They Must Know What To Do In Need Of An Escape
Image Source: USA Today
Part of this is something that is probably mandatory in all job roles not just for workers within a zoo. For example in case of a fire or any other disaster they will need to know how to escort themselves and visitors from the park. Although in a zoo environment, they'll also have to watch out for escaped animals!
They Have To Check An Animals Health Daily
Image Source: The Mirror
This is also probably quite an obvious rule that zookeepers should follow but they have to ensure that the animals under their care are healthy each and every day. Fortunately, when it comes to working with animals you get used to their behaviours and you'll know when something is wrong!
They Must Wear Their Uniform
Image Source: NZ Herald
Each and every zoo will have a specific uniform that their zookeepers will have to wear, no different to a wide range of employment industries around the world. Not only does it allow for a professional image to be created, but they become easily visible to both the visitors and animals in the park.
They Have To Use Their Actions
Image Source: Reddit
There is a well known rule within the zoo industry that says that zookeepers should always use their body to demonstrate things to visitors instead of using their words. This could go for anything from directing their visitors to the food stands or bathrooms, to teaching them how to act around the animals.
The People Are Just As Important
Image Source: Wild Welfare
This goes hand in hand with the prior point but every zookeeper has to understand the importance of their visitors to a zoo. Of course they will thoroughly enjoy the alone time they get with the animals (it's a big perk) but the communication is key to their own professionalism and their visitors enjoyment.
They Must Know The Zoo Layout
Image Source: Reddit
You probably don't think about it this way as zookeepers tend to work in specific areas of a park, but they obviously have to know the rest of the layout in order to direct their visitors. The best way to do this is to understand what is known as the taxonomic groups (the type of animal they are).
Being Able To Speak Multiple Languages
Image Source: Reddit
This is more of a bonus than a rule, but obviously there are a lot of international visitors that like to travel to explore the different ways zoo are ran. Therefore communication can be a problem with some visitors, so being multilingual could be a vital asset within the zoo environment.
You Have To Be Knowledgeable About Your Animal
Image Source: Reddit
I feel like this one is quite an obvious one, but a zookeeper needs to be able to understand and explain how your animal is doing in the natural world. For example, knowing the levels of the animal in the wild (whether they're near extinct or not) and whether or not they'll be reproducing any time soon.
The Feeding Nutrition Can't Be Changed
Image Source: Reddit
As with humans, the animals within the zoo have to be kept on a maintained diet to ensure that they remain healthy. They won't have to come up with this themselves, but they will have to follow a regimen specified to a certain animal given to them by the zoo. Any changes to an animals diet can be dangerous.
Being Able To Train An Animal
Image Source: Reddit
Zookeepers have to go through an education before they enter their line of work and during this they will learn how to communicate with animals. Having a good rapport and a built level of trust is almost essential in the life of a zookeeper; it'll make their job instantly easier.
They Have To Understand Habitats
Image Source: Reddit
You might be surprised to hear that zookeepers actually have a say as to how an animals enclosure is decorated! Therefore they need to understand what would be a suitable and sustainable habitat for their animal; this will ensure the animal remains as happy as it can be within the zoo.
They Have To Know The Zoo's Conservation Rules
Image Source: Reddit
Each zoo around the world will have their own mission, and they will each hope to have some effect on the world. Apparently, each member within the zoo should be able to memorise this mission and be able to recite it to inspectors and very interested guests. More than just playing with animals then.
They Have To Work Overtime
Image Source: Reddit
This is one that all of us will probably have had to suffer from in the past, but often a zoo keepers shift will go past their original intended hours. There is usually an expectation that zookeepers will accept overtime at some point each year, especially when their animals are ill or injured.
They're Timed Around The Park
Image Source: Reddit
This is quite a weird rule, but sometimes zoo keepers are needed in other areas of the park than their traditional location. And it appears that they are actually given an allotted period of time to get across the zoo. So I guess that means there's no time to have a little tourist moment and browse the animals!
There's No Freebies
Image Source: Reddit
One thing people tend to think about zookeepers is that they get to spend a lot of their spare time around the animals. But it actually turns out that once their shift is over they aren't allowed to hang about within the zoo. They'll have to go and pay to enter as a guest if they want this time.
