What A Baby’s First Word Predicts For The Future

By Lauren Mccluskey 1 year ago

1. Mama/Mommy

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The realm of baby talk and child language development is still incredibly mysterious to even the most seasoned researchers.  But one thing's for sure, babies begin to use language from a very young age.  And they start out by using it to label the things around them.

2. Dada/Daddy

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At the very start of a baby's language development journey, they tend to use words to label the things that they see every day.  So if your baby uses mama or dada first, this is absolutely not an indicator of who they love or will grow up loving more, it's just because they are usually more familiar with one parent than the other.

3. Dog

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If you've got a dog in the household, your baby is probably undoubtedly fascinated by your beloved canine family member.  And if their first word is 'dog', you'll probably find that they will grow up through the years together as absolutely inseparable friends.

4. Cat

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If you have a cat too, your baby has still probably learned the word 'dog' first, because, let's face it, the dog is going to be around more in most cats, aren't they?  So, the funny thing is, your baby might label your cat as 'dog'!  And this is because they recognize that the cat has similar features to the dog (four legs, a tail, and fur) so they will label it as such.  This is called 'overextension' in linguistic study.

5. Ball

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Most children speak their first word between 10 and 14 months of age, but it's important to note that all children are different and some might speak sooner or later and this is usually nothing to worry about.  Their first words generally reflect their immediate environment and experiences and could either refer to people, animals, or their favorite toy!

6. Hi

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Babies' brains do more than we think in terms of language, and when they hear words spoken in their vicinity, they will begin to sort them into categories from a very young age.  Usually, they will start with naming words, then move to labeling actions, before eventually using descriptive words.

7. Bye

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Sometimes, babies' first words might be words that are used for greeting each other, like 'hi' and 'bye'.  And if this is the case, it's safe to say that your baby has a lot of social interaction and might grow up as a confident and outgoing social butterfly!

8. Yes

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It's quite rare for a baby to say 'yes' first and really mean it.  You'd probably expect them to say 'no' before they say 'yes' but if your baby does respond to you with this affirmative utterance, and it really means 'yes', you might predict that you're going to have rather an easy child who just goes with the flow.  Phew!

9. Banana

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Sometimes, babies' first words might refer to their favorite food, and often, babies enjoy the sweet, mushy, taste of bananas.  And perhaps this indicates that their futures are going to be sweet and vibrant with a lot of activity.  And the exoticness of this yummy fruit might indicate that they'll be well-traveled.

10. Milk

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If your baby likes their milk, maybe their first word turns out to be 'milk'.  And if it is, it might indicate that now, your baby enjoys the comfort of their warm drinks of milk and in the future will be able to be a comforting presence in any room and a good friend.

11. More

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'More' is a really common early word for babies and reflects their desire for more of something they need or are enjoying.  As they grow older, it will be clear that they know exactly what they want and need and, although there is a risk of never being content with what they have, they are strong in knowing what's good for them.

12. Cheese

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It's quite uncommon, but if your baby's first word is 'cheese', you've got a little joker on your hands.  They're no doubt going to grow up with an awesome sense of humor and always want to make people laugh.  But whilst they're busy making others laugh, make sure you check in on their well-being when they grow up so they're not masking anything.

13. Water

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If your baby's first word is 'water' they're probably going to be an adventurer who will strive to travel the seven seas.  You're probably going to be raising a real explorer who will have such an infectious and beautiful curiosity for the world.  Just make sure you put your ornaments up high when they're a toddler!

14. Juice

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'Juice' is quite uncommon for babies to have as their first word but the sweetness and sometimes sharpness of juice might indicate that your little bundle of joy is going to grow up to be a complete extrovert with a bit of a wild side and a huge zest for life.

15. Eat

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'Eat' is quite a common early word that babies acquire at a young age, probably because they spend a lot of time doing this.  But if your baby says 'eat' first, it means that they have a hunger for the world's knowledge, and power, and they'll probably have a whole lot of ambition in the future.

16. Flower

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Sometimes, although a little more challenging, the word 'flower' might indicate that your baby might have a more delicate personality at first but will grow and bloom into themselves, and as their confidence increases, so will their amazing successes.

17. Bird

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If it's 'bird' you might assume that your baby is going to be a high flyer in the future, always looking up and forward to the next opportunity.  But despite this, they might also develop this unique ability to have balance in their life.  They might be able to stay present and in the moment as they look up at the sky, listen to the birds, and breathe in the fresh air.

18. Up

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'Up' might be the first word that predicts your baby's future.  And this future could be really bright, as your child grows and continues to move up the ladder of success.  They might have a hard time with failure though so it might be helpful to find some strategies to support them with this.

19. Book

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The word 'book' might mean that your precious little one has a complete thirst for knowledge and creativity.  They will probably develop a passion for words and become successful in using them in some way in their future career.  And they might also develop this unique ability to escape into books for hours on end, feeling content with the stillness of the real world but excited by the events on the page.

20. Cookie

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'Cookie' might mean that your baby has a little bit of a rocky future, like everyone, filled with ups and downs and with crumbs of memories that crumble from the core.  But despite these losses, your baby will use them to their advantage and become strong and resilient in life.

21. Bath

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Your baby must have lots of baths if their first word is 'bath', or they might even just absolutely love them.  So if your baby is a real water baby, they might grow up longing for the water, and perhaps becoming a world-class swimmer, surfer, or diver.

22. Sleep

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If your baby likes to sleep... tell us your secrets, please...  But if they like it so much that one of their earliest words is 'sleep' then your baby might grow up to be super laid back and able to rest when they know they need to.  There is a risk that they might be a little lazy too.

23. All done

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If your baby says 'all done' a lot in their early language journey, you might be happy to know that they're certainly able to look after themselves in the future.  They might know exactly when they've had enough of a certain thing or experience and will be excellent at prioritizing themselves and setting boundaries.

24. Car

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If your little bundle of joy says the word 'car' first, watch out because they're all set for a fast and eventful life absolutely packed with opportunities.  They might be set to become a really high achiever, and in doing so, they're predicted to become very wealthy in the future.

25. Hat

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Your baby is predicted to be very loving, caring, and family-orientated if their first word is 'hat'.  You see, 'hat' invokes feelings of warmth and even protection, so you can be sure that your baby is going to be a family member who may stay close to home.

26. Light

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If your baby says 'light' first, that's impressive!  But it can also predict that your baby will grow up with a strong sense of justice and with an extremely strong moral compass.  And because of this, they might be likely to be suited to work with some aspect of the law.

27. Shoe

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You're baby might say 'shoe' first, and if they do, they're likely to be extremely grounded with very strong foundations.  They know and respect where they come from.  And this might make them perfectly suited to become a strong pillar of the community around you.

28. Down

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'Down' might be your baby's first word, and this might predict that their future is going to be exciting.  And with a strong first word like this, your baby is likely to be independent, open to experiences, raring to go, and eager to try something new.

29. Duck

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Your baby might be at one with nature if they say 'duck' first.  If this is their first word, they're likely to appreciate and respect the natural world around them.  They will probably absolutely love getting down in the mud and be suited to an outdoor job role.

30. Thank you

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If your baby manages 'thank you' early on in their language development, they're probably going to grow up with a real love for live, grateful for the things and the people around them, and content with what they have, never longing for more and being able to be fully in the moment.

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