This Is Why Green Tea Should Be Part Of Everyone’s Morning Routine

By Paula Tudoran 1 year ago

1. Green tea is rich in healthy bioactive compounds

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Green tea is more than just a drink to keep you hydrated. Antioxidants found in it can effectively squelch harmful "free radicals," which are metabolic byproducts that are highly reactive and can harm cells. Basically, the antioxidants in the beverage have six times the ability to quench free radicals than those in black tea.

2. It reduces body fat

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Many people try different diets, exercises, morning walks, supplements, and what not to lose weight but have no success. There's good news for you if you've also tried all this with no luck: drink green tea every day in the morning. According to a survey, over 90% of people who drank green tea benefited from it and actually lost weight.

3. And helps you maintain a healthy weight

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This beverage has metabolism in it; it is that powerful! This superpower assists in weight loss but also in maintaining a healthy weight. Because a healthy routine will determine how we live the rest of our life, everyone should consume green tea in the morning. Green tea should, therefore, be a part of your healthy diet. For even more benefits, have the drink twice daily.

4. Offers protection against different cancers

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Medical researchers and experts have shown that green tea lowers cancer risks. Even cancer patients who regularly consume it can reduce the risk of a more severe type because the tea prevents cancer cells from developing. Scientists have established that it was the polyphenols found in the beverage that helped numerous patients in their battle with the disease.

5. Decreased diabetes type 2 risk

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More than 10% of Americans now have type 2 diabetes, making it an epidemic in the country, but it's been reported that green tea could reduce this risk. Participants in studies who consumed six or more cups of green tea per day had an astounding 33% decreased rate of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those who consumed one cup per week.

6. Increased energy and mental focus

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Green tea's modest level of caffeine can enhance mood, cognitive function, and physical performance. The drink provides L-theanine, an amino acid that has been demonstrated to support a calm, awake state and has less caffeine than coffee. As a result, green tea offers the advantages of alertness brought on by caffeine without the "jittery" sensation associated with coffee's adverse effects.

7. Say no to heart disease

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Green tea contains numerous antioxidants, and according to many surveys, those who regularly consume green tea have a lower risk of developing heart disease. Green tea contains a potent antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate, one of the primary antioxidants that aid in preventing cardiovascular issues.

8. Oral health is also important

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Your oral health is very important. In fact, having teeth and gums that aren't properly cared for might lead to several ailments and disorders, including heart issues and more. The good news? Green tea has catechins that fight mouth bacteria, helping you maintain good oral health.

9. Go away, arthritis!

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If you want to reduce inflammation in your body, green tea should be on your shopping list and then right into your morning routine. In this case, green tea extract does wonders for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and can be used in conjunction with conventional treatment.

10. It protects your brain against Alzheimer's

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Observed symptoms of Alzheimer's disease include significant memory and thinking skills changes. There is no known treatment for this neurodegenerative condition; however, according to a study, green tea's antioxidants could decrease your risk of getting the terrible disease.

11. And against Parkinson's!

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Parkinson's disease is a neurological disorder that impairs fine motor skills and movement, and, like Alzheimer's, it is progressive and has no known cure. However! Studies show that green tea's polyphenols can help healthy cells survive while defending against cell damage brought on by neurotoxins.

12. Your immune system is in good hands

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Drinking green tea might help you avoid getting the flu and any other type of cold. In a randomized controlled experiment, people who took green tea extract experienced cold or flu symptoms 32% less frequently than those who took a placebo. Although the precise mechanisms causing this action are unknown, they might be connected to vitamin C present in green tea.

13. Stabilized blood sugar levels

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It has been demonstrated that the flavonoids in green tea, particularly epigallocatechin gallate, reduce the liver's ability to produce extra glucose. This means that your body controls blood sugar more effectively, maintaining healthy glucose levels.

14. Less sugar, please!

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Because it naturally has no sugar, green tea is a good option for anyone who is concerned about added sugars. It is healthier than fruit juice and soda because they both have a lot of sugar in them! While it could take some getting used to the more acidic flavor of green tea, adding one or two tablespoons of powdered matcha green tea to your smoothies is a fantastic way to become accustomed to its taste and still reap the benefits.

15. Not hungry — at least, not now

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According to a study, green tea increased the sensation of fullness even though it had no impact on post-meal insulin levels. This means that if you drink green tea in the morning, you will be less likely to continue eating because it leaves you with a sense of satiety.

