1. Dry your hands after washing them

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When hands stay for a long time it can cause our nails to become brittle and form micro-cracks, making it more likely that they can snap off without growing stronger. This is a very simple trick to do to make sure that your nails will grow longer. Towel drying is also better than drying them with heat, as the hot air takes the moisture from the nail.
2. Moisturize your hands

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Moisturizing is great for the health of the skin on our hands and our nail beds. If they are well moisturized, the nail can grow better and stronger meaning that over time you will have longer nails. When the skin is cracked and dry, the nail bed is not as healthy.
3. Use acetone-free nail polish remover

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Acetone is very harsh on our skin and our nails. So, to make your nails grow faster you want to cut out products such as acetone. Acetone strips the natural oils from your nails, meaning that they become less strong which will cause them to grow slower.
4. Have a diet full of biotin-rich foods

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Biotin is one of the key minerals in our nails, so the more biotin we have in our diet, the faster our nails may grow. Things such as eggs, almonds, spinach, and salmon all contain biotin. Adjusting your diet to incorporate biotin is one way to make your nails grow faster.
5. Wear a base coat

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If you are going to wear nail polish, wearing a base coat is a good idea so that the color doesn't stain your nails. A base coat may be less harsh in terms of the ingredients and so it stops the polish from affecting your nails as much. Or, if you wear a base coat on its own, when you bang your nails it will provide an extra layer of protection.
6. Exercise frequently

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Exercise is one of those things which just seems to help everything. So even if you want your nails to grow faster, adding regular exercise into your routine can help. Exercise helps blood flow around the body, which means that oxygen is circulating better, helping your body to grow.
7. If you get your nails done...get B.I.A.B

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Of course, if you want nails to grow faster the best thing to do is to leave them alone entirely and look after them. What you do NOT want to do is get acrylic...this is the worst for your nails. But, even gel will leave your nails thin and brittle. If you want to get them done, then opt for builder gel!
8. Don't bite!

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This goes without saying. But if you're a seasoned nail-biter then you'll know just how HARD it is to actually do! It's often just a subconscious habit and we don't realize until we've chewed right down to the skin. It's a gross habit anyway, and one that will definitely NOT make your nails grow fast.
9. Make sure you have enough iron and zinc in your diet

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Zinc is an essential mineral for our overall well-being as it boosts our metabolism and iron is of course essential to our energy and growth. So making sure that you have both of these in sufficient quantity in your diet is essential if you want to grow your nails out fast!
10. Try using a collagen treatment

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Our hair, skin, and nails are predominantly made up of collagen. And so, if we have more collagen added we can really boost our growth. If you start taking a collagen supplement you may notice that your nails start to strengthen and grow fast...as well as your hair!
11. Use a natural oil for your cuticles

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Putting natural oils on our nails and cuticles is one sure way to boost the growth rate of your nails. If you want your nails to start to grow fast, start by putting natural oil on every night so that it can soak in whilst you sleep, boosting your nails and adding extra strength.
12. Use a nail-strengthening serum

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What better way to grow your nails than using a strengthening serum? When our nails get stronger, they also get longer because they do not break off. The serum will have nutrients and minerals to aid nail growth and you should start to see results after some time.
13. Don't apply harsh products

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Keep away from any kind of harsh product on your nails or your hands. For example, check your nail polish to see if there are any harsh ingredients. If there is, these will not stimulate faster growth but may instead inhibit it. If in doubt, natural is best for nail growth.
14. Apply Vaseline before bed

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Vaseline...the miracle material. It is a great all-around product as it is natural, cost effective, and produces great results. Apply Vaseline to your nails and the skin around your nails every night and we predict that you'll notice a difference within no time!
15. Wear gloves when cleaning/gardening or doing household chores

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When you're cleaning you are using hot water, dealing with cleaning products (full of bleach and harsh chemicals) and when you are gardening you are banging/ scratching/ scraping your nails. Do these things help with nail growth? Not. So put on a pair of rubber gloves if you want your nails to grow fast!
16. Don't use your nails to pick at things

