How a Hike a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

By Sarah Jones 1 year ago

1. Boosts your mood

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Hiking is great for your wellbeing. Getting out in the great outdoors helps your body release endorphins (the happy hormone) which can effectively boost your mood. And if you’re taking in some beautiful scenery while you’re at it, then all the better.

2. Reduces body fat

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Hiking is a great way to shift the pounds and maintain a healthy weight. The faster you walk, or steeper the incline, the more calories you’ll burn! The CDC recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week, which you’ll easily reach if you get into the habit of regular hiking.

3. Strengthens bones

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Hiking is a fairly low-impact exercise that can prevent the loss of bone density. Your bones will gradually become weaker as you age, and hiking is a great way to combat this. Regular walks will help prevent osteoporosis and increase your Vitamin D levels, which is vital for bone health.

4. Reduces stress

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Let’s face it – we’re probably all under a certain degree of stress right now. Hiking is pretty good at combatting this, and helps you take a step back from your worries. It’s been found to reduce feelings of stress, as your body becomes better at coping with the levels of cortisol pumping around your system.

5. Tones muscles

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Regular hiking will do wonders for your muscles – especially your calves, quadriceps and hamstring muscles. You’ll be able to reap the benefits of improved muscle definition while preventing muscle loss and aiding fat loss. Make sure you show those toned legs off!

6. Increases metabolism

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Hiking burns a lot more calories than regular walking does – and it will speed up your metabolism too. This means you’ll be able to burn off those calories quicker than you used to. This is because you’re using a lot of different muscle groups at the same time, which stimulates your body to burn fat.

7. Improves brain health

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Did you know that hiking can keep our brains healthy and reduce the risk of dementia? Regular activity like hiking and trail walking can help prevent memory loss, as it reduces the likelihood of the hippocampus shrinking. Several studies have shown that aerobic exercise in middle-aged or older adults prevented memory loss, and effectively reduced dementia rates.

8. Boosts heart health

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Hiking will definitely get your blood pumping (especially if you’re taking on an ambitious trail). Regular activity like hiking can reduce the risk of both heart disease and stroke, and studies show you can reduce your risk of heart and circulatory disease by 35%. So get lacing up those walking boots!

9. Reduces risk of disease

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It’s not just your heart that can benefit from hiking. Many studies have shown that hiking can actually reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, along with certain types of cancers. Maintaining a healthy weight also reduces the potential risk of cancers like bowel and breast cancer.

10. Improves your sleep quality

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If you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep, you might want to get your hiking boots on. Being outside and exercising helps raise your body’s temperature, so when your internal temperature goes back down, it can lull you into sleep. And exposure to Vitamin D will also help control your sleep-wake cycle.

11. Lowers blood pressure

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You might have high blood pressure and not even know it. This is why hypertension is known as the ‘silent killer’ – but regular exercise like hiking can help with this. When you hike on a regular basis, you lower your blood pressure – and this can actually be more effective than some medications in some cases.

12. Combats diabetes

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Did you know around 1 in 10 people in the US have diabetes? While oral medications and insulin medications can help treat this common medical condition, it can be really helpful to introduce some hiking into your routine too. It will help control your blood sugar levels while increasing your body’s sensitivity to insulin.

13. Improves arthritis

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If you suffer with arthritis, especially in your knees or hips, you may have pain when you try to exercise. But hiking doesn’t put too much stress on your joints, so you’ll be able to get moving without dealing with all that pain. Start off with smaller hikers before tackling the bigger trails.

14. Helps with balance

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When you’re navigating the great outdoors, you’re usually on uneven terrain. Hills, rocks, mud, dirt and tree roots can all be a challenge to conquer, but this is great training for your balance. The more you hike, the better you become at adjusting to changes and centering your gravity.

15. Builds your endurance

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From three-mile loops to 50-mile treks, hiking is a great way to build your endurance. As it’s low-intensity exercise compared to cardio like running, it will get your heart pumping within zone 2. And when you maintain a heart rate within the zone 2 range for an extended period of time, your body will build its aerobic base, which boosts your endurance levels.

16. Cross training opportunities

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As hiking challenges lots of different muscle groups, it’s a great cross training opportunity. Cross training is the practice of engaging in multiple sports in order to boost your performance – and experts say it’s one of the best ways to get fit and stay fit. Even if you’re not a competitive athlete, it’s really handy to hike to prepare for other physical activities.

