1. Get your nails done

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If you’ve spent money on making your nails super pretty, you’ll be less likely to start biting them. Why? Because you don’t want to flush your hard-earned cash down the drain! Not only will a fresh manicure boost your confidence, but it will help curb that nail-biting habit that you’ve fallen into.
2. Think of all those germs

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
When you think about it, nail biting is pretty unhygienic. It’s really unlikely that you’ll be washing your hands before you start nibbling at your nails, which means you’re transferring germs from everything you’ve touched into your mouth. This can expose you to a ton of germs and illnesses like the cold, flu, and covid.
3. Ask your family and friends for help

(Image/ Source: thehill.com)
You might not even notice how often you’re biting your nails. And once you do, the damage might already be done! This is why it’s really helpful to ask your friends and family members to remind you not to bite your nails, or pull you up about it if you start doing it absent-mindedly. This gives you better accountability and visibility of your nail-biting habit, as well as some crucial support.
4. Think about your teeth

(Image/ Source: callisterdental.com)
Biting your nails can cause a lot of problems for your oral health – even if you think you’ve got a good dental hygiene routine down. Biting your nails regularly can cause major problems down the line like cracked and chipped teeth, which means you could be picking up a pretty expensive medical bill.
5. Find out what's triggering your nail biting

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
A lot of us end up biting our nails, but we’re not fully aware of why we choose to do it. Are you doing it because you’re anxious about something? Perhaps because you’re bored? Or maybe when you want to get rid of a certain emotion, like anger? The more you dig down into the reasons behind your nail biting, the easier it becomes to kick the habit.
6. Try a nail biting formula

(Image/ Source: adorebeauty.com)
If something tastes bad, you definitely won’t want to put it in your mouth, right? This is why nasty-tasting nail-biting formulas exist, as they will help you curb this bad habit in rapid time. Simply paint the formula onto your nails, and you’ll get a nasty shock when you absent-mindedly put your nail in your mouth. You can also try vinegar if you like.
7. Keep yourself busy

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
There’s a lot to be said for keeping yourself busy. If you’re distracted with things like going out with friends or doing housework or exercise, you’ll be less likely to be indulging in that nail biting habit. This will also boost your wellbeing, as you’ll be getting around and doing good things for your body and your brain.
8. Cut them short

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If you manage to keep your nails short by trimming or filing them on a regular basis, then you’re less likely to bite them. This might sound pretty obvious, and it is. Because having a lot less nail available means there is less to bite at by default, so it’s a lot less tempting. Make sure you invest in decent files and scissors.
9. Try stopping gradually

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Kicking a habit can be hard work, so it might be worth considering a gradual approach when trying to stop biting your nails. Start off by trying to avoid biting one set of nails, such as your thumbnails, which can make things easier in the long run. Once you’ve built up some early successes, you can move forwards with the goal of stopping completely.
10. Dip your nails in salt

(Image/ Source: self.com)
If you keep absent-mindedly putting your nails in your mouth and you don’t want to try a nasty formula, go for a home remedy instead. Dipping your nails in salt is a drastic but very effective way to shock yourself out of that nail biting habit, and it’s really easy to do. Just dip your nails in water, then dip them in salt and dust off the excess.
11. Give your hands something to do

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
One trick to curbing those nail biting habits is to find a way to keep your hands busy. Things like stress balls and a great way to keep your hands distracted, which should reduce the amount of time you spend with your nails in your mouth. This can also help reduce your stress and anxiety levels.
12. Carry cuticle scissors around

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Most of the time, people who bite their nails also end up nibbling away at the cuticles, as well as the skin surrounding the nail. One way to deal with this is to carry a cuticle cutter around, so you can quickly trim those raggedy bits before you get the urge to bite it off. This also keeps your hands busy, which is a bonus.
13. Snap a rubber band on your wrist

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
One big Reddit hack is that if you want to break a habit, you need to place a rubber band around your wrist. The idea is that is an alternative behavior, mainly because it gives your hands something else to mess with. You can either snap it against your skin if you end up indulging in that habit you’re trying to give up as a form of negative reinforcement.
14. Rub jalapenos on each nail

(Image/ Source: self.com)
The premise for this is the same as the salt hack; simply rub jalapenos onto your nails, and the taste will shock that nail out of your mouth immediately. This has also been known to be more effective for some than the salt trick, but this really depends on your tolerance to spice! Be aware that the jalapeno taste will only last for an hour or so.
15. Try mindfulness

(Image/ Source: goodnewsnetwork.org)
Mindfulness is a great tool for a lot of things – stress relief, anger management, breakups. It’s also great for kicking bad habits too. If you’re struggling to curb your nail biting, you can find tons of free mindfulness resources online that are specifically aimed at giving up bad habits. Try and practice mindfulness every day to get the maximum benefits.
16. Make a running list of urges

