Natural Ways To Clear Sinuses This Spring

By Molly 11 months ago

1. Stay hydrated

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Dehydration can cause the mucus inside your nose to thicken. Gross, right? Making sure you stay hydrated allows the mucus to move along, pushing out bacteria, debris and viruses. This will help prevent sinus infections and alleviate symptoms of clogged sinuses.

2. Use a humidifier

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Studies have proven the benefits of using a humidifier to help with sinus congestion. Having humidifiers in your office or around the house will help add moisture to the air, which will loosen mucus in your nose, ease dry eyes and calm irritation in your airways.

3. Take a steamy shower or bath

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In my opinion, there aren't many things that a hot bubble bath can't solve. Sinus irritation is another example! The moisture and warmth of the steam will help to loosen up any mucus and relieve symptoms. So, next time you're feeling congested, hop into the bath or shower.

4. Make saline nasal rinse

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Did you know can make your own natural saline rinse at home? It's super easy! Just mix 3 teaspoons of iodide-free salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda in an airtight container. When you're ready to use it, add 1 cup of warm distilled water and you're good to go!

5. Apply a warm compress to your face

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Using a warm compress on your face can be a life saver if you suffer from sinus pain. Try lying down for around 15 minutes with the compress on and you'll find any swelling goes down and your sinus passage will be more open. You can use a warm, wet washcloth either on your forehead or over your nose.

6. Try using a neti pot

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A lot of people swear by neti pots to help with nasal complaints. You can use a saline solution to pour through, which will help moisten your nasal passage and unclog your sinuses. You'll feel less congested and might be amazed at what comes out of your nose...

7. Eat spicy foods

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If you can handle it, spicy food is a great natural remedy to ease sinus congestion. It will open up your nasal passages and help mucus move along. The compound found in chillies known as capsaicin has been shown to reduce inflammation, ease sinus pain and release blockages.

8. Drink hot tea with honey and lemon

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It's recommended to drink honey and lemon tea twice daily if you want to get some relief from your sinus pain. You can buy this tea or make it yourself by mixing 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. You'll find your nasal passage and throat feel less irritated.

9. Use essential oils

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Inhaling essential oils can help battle blocked sinuses quickly and effectively. You can try them in a diffuser if you prefer. Some examples of the best and most helpful oils to try out are peppermint, rosemary oil, tea tree, lavender and eucalyptus.

10. Drink warm broth or soup

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Hot soup or broth can do wonders for your body if you're trying to recovery from a cold or sinus infection. They're usually packed full of vitamins essential for recovery. And, the hot liquid will help to break down mucus, help with stuffiness and inflammation.

11. Elevate your head while sleeping

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If you're suffering from blocked sinuses, it's definitely a good move to add an extra pillow whilst you're sleeping. If you can sleep with your head more elevated, gravity can do its thing. Your sinuses will drain naturally, helping with blood flow and congestion.

12. Ditch the strong perfume

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Strong fragrances can cause a whole host of problems for your sinuses. They can lead to headaches, sneezing, nasal congestion and even breathing difficulties. So, it's definitely a good move to steer clear of these if you're a sufferer of sinus issues!

13. Avoid dairy products

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Sorry to the cheese lovers out there. There have been studies which have revealed that dairy products can be particularly bad for your sinuses. Dairy can lead to excess mucus, congestion and a stuffy nose. In some cases, they can lead to sinus infections.

14. Exercise regularly

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Although it may be the last thing you feel like doing, exercise is a great way to improve your sinus infection. Doing light exercises can help with blood flow and move mucus along. Not to mention the endorphins which can help your body to fight infection.

15. Shower before bed

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As the day goes on, your sinuses can sometimes become more and more clogged from pollutants throughout the day. When you're asleep, mucus can become stuck and your nose is more congested. So, showering before bed helps to move along any excess mucus from the day and adds some moisture into your sinuses.

16. Eat foods rich in vitamin C

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It's well known that vitamin C is great for strengthening your immune system. But, did you also know that it has natural anti-inflammatory properties? Making sure you're getting your daily dose of vitamin C is super important if you suffer from congested sinuses.

17. Avoid drinking alcohol

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I'm sorry to break it to you, but if you're suffering from sinus irritation, you need to ditch the alcohol. Unfortunately, drinking alcohol will dehydrate your body, which can lead to swelling inside your nasal cavities, therefore worsening congestion.

18. Use Epsom salts in your bath

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If you're looking for a quick, easy and natural way to find relief from your sinus symptoms, try adding around 1 cup of epsom salt into your bath. You'll quickly notice an improvement to your congestion and sinus pressure. Some people find the same relief when using sea salt.

19. Steam your face

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Don't have time for a bath? Need a quick relief? You can try steaming your face for the same result! Grab a bowl of hot water, hover your face over the top and drape a towel over your head to keep the steam in. You'll quickly be breathing much more freely.

20. Get enough rest

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As with any bodily complications, getting enough rest really is the key to recovery. Your body will then have enough energy to fight against infection and will recover much more quickly. So, here's your excuse to call in sick and treat yourself to a duvet day.

21. Avoid respiratory illness where possible

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Wherever possible, it's best to minimise your contact with people who have colds or other respiratory illnesses. When you're already suffering with clogged sinuses, the last thing your body needs is to catch further infections which will worsen your symptoms.

22.  Avoid polluted air

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It's no surprise that breathing in polluted air can lead to breathing complications. You will find your nasal passage is more clogged and your nose is more stuffy. Sometimes, polluted air can even cause inflammation and swelling in your nose. Best to avoid where possible!

23. Cut down or quit smoking

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Smokers are more likely to suffer from sinusitis and usually find it harder to recover as quickly compared to non smokers. In some cases, it can develop into chronic sinusitis. This is mainly because smoking will cause a backup of mucus in your sinuses.

24. Manage your allergies

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Of course, many different factors can lead to sinus infections or sinusitis. But, one of the most common causes are your allergies! They can also worsen an existing sinus infection. Managing your allergies as best you can will make you less likely to suffer from sinus issues.

25. Add turmeric to your meals

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Inflammation of your nasal passage is usually the reason for sinus discomfort. A lot of people swear by turmeric as a natural way to reduce inflammation, headaches and even the breathing problems caused by sinus infections. Try adding some to your meals!

26. Chew gum

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If you suffer from sinus discomfort, it's a good idea to carry a pack of gum with you. When you chew gum, your saliva production is increased - helping with the extra moisture your mouth needs. The menthol of the mint will open up your airways, allowing you to breathe much more easily.

27. Try oil pulling

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As with any infection, sinus infections happen when there is a buildup of bacteria. Oil pulling with natural oils such as coconut oil will prevent this buildup and help remove toxins from your mouth and sinuses. Simply just swish 1 teaspoon of oil around your mouth, spit it out, then rinse with water.

28. Wear a nose strip at night

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Warning - once you start sleeping with a nose strip on, you'll never look back! This handy, natural trick opens up your nasal passage and airways, allowing you to breathe freely whilst you sleep. This will stop your nose getting congested over night.

29. Try ginger in your drinks

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Ginger is a great natural remedy for a number of health concerns. Sinus congestion is definitely one of them! It's packed full of antioxidants, antihistamines and has anti-inflammatory properties. Try adding some ginger into your drinks, you'll notice less congestion and pain.

30. Have a vaporizer next to your bed

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If you suffer from sinus pain, whilst you sleep, it's possible that mucus build up and congestion will worsen overnight. Sleeping with a vaporizer in your room will help add moisture into the air. This will help relieve irritation in your sinuses, move mucus along and reduce stuffiness.

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