What The Color Of Someone’s Aura Says About Them

By Joy Boyd 1 year ago

1. What is an aura?

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Everyone has an aura. You've probably heard someone say, "They have an aura about them." Your aura is luminous layers around your physical body that radiates your energy, positive and negative. It's like a low level electricity field and correlates with your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

2. What it means and why it matters

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There are different colors that your aura can project, and the colors all have different meanings. The placement of the colors can also bear significance. There are people who believe that the state of your aura deeply impacts your overall health. But good news! If your aura is in poor shape, you can cleanse it!

3. Before we dive in...

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It should be said that expert seers say the colors of our aura tell us important things about ourselves. They also say that no one can fake an aura color, because they show us who we TRULY are. They can be used to help detect diseases and mental imbalances. Seers who can see aura colors say that they can detect if someone is lying by the colors they see!

4. Here's how to break down the colors

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So there are twelve primary aura colors. Seven of the colors relate to the chakras of the human body, of which there are also seven. The shades of the primary colors raises the total number of potential colors to over twenty. Each one has a different and unique meaning and impact on the body.

5. The primary colors and their chakras

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The primary colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple, pink, silver, brown, black, and white. The first 7 correlate with the chakra and are associated with the body: red (root or base), orange (sacral), yellow (solar plexus), green (heart), blue (throat), indigo (third eye), purple (crown). So let's get into it!

6. Red

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It's probably not surprising that the color red is considered to represent feelings of passion and sexual desire. So when you see this color in your aura it means you're grounded in your life. It represents being emotionally and psychologically balanced! You also love material wealth and hate denying yourself from the pleasures of life.

7. Orange

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Orange represents happiness. As the color of the Sacral Chakra, which is where negative and positive emotions are held, it's influenced by your relationships with others. When orange is present, it means that there is happiness with friends and family and surrounding environments.

8. Yellow

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When you are feeling happiness and balance within yourself, then yellow is likely present in your aura. It represents the Solar Plexus and can also show a playful spirit. When you're feeling yourself or having a spiritual awakening, yellow will be thriving! It's where your sense of desire for greatness comes from!

9. Green

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Green represents self-love, and it has the same frequency level as pink (more on that later). If you have green in your aura, then it could mean a couple of things. You might be in love with someone who balances you out or you have a kind and loving heart. People with green auras often show kindness towards animals, friends, family, and life!

10. Blue

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Blue represents the throat chakra, and consequently indicates communication. People with blue in their aura typically enjoy things like meditation and calmness. They are protective of the people in their would and provide support to those around them as often as they can.

11. Indigo

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Indigo is present when someone is in tune with their highest self. These people can see into other people's energies. They are seekers of truth and live to discover the unknown. They're very intuitive to other people's energies and have high discernment about those around them.

12. Purple

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Purple represents the crown chakra and is the highest level of all the colors. People with this color in the aura are described as big picture people. They're intuitive and listen to their guides, thus they are able to guide those around them to their highest self as well. They are typically artistic and in tune with their spirit.

13. Pink

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We already talked about the fact that pink and green vibrate at the same frequency. The difference is that pink in your aura indicates someone who is happy and in harmony. Not just with those around them, but with themselves as well. This type of person is often very gentle with themselves and others.

14. Silver

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Silver is an exciting color to see in your aura. It's not as common as some of the other colors, but its meaning is significant. It is the color of abundance. This means that if it shows up, there's a strong possibility that you might be coming into major spiritual or material wealth! So get excited!

15. Brown

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Brown is a color that you hope doesn't turn up in your aura. It's definitely a warning sign for some unpleasant things. This color means that you are feeling emotions of greediness and self-centeredness. So if you see it in your aura, it might be time to do a cleanse and recenter.

16. Black

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Black, unsurprisingly, represents some darkness in your life. This aura color means that there's built up anger or grief that you have yet to deal with. There's also a degree of being unable to forgive grievances that you may be harboring, which isn't allowing you to release the pain. It could be past events that you've held onto and often symbolizes ill physical health.

