Bathroom Habits That Everyone Does But Doesn’t Admit To

By Lauren Mccluskey 1 year ago

1. Taking a nap on the toilet

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We've all been there. And I'm sure you don't know a single person who hasn't taken a nap whilst they are sitting on the toilet, whether it's accidental or not!  And have you ever specifically gone to the toilet for a nap, perhaps to escape the demands of work or family life?  If you say no, we know you're lying!

2. Reading the shampoo bottle like it's your favorite novel

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When you're sitting on the toilet, there's absolutely no denying that the information on the back of a shampoo bottle is the most riveting thing you might read in there.  And it's far superior to the bubble bath information and a much better read than the sequel (the conditioner!)

3. Contemplating life's deep philosophical questions

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What else can you do when you're sitting there than contemplate some of life's deepest and most philosophical questions?  We mean, why do you call a building a 'building' if it's already built?  Or why do you cook bacon and bake cookies? Or even if you're waiting for a waiter, doesn't that make you the waiter?

4. Having conversations with yourself with different accents

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As humans, a good proportion of our days are actually spent in the bathroom, so what are you to do and who do you talk to?  Well, yourself of course!  And if you're doing this, nobody talks about it but you're probably talking to yourself in different accents too!

5. Stacking the toilet paper

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If you're someone who likes to accomplish things and feels like you're being productive and building your skills, then you probably enjoy having secret competitions with yourself and practicing how high you can stack the toilet paper before it falls down.  Or you might enjoy making toilet paper sculptures.  Either way, what a way to spend your bathroom time!

6. Creating elaborate escape plans

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This might apply if you're using a bathroom that's not actually your own, but you might spend some time in there planning elaborate escape routes should someone walk in while you're 'doing your business' so to speak.  You might even jot these down on some toilet paper for next time!

7. Making your plan for the zombie apocalypse

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Being in space alone for any amount of time might get you thinking about the zombie apocalypse.  And whether this will happen or not, it's the bathroom where you decide that you need a plan just in case!  You might even think the bathroom is the best place for you and you're apocalypse-mates to avoid getting your brains eaten due to the lock and the essential facilities!

8. Singing into your showerhead

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Everyone sings in the bathroom, and if you deny it, we know that you're the one who sings elaborate opera songs at the top of your lungs!  We mean, who doesn't love a good karaoke session in the shower, singing into the showerhead like it's the microphone?

9. Practicing your acceptance speech to an imaginary award

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Bathrooms have ample objects to use as a microphone, usually including brushes, showerheads, shampoo bottles, and more, AND there's probably a mirror in there too.  So isn't this the perfect location to practice your acceptance speech to that imaginary award that you're convinced you're going to win?

10. Trying to avoid making any noise whilst you're on the toilet

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Now this is definitely something absolutely EVERYONE does, especially if you're in a public bathroom.  And that's trying your absolute hardest to not make any splashing or plopping sounds when you are using the toilet.  Why do we do this?!  It's such a strange habit!

11. Playing laundry basketball

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Playing laundry basketball has to be one of the most fun ways to spend your time in the bathroom, especially when you're having to deal with laundry which is by far THE most boring household chore in the world.  So why not make it more fun?  We don't blame you!

12. Taking toilet selfies

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Taking toilet selfies is unusually relatively common too.  Don't believe us?  Just have a look on your social media, we're sure you'll find at least one bathroom selfie.  And this really does speak to how common it is because most people would just decide it's weird and delete them!

13. Talking to your reflection

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We challenge you to find just one person who doesn't speak to their reflection when they're in the bathroom and we bet you'll fail miserably.  Like, who doesn't like a little bit of self-talk in the mirror?  Maybe you use it to encourage yourself to do something you're anxious about!

14. Brushing your hair forward to see what you look like with a fringe

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The bathroom is a lovely private place to experiment with your hair because there's a mirror in there and, usually, a lock on the door.  And if you've got long enough hair, there's absolutely no doubt in our minds that you've brushed it forward to fashion a fringe to see what you'd look like with one.

