Reasons Why AI Is Actually Making People Slower And Dumber, Not Fast And Intelligent

By Juliet Smith 1 year ago

People are using AI to cheat on their assignments

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There are now AI systems out there in the world that will write our whole assignments for us. I can't think of one good reason we would want this! Universities around the world have incorporated an enhanced plagiarism system to detect where assignments have been written by AI software.

We are slowly becoming lazy as people

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If you asked people twenty years ago if they could read a map, I'm pretty sure that the answers you'll get will be vastly different than now, what with Apple and Google Maps so readily available. Don't doubt that this same diminishing of abilities will happen at some point down the line.

AI will be the death of many jobs

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With the roll-out of new AI systems happening more often than ever, there's bound to be a point that AI will (or already has) replaced the jobs of humans. It might sound great, but taking jobs away from people will just increase the unemployment rate and hinder the development of skills.

Our sensitivity towards others might just be affected

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If there comes a time where pretty much most things are AI, we might find that our social interaction levels have dramatically decreased. In doing so, we start to treat people similar to the way in which we treat AI, which isn't right. People should always be treated with respect.

AI might just remove competition

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Many firms, including Amazon, have utilized the power of AI to help in the hiring process when it comes to new role. Also, AI might sometimes be incorporated into existing roles too. If you knew that you were up against an AI, you stand no chance, so don't bother trying anyway!

Working smarter over working harder isn't always the best route

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Some people think that using AI as part of their job might actually be the definition of working smarter not harder. While this can sometimes be the case, it isn't always, and you should use discretion when it comes to using AI in the workplace and not rely on it too much.

We will lose out on key critical skills that we need

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When we start to use AI too much, our brains figure that they don't actually need to store information or learn new skills (like research, writing, communication) because the bot does it all for us. This might just have a detrimental impact on us as a generation.

We start to miss errors in data

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If something has gone wrong down the line in the coding of an AI, it can often go unmissed. This means that because we are relying on the AI to analyze and interpret data, we might not be able to see the patterns or anomalies in the data ourselves because we're not used to doing the job of the AI.

Our communication skills will take a massive hit

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As mentioned before, with the increase of AI systems that are incorporated into our lives, there might come a time where we will barely have to speak to any customer service representatives at all. This can only negatively effect the way in which we communicate with each other.

We become too reliant on it

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Now there are many arguments for why Chat GPT is a great use of resources as it has enhanced many sectors; academia, medicine, marketing. However, like everything that's ever been created, humans become reliant. We will eventually become too reliant on AI that we couldn't imagine life without it.

We don't retain the same amount of information as we would from reading a book

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With AI at our fingertips, it means we have access to a wealth of information and knowledge. While it might sound good, it might actually be the opposite. Having access to all this kind of information might just cause our brains to not retain as much of it as we should, compared to reading book.

Where does innovation start and ambition end?

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AI designers are currently pouring more and more money into these systems in order to get them released to the public. When the AI eventually becomes better than us in all aspects, then the question must be asked of when we stop becoming ambitious. If we knew AI is outperforming us, then what's the point in trying?

If the AI is biased, then so are we

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It's not always clear what type of data sets AI systems will be working with, and this could lead to detrimental consequences if not addressed properly. For example, when Amazon used AI to filter through CVs, it was unwittingly biased and managed to miss a big portion of marginalized, eligible candidates.

Don't believe everything you read, kids

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While we might think that everything that an AI spits out is true, that's not always the case. AI are hardwired with data sets, and there's no saying how accurate the data sets can be ultimately. That's why we have to remain vigilant when it comes to reading what you see online.

Our social skills are diminished by AI

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With the increase of AI, our social activity is going to decrease dramatically. With us becoming lazier too, and having pretty much everything at our fingertips, then this will only escalate the matter, having a detrimental impact on our ability to socialize.

We will never learn from our mistakes

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I mean, have you ever watched Ex Machina? Or any AI movie for all that matters? They tend to rarely ever end good and these warnings have been pushed throughout film and literature for years and years. Yet, we are still ignoring the warning signs and continue to develop AI.

Expressing emotions might be harder for us to achieve

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AI is an emotionless bot. It won't have emotions and probably never will. In this case, the increase of AI in our day-to-day lives might also have an impact on our emotions too, making it harder for us to identify or even feel certain emotions. It's all a theory, but it's not far from reality.

Does AI have the ability to alter our brain chemistry?

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As the years have gone on and we, as humans, have had more access to data and information, our brain capacity has increased to store more knowledge than it ever has before. Well, if AI makes us lazy, might it go the opposite way, where we start to lose that brain capacity?

AI will eventually become unlimited

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What's next for AI? As it gets continually developed, do we ever think that an AI could be created that creates AI code, therefore rendering its ability limitless. If this is the case, what do we do then and where do we go from there? These are all serious, scary questions.

Is AI the death of creativity?

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There have actually been some creative organisations that have ran classes using the power of AI. For example, running a class where AI can help with story writing. Realistically, are we not just undermining the hard-work and creativity that goes into writing a creative piece?

Studies have proven the Doctors' intelligence is being impacted

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Apparently, a study was undertaken at the University of Albany to test how new AI systems have effected intelligence on primary care physicians. Apparently, software managed to diminish the doctors' ability to diagnose using informed decisions. Well, that's not great!

Although it removes human error, how reliable is it?

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AI has been commended for it's ability to remove the flaw of human error, but how reliable is it? Well, as mentioned earlier in the article, there could be gaps in data or misinformation, which could prove potentially dangerous in the wrong hands. After all, it is humans who made it!

Technology has been slowing us down for years

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Even cameras have had an impact on our ability to store information and images in our brains. Because we are now used to just taking pictures, we don't feel the need to store these images in our brains. A study at Fairfield University revealed that those who didn't take photos were able to recall more information than those who did.

AI Website Support is weakening businesses

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More and more businesses are opting to use AI chats on their sites in place of speaking to an actual person. While it might save money on the labor front, it doesn't always prove good for the business. If the consumer isn't getting the answers they want, they might look elsewhere.

AI costs money, money, money

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As time goes on, developers are pouring more and more money into the development of new AI capabilities, but at what cost? This is money that could be used bettering the lives of their current employees, and is probably no less than what they deserve.

We fall victim to the AI processes

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Putting too much faith in AI processes might just prove fatal to our businesses. For example if you run a business and are looking for stats, you might use these stats to base your marketing from. However, AI isn't always right, and could be misinterpreting the information.

Does AI prove a real danger to humankind?

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Given all the scary films about how AI will eventually takeover the world, is it true that someday this could actually become reality? I mean, who knows! As much as we like to think it wouldn't, films and literature have a habit of becoming reality.

Even Chat GPT has thoughts on the matter

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The question of whether AI will slow us down and make us dumber was posed to the actual Chat GPT. In the response, the AI bot said that AI does not have the capability of making humans dumber, it's meant to be a tool to enhance information. However, it did admit that there are positive and negative effects.

When does it all end?

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If we continue to promote the development of AI across business and personal use, when does the capabilities of AI end? What will AI look like in ten or twenty years time? I mean, who could have predicted the technological advancements from twenty years ago?

AI can't be all that bad

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As much as this list is about highlighting how humans are impacted by the creation of AI, particularly in that it makes us slower and less intelligent, there are some pros that can't be ignored. Realistically, having a wealth of information at your fingertips means you can learn about anything you want.

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