Sanitize Your Hands ASAP After Touching These Everyday Objects

By Shelby 1 year ago

1. Elevator Buttons

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Next time you enter a tall building and have to use the elevator, be cautious as you press the “up” button and choose your floor number. Elevator buttons are touched constantly by people who are navigating up and down the building and attract many germs.

2. Packages

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Packages that you receive in the mail are handled by several different people — mail facility employees, delivery drivers, and maybe even neighbors that accidentally receive your package on their doorstop. This is a great opportunity for germs to spread.

3. Mail

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Similar to packages, letters in the mail are handled by a variety of people. When they finally reach your mailbox, they’ve been touched by several different employees, and you never know if those employees are sick or not. Best to sanitize your hands!

4. Shared Pens

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Shared pens, especially in doctor’s offices, are a magnet for germs. Some doctor’s offices sanitize their pens between uses, especially in light of the pandemic…but it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you can, bring your own pen when you know you might need one.

5. Library books

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The library is a great place to study, get work done, and borrow books. Unfortunately, library books are also a hotspot for germs. Lucky for you, their plastic cover makes them extremely easy to wipe down with Lysol or another cleaning product that can kill germs.

6. Car Keys

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Car keys are never cleaned. Think about it. They sit in your pocket, on countertops, on the ground, in your backpack…but they’re never disinfected or sanitized. Because of this, they’re quite dirty to touch. It’s best to wash or sanitize your hands afterwards.

7. Public Restrooms

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When you spend time in a public restroom, you should always wash your hands extremely thoroughly or sanitize them afterwards. That’s because people are constantly in and out of public bathrooms, and it’s likely that some of those people are sick and spreading germs.

8. Gym Equipment

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Gyms are breeding grounds for germs! There are dozens of people exercising in what is likely a tight space, and they’re touching all of the shared equipment. Many gyms require you to wipe down what you use afterwards, but some people don’t abide by that rule.

9. Bank ATMs

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In a pinch, you might find yourself needing to stop at the ATM to deposit cash, a check, or withdraw cash for various purposes. Be careful of those buttons, though! Multiple people come and go throughout the day to do the same thing, so the buttons are touched often.

10. Vending Machine Buttons

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Sometimes a hunger pang strikes, and you have to resort to a vending machine snack to tide you over until your next meal! Vending machines are often located in high traffic places, meaning a lot of people use them. After you get your goodies, sanitize those hands!

11. Public Transportation

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Public transportation is frequented by loads of people. Commuters going to and from work, shoppers running errands, and those on the way to appointments are just a few examples. Whenever you leave a bus, train, or metro, make sure to clean your hands.

12. Used Tissues

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Let’s face it — We’ve all been there! Sometimes, you just have to blow your nose and clear those sinuses. After you use your tissue, make sure to dispose of it promptly and wash or sanitize your hands. This is even more important if you pick up a stray tissue and don’t know where it came from!

13. Money

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It’s been reported by various sources that money is more dirty than public toilets! This makes sense, as dollar bills pass through numerous hands over the course of their lifetime. Viruses and bacteria can live on surfaces for 48 hours, so be aware of this!

14. Cleaning Products

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Cleaning products contain lots of chemicals, so if you touch them with your bare hands, it’s important to clean them thoroughly after use. While hand sanitizer is okay in a pinch, it’s really prudent to wash your hands with soap and water, just to be safe.

15. Public Computer Keyboards

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Public computer keyboards are another everyday item that carry an immense amount of bacteria and germs. After you use the public computer to check your email, complete an assignment, or print out a document, make sure to sanitize your hands immediately.

16. Shoes

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Shoes are not clean objects, especially the soles. Think about it — You walk everywhere in them! Just a few examples are medical offices, grocery stores, parks, shopping malls, and more. If you touch the bottoms of your shoes, you’ll want to clean your hands after.

17. Door Handles

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Door handles are hotspots for bacteria. Many different bacteria strains can live on door handles, including E. Coli, MRSA, and other things. Every time you enter or exit a public area with a door handle, or even your home, make sure to sanitize your hands.

18. Office Telephones

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If you find yourself using the office telephone often, you’ll probably want to wipe it down with a cleaning product before doing so. If that’s not possible, make sure to sanitize your hands after. The phone buttons can collect germs, as well as the receiver you speak through.

19. Water Fountains

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Water fountains are frequented by the public, and because of that, caution should be taken if you find yourself using one. The more people that use the water fountain, the more germs will collect on it. Hand sanitizer should be promptly used afterwards!

20. Hotel Room Key Cards

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Next time you stay at a hotel, be cautious of the key card they give you to access your room. Hopefully, they’re been wiped down and sanitized before reuse. However, it’s better to be safe than sorry! Clean your hands after touching it, in order to protect your health.

21. Playground Equipment

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If you have little ones, you know that germs spread amongst them like wildfire! That means parks, playgrounds, and children’s classrooms are breeding grounds for germs and illness. After you take your kids to a playground, clean your hands (and theirs!) thoroughly.

22. Office Refrigerator

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This is another office object that can easily house germs, bacteria, and viruses. The refrigerator handle is touched by many employees who are coming and going to grab snacks, drinks, and lunch. You can also use a paper towel to open the refrigerator and then dispose of it after.

23. Shopping Carts

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Shopping carts should always be wiped down before use, if possible! That’s why it’s wise to carry sanitizing wipes on you in public places. If you don’t have those conveniently at the ready, it’s a good idea to sanitize your hands after to get rid of any lingering germs.

24. Thrift Store Clothing

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Thrift stores are fun to browse. There’s nothing more satisfying than scoring an awesome find, whether it be clothing or furniture. However, these secondhand store items also carry germs from their previous owners, as well as the store employees who stocked them.

25. Public Museum Surfaces

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Public museums are frequently by art lovers and families with children alike. They’re popular spots for the public to browse, especially on a rainy day. Because of this, surfaces inside the museum are likely teeming with germs, bacteria, and viruses that could make you sick.

26. Airplane Surfaces

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Are you planning to travel soon? Getting ready to pack up your suitcase and hop on a plane? Get your hand sanitizer ready! Many people come and go on planes, and it’s very common to get sick after traveling. In order to avoid this, sanitize those hands!

27. Shared Sports Equipment

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Recreational kickball teams are popular for adults. They’re a great way to meet people and make friends. However, the sports equipment that’s used amongst the team can easily carry germs. It’s best to sanitize your hands after touching those objects during practice or a game.

28. Printers

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If you visit an office supply store, mailing store, or office space to print out a document, you’ll be using not only a public computer but also a public printer. Take the same precautions and sanitize your hands after touching the printer’s buttons.

29. Arcade Machine Controls

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Arcades are fun spots for friendly get togethers and dates. There’s nothing to blast you back to the past like an old-fashioned arcade game! However, those machine controls get a lot of traffic, and likely accumulate a significant amount of germs over time.

30. Condiment Containers

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Next time you’re out at a restaurant and feel the urge to pick up the ketchup bottle or salt and pepper shakers, keep in mind that they can carry germs, bacteria, and viruses, too. You can wipe them down with a sanitizing wipe or just make sure to clean your hands after use!

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