16. Say goodbye to damaged skin

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Not only does this fantastic drink help fight all kinds of diseases, but it can also deliver stunning skin cell healing after UV ray damage. You can also treat eczema, genital warts, and other types of skin damage and issues with green tea. No wonder it's used in so many cosmetic products!

17. Enhance your meditation practice

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Green tea and meditation have long been associated; Buddhist monks would drink the beverage to keep themselves mindful while meditating for extended periods of time. Green tea's caffeine level can help you concentrate on your breathing, and the amino acid "L-theanine" will encourage the brain's generation of alpha waves. Meditation also facilitates alpha brain waves, which is why this combination is so healthy and therapeutic.

18. Fewer visits to the dentist

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Green tea contains bioactive substances, including polyphenols, flavonoids, and catechins, that have antibacterial effects that prevent the growth of both bacteria and acid. Consuming green tea has been demonstrated to protect teeth from cavities and decay. As we said already, it totally changes the oral hygiene game!

19. Yay for productivity!

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Green tea acts as a mild stimulant that can improve your focus. Once you introduce the beverage to your morning routine, you'll have fewer moments of feeling like procrastinating and more feelings of productivity. But until then, make a cup of green tea for yourself if you're experiencing a mid-afternoon slump to boost your energy.

20. Forget aging

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Green tea has many health benefits, but it may also help you maintain a youthful appearance. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, green tea is frequently used by beauty professionals. For instance, a routine consisting of 10% green tea lotion and green tea supplements increases skin elasticity, keeping your skin looking younger as you age.

21. No more MRSA

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Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, also known as MRSA, is an antibiotic-resistant bacterial strain that is frequently spread in medical facilities. MRSA infections are more difficult to treat with drugs than other staph infections, but according to research, drinking green tea regularly is extremely beneficial in the fight against MRSA.

22. Minimal processing means intact nutrients

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In contrast to soda, for example, which is another frequent source of caffeine, tea is extremely lesser processed. The leaves are picked, allowed to soften, and then rolled to extract the fluids. They are then dried and ready for use. Because green tea undergoes very little processing, many of the phytonutrients present in the original tea plant are still intact and make their way into your body. As they should.

23. Flawless skin

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Due to its anti-aging and protective qualities, green tea is frequently utilized in skincare products. However, drinking it every morning has the same effects on your skin: It prevents acne, maintains collagen levels for young-looking skin, stimulates hair growth, and shrinks blood vessels and dark circles around your eyes. So versatile, no?

24. And longer life

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These two go very well together. Who wouldn't want to look young and live longer? It only makes sense that drinking green tea could extend your life because of all those compounds that help prevent cancer, heart disease, brain issues, etc. Besides, five or more cups of green tea daily were associated with a 76% lower mortality rate in a six-year-long study in Japan.

25. Bye-bye, anxiety!

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The symptoms of anxiety-related issues such as generalized anxiety, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder are lessened by drinking a cup of green tea each morning. Research reveals that caffeine and the amino acid L-theanine in the beverage interact to reduce anxiety and impact other brain functions, such as focus and memory.

26. Reduced risk of high cholesterol levels

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Living with high cholesterol levels is no joke. But, on to the good news: A study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry suggested that the antioxidants in the beverage can lower cholesterol levels. This would ultimately help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease significantly.

27. Quick relaxer and blood pressure reliever

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The L-theanine compound found in green tea appears to lower blood pressure and induce a state of calm by raising dopamine levels in the brain. Only 40 minutes after consumption — according to a study in Trends in Food Science & Technology — green tea has calming effects without making you drowsy.

28. Increased cognitive and physical function

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Studies show that green tea's modest level of caffeine can enhance mood, cognitive function, and physical performance. This mighty L-theanine, the amino acid that has been demonstrated to support a calm, awake state, has less caffeine than coffee, which means it provides alertness but in a serene manner.

29. Trouble sleeping? Green tea to the rescue!

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Caffeine is a stimulant that, while it can make you jittery and boost your focus (for a short while, though), can also affect your sleep tremendously. If you noticed you are (or are getting) sensitive to coffee's high caffeine content, try drinking green tea. You'll notice how much of a difference it makes shortly!

30. Protects against bone loss

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So many people struggle with bone issues after a certain age! But the good news is that, according to studies, consuming green tea promotes mineralization, which results in bone formation. Because the bones are getting stronger, the loss may be reduced, and there may be more protection against osteoporosis.

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