17. Gets rid of stiffness

The Romanian Stiff Leg Dead Lift | Manesis Fitness
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Even if you don’t suffer from arthritis, hiking is still beneficial for your joints. It can help alleviate that morning pain and stiffness in your joints, especially in your legs. Plus, if you set off early enough in the morning, you’ll be able to see a beautiful sunrise across your chosen route. It’s a win-win!

18. Reduces anxiety

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Because hiking reduces your cortisol levels (the stress hormone), it promotes a feeling of calm – which is especially good for people with anxiety. The constant movement of hiking is also said to stimulate positive neurochemicals, which combat anxiety, panic and burnout

19. Improve your relationships

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You don’t have to go it alone to feel the benefits of hiking. This activity can effectively improve and strengthen your relationships with others, as you’re tackling a huge hill or challenging trail as a team. Whether you bring along a new dating interest, younger brother or parent, it can bring you closer and help build a solid relationship.

20. Decreases the risk of certain respiratory problems

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Just a little bit of hiking or walking does wonders for your lung capacity. The more you get out and walk, the better it will become! This is especially true if you take on inclines on a regular basis. While we’re not saying hiking is a cure, it can certainly help your lungs a workout to help them run efficiently.

21. Reduces depression

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Stanford University has conducted several studies on hiking and walking, and their impact on our mental wellbeing. It found that walking in nature yields measurable mental benefits, and may reduce the risk of depression. Start off with a gentle route before building yourself up to more challenging trails.

22. Reduces cholesterol

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Hiking is great for cardiovascular health. Even light hiking can raise the heart rate to a moderate level which helps reduce cholesterol levels. If you fancy taking on more challenging trails, you’ll reap the rewards; studies show that regular moderate hikes can significantly decrease ‘bad’ cholesterol levels over time.

23. Increases proprioception

A woman balances on a log while on a hike. There is a lake behind her.
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In simple terms, proprioception is the mind’s awareness of the position and movement of the body in relation to its surroundings. This helps us balance our bodies better. As you hike, your brain is processing every tiny rock and root and assessing what it takes to step over obstacles. With practice, the brain becomes better at judging these obstacles, meaning you’ll be able to navigate difficult terrains more easily.

24. Boosts self-esteem

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When you’re doing difficult things, it might not always feel great while you’re doing them. But you always feel great afterward! If you’re challenging yourself to an ambitious hike, you’ll feel a huge sense of accomplishment when you’ve completed it, which will do wonders for your self-esteem. Plus, you can treat yourself to some great views at your chosen summit.

25. Improves your memory

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When you hike, blood flows to the brain, which carries oxygen and important nutrients. Scientific studies have shown that this increased blood flow actually improves connections between neurons in the parts of the brain that are in charge of memory and cognitive function, which means your memory can gradually improve.

26. Reduces feelings of isolation

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We know hiking can help with anxiety and depression, but it can also help your wellbeing thanks to its infinite social opportunities. Hiking can help you build new friendships, and group activities can offset feelings of isolation, worry and fear. Be sure to look online for hiking groups and communities in your local area.

27. Helps build mental resilience

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Hiking can build your body’s endurance, but did you know it can improve mental resilience too? As you rise to the challenge of a hike, your brain gets better at dealing with obstacles and coping with difficult situations. It helps show you that no matter how tough life gets, you can get through it!

28.  Ease osteoporosis

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Hiking and walking help has been found to reverse the negative effects of osteoporosis by increasing bone density and slowing the rate of calcium loss. A study by the University of Washington found that women with osteoporosis who walked for one hour three days per week had actually increased their bone density in the spine and other parts of the body by 6% over the course of 9 months.

29. Supports your posture

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While hiking won’t correct a bad posture, it can certainly help support the muscles that can contribute to a healthier one. The abdominal muscles you use while hiking are really helping for maintaining a healthy upright posture, which helps support your back. You can make this more effective by using hiking poles.

30. Helps you gain perspective

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Going for a hiking trip is a really good way for your to unplug and put some distance between yourself and life’s daily grinds. As a result, you can learn to put things into perspective, and will be able to look at your problems with a little more clarity and calm. This should help you work through your problems more easily.

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