15. Sniffing your armpits

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During a bathroom break, you might find that this is the perfect opportunity to give your armpits a thorough sniff to check if your aroma is still fresh and clean.  If not, at least there's a tap, soap, and deodorant in there to help you to rectify your potential stench.

16. Kissing the Mirror

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You might not do this often, or you might have left this strange habit in the past with your teenage self, but one bathroom habit we don't talk about but all have is kissing the mirror.  Perhaps it is to see what you look like close up or to practice your best kiss for your date later on.

17. Having a deep conversation with your cat

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Cats have absolutely no shame and will follow you to the bathroom and watch you intently while you do your business without breaking eye contact.  So what better time to have a deep, personal, and meaningful conversation with your beloved feline furry friend?

18. Interviewing your reflection

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The bathroom is the perfect location to prepare for an important interview, whether it's a job interview, an interview with a prospective school, or a TV talk show.  We mean, where else can you stage practice interviews with yourself?  We guarantee you ace every question!

19. Sniffing all of the products in the bathroom one by one

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Everyone sniffs all of the products in the bathroom when they're on the toilet, right?  Isn't that normal behavior?  And, we'll tell you one thing, this habit is waaaay more exciting if you're at someone else's house with their products that are different and probably more luxurious than yours!

20. Trying to solve complex maths problems

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Using the bathroom as your own personal deep-thinking chamber is something humans must've done since bathrooms were invented!  They have everything: they're quiet, they're private, and you are forced to stay in there until you're done with your business!

21. Making up a rap whilst sitting on the toilet

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As well as being your own personal deep-thinking chamber, the bathroom can also act as your own hub of artistry where you come up with some of your best creative ideas.  You could even use it to make up your own rap!  Just make sure you write it down on the steam on the mirror.

22. Make waves in the bathtub to see how high you can get the rubber duckies

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Absolutely everyone has the habit of creating waves in the bathtub with their hands or even their whole bodies for a more dramatic effect.  And maybe, just maybe, you've even seen how high you can get your rubber duckies before flooding the who bathroom.

23. Creating abstract art with shaving cream

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Your artistic side might come out during your time spent on the toilet too and in your search for different mediums to create your bathroom masterpieces with, you might have found, like many others, that shaving foam is perfect for creating beautiful art.

24. Creating a wig out of toilet paper

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As well as experimenting with your real hair, you might also want to get creative and craft yourself a wig in order to test out some new hairstyles and check if they suit you.  We're not saying what to use, but toilet paper is a good medium to satisfy your habit of experimentation.

25. Designing intricate bubble beards

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No one has a bubble bath without playing with the bubbles.  And it doesn't matter how old you are, there's absolutely no doubt that you've spent your time in the bathroom over the years designing and perfecting intricate and absolutely stunning bubble beards.

26. Getting competitive with the last drop of toothpaste

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Toothpaste seems to last so long that you feel like you never ever buy it, so when it does start to run out, you forget to replenish it so often that you're left with an old twisted, and almost dried-out tube that you desperately try to squeeze every last morsel of toothpaste out of it.

27. Hiding a secret stash of toilet paper somewhere in there

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If you're wise, then you probably have your own secret stash of toilet paper hidden somewhere mysteriously in your bathroom.  And no one will ever find it.  It's there for you 'just in case' the time arises when... well... when you run out of toilet paper?  Then what?  Do you buy some more?

28. Holding the "Bathroom Olympics"

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If you're a competitive type, you might even host your own bathroom Olympics.  We mean, there's nothing in there that you can't turn into an event is there?  There's synchronized swimming in the tub, toothbrush diving into the sink, and you could even incorporate your laundry basketball into the competition.

29. Writing rude notes on the mirror

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When the mirror steams up, some people will just leave it, some will write precious and sweet notes for the spouses, but most people will draw naughty pictures or write rude notes on it... Won't they?  And the best thing is, when it steams up again, they just come back!

30. Holding a TEDTalk in the mirror

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If you're an intellectual type, you probably have the ambition to be asked to do a TEDTalk.  And if this is the case, you probably have a secret bathroom habit of holding your own imaginary TEDTalk in the mirror, delivering your speech about cleaning the toilet extremely passionately.

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