwelling on the past

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Instead, use the present to balance your karma. You cannot change the past, but you can make up for the wrongs you committed back then by mending your negative behavior and living day after day in the "now." A habit forms in just 22 to 30 days, so be consistent for once to enforce good behavior that will last you a lifetime.

10. Fight your weaknesses

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We naturally feel weak in various areas and powerful in others. But what you don't know is that your vulnerabilities are your secret powers: They represent you as much as your most valuable qualities. Don't become a "victim" of your weaknesses; that invites all sorts of karmic circumstances that play on your frailty. Instead, have the courage to resist your shortcomings and take control of karmic patterns.

11. Focus on the solution only

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When all the hell breaks loose, don't focus on what's going wrong. You won't be able to do anything if you only see the wrong things that happened. Instead, calm yourself down and only fixate on what you learned from the situation and how you can make it right.

12. Teach someone

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One of the hardest things many people have to learn when they go from lone wolf to leader is to take the time necessary to teach others rather than just doing things themselves. People are grateful to those who take the time to teach them, and they remember them, oftentimes long after they're gone.

13. Practice what you preach

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Always bring your actions in line with your beliefs. The universe - God, the Source, the Divine, or whatever you call it - will require you to prove your beliefs. So if you believe in something, make sure you back it up with your efforts. In other words, you need to practice what you teach.

14. Say no to gossip

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Gossiping isn't one of the things you can do to balance your karma, but cutting it off is. When we gossip, we share parts of a person's life that are basically none of our business, and we have no right to do so, either. Think about it: You also feel bad when someone talks about you behind your back. You don't need that negativity in your life, trust us.

15. Learn your lessons

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History will repeat again and again until you have learned what you needed to learn from it. If you notice that you're caught in a negative cycle, really, really look inside of yourself and understand what you need to change to break that negative pattern.

16. Listen to others

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Often saying nothing at all is the best thing to say. Not only to prevent yourself from saying the wrong thing but also to be silent long enough to be able to listen to others. That can be the greatest gift we can offer to so many people - just to actively listen and really hear what they have to say.

17. Be detached and observe your true self

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This means that in the struggle, on the battlefield of life, when karma is dragging you down and it's getting difficult, you should keep your head above water and have in mind your goal of self-realization, your fulfillment. Keep thinking, "I'm [your name], and I'm making so much progress!"

18. Be patient

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Karma doesn't often happen instantly; sometimes, we get the end of the stick after years and years, so don't do good deeds just to earn bonus points. Success is achieved through dedication, patience, and perseverance. When you work towards your true passion in life, you enjoy every step along the way, and that gives you more satisfaction in the long term. Shortcuts often cause the loss of integrity, accumulating more negative karma.

19. Make compliments

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We all probably felt at some point that we're bad at compliments. We're bad at complimenting but also at receiving words of praise. That's not a good thing. Telling someone that they're doing a good job, that you like their dress, that they have a good vibe is an easy way to bring in a bit of positivity that takes absolutely nothing in exchange. Receiving compliments is as important!

20. Be kind and empathetic

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Giving something to others without expecting anything in return - that is the best kind of karma you can accumulate. A simple hug or a kind word can change someone else's day. Any effort, no matter how small, will always generate a positive response that touches others and will help you balance your karma.

21. Learn to forgive

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Forgive those who have wronged you; using karma to harm others also creates bad karma! So be mindful. Instead of rejoicing in the name of justice over the suffering of others, it's best to wish them well and have faith that they'll become better people by understanding their lessons.

22. Daily mindfulness balances your karma

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Do a daily practice of meditation or ascension healing to learn how to examine your inner chatter and process negativism with the help of your higher self. This simple daily mindfulness habit will contribute to more and more self-awareness and help you avoid various karmic traps.

23. Take a new kind of action

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Sometimes we're so bound to a specific way of life that we overlook its obvious downsides. Slow down enough to discern if your old methods of doing things are no longer serving you. If they aren't, it's time to change your ways. Responding with integrity is the easiest and most underestimated approach to settle all karmic obligations and produce positive karma.

24. Have an attitude of gratitude

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Gratitude is the key to everything good in life. Thank God - the universe, Source, or the Divine - for all your achievements, blessings, and people who have blessed your life with affection and kindness. Gratitude removes negativity and elevates your vibration to a better state of being.

25. Remember that everything is temporary

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To balance our karma and live a more fulfilling and suffering-free life, we need to accept, deep in our souls, all trials and difficulties in this lifetime as only fleeting. With karma, we have to embrace, not flee. If you do so, it will pass by faster and will not produce so much harm, suffering, and scars in your mind.

26. Care about your life duty

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Everybody has a different responsibility and present duty in life. You need to deliberately do the best you can to complete your tasks, not following the preferences and whims of your unconscious mind. Instead, use your conscious choice and change Karma to Dharma.

27. That damn social media overshare!

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We are all guilty of this one. But here's how this connects to your karma. Everyone has had those days when a friend or foe really gets under their skin. Additionally, when someone is angry, they might rant in front of hundreds of people. The lesson to be learned here is that doing this will not ultimately help you feel better. Moreover, this all makes you look like a bully, and why would you want that?

28. Do the shadow work

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We need to investigate what Western psychology defines as "our shadow" and uncover the things we have suppressed if we are to break free of such patterns and imprints. All of the triggers in our lives are probably things we keep hidden from ourselves. So, without realizing it, we sow the karmic seeds or develop blind spots.

29. Feel what you need to feel to heal

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Many people believe they are prepared to confront their karmic seeds, but when given the opportunity and the room, they become sidetracked and flee. Some folks will do whatever it takes to dull their suffering. This could take the form of binge drinking, mindless talking, excessive shopping, consuming food when not hungry, or many other behaviors. You must be prepared to do this work. It takes time to grow.

30. Self-love is key

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Learning to love and heal every part of yourself is a prerequisite for being able to love others without conditions. How can we love others when we don't love ourselves first? Although we learned to ignore our needs and wants in order to fulfill those of others, the order is totally wrong. Love yourself first to be able to love others.

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