17. White

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White can symbolize a few different things, first and foremost, it can mean that the person is physically healthy. It also represents protection, and this person is often more focused on the spiritual than physical things of the world. The person probably doesn't care as much about material possessions.

18. Okay, now let's talk about the shades that might show up

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As we mentioned, beyond just the primary colors, there are shades of the main colors that can show up in your aura. These mean different things, and they can reveal even more things to you about your energy than just the primary colors along. So let's take a closer look!

19. Light Blue

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If light blue is a color that frequently shows up in your aura, it indicates that you are good with communication. Beyond that, it means that you are truthful in your words and actions, and you strive to keep peace with everything and everyone around you!

20. Royal Blue

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Royal blue is the color of adventure. Someone with this in their aura means that they're always up for something new and trying different experiences. This person is also very in touch with their spiritual side. They are living their best life and trying to get the most of out it.

21. Deep Red

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We know that red represents passion, but a deep red goes one step further. It symbolizes someone who has a strong warrior spirit. They can survive any trial or tribulation that comes their way. These people are also very realistic and grounded, they can keep a level head under pressure.

22. Dull Red

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On the flip side of that, but still passionate, if dull red shows up in your aura, it might be time for a bit of self-work. This color means that there is a LOT of stored up anger within your energy that you can't let get of. This will likely require a cleansing and/or expert help to release the anger.

23. Grey

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Similar to black, which represents a darkness, grey may indicate a low self-esteem or even depression. If you're feeling low energy levels and lack of motivation, you may have some gray in your aura. There are various levels to it, but it can fill you with sadness and self-doubt.

24. Emerald / Light Green

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This particular shade of green is present in a select set of people. It indicates that you are a healer. You have the ability to restore and redeem things and people around you. So if this color shows up, listen to your spirit guides and trust your intuition. Other people may be depending on you!

25. Dull Forest Green

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The dull forest green, however, is a little less positive. This means that somewhere inside of you there is a lot of jealousy or resentment. The most interesting part about having this color in your aura, although those feelings dominate your life, you also believe you are never wrong. So you feel slighted by life, which only plays into the feelings of resentment.

26. Bright Yellow

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As you might expect, bright yellow represents joy and brightness in one's life. Someone with this color in their aura has a playful spirit. They may have also recently went through a spiritual awakening. You can expect this person to feel light, and they view the world in a positive way.

27. Dark Yellow

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Dark yellow shows up a lot in younger people. It's most present in college and high school students specifically. This is because it represents stress and pressure. So if you're studying and striving for good grades, this color might show up. It also shows a lost love of learning.

28. Lemon Yellow

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If a yellow that is the shade of lemon shows up, then it represents a "fear of loss." Whether you're fearful of losing love, a job, or your relationships, this color shows that you are scared of not being in control. Often the things that someone with this color fear cannot be contained or controlled by willpower alone.

29. Rainbow

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Very rarely, your aura may display more than two colors at a time. This means that you're likely either super busy and split in attention and focus or you're in the middle of a big life change. You could feel very energized and confident, so this means you should definitely be trying new things. But be careful, because this busy-ness can quickly turn to feeling burned out and overwhelmed.

30. How to change the color of your aura

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If you find out that the color of your aura is something a little less than positive, there are a few things you can do. You can try positive affirmations which basically bathe your mind in positive thoughts. Meditation and visualizations will help you change your vibrations. You can also seek out a spiritual advisor for energy balancing. You can burn sage in your home to clear the energy.

31. The aura can actually be a mix of colors

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Your aura isn't just one solid color, though it will have a prominent color that shines through, as shown on this list. It's actually a mix of a few different colors, because your aura actually reflects different parts of you - namely, the level of your spiritual, emotional and physical health. The color that shines through more prominently at any given time is based on your health state or how you're feeling in that moment! So it is possible to have a main aura color that might sometimes shift (like from orange to red when you're feeling angry).

