Simple Things Most Humans Can’t Do

By Anna Collins 11 months ago

1. Tickle yourself

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We've all tried it. There's something about tickling that only works when someone is tickling us. There's no way to tickle yourself. It's something to do with the brain knowing our actions and can predict our feeling. Whereas what is essential to tickling is the element of surprise!

2. Sneezing with your eyes open

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It's just impossible. Next time you feel a sneeze on make a conscious effort to try and keep your eyes open. You won't be able to do it. For some reason, there's just no way we can stop our eyes closed when we sneeze, even if we try to keep them open!

3. Folding your tongue in half

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Okay, so SOME people can do this. And it looks so simple. It looks like we should all be able to. But for the majority of the population, our tongue just isn't able to fold like this! It's something that only a very small percentage of the population can actually do. If you're one of them - you're special!

4. Most people can move their ring finger on their own

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Most of our fingers can move independently of the others, yet our ring finger just isn't able to. There's something uncomfortable about even trying to move your ring finger on its own because no matter how hard you try the other fingers always follow it.

5. Think of nothing

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You're trying to get to sleep at night and trying to clear your mind so you'll fall asleep. But, thinking of nothing isn't just hard, it's impossible! Even when you finally think you've managed and you think you are thinking of're not! Because actually, you're just thinking about the fact that you're not thinking anything. Confusing, right?

6. Touching your nose with their tongue

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We all know someone who can do this, but because so few people can do this, those who can will always make a show of it. It's their party trick and they love to show off about the fact that their tongue can touch their nose. And who can blame them? Not many people can do this1

7. Licking your elbow

We've all
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tried. Not only does it look extremely undignified, it's also impossible. There must be a contortionist out there who can manage it. But for the majority of us no matter how hard we try and pull our elbow down, there's no way our tongue can touch it!

8. Moving your limbs in the opposite direction

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Okay so lie down and try circling your limbs clockwise, then try and draw a number 6 in reverse. Hard, right? It sounds like we should be able to do this. Surely it's just a case of your brain telling your libs what to do. But for some reason, this is so frustratingly hard that not many people can do it"

9. Twitching your nose

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You're probably reading this right now trying to twitch your nose and you may even think you've managed it. But look in a mirror, the rest of your face will also be moving. For some reason, we cannot move our nose in isolation and if we twitch our nose, we're moving the rest of our face too.

10. Putting your legs around your neck

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If you can do this then well done to you, because the majority of people CANNOT. Putting your legs around your neck may sound simple, it may even sounds doable...that is until you try. And then when you do try you realize just how hard it is. There's no way we're managing that.

11. Stand on one leg and close their eyes

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So yes, most of us can stand on one leg and then close our eyes. But try standing there for a few minutes. There's something about having our eyes closed which completely throws us off balance and you'll find yourself swaying and mist likely tripping up and falling onto your two legs.

12. Gleeking

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So gleeking is a term for accidentally shooting spit from your mouth through the salivary ducts. It may happen to some people when they taste something sour or they smell something strong. But we can't do it on purpose. In fact, if you try this there's no way it's going to work!

13. Bending your thumb backward

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Try bending your thumb backward onto your hand. It won't work. It may be such a simple action, but humans just cannot do it! Unless you are someone who has super stretchy joints then maybe... But, for the majority of humans, there's no way that we can achieve this!

14. Stand up on just one leg

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To try this you have to get to the floor and cross your legs (hard enough already for some), then step up using one leg and gate onto your feet without using your hands at all! It's a very simple movement but not many people can actually do this, especially not adults!

15. Raise one eyebrow

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If you are one of the people who can achieve a single eyebrow...then welcome to the very exclusive club. This is extremely rare. It is the simplest thing to do, yet for most people it's just entirely impossible. Our eyebrows just follow one another and cannot be separated!

16. Putting your fist in your mouth

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Most of us have absolutely no chance of ever fitting our fists inside our mouths. Most of us won't even know anybody who can actually do this. In fact, aside from Mean Girls, there are really not many people who can do it at all. Unless you've just never tried, because why would you try this in the first place really?

17. Wiggling your ears

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Try wiggling your ears. Are your ears moving? More importantly, are your ears moving independently of your face or is the rest of your face also moving? That's the hard part because most of us cannot wiggle our ears without wiggling our heads and our faces too.

18. Bending backward

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It's super easy to bend forwards but if you stand still and try and bend backward, it's not possible. Bending any part of our body backward is challenging. This is why as humans we tend to stoop forwards, as even standing upright takes more effort than bending forward. So bending backward is very difficult!

19. Separate all your toes

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Some people have the super rare flex that they can bend and separate all of their toes. Yet for the majority of the human population, this is either super hard or just impossible to do. It sounds like we should be able to, but we just can't. Try it out for yourself!

20. Smell your own breath

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We can actually taste our own breath, but we can't smell it. And licking the back of our hand and smelling it is a trick we've all done in times of need but it's definitely not fool proof by any means. It's one of the worries we all have. Does my breath smell?

21. Bending your arm backward

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Try bending your arm backward. Sounds easy, huh? Well, it's not, at least for the majority of us it's not it's actually super hard. And there's no way we can bend our arms right backward either, that's just entirely impossible for us to do, no matter how simple it may sound!

22. Be completely still!

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No matter how hard you try to be completely still you can feel some part of your body involuntarily shaking or wavering or moving in some kind of uncontrollable way. It's super hard to be completely still, and it's something we can get close to but can never quite achieve.

23. Turn your head 180 degrees

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Most of us cannot turn our heads halfway. In fact, our usual range is about 90 degrees. To turn 180 for the most of us is impossible. If we do manage it, or we manage to get close then it is straining our heads. This moves best not to try as you don't want to cause any damage!

24. Talk whilst breathing in through your nose

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As soon as we read this we all need to try it. Yes, it makes you look slightly weird for a moment but it's an experiment we've got to try. Can we really not do it? No. It sounds like it should be super simple, et why is it so difficult? Another simple thing that we humans just can't do.

25. Touch their head with their feet backward

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If you've witnessed gymnasts, ballet dancers, or contortionists you may have seen them bend their heads back and reach their heads to their toes. For the rest of us, this is just not doable! Human bodies just are not that flexible and it's another thing that humans just can; do.

26. Move eyes independently

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If you can do this then it's a true talent. Because the majority of humans can NOT move their eyes independently from one another. Our eyes move in pairs, and no matter how hard you try you will not be able to move one without the other. All you'll achieve is an aching eyeball.

27. Hear ultra high-pitched noises

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Animals can hear super high pitches. But as humans, we cannot hear above a certain level. In fact, this gets lower and lower the more we age. For example, sometimes cat alarms are used to keep away cats and it creates a super high-pitched squeak. Yet humans cannot even hear it!

28. Scratch your own back

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Is there anything more annoying that not being able to scratch your own back when you've got an itch? Twisting your elbows into all sorts of shapes trying to get to the spot. But no, nothing. You have to ask someone else to do it for you and they never truly manage to get the right spot.

29. See in the dark

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Most animals can see in the dark. Yet humans cannot. Sometimes we can adjust our eyes if it's not super dark to actually be able to navigate our way. But in terms of being able to see in the dark, we just can't do it! It may be simple, but it is impossible!

30. Twist your leg 360 degrees

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There are those rare people who can twist their legs to a 180-degree angle. But twisting it 360 degrees? Hell no. Unless perhaps you had trained for many years in the art of leg twisting, we don't think there's be any way that we could ever do this.

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