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It's all too tempting to use our nails to pick at scabs, spots, labels, and pretty much anything else we can get our hands on - humans seem to be natural pickers! But really all your doing is blunting your nails and causing little fractures in the nail. If you want them to grow fast, refrain from all of the pickings!
17. Refrain from cutting your cuticles

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Our cuticles aren't just there as an inconvenience...there's a perfectly good and important reason. The cuticle stops bacteria from entering into our body, it is a protective layer. So, when we cut or pick this too much it can break the cuticle allowing bacteria to enter and get infected.
18. Drink lots of water

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Water, water, water...we should all try and drink more! It's always on everybody's new year resolution and what we all aim for. And besides all of the countless health benefits that you already know, it also helps our nails grow quicker!
19. Use a cuticle pusher

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Although we shouldn't CUT our cuticles, it is good to gently push our cuticles back from time to time. And not only will this help our nail growth, but it also immediately makes it look as though your nails have become longer, without growing them for weeks on end!
20. Avoid extreme temperatures

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Very cold temperatures and very hot temperatures are not good in terms of our nail health. The rapid changes in extreme temperatures can leave our nails dry and brittle. If our nails are not a strong, then there's no way that they will be able to grow faster!
21. Avoid too much stress!

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Stress, if we could avoid it altogether, we would! Sadly in life, that's not possible... But if we can find ways to minimize it, then all the better. Not only is it good for our overall health, but it is also helps our nails to grow quicker due to the fact that our bodies are generally healthier.
22. Keep your nails clean

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Nails full of dirt don't exactly scream personal hygiene. And nor does it particularly encourage fast nail growth. Unhealthy germs and bacteria stuck underneath our nails may stunt the growth of your nails, rather than helping to make them grow faster!
23. Get a good night's sleep

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Sleep is when our bodies do the majority of our recovery and growth. This is the time in which cells regrow and repair, and so our bodies can grow more. If we get a sufficient amount of sleep, our bodies have the necessary time that they need to be able to grow, including our nails!
24. Use gentle hand soaps

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When we want our nails to grow, use the correct product! Check that you are not inhibiting your nail growth unknowingly by using strong products, and check that your hand soaps and products are made of softer and preferably natural ingredients which will help, rather than hinder the rate of our nail growth!
25. Keep trimming them

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This may sound contradictory, but to keep trimming our nails even though we want them to grow faster. But trimming regularly really does help the health of our nails. We do not mean cutting off inches of your nails, but giving them a little trim will stimulate, rather than take away from the growth.
26. Don't pick the skin around your nails!

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Is anyone else a sucker for biting the skin around their nails? There's something super satisfying, yet admittedly super unhygienic about it. And, aside from this, it's also of course, not great for nail growth. Stop biting the skin around your nails to have your nails grow quicker!
27. Avoid alcohol-based hand sanitizer

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Using hand sanitizer is hygienic, but a lot of them contain alcohol. Choose one without alcohol, as it takes away all of the moisture from your nail, leaving it dry and more brittle. Hand sanitizer without alcohol will have less of a negative impact on the nails, allowing them to grow.
28. Make sure you eat enough Omega 3

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Omega 3 is an essential vitamin for our health and our growth. So incorporating more Omega 3 into your diet (whether through consuming more oily fish, nuts/seeds or even taking supplements) should visibly start to help your nails grow faster and healthier!
29. Try to be less heavy-handed

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Some of us are just naturally heavy-handed. whether it's putting a glass of water down on the table with a thump, or handling everything a little bit too strong and having no capacity for delicacy, this can effect your nails. Try to be a little lighter on your hands so that you don't cause too many bangs and breaks to the nail!
30. Try taking multivitamins

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Multivitamins can supplement our diets if there is a shortage of something, or for an extra health boost. These vitamins and minerals can mean that our nails have what they need to be able to grow stronger and faster! You'll have long nails in no time...