32. Photos might even be able to snap auras

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We know that sometimes photos have been believed to have captured orbs or spirits that you only see later after taking the photo, and it's believed you can even catch the color of a person's aura in a photo of them. You have to use a special photography technique to do this known as the Kirlian photograph, and you'll need a special camera to do it, too. But if you're already into photography as a hobby, this might be worth trying! After taking the picture, you can even get an expert on understanding auras to analyze what's going on in yours.

33. You're reacting to auras more than you realize

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Most people will know when they get a good 'vibe' or a bad one from a person, and in social situations, you can usually tell which people you could connect with, and which to avoid. All these feelings and decisions are actually relating to you picking up on a person's 'aura' and reacting to that. You could get the vibe they're angry or negative so you stay away from their 'negative aura'. Even if you can't see auras, they're still there and you can still get a vibe from them. Other people will be reacting to the aura you give off, too.

34. Auras can change - but you can't do it consciously

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Auras can change and shift just like your mood can change throughout the day, or change as you get older. As well as being able to shift colors based on your mood, auras can also change to shine more brightly or more dully based on how you're feeling at the time. Your aura will naturally shift along with you based on changes to your mood, emotional wellbeing and your physical health. So on those days you're ill or not feeling your best, your aura may not be shining very brightly at all, and may have changed color as well.

35. The deeper meanings of a white aura: it's very unique

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While there are a lot of colors for auras that you can have, it's the white aura that is considered the most unique, and the one that can have the deepest meanings - and a lot of different meanings, at that. The reason the white aura is so unique is because of the fact it has no one true meaning, and can be interpreted in so many different ways, which makes for a complex person who has this colored aura! Because white is often associated with a more neutral state rather than something bold like a red aura or blue, the white aura can then be interpreted on a more personal level based on the person.

36. Babies are more likely to have white auras

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Because white is the more neutral aura, it's very common for babies and infants to have white auras. This can be because their full personalities haven't developed yet, and they're not fully aware of the range of their emotions. Lack of life experience can also all result in a more neutral colored aura that has yet to be better connected with the growing person. Not only that, but we know that white is often associated with innocence and 'purity', so it makes sense why an innocent baby or child would have a white aura instead of any other color!

37. Spiritual people are likely to have white auras

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White auras don't just disappear when you shift out of infancy though, as white auras are common among adults - and specifically, among spiritual people. When you think of spiritual or religious things, a lot of it can be connected to white: a white light, white clouds in the sky, white feathered angel wings... anything like that makes you think of white more than anything else. When adults are very spiritual, they may have a white aura because of their 'higher' connection to the other state of being, and especially if that person meditates a lot.

38. People with white auras tend to be more positive

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You can definitely associate white with positive energy, and again this might be because of that idea of 'light' or brightness in everyday life. People with a white aura are definitely considered to be more positive people, and people who actively try to control negative emotions and feeling too worried about anything. This focus on positivity can manifest as a white aura instead of any other color that's centered on negative emotions, like anger. While a dark aura is very much associated with someone feeling low, the white is therefore the opposite.

39. White auras can suggest honesty

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It's never guaranteed someone with a white aura will be a more honest person, but it's highly likely! A white aura can be given to a very honest person, again perhaps because of this link we have of white with innocence and purity. People with white auras tend to be those people who like to see justice done, and avoid lying in order for 'truth to win out'! People with white auras are less likely to cheat on things, to lie in any way, or to be dishonest with anything they're trying to achieve in life. So if you spot someone with a white aura, it's likely you can trust them to be honest!

40. People with white auras can also be protective

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As well as innocence, white can also conjure ideas of protection, like when you imagine a white light surrounding you during meditation, or even choose to light white candles for peace in your home. People with white auras are believed to be the most protective kind of people, especially over family and friends. These people are likely to be very in tune with their emotions and to empathize well, which means they better know when to offer comfort and protection to someone they love. They might also seek out careers that have protecting people in mind.

