The Deadliest Fish From Around The World

By Anna Collins 1 year ago

1. Stonefish

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The stonefish is one of the deadliest fish in the entire world, and what's scarier is you can barely see them because they are so good at camouflage. They have venomous spines on their dorsal fin, and if you come into contact with one of these and it is not treated it can result in death. They are usually found in the Indo-Pacific regions.

2. Box jellyfish

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The box jellyfish has very long tentacles and extreme amounts of powerful poison inside its sting. Being stung by a box jellyfish is usually deadly in most cases because the venom is SO potent that it can lead to death or cause cardiac arrest within just a few minutes!

3. Pufferfish

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The pufferfish is known for its characteristic appearance of essentially, a spiky ball. It inflates when it is threatened and they contain a deadly poison in their organs. The pufferfish has become somewhat of a specialty to eat, however, chefs have to be specifically trained because the wrong preparation can lead to death.

4. Electric eel

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Electric eels are native to South America and hence their name, they can give powerful electric shocks to fish/ people who they perceive as threatening them. Electric eels don't usually directly attack people, however, if they are under threat they will attack and the electric shock can be seriously damaging or even fatal.

5. Tigerfish

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Tigerfish can usually be found in the rivers of Africa. they have teeth as sharp as razor blades and they are super aggressive. There have been several accounts of Tigerfish attacking people and causing serious injuries to them. In serious cases, Tiger Fish could kill.

6. Lionfish

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Lionfish is one of the deadliest fish in the world because they have a distinctive spine filled with poison. When they sting a human they can cause extreme pain, swelling, and even heart failure which leads to death. They are native to the Indo-Pacific region.

7. Bull shark

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Bull sharks are classed as one of the deadliest fish due to their aggressive nature. A bull shark will attack, even without being threatened. They are able to live in both salt water and fresh water. They are responsible for many attacks and have caused serious injury and in extreme cases, they've been responsible for fatalities!

8. Great White Shark

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The great white shark is renowned all over the world as one of the largest predators of the sea and one of the most deadly in the world. the great white shark can cause fatalities with its huge and powerful set of jaws with strong teeth. One bite can cause enormous damage or even fatality.

9. Candiru

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The Candiru is also known as the vampire fish. It is a parasitic catfish that is commonly found in the Amazon basin. Although it isn't deadly or dangerous in the sense of the poison or power of the other fish, it has a habit of entering the urethra and living inside other creatures which can cause infection and pain.

10. Barracuda

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A Barracuda can be found in tropical and subtropical oceans. It is quick and stealthy which makes its aggressive attacks even more deadly. Its sharp teeth can cause serious injury. But, the barracuda won't usually attack a human unless they are provoked and feel threatened.

11. Moray eel

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Moray eels tend to avoid humans if they can. But, if they come into contact with a human and they feel scared then they will resort to attack. They can bite with huge razor-sharp teeth which can cause serious damage to either their prey or whoever got in the way!

12. Red lionfish

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The Red Lionfish has extremely venomous spines. The species originated from the Indo-pacific region however they have worked into the Atlantic Ocean and they have become an invasive species, killing other species in the ocean and wiping them out making this one of the deadliest fish.

13. Piranha

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Piranha's of course have to be included amongst the deadliest fish. Their aggressive appearance and nature have given the Piranha a fierce reputation. They are native to South American rivers. They have sharp blade-like teeth and a string bite which they use to attack other fish, and they can even threaten humans.

14. Stingray

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Stingrays have a whip-like tail that contains a venom spine. Although they are often docile they can in certain cases cause death when they feel under attack. For example, worldwide wildlife advocate Steve Irwin died when he was stung directly in the heart by a stingray.

15. Goliath tigerfish

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The Goliath tigerfish are native to the Congo River basin. They are the largest freshwater predatory fish and they have extremely powerful jaws with very sharp teeth. The Goliath tigerfish have the capacity to cause serious injury and in some cases, they can be deadly.

16. Black mamba

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A Black Mamba is technically not a fish but a sea snake. But, it is highly poisonous and the venom inside it can cause almost instant paralysis and death if somebody does not get urgent medical attention very promptly. Black Mambas are hugely fierce and deadly!

17. Blue-ringed Octopus

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The blue-ringed octopus is found in the Indian and Pacific oceans. It is very small but extremely dangerous. Don't let its size fool you into thinking that this fish isn't deadly. It can kill you with its venom which can cause paralysis and respiratory failure before causing death.

18. Nile Perch

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The Nile Perch is originally from Africa. The Nile perch is also one of the largest freshwater fish and they have very aggressive feeding habits. Not only does the fish attack other fish but there have also been multiple accounts regarding attacks on fishermen.

19. Congo tetra

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The Congo tetra is a predator of smaller fish which it aggressively attacks and kills with its sharp teeth. In appearance, the Congo terra is extremely striking. However, its beauty is the end of its appeal. Don't be lulled into a false sense of security as its beauty masks a deadly nature.

20. Goliath grouper

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The Goliath grouper is a HUGE fish that can grow as big as 8 feet long and can weigh up to 700 pounds. It is not usually harmful to humans and they will only attack when they feel threatened. But, due to its huge size if the fish does attack it can of course be deadly.

21. Wels catfish

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The Wels catfish is one of the largest European freshwater species. Catfish may sound nice by name, and they are not generally aggressive by nature, however, they can be. The catfish is a predator of much smaller fish, and in certain circumstances, they can cause harm to humans too.

22. Sabre-toothed tigerfish

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It only makes sense that a fish named as such has a very aggressive and frightening nature - with, of course, extremely sharp and long teeth! The sabre-toothed tiger fish regularly attacks other fish and there have even been cases where they have attacked humans.

23. Mahi-mahi

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Mahi Mahi is also known as a dolphin fish. They have sadly become a highly prized game. They are not aggressive by nature, but with their sheer size and their strong teeth, they have the capacity to inflict harm not only to other fish but also to humans too.

24. Atlantic Blue Marlin

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The Atlantic Blue Marlin has a huge tail which can cause injury. It is sadly another fish that has suffered due to it often being sought after in sport fishing, making the fish less common as it can be overhunted. Even with its strength and power the fish cannot survive against being hunted.

25. Alligator gar

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The alligator gar is usually found in North and Central America. As alligators do, it has a powerful bite, a long snout, and VERY sharp teeth. The alligator is without a doubt one of the deadliest predators in the ocean and they cause many deaths to humans every year.

26. Bullseye pufferfish

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The bullseye pufferfish are native to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. The pufferfish can release a neurotoxin that lives inside its internal organs. The toxic organs can be deadly to anybody who consumes them once the toxins spread through the body and cause internal damage.

27. Australian boxfish

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The Australian boxfish gets its name from the characteristic box shape. Although it does not sound very deadly by name, the Australian boxfish produces a toxin called ostracitoxin. This can be deadly if the poison is left untreated in the body, and it easily kills other fish.

28. Snakehead Fish

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The snakehead fish is native to Asia and Africa. It is another invasive species and it has driven out various kinds of other fish because of its aggressive nature. They are fierce predators with very sharp teeth and other kinds of fish cannot compare to the deadly predator.

29. Congo Redfin

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Congo redfin is a small but powerful fish with incredibly powerful poison which can cause extreme pain, and swelling and it can cause damage to the tissues in the body. The Congo redfin will not usually attack, however, when it does it can be fatal to whoever was poisoned.

30. Reef stonefish

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The reef stonefish is extremely good at camouflaging. It disguises itself as rock or coral making it very hard to spot. But the reef stonefish contains venom which can not only cause unbearable pain but it can also be life-threatening to whoever comes in contact with it.

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