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If decide to monitor your nail-biting triggers in real-time, the next step you should take is physically keeping a list of how frequently you wish to bite your nails on a notepad (pen and paper or digital). This might seem demanding, but this act of self-monitoring can reduce the behavior in and of itself, as you’re having to use your hands to write.
17. Wear gloves

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Putting on gloves is a simple, easy way to stop yourself from gnawing at your nails. This kind of physical barrier will allow your nails and surrounding skin to recover from all that biting, which will benefit your teeth too. You can use surgical or woolen gloves for this – whatever you prefer.
18. Chew gum

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
We don’t want you to replace one bad habit with another, but moderate amounts of time chewing gum can help you curb the nail biting. As your mouth is keeping busy, the compulsion to gnaw at your nails is reduced dramatically. Chewing gum can also help reduce social anxiety, so if your nail biting is connected to social stress, gum might be the way forward.
19. Try out a fidget toy

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
A really good way to stop yourself from biting your nails is to engage in something else with your hands or mouth to channel that energy into some other behavior. And this is where fidget toys come into their own. With tons of different options on the market, you’re bound to find something that suits your style. A fidget toy doesn’t need to be expensive – just something that will distract you from nibbling at those nails.
20. Yoga

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
This might sound like an unusual suggestion, but hear us out. Yoga means using your entire body to stretch and position – and a lot of this relies on your hands. As your hands (and your brain) will be distracted, you won’t have opportunities to bite your nails – and you’ll get fitter and stronger in the process.
21. Wear band aids

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If the idea of putting nasty-tasting things on your nails doesn’t appeal to you, you can simply cover your nails up instead. Gloves aren’t for everyone, and they’re not always practical when it’s warm or you’re in a hot climate. So go for the next best option – band aids! They’re more subtle and will protect your nails and skin from harm.
22. Use an app

(Image/ Source: breakthehabit.blog)
Nowadays, there are a fair few different apps you can try to break those bad habits – and a lot of them are tailored around nail biting. Top-rated options include Quit That! And Nomo. Some applications are even designed to work alongside a smartwatch, as they’ll send you notifications and reminders not to bite your nails.
23. Click a pen

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If fidget toys aren’t really your thing, go for something easy and simple that you’ll already have at home – like a pen. Pen clicking will give your hands something to do, so you’ll be less likely to put them in your mouth. The sound of the pen clicking might get annoying, but if it stops you from biting your nails, so be it!
24. Meditation

(Image/ Source: newsweek.com)
Nail biting tends to satisfy a strong emotional urge, so it can be useful to tap into some meditation techniques to quiet and calm your mind. If you’re not keen to attend classes, there are tons of great meditation videos on YouTube that will distract you from your compulsions and help you relax.
25. Journaling

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If you want to get to grips with how often you’re biting your nails, along with the reasons why, get journaling. Not only will it help you understand your triggers more deeply, but it should ease tension created by the urge to bite your nails. Plus, it’s great for your mental health, as you’ll be able to express your emotions in a healthy way.
26. Buy yourself a lollipop

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If chewing gum isn’t really your thing, switch to lollipops instead. While we really don’t recommend lollipops as a long-term solution (think of all that sugar), it will definitely stop you from putting your fingers in your mouth. This is an example of habit reversal training, which involves replacing a harmful behavior with a healthier one.
27. Invest in a mouthguard

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Mouthguards act as a physical barrier to prevent nail biting, and will make you instantly aware of when you are engaging in the habit without causing you any harm. While this might be quite an extreme method in the office or in public, it can be useful if you bite your nails at home – especially if you do it out of boredom.
28. Breathing exercises

(Image/ Source: youtube.com)
If your nail biting habit is brought on by anxiety, try out some deep breathing techniques. They’ve been well-documented to relieve stress and anxiety, as well as other ailments. So when you feel that pang of anxiety, or you know a particular trigger is emerging, try to center yourself mentally and emotionally through deep breathing.
29. Contact an expert

(Image/ Source: birdie.care)
Sometimes we need a little extra help. If a few weeks pass and you’re still struggling to make progress, it might be time to speak to a professional. Any infections or changes to your nails need to be addressed by a dermatologist, while a psychologist or counselor can help you identify your triggers.
30. Reward your little victories

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Remember that breaking bad habits can take time. So be patient with yourself, and be sure to reward those little victories. If you make it through the day without biting your nails, give yourself a treat. And the same goes for a week or a month too! This positive reinforcement should help you kick the habit for good.