41. People with white auras often make good parents

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While babies and infants themselves can often have white auras, this is also something associated with their parents, too. People with white auras are either already great parents, or would make great parents, due to their very sensitive nature and their need to protect and nurture others. People with white auras make great parents because they show kindness and dedication to loved ones, as well as being sensitive souls which can make for raising a child that little bit easier. With their natural urge to want to care for others comes a family-oriented mindset.

42. They are the most laid back

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Surprisingly, people with white auras can also be amongst the most laid back - which you might not have expected thinking being great parents would also make them a little more strict or organized with rules! But actually people with white auras are more relaxed by nature because they don't tend to be very competitive and seek to avoid confrontation, which is why they can have a more easy-going attitude when it comes to life. That isn't to say they can't still be strict when needed with their kids as parents, but they tend to be the 'cool' parents!

43. You'd likely want to work with someone with a white aura

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As well as making great parents, people who have a white aura also make great co-workers, team players and people you'd definitely want around the office! It's also good news when you have a co-worker you actually get along with, as no one wants to go to work with someone giving off a bad vibe, so the good news is you can usually gel well with someone with a white aura. People with white areas have more of a patient and understanding nature, which means they make for great supportive colleagues in the workplace.

44. They tend to shy away from politics

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As mentioned, those with a white aura don't particularly like confrontation, and politics is one topic of discussion that can see a lot of people getting into arguments - so white aura people avoid it at all costs! They probably don't particularly have any strong political views, and they might not even take an interest in politics to the point they're not even sure who's running the place! Instead, they prefer topics about hobbies or creative things rather than the big topics of what's going on in the world or what they think about x, y and z.

45. People with white auras are fond of laughing and comedy

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It makes sense why someone who doesn't like confrontation also loves the genre of comedy! Comedy movies and TV shows are usually the favorite of people with a white aura, and that's because they enjoy laughing and being more relaxed, rather than on edge by a thriller or horror. Comedy movies and shows are also an opportunity to sit with family or friends and enjoy the laid back atmosphere compared to other genres, so they use it as an opportunity to bond with others, too. It can also be because they're very sensitive souls, so the idea of a gory horror is too much for them!

46. They don't tend to be ambitious

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A person with a white aura is definitely more of a follower than a leader. They'll happily work as part of a team - and be very good at it, too - but prefer to be in the background following orders rather than having to think for themselves. This lack of ambition can be seen as a negative trait in people with white auras as it can sometimes mean they show a lack of courage for things they tend to avoid so as to not rock the boat. You won't see a person with a white aura going for a big promotion or setting goals that might mean clashing with people!

47. They can be a bit gullible, too

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With all that innocence and sensitivity also comes a bit of gullibility, too. People with white auras have a very innocent and honest way of thinking - and sometimes, they can go through life expecting people to be the same way, too. They've very easy to convince of things because they like to see the best in people and think that others are as honest as they are. They can also be very easy to manipulate by people of that nature because of a person with a white aura's desire to help other people and make an effort for people in need.

48. They love cooking!

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Because of the personality traits associated with people with white auras, like their giving nature and want/need to help out those they love, it's also believed they love to cook! This doesn't mean they're award-winning chefs by any means, it's more a willingness to cook meals for friends and family, because this is very much a part of their 'giving' nature, and their want to look after the people around them. So if you know someone who's always fussing about cooking for everyone else, all the time, they might have a white aura.

49. They make the best friends

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People with a white aura are believed to make some seriously loyal friends, too. This can be a lot about them being very loyal, honest and able to be protective of others. If you have a very close best friend who has never let you down over the years, it might be worth looking into their aura color - because if they're the greatest friend you could ask for, it's likely its white! People with white auras also tend to put others before themselves, so it makes sense why those with white auras would also make very unselfish best friends.

50. People with white auras are likely to be religious

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We know that a 'white light' has a lot of religious and spiritual connotations, and people with white auras are also more likely to feel, or have, a connection with God. This could be on a personal level based on their beliefs, or they may have actually gone through something which changed their aura and resulted in them feeling closer to a higher power. It's believed that people who have gone through near death experiences or survived when the odds were against them have a white aura around them as a result.

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