Your Dog Is Calm
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If your dog is typically calm and collected, it usually signifies that you are an authoritative person and one that likes to maintain control within your own home. You probably enjoy taking time out to enjoy time for yourselves focusing one activity before moving on to the next.
Your Dog Is Hyper
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Just as your dog might be going crazy, running around all the time, you as the owner might also be unable to remain still. You might be regularly stressed or anxious and possibly unable to concentrate on one thing at a time. This essentially means that you might be a little all over the place.
You Have A Lazy Dog
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If your dog enjoys spending time relaxing at home, lying in the sun (or on the sofa) then you are also probably quite a relaxed owner yourself! You probably enjoy putting your feet up after work and putting the TV on or maybe having a glass of wine whilst you chill out in the bath.
You Have A Loud Friend
Image Source: DogTime
If your four-legged friend is a loud one, always barking, growling or screaming then you probably enjoy a loud lifestyle yourself. Your probably a social butterfly and enjoy getting out the house and interacting with a wide range of people as you go. You probably blast your music in the car as well!
Your Dog Doesn't Bark Much
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If you've got a quiet dog then you're probably more of an introvert and likely enjoy spending some quality time indoors with your friends instead of getting out and about partying. You're probably the sort of person that likes to chill out and listen to some calm and relaxing music at home.
You Have An Affectionate Dog
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If your dog loves to cuddle and kiss (lick) you then you probably show some affectionate traits yourself. This isn't necessarily just towards your dog but also the family and friends around you. You probably enjoy spending a lot of time with these people and your also quite trusting.
Your Dog Isn't Very Forthcoming
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If you find that your dog enjoys spending time separately from you, then you probably do the same thing yourself. You might be the sort of person who takes a long time to become accustomed with other people and warm up to them. Other people might have to give you a few chances before they get used to you.
They're Scratching To Get To You
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If you find your dog is scratching at the toilet door to get to you in the morning then it might be a sign that you are someone who unconditionally loves the people (and the dogs) that are in their lives. They don't want to watch you urinate, they just want to show they love you.
They Shadow You
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If you're dog likes to follow you around your home, no matter where it is you're going, and they shadow your every move, then it might might be a sign that you're someone that needs the company. Maybe you've gone through a recent break up, or you're just feeling lonely!
They Cry When You're Not Around
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If your dog is constantly crying when you're not around it can be a sign of them following your own behaviour, especially if you're also someone who doesn't like to be alone. It can also be a sign that you aren't fully aware of the impact your actions might have on others (and your dog).
They Lie At Your Feet
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Sometimes you have to read the behaviour of your dog as a reflection of your own feelings; so what could this mean? We might think its our dog being needy but they actually might be portraying our own feelings of separation anxiety. Maybe you should keep an eye on your dogs feelings as well as your own.
They Sit On Your Lap
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Your dog wanting to be so close to you is another sign of them not wanting to be alone. And as we have already discussed, this can be them reflecting your own emotions. This could be a sign of your own emotional mismanagement and inability to look after yourself properly.
Your Dog Whimpers At You
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If a dog whimpers, we usually see it as if they are crying; however it is believed that a whimpering dog is actually more likely a sign that your dog is displaying fear. If you are scared of something or worried that something is about to happen, your dog whimpering might be reflective of that.
They Snore Loudly
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If your dog is a constant (and annoying!) snorer, it could be a sign that they are reflecting your own feelings of tiredness, but also your own feelings of boredom or apprehension. If your dog spots you spending time doing nothing they may feel that it is safe for them to relax and do nothing themselves.
They Tilt Their Head At You
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If a dog tilts their head then it is typically a sign that they are confused about something and they want to understand more about it. This could be a sign that you, as the owner, can have some more complex intricacies in their life. Although it doesn't take much to confuse a dog sometimes!
They Shake Their Heads
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If your dog can be seen shaking their heads they can be showing a sign of tension relief. They can also do this if they're on alert or feeling aggressive. So if you as the owner are quite jumpy or generally scared your dog might be copying your own behaviour in theirs!
They Keep Yawning
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A yawning dog can be a sign that they are feeling stressed (possibly a reflection of your own stress) but the more likely reason they're yawing is that they're tired. This might be a sign that you have an extroverted personality; you might prefer to be outside enjoying the fresh air than inside.
If Their Mouth Is Holding Open
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Although we might think our dogs look a little silly when their mouths are open, this is actually similar to our version of smiling! So it's likely that they are actually happy when they do this and so it could be a sign that your personality and attitude to life is also a positive one.
Licking Their Lips A Lot
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Licking of the lips is a common trait seen in a dog and it can often mean that they are stressed. Just as us humans can often bite our nails or move irritably dogs turn to stuff like licking their lips. This could be a sign that your personality might be high in the nervous emotion.
They're Showing Their Teeth
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You'll be able to tell if your dog is showing their teeth in an aggressive manner or in a playful manner. Aggressively, they might also snarl and wrinkle their noses; this is a sign that they don't want to be bothered. This could also signify that you are the sort of person that prefers to spend their time alone.
They Keep Panting
Image Source: Paragon Referrals
A panting dog is a sure sign that they're either too hot or they're very tired (these often come hand in hand after a long walk). This could be another dog trait that signifies that you follow an extroverted lifestyle and enjoy getting outside (or you just live in a really, really hot home!).
They Keep Barking
Image Source: The Mirror
If your dog is constantly barking out of turn it could be a sign that they are trying to protect you and can sense some danger. They might be reflecting your behaviour if that you're the sort of person who is constantly on edge or trying to avoid putting yourself in risky situations.
They're Growling More Than Usual
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If you find your dog is starting to growl more often than usual then it is possible that they're becoming very protective or territorial. This could be a sign that you are trying to keep other people away from your dog so they reflect this behaviour, or an opposite view would be that your comfortable around new people and your dog is unaware of all the new people they are meeting.
They Are Howlers
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Dogs have been known to howl when they're feeling lonely, so if you're the sort of person who is away from the home a lot this could be the reason for that. However, dogs also like to mimic their owners so if you're a confident singer (within your own home only!) they might be copying you!
They Watch You When You're Eating
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Dogs are naturally scavengers, and although they are mostly now domesticated, they will always try to get their paws and jaws around our food. This is exaggerated if you're the sort of person who can't say no, so if you're a soft touch personally your dog will probably catch on to this.
Their Ears Are Pricked Up
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If you see that your dog keeps pricking up their ears, it's a sign that they might be curious. This could signify that you're the kind of person that likes to introduce new people or new things in to your home. In other news, you might come across as someone with an impulsive personality.
Your Dog Is Sniffing
Image Source: PetHelpful
Dogs and sniffing go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly or Fries and Ketchup. And unsurprisingly, if a dog catches on to an attractive aroma it could signify that you really are a good chef and you might thrive off the excitement of exploring new foods and drinks with different smells.
They Expose Their Bellies
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If your dog likes to lie down and expose their belly it shows that they are very trusting towards you. This is also a sign that you might give off some excited personality traits yourself and they want to join you on this wavelength. Don't leave them hanging though, give them what they want!
Raising Their Paws
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Dogs, especially puppies, tend to raise their paws towards their mom when they want to suck milk. So if you find your dog raising their paws towards you it might be a sign that you have a very maternal personality. It also signifies that your dog sees you as its parent and not just an owner.
Your Dog Is Crouching
Image Source: PetHelpful
Crouching can signify a number of things in a dog like feeling frightened, insecure or submission. Each of these could represent many different things surrounding your personality. If they appear submissive it might be that you maintain some rules within your house and don't allow them to do certain things.