Regular Safety Courses
Image Source: The Exeter Daily
This is another obvious one, but all zookeepers have to attend regular safety training courses, these can very within time length but there's at least one annually. They have to remain up to date with training and not drift away from what it is that they're taught on course.
They Have To Keep An Eye Out For Pests
Image Source: Reddit
Just like all employments, you want to avoid any unwanted visitors and zookeepers are no different. If a zoo keeper witnesses any rats or mice (the wild kind) then it has to be reported instantly as despite their small size, they could carry and infections and harm the animals within the zoo.
Pepper Spray??
Image Source: Reddit
If you're like me, you'll think of pepper spray as a way for the police to subdue a criminal or as a weapon used for safety by people (usually woman) who are walking alone. But zookeepers actually have to be trained in using pepper spray as it is a non-lethal way to subdue animals.
Know How To Remove Annoying Guests
Image Source: International Career Institute
As with all jobs, you'll always have customers or visitors that seem to be out just to annoy or challenge us. These difficult customers could cause some issues, possibly for other visitors, yourself or even the animals; therefore it is important for a zoo keeper to know how to handle themselves in situations where someone needs to be removed.
They Have To Do The Dirty Work
Image Source: The Denver Post
This probably comes with the job, but zookeepers have to keep the park clean no matter what. Therefore, they are expected to clean all the workspaces, including the habitats. This means getting hand deep in some animal poop; you can't be having an unsanitary environment for guests to visit.
Be Trained In Safety Equipment
Image Source: County Deer Stalking
Obviously pepper spray won't always be enough to subdue an animal, so they also have to be trained in the use of equipment like catch poles, nets and tranquilizer guns. They might not enjoy using the tranquilizer gun but it could be a matter of life or death in certain scenarios.
Always Supervise
Image Source: Reddit
I suppose the worst thing that could happen at a zoo is for one of the dangerous animals to have escaped. Unfortunately this has happened on more than one occasion to drastic effect. Therefore zoo keepers always have to have an eye on the habitat to keep an eye on any escape routes.
Try To Avoid Disease
Image Source: The Mirror
This is obviously not a rule, but definitely something a zoo keeper has to keep their eye on when working. Unfortunately, diseases are something that can be uncontrollable around animals; the zookeepers have to keep an eye out to not catch them as some, like Lyme disease, can be fatal to humans.
Avoid Dangerous Exposure To Chemicals
Image Source: Reddit
Whilst working at the zoo, a zoo keeper will have to come in contact with some chemicals during standard routines. For example, they will have to keep an eye on their contact with cleaning chemicals like ammonium and chlorine bleach. They will have been trained to use these safely.
Avoid Worrying About Dangerous Weather
Image Source: BBC
Above everything, a zoo keepers role is to keep the visitors and animals in the park safe and healthy. Some zoo keepers are forced to complete their work in an outdoors environment where they are challenged with extreme weather that could distract them and cause more issues.
Hold Regular Emergency Drills
Image Source: CNN
Emergency drills could be the difference between life and death in certain scenarios. These include drills regarding an escape, a death, or a mix of both! One example of an emergency drill would be if a venomous snake managed to bite someone; you would practice the routine to fix it.
Regular Communication With Other Keepers
Image Source: Reddit
Communication across the park is key, especially when it comes to the movement of animals. Each keeper will be kitted out with a communication device of some sort, and this will allow everyone to understand where they should and shouldn't be at all times.
Know Lock Procedures
Image Source: Reddit
This might seem stupid to some, but a lot of escapes come from the locks on enclosures not being locked properly. In recent years specific locks that won't lock until the key has been removed have been the lock of choice. It's probably best to double check a gate is locked before turning your back on a lion.
Wear PPE
Image Source: KEYT
Protective clothing is absolutely essential to a zookeeper, and we aren't talking about the sort of PPE you'd wear when working at McDonald's. This will reduce your risk of injury and infection, although you must be aware that this isn't 100% going to protect you in all circumstances.
Get Attached To Their Animal
Image Source: Amazing Nature
Again this isn't a rule, but in situations where you are always up close and personal with your animal it is best to become attached (and hope they become attached to you as well). This will only make a zookeepers job more enjoyable, and they will also get a sense of fulfilment.